Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Off the Shelf


Leon...  'I'm with you Ren, you don't need to recall'  I want to.
Tomorrow never comes?.. 'It's my promise to you' 
'You don't need to understand Ren, I don't want to crush you. Please sort your body, let me do the rest'

BERKANO stc,Rtrs


psi /'sa1J (uppercase bwercase V: Greek: pst 
psi]) is the 23rd letter o' the Greek alphabet and is 
associated witn a numeric value of 700. In both Classical 
and Modem Greek. the etter indicates the combination 
'ps/ (as in English word *lapse"). 
For Greek loanwords in Latin and modem languages 
with Latin alphabets. psi is usually transliterated as "ps- 
The letters ongin is uncertain, It may or may not derive 
from the Phoenician alphabet. It appears the 7th 
century BC, expressing ,'ps/ in trE Eastem alphabets, 
but 1k'/ in the Westem alphabets (the sound expressed 
by X in the Eastern alphabets). In writing. the early letter 
appears in an angular shape (Y). There were early 
graphical variants tnat omitted the stem ("cnickentoot- 
shaped psi" as. V or 0). 
The Westem letter 
ng 1k", later m) was  



Hummm, Was standing in a litter tray



Oooo,  So the card...   'Ren, I am letting you learn how powerful you are when you only make an effort to be have' 🤔


Wtf is have?  

have (v.) 
Old English habban "to oum, possess; be subject to, experience," from Proto-Germanic 
*habejanan (source also of Old Norse hafa, Old Saxon hebbjan, Old Frisian habba, German 
haben, Gothic haban "to have"), from PIE root *kap- "to grasp." Not related to Latin habere, 
despite similarity in form and sense; the Latin cognate is capere "seize.


I need to possess myself?   'For now at least, Inka won't let you rest for more than a season Ren'  😆 Just as well. I hope he's 'Supervised visits Ren?'  I can do that 😆  'Just ass-well bitch'   Phahaha 


'Ready Ren?' I think so 'You are late dusk is all most done, I wont go easy on you Ren'  I know I'm still all in.  'Just as well, come to me, we shall begin'  omw 903, 'I expect you before 909'


Jump to the library, where I'm still on a shelf. 

Leon places a book above my head another at the soles of my feet, lights the fire with his mind before rubbing course salt on my nose and ignoring me till I dream.

Terminator - Terminate her - stop her stopper.  I'm being com part mentalised into my own potion bottles.  Medicine from within.

Malico appears to before asking 'May I?'  I'd consented, her merges and it feels like hundreds of tiny heartbeats sending from my back.  


Hospital invisible in advisable for others to hear my track list as it's compart mentalised for me.

Others will say and hear what ever they expect to need.


Leon?  'I have little time for your questions Ren, dream and come back here'  OMW allmost 22.22  oh it's now 2.22 as I type this.

I had more heartbeats this time from the souls of my feet.



Odd dream of my infants school, the prickly hedge we used to shove each other in.  It was larger and open plan in the old Victorian building  - hospital like too... It also felt like it was in the South. 


The chefs were changing their uniforms to red and white checks, was an unusual change but one that had rippled out from London.

Someone had brought me an old purple card, a older male had brought it back to me as someone had scribbled a message as a reply.  They wanted to stay anonymous but were leaving me clues.

It was followed by odd anagrams of old news print.

Inka sneaked into the dream too, he wanted to meet me at the top of the playing field by the old fire station of a quick smoke.

I was watching one class as they grew, they were infants and they didn't wear uniforms.  2 young blond girls in particular they were friends, had on pink floaty party dresses.  

 I watched them age rapidly by 3 or 4 years.   The other classes were all in grey, I think it was the girls teacher that was bringing the odd cryptic messages for me.

It was warm outside, windows were open.  People were leaving purple postcards too, with their last observations from outside air temp and pressure and stuff.
Stuck randomly to lockers and walls.

Was a word with W_ _ _ _0_ _ that I was supposed to know.


I'd woke up with someone telling me Ele Mental my dear watt son.


I'd had that dream off the shelf again...   Malico was being nice.  Leon had hurt my feet earlier when I was bored and missing Inka.  He'd told me if I got down he'd hurt my feet....   Seemed a fair cop as I didn't much like being stuffed on the shelf.

It reminded me of when Malico hit my palm with a crystal rod that shattered...   This time it was my souls and Leon, with a wooden chopstick or wand looking thing.  It hurt, but Malico gave me a hug and I felt better on the sofa thing squashed between them.

Waking my feet felt tingly like I'd been dancing outside in the cold.

Next dream was a long walk home.
I'd been dropped by a female friend, she owns the wooden toyshop here.  

Was another woods that would take me home.
It wasn't a place I'd ever been before so I used satnav on my phone.

Had met people to talk too, my phone took a vid of me that I watched back too.

I had on my red and white dress, was dancing and playing as I made my way back home, climbing trees, running and jumping for fun.  My eyes glowed bright yellow like reflections or sun flairs... Making them look like cats eyes on the road.

I met loads of horses too all diffrent kinds.  Some in properties others running wild, one had it's head threw a toilet seat it was using as a view finder 😆 made me laugh.


My estimated walk time was 4weeks but I'd made it in 20mins.

When I got back there was another School in my main dream space, it was medicalised.
Another Rob, this one my neighbour here was employed as a diagnostic imager.  
He was to take records of the kids thyroid glands. 

He had somehow forgotton that he'd allready done and was arguing Rob style that it still needed to be done, but he'd used up all the materials the first time round.
It was amusing me cause he was going to drive the admin nuts!


Security sis stems too, with Leon and Malico was an internal one...  Felt like a 4 leaf clover or something.. This bit is hazy though. 


Wake at 619


Ah, makes sense I felt better better between them.


R 06 
69.ozRROC 9 

  Hummm... Is this linked to the bull that rolled me over?

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