Snap crackle and
pop. Rice or Mice crispies for
Inka? 'We're playing be nice' lol which
'Good. Bk'
Oh Yhe.. You were
all in my body. I could feel you all in different places.
You arrive by enunciation?? I invite for
tea? I'm a little tea pot?
'Confused one. Come here'
Oh... Lol
Funny MMO dream. Looked like watership down.
Being in a painting.
The characters were like dolls or action men.
I'd leveled a load at once and was doing all the achievements myself.
Was strange gold magic cup/trophy's to collect.
I did a plane wing
walk too, then got asked to pilot it.
Admiral Nelson was in the dream too?
Was bells and so many outfits too.
Awesome! <3 <3 TY TY
Such an epic dream!
We were the kids of some wizard, appliance repair, den owner.
Was like a multi cultural, Sanskrit LOTR's
Outside was a muddy
sandy stream and also a fresh water spring over smooth pebbles.
We stayed mainly in
the garden. House was for the repair
crazy stuff.
Bubble bottle potion that turned us into number outfits, linked to age but also numerology/tarot numbers.... Was being taught tones of stufF.
The bubble liquid potion, we drank it.
It had number
bubbles and was made of go fast berries and slow down smoke.
Taking it we learned stuff but also got game of thrones type outfits, not that
I've ever watched it.
The house was amazing inventions that were collected from history and repaired
and repurposed.
We were helping to make the potion, I was drinking bubble bath n burping
It was linked to the first dream too.
Washing stuff in the
dream using the same potion, and playing in the mud.
Lots of bros n sis but very mixed cultures.
Inka who I'd been dreaming with all night was also showing me aerodynamics,
dance n how he wakes me as certain times.