Friday, 19 April 2024

Well W*cked/F*cked Now...


WHO had a gold golf ball in a Den?



I made YOU into medicen Inka?  'Mmm Ren, How do you like it?' 

lol I'm enjoying the side effects 🤣

'😈 You're easy to play - Still gana shove it bk' 

I'm chill now, can we get this over with?

'Bit by Bite'  Ok, where?
'You pick the venue' 

Ddad's new hub?

'If He'll allow you'  ok... Can we all go?  'Advisable'  Shouldn't that be Advis a bull?

And that sounds diffrent to amusable..

Humm, what was that Taurus / Torus / Tore us dream?
The old wanted me as Aquarious bk? 

'Stay on Track Ren' 
kk  I'll ask him.


So CAN I?  'Yes Ren, You May'  lol...  The May Tree Arc!  Yellow ribbon! 😂  💛💛💛💛

All of us?  'As you wish' 
Nice!  'Unlikely with what Inka intends to hit U with'

Too late, I've done it!!
'Attempt to jump then Ren, you are still very awake'



Holy Heart fuck!!  That was nice......................!!


I was still small.. Inka had made me a kid again before we jumped bk to Leon. 
He handed me to Loci who appeared and we all jumped to Ddad.
I'd decided the dream formation.
I would be between Ddad and Inka.  Malico opposite and Kaylo and Loci in the other places.
Leon stayed standing.
Flow was fast and crazy..
The music I was listning to streatching, one speaker for echo location.
I was separating it into the various beat overlays of the track.
Lyrics distorting. 
It's the place I go to when my flicker rate is high and I'm between the co-created reality layers.

I realised I wanted Posidon too.  I shed a single tear and he emerged/amerged from that.
He sat in the middle.

Stretched.... Err yoga Nidra, 



So basically in the hypno gogy state and splitting. 


Was just spreading... But this time I had reference.

Body jumping and jolting.

At one point it felt like someone kicked the whole bed.

I was, fuck... Not just navigating but mapping!!
attaching what I needed to where I wanted.

I wasn't allowed my own dreams in that space, and am still an inbetweener so stuck here.

We got diffrent tempos and frequencies still to map.


Oh yeh,  lol fuck, did we make IQ?  Well not now, but when we were doing it? 😂


Anyhoo..  It was the psycho/psyche awarness I was into.
But where 2 people are looking at the same thing but seeing something diffrent. 

I've seen it on the media, in people but never nature.

TY theater of the mind and Something's Aries??  Duno what Buenos is??

No wait.. This one!
Factor B Presents 'Theatre of The Mind' - Buenos Aires, Argentina 2023 by Factor B

Jogging on... Oh.. Lol I had a one wheeled black motor cycle

'lol Ren, I saved you that time cause you've got a little potty'  Phahaha  Aye, the house is a walk in the dark!

TBH, I'm looking forward to the trumps & shits I've done with the old gits at work!'  🤣😂

'Madness Ren'  🥰
Madness - Our House (Official 4K Video)



lol   Ohhh   that's KY!    
I made my self into a wobbly egg cause prefered playing with myself!

'It's why I love you Bitch. You'll go to any lengths to RAM a fucking point threw'  😆😂



I think that's how I became my own answer and question.  KK?  Ok  King/King?? 
Lol hu?? Meby Knighking?  Lol  This is the gay/gray scale I was making?  'Aye' 

Lol 😆

Phaha, it's this time last year I tied the UP Balloons to the wambalance that Ian sent me off in! 
I was in the sorting factory..   No one knew wtf to do with me. 

I spent a night shoving furnature around in a white room with 2 big black guys in the Royal Surrey.. While listning to cannons going of in my Mind. 
Was telling them about the punch bowl, and why we made boxing..  Lol and putting stupid things in box's!  Jack in the box shit.

I was trying to do tricks with plastic cups and bits of food... While totally ranting.
Come the morning one left the other took me to a bed in the A&E suite...

I think a queen had left her coat in there, was one of them posh green riding jackets. 
All I had was Inkas head, no shoes a bit of ribbon and a red and white dress.

Come the morning, one guy left the other took me to a bed bay and tired to feed me... But I just made art with it on the floor.   Then I hopped up and down on the bed with everyone watching, smashing call bells and turning on the Oxygen! 

When they carried me into the privet ambulance I was raving about being a NEW vir-US now...
People were just all looking at me like WTF... Many of the laughing! 
I had Inka shoved in my Bra where there is now a yellow ribbon!  🤣   -  Fuck!! 'Aye'
I decided was just safer to eat Inka's head than lose it all together!
They drove me towards Kent and I wondered if I was finally getting closer to GravesEnd..
But they stuffed me in a GodDen Green for further training. 
Ian managed to convince them to let me come back here!

The staff in Cygnet didn't know Watt the Fuck to make of me so labelled me Bi-Polar.


U knew 'U DID'  tru dat!  😆  Must be True Den 😆



(lol as I type this I'm watching the boys bring in a dishwasher... Ian is wearing a 2 point campus purple hoodie!)  🙃

Oh yeh!  This is the masturbation is wrong that I muddled up with mastication! 
Also why I 8 MY self and everything.


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