Wed 24h Jan 18
First dream was on a bus trip, me and male me. We had all kinds of others with us, different religions and cultures. We were going on a field trip to a volcano to collect coloured gems O.o
My recalls hazy but I was a first aider they gave me a green medi back pack to take.
Last dream was well odd, I was only 3-4 years old! In a sleep suit :stuck_out_tongue:
My Dad was there like he was when I was young and my Mum, my younger bro wasn't born yet so guess I was 3.
The setting was like being in a small theatre the show was very strange.. black and red, an old fashioned it was like a cartoon about hell or something a comedy/satire. I have with me a cuddly toy a purple furry starfish with eyes! It's full of beans and it rolls and climbs over the chairs like a slinky toy and it makes me giggle every time it drops from a chair back to seat and then the floor, Zak is with me to at his age and it makes him giggle too.
Next it's a Halloween party for me and my friends, i'm still very small. It's in hummm an underground warehouse/store room. there are low old fashioned wooden work benches and my parents have stuck up little black cut out of shiloets of witches on brooms with cats. We are going to bake and decorate bat shaped biscuits.
There is a picture/photo up.... it's cut out moves like a youtbe vid. It's of lots of people I know they are all dressed up as wizards and putting on a show just for me..... looking at it makes me feel very loved. The whole dream made me feel loved.
There was a 3rd dream but that was in a darker red brick cave it was so dark we couldn't see the walls or how big the space was, I felt like I could see bricks in the distance.. I think we had a fire too.
Friday 26th
I was in and out of the same dream all night, it was a team game we were 5 players played on a globe but it was also very game like so we could zoom out to the globe view and relocate. We started of collecting things and communicated telepathically.
The map had been changed and many areas were unexplored this was exciting, I'd relocated to South America there was combat of sorts but it was energetic, there were air/wind elementals there.
I'd met a tribe it was hard to communicate... before they would let me into there village I had to be checked out by there 'thing' :stuck_out_tongue: This was a huge dog/dragon/rabbit thing! It was like the dog on the film a never ending story but was a rabbit face. They chief held it on a leash.
It came to sniff me, it's nose was black and shiny like a dog but with rabbit teeth and ears - really adorable and I had to ruffle it's fluffy hair - as me and the wired fluffy thing got on well I was allowed into the village. I was trying to draw a map of were I'd located from but it was hard as they'd not been of there main land.
I woke but went back into a similar dream this time it's like the CG hive world that I've experienced before I'm in a huge city of metal it's like circuit board but gold and sliver and the circuitry is channels for energy/light to move in. It's all sentient, my team mates have all been turned into animals giant ones :stuck_out_tongue: They look cute.
I need to interface with the city to solve the puzzles here so I plug in. Purple glowing tentacles grow up from the warm metal and come over my solders and I melt into purple light as I'm absorbed into the circuitry.
Next it hard to describe as I was coloured light in this aware city, at first I was just travling threw it in all directions, then I was pink light so they area I was mainly in was glowing pink. I eventually was gold and white light.. at this point I could also interface with the metal stuff moulding into things so I could break of and kinda shape shift... I spent most of my time after this zooming about as a big silver bird with glowing gold light animating it.
Friday, 26 January 2018
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
More Jan 18 Dreams
Sunday 21st.
I had a wired thing last night. I've been dreaming lots but not making notes to remind me as I've been to tired (Adjusting to kids back at school and staying up way to late)
Anyhooo I was in a dream when there was a wired break threw meeting... it was like mind meeting (Not part of the dream it was in a diffrent space to the dream, I was still in the dream too though)
The meeting was with a masculine entity and we both 'knew' intelligent infinity in the same way so we were sharing. It was strange as it's not something we can explain to others but cause we'd both experienced it we should do this 'sharing' like meeting of experience/essence.
We were excited/impatient for the time when all humanity would know this experience.
Then something woke me really suddenly with a start - it felt like it was a noise in the room or something... I wasn't sure if the dog had barked or my tummy had gurgled supper loud O.o lol
It was odd to wake so abruptly at that point,
Monday 22nd
First dream was a stress dream, I kept loosing things and it was driving me crazy I woke up as I was yelling 'this is so annoying!'
