Monday, 3 September 2018

Free Falling & School.

Night before last  a wired game of crazy golf with 3 miss worlds who were men in drag and the Crankies (wired wife/hubby comedy thing from the 80's the wife played his son)    -  After the game I'm flying along a river in a run down city area.  It's an industrial area but disused  lots of empty warehouses.

3 dreams last night

First me and Emma are in Berwick it's cycling night/day very quickly and at night the sky is filled with thousands of stars many of which are falling .
We are walking round the town going into bus offices trying to get timetables and tickets we needed to get to a place beginning with S  (I forget where now)   We were also caring for a young male with learning issues, he was physically very big but mentally like a young child lots of people found him intimidating because of his size.

Next is a big school or Uni -  I'm in a class of people aged 27 and the new intake were all 22.
The school is floating and is a series of platforms  around a main hall area is a rectangular walk way high high up.    We are jumping of it into the centre where the air is 'cloudy' looking.  The air is different density's meaning you can free fall...   Fast at first then slowing down threw the denser  air and then speeding up again to land.    It's fun the new 22 people are playing a sports type of game on the platform below were we land - I see 2 females that are upset with each other crying and one of the elders is mediating.

On the stairs on the way up there is food layed out for a birthday party we need to step over it and round people....

Dream hops and I'm in a strange landscape with hovering stone cubes some of them have entrances into them.  I'm climbing down one to get into another.   Where I need to put my hand there is a thick bramble/thorny runner but it's the only place to hold so I grip anyway feeling the thorns pressing into my fingers.   I pass it and my hand is bleeding red,warm fresh blood.

Last dream was wired --  It was in an underground religious meeting place and there was a ritual that was like a funeral and christening rolled into one.   I'd been invited by the mother of the baby for who the service was.   I was ethereal made of black smoke and all the children and babys were made of the same patchwork.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

End of August 18

On holiday so crap dream write up.. 

Sat 18th,   a love/sex adventure with a father of a friend of a son.   I was pregnant...  but was aware of siblings the child couldn't know of without upsetting people.

Sunday 19th August

Ballet dancer, dancing sad/happy  have some eggs.  There was a coat dance and mirror dance.

Huge funeral  with kids and dogs,   the kids are watching 'love actually' 

Monday 20th

'Plane' journey but not really a plane,   like a island travelling.  Dream started with bossy people and trying to collect wild people.    We flew the world on flat island plane,  penguins and wales.
 I had a relationship with the pilot. 

Wed 22nd.

Old cats - some medicated...    then a 'killing spree'  an accomplice to a murder..       Next dream an art exam.    Connection to the examiner,   exam on 'line'     

MY answer was 'there is no line, only  observation of within and without...   'line' is a margin.

Friday..  24th

Amazing dream last night.   Was a school setting again....  A vast live in learning town with buildings and fields.    It was futuristic grass trees and stuff with floating lesson platforms colourful brick roads between set in a sunny country side.   I moved about on roller skates as the area was very well spread out across meadows and hillsides.  
A change was happening to the world.  A vortex  ..   this was a fractal fragmenting of everything there.
I was really excited as that is what id gone there to be part of.
It was really amazing hard to describe like a planet took acid and was turning it's self inside out.   Visually stunning.   A friend comes to get me, she's freakes out and wants me to leave with her of world.
She's taking me to a tower rocket to the government and police to leave world.    I'm angry and telling her no, I'm staying.
We argue and she drags me into the tower - rocket.   She tells me I'll be a slave if I stay here.   I don't argue but know she's confused and I tell ger i will break my way out of the tower.   I lay my hands on it and bits vanish...    She's annoyed and upset and I tell her to let me leave.   She won't so I keep dissolving it by touching it.   Until nothing is left and we are back in the otherworldly countryside.....

