Friday, 26 April 2024

StopIt & Tydyup


My Head!  'Stop poking it...goof ball golf ball'  lol it hurts/  'You know Y now'  lol I'll look it up.

Inbetween place & time...

Was here dreaming inbetween several layers.


Here...  Drifting.   00.00

A co creation. 
We created a mad March self but kicking machine!

Was several things, mainly a proclamation.  Pro claim nation?



proclamation (n.) 
late 14c., proclamacioun, "act of making public," also "that which is proclaimed;" from Old 
French proclamacion (14c., Modern French proclamation) and directly from Late Latin 
proclamationem (nominative proclamatio) "a calling out, crying out, " noun of action from past- 
participle stem of proclamare "to cry or call out" (see


But my wyrd visual memory was making the other thing too. 
We needed to speak it first.



I think I just accidentally became the invasion of privacy that landed me in hot water... But this place flows amazingly.


Complimentary therapy, respect and sharing.

complimentary (adj.) 
1620s, "intended to express or convey a compliment," from compliment (n.) + -ary. In later 
use loosely meaning "free of charge. "


Piece peace at a time @t one se   Once wance.  Once

adverb. without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening. 
synonyms: directly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, like a shot, now, 
right away, straight off, straightaway.


Fits with Jill Murphy, and a Thermomiter..  Ther  Mom it ter... Thermo hit her?
Not sure but my head and that golf ball.


Manjana, Manyana manana ?  I'm hearing the track.

Noun. Spanish, literally, tomorrow, from Vulgar Latin *maneana, fi 
feminine of *maneanus early, from Latin mane early in the mornir


101 too off/on.  On/off  
Man pain so much so I get a jaw, lock, knee.. It really fucking hurts though! And it's mapped into ME.

Mapped, M aped?  Adapt.

ape (v.) 
"to imitate," 1630s, but the notion is implied earlier, as in the phrase play the ape (15 
"ape-like behavior, simulation" (mid-15c.); and the noun sense of "one who mimics" 1 
Aped; aping.


adapted) "to fit (something, for some purpose)," 
Latin adaptare "adjust, fit to, " from ad "to" (see ad, 
apt). Intransitive meaning "to undergo modifica



Am adapting to new circumstance (Hummmm??)

Cir cum stance :P


Fizzy Wizzy, tem pass,  Tempers @ 10 past two.


Tempes-tus, tempestuous

late 14c., also tempestious, tempestous, "very strong, turbulent, rough with ivind and storm," from Late 
Latin tempestuosus "stormy, turbulent, " from Latin tempestas, tempestus "storm, commotion; weather, 
season; occasion, time," related to tempus "time, season" (see temporal (adj.l)).


Iritation & team work.
Stopit and tydyup.


Stoppit and Tidyup was a British children's animated cartoon 
television series produced by CM Ta Animation and Queensgate 
Productions in 1987 and screened on BBC One with repeats on BBC 
Two trom 12 September to 5 December 1988. The episodes feature 
buo protagonists, Stoppit and Tidyup, interacting with various other 
inhabitants ot the mythical land ot Do As You're Told. Each episode



Wow/ gon


0  404

Long dream.  Making a per fect thing  Perfect.

It was so close, but not the kind of thing you can make in one go... As it's built on the previous and entangled within.

To make additions and upgraded we needed to keep rolling bk, as if we put a bit in that needed adjustment it could break the whole thing.
I was seeing it out of stone, copper pipes, copper wire and paper clips and stuff.   Beautiful, and strange.   A balancing act and triage.


By difficulty in foresight.


It was like a food replicator - Replicate her?

So close to complete.. But we/i i/we kept having to restart from further back than we wanted to sort it out.




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