Next dream was surreal I'm walking to the sea and to get there I'm going threw welll errrr ornamental food fields.
The one that sticks in my mind was a brassica feild with a cabbage pyramid surrounded by green and red kale and purple sprouting broccoli. It looked amazing, it was all to eat but had been planted to look great too all different colours making patterns.
I got to the sea and swam out to were 2 different oceans were meeting.
There were rocks too white and smooth like polished marble, the sky was filled with rainbows from the sea spray, the sun was setting behind me and the sky in front out on the sea horizon was pink too.. the currents were strong where the oceans were meeting and I was swimming from one into another. colours were lovely, blues pinks and rainbows :smile:
I climb up onto the rocks in the other ocean and there are people there, I ask if they can smell and feel the difference. Once of the oceans was much 'sharper' to my senses. They can't tell.
It gets lucid here when a tube train flies threw the sky and derails into the sea, the waves are getting huge and I realise it's a dream.. I decide to just wait and see what unfolds... a plane flyes over and drops boms then crashes into the sea too... I'm laughing wondering how much more bizarre it's going to get when a space rocket also lands into the sea this makes me laugh and the song 'It's the end of the world as we know it' by REM starts playing.
I woke up laughing :smile:
Last dream I'm 'magic' there are school kids and I'm with them for some reason.. I'm levitating them and flying round them and they are calling me their fairy god mother O.o
23rd Jan
First dream I'm at a big funeral it was for something or lots of things... It was outside in sand dunes and tall cliffs. Everything was pale, the sand the sky, the cliffs.
We were also looking for items, it was to make a drink/potion or something that would make us all into errr ghosts or dead too.
perhaps it was a collective funeral we could also fly like birds - it wasn't at all sombre but it was associated with death/passing.
Next wired visions, similar to the brassica pyramid but this time it's clear balls (bit like frog spawn) all arranged again in a huge square based pyramid shape.
Last dream was about refugees I was with them, I'm not sure were they were from or a destination. We were all walking to different places.
There was another bit of the dream were I saw myself reflected in a mirror on a wall a way off, I wasn't 'me' I mainly saw that I had very long light ginger/red hair that curled in ringlets and hung loose.
I remember thinking 'Oh, my hairs not usually that long'
(On waking I'm wondering if this is the me I know as 'fire' she looked much younger than I usually meet her)
I had a wired thing last night. I've been dreaming lots but not making notes to remind me as I've been to tired (Adjusting to kids back at school and staying up way to late)
Anyhooo I was in a dream when there was a wired break threw meeting... it was like mind meeting (Not part of the dream it was in a diffrent space to the dream, I was still in the dream too though)
The meeting was with a masculine entity and we both 'knew' intelligent infinity in the same way so we were sharing. It was strange as it's not something we can explain to others but cause we'd both experienced it we should do this 'sharing' like meeting of experience/essence.
We were excited/impatient for the time when all humanity would know this experience.
Then something woke me really suddenly with a start - it felt like it was a noise in the room or something... I wasn't sure if the dog had barked or my tummy had gurgled supper loud O.o lol
It was odd to wake so abruptly at that point,
Monday 22nd
First dream was a stress dream, I kept loosing things and it was driving me crazy I woke up as I was yelling 'this is so annoying!'
Next dream was surreal I'm walking to the sea and to get there I'm going threw welll errrr ornamental food fields.
The one that sticks in my mind was a brassica feild with a cabbage pyramid surrounded by green and red kale and purple sprouting broccoli. It looked amazing, it was all to eat but had been planted to look great too all different colours making patterns.
I got to the sea and swam out to were 2 different oceans were meeting.
There were rocks too white and smooth like polished marble, the sky was filled with rainbows from the sea spray, the sun was setting behind me and the sky in front out on the sea horizon was pink too.. the currents were strong where the oceans were meeting and I was swimming from one into another. colours were lovely, blues pinks and rainbows :smile:
I climb up onto the rocks in the other ocean and there are people there, I ask if they can smell and feel the difference. Once of the oceans was much 'sharper' to my senses. They can't tell.