She's very angry I tell her I'm home here,  I'm sorry I destroyed her tower but she shouldn't have taken me in.  She'll fine another.   We part ways and I fly up into the sky vortexSat 25th

I meet and have a chat with 3 versions of myself.

1st Sept 18.

Carry was at home alone and had changed the locks... there was a cat house party going on with cats raving!

2nd Sept

In my main dream house lots of amazing moths and butterfly's and then I have a small white budgie in a nest with eggs and young.   There are also black and brown small rodents with thick long hair and then a big grey and white friendly rat. 

The garden is filled with brambles. 

Monday, 13 August 2018

Holly in my Eye and a Disjointed Adventure

2 dreams from last night.

The first I had a sore eye last night....  when I woke in the night it was very painful felt like stye though nothing to see.     I whent wake into semi lucid dream in the dream I was examining my eye to see what was up and I removed a tiny dry holly leaf from the inside of my left eye.   I know holly is the partner to the Oak rulling the winter in Celtic Ogham law so I'll have to look into it.

My main dream was cool wired/sexual and very disjointed.  I was multiple people in the dream swapping and changing characters all the time.

I start as neither sex living with another young woman and her young female child who looks to me as a step/father.  , I'm scanned in a supermarket but I also work preparing breakfast for parliament.    The different factions in the house want there own breakfast room but I refuse saying they must eat together to come closer  - I'm preparing pineapple and Neapolitan ice cream. 

Dream swaps and I'm a young male, the person from the first dream is now female and is my friend.    We are friends she has a lover - as the male I'm a masochist and  she enjoys inflicting pain so helps me out so there is also a sexual element to our relationship.
I don't dream of that part - the dream is of a conversation we are having  both nekid (I just know that's our back story) 
She's found a woman/partner for me a friend of hers and is going to introduce us...   I'm excited then look down realise I'm covered in welts and bruises and comment....  'meby I should wait, don't want to scare her off.... then say, actually it's better she knows me'
The female gets annoyed and says 'no you must wait...  she won't want to see that... and any way when your enjoying amazing tantric sex with her you won't want pain'
Confused I ask her 'Why would great sex stop me wanting to experience a fuller range of sensations?'

I think after that I realised she didn't want our group of friends to know her part in it - or any connection to it.

Dream jumps, I'm the same male again nekid laying on a rug with a male lover we are painting together in a large heavy book  (It reminded me of a book of shadows/spell book)

Dream skips again and we are watching a procession threw a sunny country lane a young boy is being transported in an open rickshaw type thing - he is a witness to a crime/event and is being transported   to a case/hearing.

We pass a hippy man & woman being arrested by police the guy has dreds and both male & female are high... they have with them a 'plucked turkey space ship'  this is so wired.  It's floating and alive orange/purple/yellow - The guy has a strange tool kit and the woman is explaing how he made it when he was high and how it really flys.

We pass them and I'm back to a female again and a member of the crowd walking with the boy witness ..  I'm a 'seer' and see a young female girl jump onto the front of the rickshaw tipping her and the boy into a hedgerow and meadow where they vanish. 

No one can see the girl but me and a group of men  (she's a ghost/spirit)  they pull me from the crowd as I can see the girl too.

Dream hops again I'm a couple outside a dark brick mental hospital near a sewer opening me and the male are going to perform a ritual to summon a daemon from the underworld  (this is to do with the missing witnesses)  Inside the mental hospital staff and patients are pressed against the windows watching us.

We start the ritual and a black entity comes from the sewer washed up with lots of dark black water  It's sticky black faceless male. The black water floods much of the fields and we are floating in this black water the daemon has given us what we needed to know.    At this point a flatbed truck drives up to the edge of the flooded area.  In the back of it is a young black guy he's dresses in 70's style clothing with flares and an afro and he's waving a pair of flatted freeze dried lungs.

He's the best friend or brother of the male in the water with the female  I know he's telling us his lung cancer has gone and we are both overjoyed for him we yell at him not to come into the water but he jumps down wading towards us waving the flattened pink lungs.

