Monday, 15 April 2024

UI & KI (Hopefully not another KO punch n Judy Show)

So all that U&I dreams stuff

All linked to this for me?


'Yep'  Ok...   Mmmmm

That was the night we took loads of kids to the fireworks.
Just Ian and me and bunch of friends kids.
Took the train n bus as we were to many for a car.
Then loads of people on the train and the bus chatting to me. 
Was like I was in a living lucid dream but this time Ian was too... Random strangers saying relevant things to me... Some of them would just look at me and giggle!
He was just looking at me 'Is this really happening?' 
On the way home, on the train was such a strange bunch in our carrige too but we ended up having an odd group conversation. 
I on boarded him for a while, but then him and Mia freaked out and got me locked bk up

On that occasion I was in between both there projected reality's. 
I was sort of Oh!  In the middle, I was seeing everyone else projected reality. 
It was very strange..   I could change the way people were interacting by moving round the room?

Oh!  lol it was after we all took mushrooms and they both just kept stroking me... was fucking oddest trip I've ever had!
That was the dream after...


'Queen on a Chess board?'  hummmm?  Intreasting though... I don't remeber the exact rules of Chess..  'Why would you Ren, you make shit up as you go along'  Mm but it did have rules?  'It still dose idiot'  Hahah yeh, suppose. 
The white queen!  Ah, The Malico Christmas thing.. I was wondering as it wasn't in the card deck!

Chess piece, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally 
or diagonally 
The queen is the most powerful piece in the game of chess. It can move 
any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally, combining the 
powers of the rook and bishop. Each player starts the game with one 
queen, placed in the middle of the first rank next to the king. Wikipedia


When middle me  my middle name 'Marie'  was going down for life...
In dreams she's the one that lands me in trouble?? 

Ok thanks... Chihuahua
Very relevant but I was thinking about the one where we ate one..

Oh 2 of them were cooked..  

Hummm  Kaylo had a logo on his clothes that night K&I  'King and I'  A book? Film, chess?? Lol fuck knows!  What were we wearing then?  'Go look'  Ok

Sticky fly paper stuff!  O.o   - Also the clean up crew!


Hummmm...   Insect stuff, the insect overseers and a 'Queen Bee?'  Oh.. That was last lock up!
She was the one who kept getting people to hold me down while she injected me.
But she wasn't a bee... She was a pink Puma?   A pink Lion?? 

lol Why you showing me the pink panther? 


Was he an inspector? 


OH..... And the other dream?


'Read please'  Ok....


Oooo...   'Recall more now?'   Mmmm much more.   Sun out, I think I'll take the Dogo out for a run.


So I realised the only way out of god-den was just to go along with their plan to fix me.
When she brought the err I forget what pixel was which?  Clo and De -  anyhoo she was expecting a fight,  I tried to reach them threw logic and their own rules..... but they couldn't see past their own ideas.


'Sorry Ren, but you had to submit that time'  Haha  I know... Was backed into a crazy den :P 

'Ok, play in the garden for now?'  🤔  Sounds good to me. 

It's ok...   Was a shit trip though...  'Got you some place diffrent'  Suppose :) 

Lol...  I guess it was my own medicine in many ways....   'More ways than you know'



This is 'Harka'  Will that work?  'Try it?'


I'll have a bath b4 I read it..  'Good plan, you stink!'  😆

Fuck Inka... If I have to do a life review of this lifetime? 😲 
'I'll be laughing more than you will' likely 😆
Ooo The arrest with the fireworks!!   'Aye Eye bitch'  Hahahhahaha

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