It gets lucid here when a tube train flies threw the sky and derails into the sea, the waves are getting huge and I realise it's a dream.. I decide to just wait and see what unfolds... a plane flyes over and drops boms then crashes into the sea too... I'm laughing wondering how much more bizarre it's going to get when a space rocket also lands into the sea this makes me laugh and the song 'It's the end of the world as we know it' by REM starts playing.
I woke up laughing :smile:
Last dream I'm 'magic' there are school kids and I'm with them for some reason.. I'm levitating them and flying round them and they are calling me their fairy god mother O.o
23rd Jan
First dream I'm at a big funeral it was for something or lots of things... It was outside in sand dunes and tall cliffs. Everything was pale, the sand the sky, the cliffs.
We were also looking for items, it was to make a drink/potion or something that would make us all into errr ghosts or dead too.
perhaps it was a collective funeral we could also fly like birds - it wasn't at all sombre but it was associated with death/passing.
Next wired visions, similar to the brassica pyramid but this time it's clear balls (bit like frog spawn) all arranged again in a huge square based pyramid shape.
Last dream was about refugees I was with them, I'm not sure were they were from or a destination. We were all walking to different places.
There was another bit of the dream were I saw myself reflected in a mirror on a wall a way off, I wasn't 'me' I mainly saw that I had very long light ginger/red hair that curled in ringlets and hung loose.
I remember thinking 'Oh, my hairs not usually that long'
(On waking I'm wondering if this is the me I know as 'fire' she looked much younger than I usually meet her)
Thursday, 11 January 2018
Children and an Elephant
Tuesday 10th
I've been dreaming lots but hazy recall. (Getting used to new sleeping time with kids back at school.
Tuesday I was in a wired Alice in Wonderland type place, with steam powered stuff, and canal transport.
Last nights were long long dreams too, the first was being in a game rpg type thing running round a magical landscape.
The other I was in a the medieval town near my main dreams cape. I was solving some kind of puzzle, looking for someone... clues were like a grey pinafore school dress from the year I was born and a white Tudor rose, and other obscure connections, I was walking the cobbled streets trying to work things out.
I was aware my Dad was in the town somewhere too with my old best friend. I solved the puzzle and it was to do with female she was a twin? or another Me, or I had been her.. or I'm not sure but anyway she was now dead/gone I was trying to find people who knew about her. When I did meet her friends it was on a street corner we all had dogs with us, they seemed nice.
I left them and my next recall is I'm in a class room I don't recall what the lecture is on but into the room walks a friend I've not seen since childhood (I'm in touch on facebook) we went to school in that same town. He walked in and saw me and then started crying, I got up and we hugged and I cried too we stood holding each other crying.
Then a group of people walk in too, me and old friend are still hugging. It's the sister/family of the female I'd been hunting for. She says to me 'you were looking for stuff about (the gone female) these are hers, they are yours now' She had with her a bedraggled group of 6 children, the youngest is around 5 or 6 and looks a bit like I did as a kid, she wraps her arms round me and holds me. The other woman walks our smirking.
The guy I'm with said lets take them to your Grans. I hug all the kids and tell them they are safe.
We go to buy flour to make bread together and we take them to my grans house.. or a building near where she lives.... it's on the cliffs with a garden that goes down to the sea it used to be a school but was made into an outdoor school retreat place. It's like I remember it an old white communal building with big arched windows right on the low cliffs next to the sea. (edited)
I was intending to look after them all there.... Zak woke me up :stuck_out_tongue:
Was a wired dream, I'm not sure why me and the other guy were so emotional. I've a feeling that the other me was a different version of me that's checked out earlier, one who stayed up north and had lots of kids..... perhaps she stayed friends with another version of this guy and he was sad she'd died. ?? It was wired, I felt responsible for the kids like they were my own, all 6 of them O.o (edited)
Jan 11th 2018
I think last nights dream way my brain de-fragging :stuck_out_tongue: it was wired, crazy and fun.
I was in an MMO game again, but it was a crazy world I could fly and had an elephant to ride on, I was collecting stickers that were invisible. I had a little bipper button that I had to click to locate them.... I was collecting the stickers to get my elephant a present which was a giant cotton bud/q tip that he could carry round in his trunk (like they would a tree/log)
It was such good fun :smile: There was also a kid who irradiated me.. made me go all tingly and wired. There was also a big old hotel that was wild west style, the owner was an overly dramatic woman in very old fashioned clothing. She was stressing that there were no people there, non coming - but we were there we were just quiet and hiding.