Behind him we can see a deep stillness in the water and know the deamon is underwater about to take him, the male rushes forwards to push his brother out of the way but i'm in the females body now and move fast shouting to the deamon...   'you can't have either of them I love them to much' 

The deamon grabs me and kisses me and it's nice I kiss back then feel bad for the male who's my lover as I think this the female falls unconscious in the black gloppy arms and I'm watching the dream from 3rd person.

The deamon laughs and yells 'shortly, she'll be fucking Beelzebub on a flaming chariot pulled by the 9 hounds of hell chasing dawn across the back of the sky...  if that kind of thing will make you happy...(laughing) .. of course it will' 

I wake up.  

Friday 10th August... 

Hazy but in an outdoor vets making an order for someone - They had horses & Dogs. I'm ordering them lots of anti parasitics. 

Sat 11th
Wired woven shapes shiny string wrapping to make forms. 

A young girl having a cake sale  -  She lives up a lane in a big house next to the house is a ruined red stone castle.    I enter her house to get cakes but ask to go to the toilet first in the bathroom are 9 baths places in a square shape..  the final 3 baths are joined and have water jets. 

Sunday 12th. 

Friend had written a book about my father being Autistic and too Moral...  There was a maze in water.

Also stuff about Brexit a total fuck up/mess & automaton singing pigs.  

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Mid July till early Aug 2018

Sunday 13th July

I didn't write last nights dreams...  they were hazy.      There was a battered old hard back copy of' The Wind in the Willows'   I think I was then back in a memory from my 20's in a rave with an old friend and DJ who I knew.  Then a roe deer small - a baby. 

Then main dreamhouse ...   the loft room was there again,   my parents room.   It was a revisiting of old dreams.

Tues 17th July
I had a dream about a hummm feild in the sky??  It seemed like the old feild in my main dreamscape there are horses in the field and then then this kind of rock formation,  cube like rocks but natural all the same, I'm not sure of the name of them.

Like that

Anyhooo  nesting on the rock coulombs are 1000's and 1000's of small black birds - they were behaving like starlings but felt more like blackbirds.    (Reminds me of the dream with Roz with flocks of birds) 

I was up on the rocks with the birds looking down,  way way down below was a coast line with white sand.    In the sand was the remains of an ancient castle with 4 turrets.. most of it was buried in sand the turrets toppled. 

Another dream,   my main dreamscape playing outside at night it's snowing and the snow is fresh, we've made snow men and have decorated the area with frozen yellow ice (it was peed on snow)  but had been moulded into star shapes so was like star shaped frozen wee.

Wed 18th July

First dream I'm in the countryside with a neighbor I know now we are both young in our 20's  we have drugs,  something wrapped in paper to snort so was like speed or coke.

Next dream is main dream area but built up..  2 gay friends are having a pool party it's nekid and being held in a hotel after midnight.   In the first bit of the dream i'm getting some Zzzzz's as I know it's going t be a late night.    It's tropical theam. 

I'm at the party but it's over fast and I seem to be the person clearing up, I've swept the whole area and am leaving it like we found it when someone tells me we need to move the haybales that were beside the bar area...   these get dragged thew and I have to resweep everywhere.  Dream shifts so I'm outside in a huge open grass plane and I'm still sweeping.

Friday 21st July

First dream, I'm in the countryside in the dark in the back of a horse box with an old school friend.   Were travelling in the horse trailer with the doors open at night.

Her horse is with us,  we are trying to get somewhere she feels we need help and we go into a 'horse people' type area.   (Stables/Gym duno cause i know very little about horses and polo and hunting) 
I offer to go ask for what we are looking for, but Clare knows I'm better with small animals and the area she's going to is full of highly strung race horses so I wait at the door of the trailer. 

