Friday, 19 April 2024

I'm a Little Tea Pot!

(  Probably a better idea than a tin of hot dogs and spinach, served with reincarnation milk... wonder what happened to his hair 😏🤣  )

Dolly, in the UK is a trolley? Or at least I thought they were as in 'You're off your trolly!'  'You are Ren'


Being a teapot is ok, 😆 I just take a bow and my head cools down, Inka just needed a better handle on me. 😛

I was trying to tip it out my Arm!

My mask has shrunk back to the usual glowing forehead eye.. It's a little more diamond shaped now 🤔


Being at work was fine and funny 😄

Working top & bottom floors again, night shift suits me.

Peoples comments were cracking me up!  But a good night was had by all.
I should sleep today before the party.

Was a massive dose of my own medicen though! 😂

'Sorry Ren, you know this serves you right?'  
Serves me RIGHT?  Or serves ME, right?  'Take your pick!'  Hah then it's likely both! 

Lol I knew this would come back to bite me in the ass but seriously??  'As serious as you are Ren'  lol again, both n not at all!  I'm currently a tea service.. Or a stupid looking pot at least! 😆 

Who can shove me left?

'Your both, just flicking fast but - Ware media, stay in the garden'   Ok, that sounds good. 
Was a great shift tbh 'They see U2'  2 of me?  Mmmm Oh! They see the one they need too?  'More or less, so be U for a bit'  ok.


I really need to sleep soon.  'You're dreaming awake, it flips you'  Yeh how long for I can't keep this up for 6 weeks! 

'You won't your flipping, will be blips though as we need too' 

Yesterday, Inka had jumped me bk to the new hub Leon found for the crew.
I still had 2 black eyes... Leon looked at me and asked 'Inka, what happened to Ren?'
Inka dumped me on the sofa saying
'she ran into my fist' 😆  While not strictly true it was close enough, as he got Ddad to hold me while he hit me...   He told me stop when he said or I'd crash into his windshield! 🤣

Leon just nodded and said 'With Ren, I can well belive it' 

We chill there for a bit while I'm half asleep at work..

Pfffffffffffff   SO MUCH!!  'I know, try to enjoy the ride'  lol mmmmmmm   I'm doing this at work why??   'Service, shhh  and don't wake your self up too much, you need sleep'  I?  'Not NOW'  ok.


Future Care Group?  'Mmmmm'  Care abuse?? 
We have a mock CQC test today.

'With something as buggy as you Ren, we need many safty systems'  I made them too? 'In a fashion' 

Inka...  I can't be everywhere at once!  'You are and You did... That's why NOW_HERE'  ok..

Chatted to fox for a bit, needed a confessional


Then I was just on many layers feeling the conversations and twitching as I jumped between layers.

Inka...  I was Dr DO little?
 'Yep, you could talk to nature and you wanted everyone to take their own medicen'  lol that's why Karma 😆  back fired massively.. And that made me go both ways at once. 

Dr Mondoc in trouble... That's me on a Monday them?
 'Aye, so let us help'  Ok...


Mondays is Moon Day...  When I have to look into the illusion?  'And you piss your self laughing'  Aye    - Yeh... Well I remeber it!! 😆  
Hahah  May said in room 303
 'If your Face is the problem Don't look at your Face'  We both burst out laughing!  I said to her, what brought that on!  She said 'I have no I deer'  😆  Room 303!! 😆  The resident was telling me they couldn't understand my Alphabet!!
I certainly am a pro-ass wipe!! 

I knew I was working in the mental hospital...  Was a work up, work over and a work in!  I reset my time stamps to 4 x 24hrclocks slightly out of sync.
It's no wonder they thought I was crazy.. But I could see the other patients and they could see me.  Especial the time pieces - we learnt to let eachother pass respectfully.
Then I recalled the games I'd made there and the big pink windmill  _ I was trying to debug care abuse by using me!
Didn't expect to have to play that on shift here though! 


Well shit... 


I also have a mock-knee Cock-nee as a penis arrow in my knee! 


I'm currently Alpha Beta testing...  Hope I'm still Beta testing! 

Ah... Yeh... SO that might be a beat her now..  I hat to make something better and as I'm also the puck in my stupid game... I seemed to be the right thing to hit! 

Ah here...  OK...  I'm testing these NOW...  Well till I trip or crash into myself again.


I was sectioned 3 times... Is that me or my trains??   🤔


Oh... lol it's the long time service party I'm going to tonight 😆

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