We didn't want rooms, I was laying with a guy resting on a wooden bench we went there between games to rest I think... anyway the hysterical woman was then hyperventilating so I flew up and treated her for asthma.. but I'd gone back in time or something :stuck_out_tongue: Cause they didn't know what asthma was and some of the others were worried I'd changed the future again. O.o lol lots of crazy but fun dreams.
I've been dreaming lots but hazy recall. (Getting used to new sleeping time with kids back at school.
Tuesday I was in a wired Alice in Wonderland type place, with steam powered stuff, and canal transport.
Last nights were long long dreams too, the first was being in a game rpg type thing running round a magical landscape.
The other I was in a the medieval town near my main dreams cape. I was solving some kind of puzzle, looking for someone... clues were like a grey pinafore school dress from the year I was born and a white Tudor rose, and other obscure connections, I was walking the cobbled streets trying to work things out.
I was aware my Dad was in the town somewhere too with my old best friend. I solved the puzzle and it was to do with female she was a twin? or another Me, or I had been her.. or I'm not sure but anyway she was now dead/gone I was trying to find people who knew about her. When I did meet her friends it was on a street corner we all had dogs with us, they seemed nice.
I left them and my next recall is I'm in a class room I don't recall what the lecture is on but into the room walks a friend I've not seen since childhood (I'm in touch on facebook) we went to school in that same town. He walked in and saw me and then started crying, I got up and we hugged and I cried too we stood holding each other crying.
Then a group of people walk in too, me and old friend are still hugging. It's the sister/family of the female I'd been hunting for. She says to me 'you were looking for stuff about (the gone female) these are hers, they are yours now' She had with her a bedraggled group of 6 children, the youngest is around 5 or 6 and looks a bit like I did as a kid, she wraps her arms round me and holds me. The other woman walks our smirking.
The guy I'm with said lets take them to your Grans. I hug all the kids and tell them they are safe.
We go to buy flour to make bread together and we take them to my grans house.. or a building near where she lives.... it's on the cliffs with a garden that goes down to the sea it used to be a school but was made into an outdoor school retreat place. It's like I remember it an old white communal building with big arched windows right on the low cliffs next to the sea. (edited)
I was intending to look after them all there.... Zak woke me up :stuck_out_tongue:
Was a wired dream, I'm not sure why me and the other guy were so emotional. I've a feeling that the other me was a different version of me that's checked out earlier, one who stayed up north and had lots of kids..... perhaps she stayed friends with another version of this guy and he was sad she'd died. ?? It was wired, I felt responsible for the kids like they were my own, all 6 of them O.o (edited)
Jan 11th 2018
I think last nights dream way my brain de-fragging :stuck_out_tongue: it was wired, crazy and fun.
I was in an MMO game again, but it was a crazy world I could fly and had an elephant to ride on, I was collecting stickers that were invisible. I had a little bipper button that I had to click to locate them.... I was collecting the stickers to get my elephant a present which was a giant cotton bud/q tip that he could carry round in his trunk (like they would a tree/log)
It was such good fun :smile: There was also a kid who irradiated me.. made me go all tingly and wired. There was also a big old hotel that was wild west style, the owner was an overly dramatic woman in very old fashioned clothing. She was stressing that there were no people there, non coming - but we were there we were just quiet and hiding.
We didn't want rooms, I was laying with a guy resting on a wooden bench we went there between games to rest I think... anyway the hysterical woman was then hyperventilating so I flew up and treated her for asthma.. but I'd gone back in time or something :stuck_out_tongue: Cause they didn't know what asthma was and some of the others were worried I'd changed the future again. O.o lol lots of crazy but fun dreams.
Thursday, 4 January 2018
Start Jan 2018 (Train crash, Refugees)
31st Dec
I had a dream about Ian's Dad holding onto his Mums coffin and playing on water jets... but the coffin was hurting him and making everything harder for his heart.