She comes back and tells me she has back pain and she has a 'bum bag' could I fill it and give it to her for pain relief  -  Confused I start rooting round the back of her horse box, but all I can find are dirty pants...   after a while I give up and go back to sit at the open tailgate.

There are different groups of people milling round beside me I notice some hunt sabs, they wave at me and I say hello.     Then someone in the horse crowd blows a horn and yells lets hunt.  I think, err hunting not illegal   (but also know these people are outside the law due to money)  I remember the hunt sabs waving at me and making so much noise that the hunt would be disrupted anyway.

Second dream is a pre-historic earth like planet  -  I'm on a cliff looking down onto a low river valley lake bed. 
I'm neckid and Zak is with me also nekid he's a baby.    I have him attacked to me with stips of leather in a sling type thing.

I jump from the cliff tops into some of the high trees and am climbing down threw them like a monkey  - when i get stuck now and then I unsling Zak and hang him from a  branch while I climb lower and can lift him down. 

When we get down we are looking at this amazing river basin from above  then I'm along and stuffs high speed... there is this agle that takes the whole lake. 
It's toxic to all life and blooms over the top of the water till it covers the lake - then as soon as it covers the lake the water evaporates leaving just this algae.  Then I'm watching these small frog and large fish  (Bit like big black catfish but pre-historic) eating all the algae... It's wired as the dream is so visual - it's like  watching a nature film    these small mouths munching threw all this lush green slushy stuff.

Monday 23rd July

I'm on a huge grass plain and I'm with Andy (This is a friend from my early life)  we have  a teepee type of tent but it's has a slight raised platform we are neckid and have face paint but it's more like tribal marks.   I spend lots of time stretching and dancing nakid out on the grass (Like balet/yoga)  We are going on a mission,  we need to visit the 4 elements.

Before we do this Andy makes this kind of milkshake/Sunday thing in a glass with cream and cherry's.    He brings it while we go on this mission to collect something from Earth/fire/water/air  (I think they were dragons we met) 

When we have 'attuned/completed' our missions with the elements we need to access the underworld 

This was a kind of 'interact with rock with energy/light' and we are absorbed into a cave/cavern system  there is a giant crystal guardian/troll thing that we pass.. it's friendly.

We go deeper and deeper until we are meeting with hummm avatar of the planetary consciousness.  She's beautiful beyond words..   old and vibrant, sexual but wise and motherly like a fairy of sorts she glows.   As we approach her there is another male there,  Jack.  He's sitting alone as we all arrive she tells Andy to give the Sunday/shake to Jack.    Andy is visibly hurt but passes it over.   The planetary mama thing looks at me,    I feel the pain of Andy and I tell her,

'I know what you are showing me.....

But how am I ever to love a man when I'm already in love with You'

 She was surprised by my reaction -  and the fact I knew her intimately ...then  Ian's alarm woke me up. (edited)

Monday 30th

My dreams have been hazy  though I know I'm dreaming.  Last night I was getting married to my old school friend we were still young.  I was worried about her, she was tired and I was making food her her.  I was rubbing her lower back and making soft boiled eggs in a cup with toast fingers.   I'd asked if she wanted brown or white eggs and she told me I couldn't ask that. 

I was puzzled and picked to of the white ones,  they wen't shaped like normal chicken eggs.    They were more pointed on top and bottom and wide low bottom like a smooth white cut diamond shape.     I plopped them into boiling water.

Wed 1st Aug

I had an odd dream this morning,   Ian's mum who died just before Christmas was in it. 

It was set in my Grans old house, my Gran wasn't home and there was an old fashioned Iron stove / fire place in the corner.     The kind that warms the room but you can cook on too.

Ian's mum was in the fire, and she was telling me she'd been there since she died and didn't know how too  (I can't recall the words I was using)  In the dream I knew I was dreaming and wanted to write the dream down so I didn't forget it so I wrote what was happening on the tops of a pile of old newspapers that were there. 

After a while Ian' s mum was standing in the room with me -  we talked about death and she said why are there some orange angels and I asked her if she'd met any purple creators yet.

8Th Aug

Last nights dreams were first of leaving a residential school.   It was night and dark, I'd been there for 7 years if I remember right.  I was angry and didn't want to leave (It was a home to me)
Then I was with male me, over stormy seas in a helicopter we kept landing on islands and making love there.    One of the small rocky islands had a small pool by a very basic cottage/shelter   - I was given a key, it was for the cottage and told I could use it for as long as I wanted.

Last nights dreams my main dream area,  I find 2 guinea pigs in the corner of my room.... there water is empty/has spilled and they are very ill and dehydrated  - I feel bad and give them water and they quickly revive.

Last night,   9th August

First dream is of a prison inside a mountain.   It's either off world or very futuristic.    The sky is very black and filled with bright stars.   The landscape is baron dark dusty with a huge mountain the only feature.
Into the mountain is a huge opening/road  into the mountain and hovering vehicles pass in and out.  There made of a dull purple/ grey metallic substance and have glowing neon lights in pinks and purples and lime green.      I'm a prisoner in there I can also see 'Ghosts'   other prisoners who've died in there  I think it was like a mine on the inside.    It was an odd dream were I was in it but also observing it from a 3rd person overview.

Next dream I'm with a friend who's in the form of a beautiful red haired cat - She has spots on her like large white heads there raised and have puss in them, she also has flea dirt in her hair.  I gently squeeze the spots letting the puss out of it, some of it drips onto and into my hair which in the dream is also red.

Last dream I was outside watching falling stars and meteors in a dark sky  (Could be the perseids meteor shower on atm) It was very cool to watch.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Fabric Support and Meeting with a Queen

10th July
2 very strange dreams the second one not at all pleasant.

In the first I'm with 2 adult cousins it's a kind of 'party' it's very dark and outside my cousins house in Berwick - One cousin has prepared food and the other is being very rude complaining about it. 
We also have crazy face paint colourful wired/glittery but also a bit twisted too think scary circus. 

There is a game too.... it's running round a small dark scary hut with lots of broken doors/windows and trap doors.  The outside is dark too..     Females run round the outside and inside are rapists who try to grab the women running round the building.     It's like a teenage horror film or something and there is no intention of raping anyone it's more the 'fear/anticipation' 
Some others and me had agreed to play, and I realised quite soon that there was nothing in the dark building but our own fear/anticipation. 

Next there is 2 men I think one was my x.   The both like me but I can't decide which I like, I know it's wrong to interact with both but I like both.   Next one of them is caught steeling from a gang at the party.   They have surrounded him and are intimidating him making him sit under a table while they stand round him.    -  Woke here.

Next dream 

This is a house warming party for my friend who's about to move into there new home.

She's put up or is trying to put up her bell tent in the garden (they will be living in this overt the summer while work is done on the property)

She wants me to help,  in the dream the sun is setting the garden is big and beautiful  -  the tent is wired and instead of a centre pole for support she's got lots of small connection poles that don't quite work/reach they keep bending and won't support the fabric then they tun into a tower of pans/bowls/mugs and cups....  again they won't reach and I can't help her put the tent up properly. 

Next I got for a walk into a field with her my other Friend and her 3 kids, we are looking down on the new house.  There are 100's of birds in the air and they are pecking at small crops they ground is very dry and the plants look ill and parched.

We come to a bench and sit down.. I notice these huge insects on the ground, they are like massive ticks but coloured like lady birds - I point them out, then realise there not a 'good thing'    I'm trying to use my phone to look them up and find them at first -  They are and invasive immigrant tick and can suck all the blood from a human...    I want to double check before I tell them but then my phone goes wired and I can't find the 'close all apps' button the phone is so full of info/stuff but I can't find what I need to show them.    Her children start playing over the top of these insects - I want to stop and warn them, but I wanted to be more sure/check before scaring anyone. 