Seems kinda obvious how the emotional stress is making his physical health worse.
----- Tuesday, January 2nd -----
First of Jan 18
Night before last was a dream of a train crash... or derailment. I was outside in a feild watching, the train kinda fell over and I was watching the other trains coming hoping they wen't using that line.
After a while I realised I should go see if people needed help,
When I opened up the driver bit the driver was ok... confused - he was in a what looked like a bed, the front of the train was small with duvet and pillow and he was laying down, I pulled him from the derailed train onto the grass beside me and told him I'd called people to help him and I'd wait with him. Woke up after that.
Next dream was the newsagents in my main dreams cape. At first it was really grotty and dirty, then when I next went in it had been painted a bright blue/purple colour and cleaned up... People were trying to steal stuff, so I went outside with the key and locked them in the shop. I was also scared of the back where the old store room had been that lead down to the garage below and the flat stairs going up had all been ripped out. It was filled with work men pipes and boilers... I was going to go threw but I said to the work men, nop... still to scared of boilers, I'll walk round the front the long way.
----- Tuesday, January 2nd -----
Last nights dreams..
I'm in a town close to main dream area, I'm looking in men's clothing shops buying trews for Ian I think. I find a sheepskin coat that I decide is perfect for me. (It's really wired, made out of 3 panles of sheep skin, with holes for arms and no sleeves.... Almost medieval style, made to be tired with string or something to stop it flapping around. The sued side is dyed a natural forest green, the wool side just white sheep colour.
In the dream I'm really pleased with it :stuck_out_tongue: (It was really basic and wired) but it was going to be warm and waterproof and I was going to be sleeping out doors.
Next dream also bizarre.
I'm going to a rave with Ian, we turn up and it's in an old church... the first room we go into is like the church reading room and it's like a school disco. I have cotton wool pads taped over my eyes and I can't bend one leg so dancing is hard. I tink I remove the cotton wool from my eyes, but they are still sticky.
The musics wired to, sometimes people are singing. I wonder were Ian's gone so I walk out of the hall and into a church reception bit, it's very Gothic old dark high ceilings I can hear popper rave music so I follow the bass, until I find a dark room with lasers and a few people dancing.
I spot Ian's outline and head into the room, everyone knows me and I'm welcomed into the room I tell them I was in the wrong place and they laugh.
There are drugs but they are stuck onto a notice board I try some but nothing happens so I try dancing but it's hard as one leg still won't bend.
People come to chat to me instead, I don't remember some of them but they all know me they start to give me coloured candles and straws for me to keep to remember them.
2 twins I used to know give me matching red candles one says Kio, the other Sei. Other people give me other candles in other colours.
*Gets odder*
I leave the rave alone to look around and head into an ancient graveyard there are gargoyles and statues the old carved sandstone is blackened like the building is in a city.
I come to a bronze statue... it's one of these guardian lions with it's paw on the flower of life ball...
It's wrong though, it's got ears in all wired places, it's also my aunty! (My godmother)
I laugh and tell her, 'Did you think I'd not recognise you?'
She talks in a demonic voice (other people stop to listen) She tells me she's dead... I say I know you, and place my hands onto the bronze.
She tells me she knows she's everything... she's all part of it all - but she misses her body, tells us to make the most of our bodies how important we are.
I tell her I love her....
When I wake I realise she's not dead, but she's very ill and old - she's been bead bound for over a year kinda waiting to die.
Chinese guardian lions
Chinese guardian lions or Imperial guardian lions, often miscalled "Foo Dogs" in the West, are a common representation of the lion in imperial China. Chinese guardian lions are sometimes referred to in English as shishi, from the Chinese shí shī (Chinese: 石獅; pinyin: shíshī; literally: "stone lion"), which refers specifically to lion sculptures in stone. The concept, which originated and became popular in Chinese Buddhism, subsequently spread to other parts of Asia including, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Show more… (81 kB)
This last one is odd. I've always thought of my Auny Betty as my fairy god mother.
It's a wired dream... and the ending so odd,
I felt full of love for this statue, even though it was scaring other people. It sounded scary... but I knew it was part of where I came from..... lol it was even 'trying' to sound intimidating, but I knew it and loved it and even thought of it as my god Mum/ fairy god mother.