Thurs 13th July

Jewellery box, gems  a broken cup being carried out to sea and a magpie

Last night.

(First dream a garden walled/dark bindweed criss crossing)

Another train dream last night.   

I'm on a journey with kids.  I'm making my way to the front of the moving train - the train is packed. 
First carriage I'm working my way down the isle of sitting passengers  The next carriage is more of a room saloon/bar like they used to have on old posh trains. 
It's more modern though some people are sitting some standing & mingling It's less crowded but I notice a sign saying 'No Children' so we don't pause but keep moving on towards the front. 

As I leave the saloon next carriage is a corridor like the trains with small compartments and corridors down one side.  The corridor is packed and as I push by a very old preacher he taps me on the bum with his holy book...  I shoot him a questioning glance and keep going. 

The next carriage is like a cargo hold it's dark and people are laying round on the floor I'm stepping over bodys,  Zak has started to lag behind and is crying/whining  we pass a young guy who smiles at Zak and tickles him to cheer him up and we stop to chat.   
The guy stands up holding Zak and playing with him and they clearly like each-other.     The guy has lots of black hair and a big bushy beard he looks middle eastern - I comment he's clearly been round children a lot and I ask him if he has siblings.   He tells me he has 12 I smile and say wow big family, his sister appears too she is a little younger meby early 20's has her hair covered he introduces her and we talk together. 

The setting changes and we are all in a large temple they tell me we have arrived at Galilee.   The preacher from the train is speaking to a huge packed crowd... it's some Abrahamic religion he's very old but seems to know me and keeps talking specifically to me he likes Zak.      There is another preacher with him younger I don't recall what they were talking about more the fact they kept talking to me and Zak.  I think we passed Zak threw the crowd to them. 

After they had finished talking we are mingling in the temple I have in my arms a small fat raccoon it belongs to the ancient preacher - It's very sweet and placid and has curled into a ball asleep, I'm looking after it.   

The preacher tells me that a king and queen are visiting and he wants me to cook the meal they will all share, he warns me he'd rather I didn't meet them though (as he knows I won't show deference and he doesn't want me to get into trouble)

I'm cooking food in an area outside but still in the temple grounds it's over an open fire and I have 3 thick round cast iron grill rings with fired clay hummm  I duno there like little tubes that I can use as legs to place over the fire to raise up the grill rings  (I've never seen anything like this but I knew how it all worked)  I'm cooking skewered strips of marinated meat and fish and have other veg on the fire grill too. 

Next I'm summoned to the King, Queen, Preacher - I think they had requested too meet the cook - I know I'm expected to bow/crawl??  Something about my head not allowed to be higher that theirs and they are seated at a round table eating the food I prepared.     (The queen was like a young version of queen Victoria) she's wearing a flowery 50's style sun dress - I didn't notice the king.  I walk tall up to them my eyes locked with the queen.   She's amused and tells me I will be flogged, I can see the Preacher rolling his eyes at me in disbelief that I won't bow to the queen but I just smile at him.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Underwater tunnles, and fabric stairs.

Friday 6th July

I was fending of tonsillitis again last night and I remember 2 beautiful settings rather than a dream. 

First was a city, but it wasn't a city it was rolling grass hills, with rivers and beautifully made sandstone bridges.   There were towers too, very thin reaching impossibly high into the sunny sky.  The towers where kind of amazing works of art, carved with spiral steps on the outside and a kind of lattice of stone work and sculptures.  They bent and twirled defying gravity.   (It was a city of sorts but not at all like an earth city)

Then the other setting was very different but also beautiful  - this is underground tunnels of a glass like sculpture -  perhaps it was a lake bed??      Thinking about it now that would make most sense.
The floor of the tunnels are fine white sand and the walls are looking into green water with huge goldfish swimming in it. 