----- Today January 4th, 2018 -----
First dream I'm in a hot war zone... it's warm and sunny there is an out of place tower block but we are all outside. I'm with refugees some of the women are sewing memory quilts they weave and embroider there experience into them - I think I'm there to help in some way?
I'm not making a quilt but I collect things for them to sew into there work. I collect old necklaces to take apart and look for gems, jewels and sparkles to offer them, I also look for glittery threads. - They use the stuff I find to add decoration and pattern to the woven memory.
I wake but go into a similar dream I'm in a town were the UN and a dissenter army have met.. the town is just made of wooden shacks -- the commander for the UN is a woman she is allowing dissenters to just leave, she is asking if they are fighting for money or belief. (I'm just an observer here no body.
Next I'm in a huge busy school, there is a car park in the middle of 2 main blocks... I start of in a yoga class with dogs, we are using our dogs to balance with :stuck_out_tongue:
Next part I recall was 2 car alarms going of, they were disturbing people and I was sent to try fix it... the cars were soft tops and it was windy. I un-velcroed there roofs and then covered them over again.
Next bit I recall is being sent from an art class to collect something in a finance class.... Walking threw there packed class room they all have piles of gold and silver coins on there tables and pages of calculations.
I make my way into a store room at the back, I think I'm collecting paper I notice someones left car keys there, they are pink. I ask the teacher about them on my way out and she asks were they are as they were so obvious she suggests I drop them at reception so I take the keys too and file a lost property deposit thingy.
I drop the paper at the art/grafix room, some of the paintings are amazing. It's close to the end of the day and I recall I've made food for our class, it's cooking in a small cloak room oven.
I ask who would like cheese and onion pasties and ketchup and everyone dose.
The cloak rooms small, red coat hooks and very busy with coats and bags. There is also a row of old ovens, 2 doors one opens into the corridor and another out the back onto a paving slab path, I go outside it's grey and windy and the floor is covered with pink flower petals. I sweep at them with a broom and watch them all fly round in the wind, dancing round together.
An oven 'bing's so I go back inside, the cloak room is now a pastry shop front, I'm inside and people are looking threw the glass... it's still messy like a cloak room but there are lots and lots of pastry's, breads, pasties, flans and things.
I take a leek and Stilton flan out of the oven and add it to the pile of cooked food. I take a tray of food to the art room and when I get back a group of people have come in from the street to ask if they can buy food, I tell them it's free I just like cooking... when they as when I'm open I tell them the food is always here.
They tell me they will be back soon and leave
Next a man comes in, he's getting married and his husband to be wants cakes
I'm trying to find out if he wants a traditional wedding cake or if it's something for the morning when he's getting ready.
The guy is quite prickly telling me I should learn the proper terminology and words.
I ask him if he wants the cakes or not? As he can see baking is my speciality not speaking and as long as I know what he wants his order will be outstanding.
We agree on tray bakes to be delivered to his hubby to be the morning of the wedding.
Last dream,
I'm sitting on a sunny street side, on one side are large town houses with broad smooth stone steps and a sunny pavement, the other side of a the pavement is garden, streams and rock pools ponds and gardens.
I'm planting flowers fro the house owner the borders are already well stocked but they are missing white I'm planting snowdrops bulbs to come up early spring, white carnation plants for summer and also gypsophila for cut flowers and insects and because I know the owner likes it. (there are also cats in the flower beds.)
After I've finished I got into the house, they are cooking a meal and tell me they have a problem with cats.. I take some of the cooked chicken they have prepared and go out to sit on the door step in the sun and sure enough more and more cats appear amongst them is Pheonix (my old dead cat) they are worried as he's not eating but he happily accepts the chicken. A man is further down the street he puts on the old tears for fears song 'Sewing the seeds of Love'
Next an Indian family come past, they have been forced to shut down there family run newsagents/corner shop. They are handing out paper parasols advertising there campaign to re-open (It's the property holder who wants to stop there lease) they are the only shop to the small village though. I take their parasol and wish them well with the campaign and go back to playing with the cats.
I had a dream about Ian's Dad holding onto his Mums coffin and playing on water jets... but the coffin was hurting him and making everything harder for his heart.