The tunnels glow with green light filtering threw the clear sides where the fish swim, the tunnels/caverns  are pointed at the top, sort of shaped like leaves and seem very natural small plants and shrubs grow in the sand too. (edited)

Last night

2 Dreams last night that I can recall, there were lots more.

First was a big adventure/game. 

It's set round a wild coastal area rocks/sea and monstrys and monks.    I had a lover we were both magic but were being chased and had to take this 'I think it was an illuminated manuscript/baby'  to safety on an island.   In the dream it was Iona but was also like the island St, Cuthbert lived on.    (It was like a wired magic version of early Christianity on the British Isles)

I'm travelling sand dunes first there are 'huge' hares lots of them and also turtles in areas too. 

I meet with my lover before I go and I touch the area in above and between his eyes - It glows purple like an Indian bindi but made of light.   We will use this to communicate while we are separated and to find each other again after. 

The book keeps turning into a baby/back to a   When I leave my lover I'm travelling with another magic person it's dark and we are running over rocks into the sea    we can walk on the bottom of the sea, seals are there too - we enter a huge hummm   living/glass clear octopus/squid kind of thing.    It's going to transport us to help get the baby/magic book to the island where it will be safe.       When we get to the island we go inside it and it's a crystal cavern with a huge spiral staircase of some clear prismatic stairs -  it's visually epic kind of glowing in rainbow reflecty light.    

Second dream  

I'm my 2-3 year old self..   I can see myself from outside so I'm kind of 3rd person, zoomed out  looking at baby me.    The setting is a large green with an outdoor nursery/play group   - the grass is very green, there are slides and climbing frames, easels for painting, playground chalk ect.   

On 2 sides of the green are large prefab buildings, they are painted a bottle green colour they have a military look to them on the other 2 sides of the green are 2 different churches,   old Gothic architecture.    I'm above the area looking at it in my mind it was in Scotland.

I zoom back into my baby self and I'm toddling along following my Mam, she's younger like she was when I was a baby, we are walking across the green towards one of the church buildings, at some point she turns into a younger version of my Dad too I'm a little older now and I tell my Dad how good it is to see him so well.   

Both vanish and I walk into one of the churches, it's large cooler inside out of the bright sunlight, inside the Church is grey stone high vaulted ceiling and stained glass windows where the coloured light is coming in, it's bright.  In the centre is a square platform with iron railings round it, I'm small but I jump up it's a spiral staircase leading down so I start of down the stairs, I age as I go down and round and the stairs change from stone to pleated fabric, some areas are quilted it widens out too so it's like a large fabric spiral,   I'm passing other people on the way down, some are sleeping, others are having sex...    It's flattened out to the point where I can slide and 'surf' -   so I'm kind of wizzing down and round.    

annoyingly Ian's alarm woke me before I found out what was at the bottom :P

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

June, Caterpillers, Train hubs.


Wired very visual and tactile dreams.

In one I'm in a bathroom but one wall is forest/trees/jungle and there is a huge caterpillar it's a good 35cm long and fat too, it's face is cartoon like very sweet and human-ish but with a long green pointed nose like Pinocio. 
It smiles too it's skin is bright green and very soft I'm stroking it and watching it climb up into the tree.. as it climbs it falls but saves it's self with an impossibly thin bit of silk - that easily holds it's big weight.  Once on the branch I watch it turn into a chrysalis face first while still smiling at me. 

Although I don't see it emerge I know it will have red/white/brown moth wings. 

Next dream is another huge residential school,  I'm leaving the block I've been in.  The building is red brick with lots of windows and doors -  I go outside with my friend Emma she's doing somersaults and handstands on the grass.

Next I'm in another part of the school, I tell them I want to stay it's my home - but I've been there 7 years and I'm ment to move on.   

Next bit is odd, me and Emma are in a high room at an open window.  Around 3 storeys up there are 2 different airflow's meeting -  the top one is light and cooler the air is moving fast.