Seems kinda obvious how the emotional stress is making his physical health worse.
----- Tuesday, January 2nd -----
First of Jan 18
Night before last was a dream of a train crash... or derailment. I was outside in a feild watching, the train kinda fell over and I was watching the other trains coming hoping they wen't using that line.
After a while I realised I should go see if people needed help,
When I opened up the driver bit the driver was ok... confused - he was in a what looked like a bed, the front of the train was small with duvet and pillow and he was laying down, I pulled him from the derailed train onto the grass beside me and told him I'd called people to help him and I'd wait with him. Woke up after that.
Next dream was the newsagents in my main dreams cape. At first it was really grotty and dirty, then when I next went in it had been painted a bright blue/purple colour and cleaned up... People were trying to steal stuff, so I went outside with the key and locked them in the shop. I was also scared of the back where the old store room had been that lead down to the garage below and the flat stairs going up had all been ripped out. It was filled with work men pipes and boilers... I was going to go threw but I said to the work men, nop... still to scared of boilers, I'll walk round the front the long way.
----- Tuesday, January 2nd -----
Last nights dreams..
I'm in a town close to main dream area, I'm looking in men's clothing shops buying trews for Ian I think. I find a sheepskin coat that I decide is perfect for me. (It's really wired, made out of 3 panles of sheep skin, with holes for arms and no sleeves.... Almost medieval style, made to be tired with string or something to stop it flapping around. The sued side is dyed a natural forest green, the wool side just white sheep colour.
In the dream I'm really pleased with it :stuck_out_tongue: (It was really basic and wired) but it was going to be warm and waterproof and I was going to be sleeping out doors.
Next dream also bizarre.
I'm going to a rave with Ian, we turn up and it's in an old church... the first room we go into is like the church reading room and it's like a school disco. I have cotton wool pads taped over my eyes and I can't bend one leg so dancing is hard. I tink I remove the cotton wool from my eyes, but they are still sticky.
The musics wired to, sometimes people are singing. I wonder were Ian's gone so I walk out of the hall and into a church reception bit, it's very Gothic old dark high ceilings I can hear popper rave music so I follow the bass, until I find a dark room with lasers and a few people dancing.
I spot Ian's outline and head into the room, everyone knows me and I'm welcomed into the room I tell them I was in the wrong place and they laugh.
There are drugs but they are stuck onto a notice board I try some but nothing happens so I try dancing but it's hard as one leg still won't bend.
People come to chat to me instead, I don't remember some of them but they all know me they start to give me coloured candles and straws for me to keep to remember them.
2 twins I used to know give me matching red candles one says Kio, the other Sei. Other people give me other candles in other colours.
*Gets odder*
I leave the rave alone to look around and head into an ancient graveyard there are gargoyles and statues the old carved sandstone is blackened like the building is in a city.
I come to a bronze statue... it's one of these guardian lions with it's paw on the flower of life ball...
It's wrong though, it's got ears in all wired places, it's also my aunty! (My godmother)
I laugh and tell her, 'Did you think I'd not recognise you?'
She talks in a demonic voice (other people stop to listen) She tells me she's dead... I say I know you, and place my hands onto the bronze.
She tells me she knows she's everything... she's all part of it all - but she misses her body, tells us to make the most of our bodies how important we are.
I tell her I love her....
When I wake I realise she's not dead, but she's very ill and old - she's been bead bound for over a year kinda waiting to die.
Chinese guardian lions
Chinese guardian lions or Imperial guardian lions, often miscalled "Foo Dogs" in the West, are a common representation of the lion in imperial China. Chinese guardian lions are sometimes referred to in English as shishi, from the Chinese shí shī (Chinese: 石獅; pinyin: shíshī; literally: "stone lion"), which refers specifically to lion sculptures in stone. The concept, which originated and became popular in Chinese Buddhism, subsequently spread to other parts of Asia including, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Show more… (81 kB)
This last one is odd. I've always thought of my Auny Betty as my fairy god mother.
It's a wired dream... and the ending so odd,
I felt full of love for this statue, even though it was scaring other people. It sounded scary... but I knew it was part of where I came from..... lol it was even 'trying' to sound intimidating, but I knew it and loved it and even thought of it as my god Mum/ fairy god mother.
----- Today January 4th, 2018 -----
First dream I'm in a hot war zone... it's warm and sunny there is an out of place tower block but we are all outside. I'm with refugees some of the women are sewing memory quilts they weave and embroider there experience into them - I think I'm there to help in some way?
I'm not making a quilt but I collect things for them to sew into there work. I collect old necklaces to take apart and look for gems, jewels and sparkles to offer them, I also look for glittery threads. - They use the stuff I find to add decoration and pattern to the woven memory.
I wake but go into a similar dream I'm in a town were the UN and a dissenter army have met.. the town is just made of wooden shacks -- the commander for the UN is a woman she is allowing dissenters to just leave, she is asking if they are fighting for money or belief. (I'm just an observer here no body.
Next I'm in a huge busy school, there is a car park in the middle of 2 main blocks... I start of in a yoga class with dogs, we are using our dogs to balance with :stuck_out_tongue:
Next part I recall was 2 car alarms going of, they were disturbing people and I was sent to try fix it... the cars were soft tops and it was windy. I un-velcroed there roofs and then covered them over again.
Next bit I recall is being sent from an art class to collect something in a finance class.... Walking threw there packed class room they all have piles of gold and silver coins on there tables and pages of calculations.
I make my way into a store room at the back, I think I'm collecting paper I notice someones left car keys there, they are pink. I ask the teacher about them on my way out and she asks were they are as they were so obvious she suggests I drop them at reception so I take the keys too and file a lost property deposit thingy.
I drop the paper at the art/grafix room, some of the paintings are amazing. It's close to the end of the day and I recall I've made food for our class, it's cooking in a small cloak room oven.
I ask who would like cheese and onion pasties and ketchup and everyone dose.
The cloak rooms small, red coat hooks and very busy with coats and bags. There is also a row of old ovens, 2 doors one opens into the corridor and another out the back onto a paving slab path, I go outside it's grey and windy and the floor is covered with pink flower petals. I sweep at them with a broom and watch them all fly round in the wind, dancing round together.
An oven 'bing's so I go back inside, the cloak room is now a pastry shop front, I'm inside and people are looking threw the glass... it's still messy like a cloak room but there are lots and lots of pastry's, breads, pasties, flans and things.
I take a leek and Stilton flan out of the oven and add it to the pile of cooked food. I take a tray of food to the art room and when I get back a group of people have come in from the street to ask if they can buy food, I tell them it's free I just like cooking... when they as when I'm open I tell them the food is always here.
They tell me they will be back soon and leave
Next a man comes in, he's getting married and his husband to be wants cakes
I'm trying to find out if he wants a traditional wedding cake or if it's something for the morning when he's getting ready.
The guy is quite prickly telling me I should learn the proper terminology and words.
I ask him if he wants the cakes or not? As he can see baking is my speciality not speaking and as long as I know what he wants his order will be outstanding.
We agree on tray bakes to be delivered to his hubby to be the morning of the wedding.
Last dream,
I'm sitting on a sunny street side, on one side are large town houses with broad smooth stone steps and a sunny pavement, the other side of a the pavement is garden, streams and rock pools ponds and gardens.
I'm planting flowers fro the house owner the borders are already well stocked but they are missing white I'm planting snowdrops bulbs to come up early spring, white carnation plants for summer and also gypsophila for cut flowers and insects and because I know the owner likes it. (there are also cats in the flower beds.)
After I've finished I got into the house, they are cooking a meal and tell me they have a problem with cats.. I take some of the cooked chicken they have prepared and go out to sit on the door step in the sun and sure enough more and more cats appear amongst them is Pheonix (my old dead cat) they are worried as he's not eating but he happily accepts the chicken. A man is further down the street he puts on the old tears for fears song 'Sewing the seeds of Love'
Next an Indian family come past, they have been forced to shut down there family run newsagents/corner shop. They are handing out paper parasols advertising there campaign to re-open (It's the property holder who wants to stop there lease) they are the only shop to the small village though. I take their parasol and wish them well with the campaign and go back to playing with the cats.
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