The air below is warmer and denser, - it feels like an invisible foam mattress.   We are pressing it and wobbling it - far below we can see people walking and driving and we are wondering if we can make them feel the vibrations when we wobble it.     I remember being kind of surprised they were moving threw it so easily as to use it was almost solid.    I was shaking the air to see if anyone notices us.

Interesting link...

Last night..

Really intense dreams last night..   In the first I was visiting or in South Africa or at least that was the name for  it in the dream I was in Johannesburg.

In the dream it's visually out there it's modern or even futuristic.   There is a big hub of trains/tracks there.   

I arrive at night I'm met by some friends (who I know who are South African)   It's night or kind of dusk the skyline is pink/purple but the hub I'm in is huge with so many tracks meeting and crossing.    There is also something ancient there   --  This bit was crazy sci-fi stuff...  it's like a vast area in the center of this hub with no floor (space)  and these floating ancient / magic tech. 

It's middle eastern in design  made from rock and metal shaped echoing sacred geometry but they are impossibly woven together they float too,   It's almost impossible to describe how epic this looked,  pillars of interlocking stonework and metal with bits floating and flashing.    (The knowledge of what/why/who/how) had been lost.   They remind me of when Corrina use to dream about Dwemer   )      The monuments are feared and revered by the locals...  I've had dreams of similar areas in London but they've been inactive/destroyed crumbling.    Here they are still alive and powered.     I'm very curious about them and want to explore more. 

There is also an electrical/lighting storm going on - the lighting is purple/pink.     I'm staring in awe into this abyss with these floating other worldly creations - while the purple lighting is all around.

Next part of the dream we are being 'rounded up'  from where we are at this 'hub'  there a group I want to call them Nazis but there was no affiliation other than 'authority' 

Were taken to underground rooms and ID is requested - there was a sense of 'order/function/control'  we were not miss treated but I was keen to get back to the hub and the dream jumps there again. 

Next it gets wired -  (As if it wasn't already odd)  but I'm back on the platform and it's a game/trap..    Everything's closing in.
I know it's a dream and I'm in my mind,  all of the other dream characters turn into ancient statues and first one wants to help me it's male...  but I'm also very aware this is 'my dream landscape'  all the statures turn into the same male stone being and as I move threw the hub of tracks/trains they start to close in on me.

They are trying to capture me becoming more and more twisted (gargoyle like) -  This is very cool, and I'm aware they are all 'me' too but I'm staying with the story and not getting lucid as It's fun and I don't want to wake myself up.    I'm chased a bit more and then I come to a space with battered open cardboard box's on the side of each are stickers...      On the box's are lol  'spiritual gifts/skills'   things we've chosen to move/play with.     I reject many box's instantly and then find one 'spiritual warrior'  - reject that too.  I find myself in-front of a box that says 'Shuttle / Trixter / Empath '    I know that's my gift/box.     ---  I win - but I'm keen to play/fight again. 

In my second dream is all set under ground.

I'm being held in an underground pawn brokers/money lenders shop.   I own them alot but I'm a carer for a baby/man with downs syndrome. 

I've looked after this man since he was a baby he's large now bigger than me, we owe money as I'm a carer...  I'm happy to be tied to what I own but I ask to take the Downs guy to his family - this is agreed then I'll return to work of the dept/owed.   

Again I'm in an mass of underground trains/network/transport hub.   The guy I care for is vulnerable and I want to get him somewhere safe. 

We are mid journey and getting a connecting train to take him home when the doors start too close with him on and me off - I try to force the door but they won't be stopped - lock is  in place and the tube train is moving. 

I'm aware that the person will be confused and  lost- not able to get of the train at the right stop or get home. 

I go to a counter where there are 3 Indian women - they find it amusing that I lost / got separated from the male in my care - but offer to put out a notice to the other stations hubs to look out for a disorientated loan male traveller with learning differences.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...