Wed 14th Feb 18
Hazy dreams.. They wern't when I was in them, but my recalls not great now. First one was a guest house in the country with a autistic boy.
Then there were wired rocks hexagon shaped like the giants causeway but they were in grassland some parts buried and some not.
I was sharing some mushroom pizza with a friend claire she gave me a slice of hers to eat.
Last part I mainly remember a little bird we were in dry earth caves red earth.. some of them were open so daylight came in. There was a lovely little bird on my finger it was black and orange patterned. Small and round like a wren with fast wings like a hummingbird it kept coming back to land on my finger with it's tiny bird feet :)
Thursday the 15th Feb
Dream starts in a large house (this is a familiar place from other dreams but each time it's slightly different) I think it's a version of a big shared Victorian house I lived in in London. We are renting there.
Anyway it's huge, and sprawling with many many rooms the dream starts at the back of the house, there is no heating and I'm on the phone ordering fuel for the fires.. I was vaguely aware we had fuel that needed chopped but someone had asked me to call and get the guy to come chop it On the phone I realised that was taking the piss so instead I just asked him to bring more with the intention of chopping wood myself.
I light the fire in the back room I'm in which is messy and full of chairs. The house is damp and old paper pealing of walls but the rooms and deco are fantastic.
An estate agent arrives to show some potential buyers round the property. She;s crazy, really eccentric sings lots and goes into the kitchen to make a cake with licorice all sorts. O.o
I take the veiwng people round the property with me while I take fuel to the fireplaces. Each room I'm discovering a new again (this part is cool as I'm aware of the form the rooms have taken in other dreams too)
The first room we enter is green, blinds are closed and there is an amazing lamp lighting the room it's made from bits of drift wood that are floating impossibly around the golden glow in the middle. It's still quite dark making the lamp a focal point. I can recall I'd had a crazy trip on psychedelics in this room. I light the fire.
Next room is a series of rooms a bedroom and bathroom and shower room, it has no windows. Ann a vet I worked for is there, her children are with her and younger. Everything in the room is blue I say hello as the people look round and then we leave.
Back out in a hallway the estate agent is still rushing around we head up a wooden spiral stair case to the next floor into a room with a fantastic glass turquoise fireplace, it's old and damaged but made of amazing bright blue glass tiles that reflect the flames. The fire here is burning well so I just leave the fuel.
Up another floor we see a row of small single beds, these are used by students who stay here they all have lovely colourful patchwork bedspreads. Some of the students are in there.
Next I'm on a floor with sky lights and children's rooms they are amazing, fabric forts and castles with curtains all bespoke and a childs dream room. The room has a small fire place that I put the fuel with.
Outside the back is a school but it's painted rainbow colours with glass paints on the windows, it drives round and collects certain children to bring them here too.
In the second dream I'm with Anns hubby also a vet. We are going to operate on a dog it's an old bull breed and it's having issues breathing we are doing something to it's throat. The operating rooms is not familiar it's several floors up and the med equipment is very old fashioned.
The dog is anesthetised and I've got out all the stuff ready for be unwrapped for the surgery but the vet has vanished. I'd though he was scrubbing up but it seems he's gone to make food. I can't leave the dog and don't want to wake it up as it's surgery not been done.
As it's on the table the dog seems to be younger now more like a puppy sleeping on it's back it's soft. There is an issue with the tubing for the anaesthetic and I'm trying to sort it... I mange to fix it with a givingset. eventually the vet reappears and I wake up.
Sat 17th.
Dream.. it's wired cause my recall is amazing at the moment... but I'm blasted with 'real life' shit from the moment I wake :P
First dream I was playing in a massive tree house with a play pool at the bottom... I know there was a treasure hunt and a pool party but it's all hazy now.
My second dream that I can remember from hrs ago is that of being in one of my main dream areas.. it was of yoga/tantric sex
Oddly this area was the place were I was having recurring dreams of that. In this dream I'm with 2 male friends who are gay... we are in a kind of sex/yoga lock. It's more hard work than anything sexual but it's also deeply intimate. but it's about holding the lock we have. So we can feel the strain of each others muscles and the slip of the body's against our own sweat.
It's work rather than pleasure. Wake and then get into the same dream but kids are there too, they are in a 'games workshop' learning how to play.
The end of the dream I'm walking out of the town into the pastures. I walk threw an old folks home, there is and old stone arch it's buried mainly and what remains is covered with moss.
Sundays dreams.
It's the paper shop in my main dream area, it's changed again though its being updated and the area below ground is there again. (was in the dream were I was a toddler there) this time it goes a few storeys down. on the lower level is a woman's area.. it's like a posh changing room, there is an area for feeding babies. Lots of women are also laying on sofas in dressing gowns I think they were at a hen party.
Next floor up is a fresh food farmer style market there is a bakery stall with lots of fresh breads and another with veg.
(someone faints here and I catch them) The ground floor has been changed too and I'm suggesting new more colourful stock.
There is also a memorial book for Mel, it's got a blue cover with a sunset and the clouds on the cover move it's woven but real. In the book is Mel's art, story and poetry it's lovely and we are having a kind of service of remembrance for her.
Second dream is game like.. there are 2 factions and I'm a spy sent as an emissary, I'm from a peaceful faction but am sent to the war like one to infiltrate them.
Many of the people in the dream are human animal hybrids and I have a lover on the more warlike faction who is part rhino he wants a promotion and gets the position he wants running a prison/fort. The leader of the dark faction makes me his 'Imperator' I have this wired full red gown I have to ware it's heavy and stiff like carpet.
There leader had a palace too, it's got a huge red and yellow and orange stained glass dome.
I'm caught trying to poison the leader (I've been set up by someone) and I'm fleeing before the kill me. I'm helped by some zebra people who were on the peaceful side also under cover and once out of the palace we head across countryside, I can't keep up with 2 legs and get tangled in brambles I struggle for a bit then realise the dress is caught and unzip in and leave the dress behind stuck in the bush.
I know I can't outrun them so I break into a cottage/house in the countryside to hide but I wake the owner who starts yelling.... I woke up climbing out of a window at the back of the house.
Last nights dreams.
I'm at a rave with Dom & Jon it's outside and was set in Southafrica there are stars overhead and they are falling... some of them are blue and I realise there metallic birds, one of them is batman and he comes to dance too O.o
In the dream I can 'see' emotions, they are swirling round people like water or smoke. A huge train arrives too inside it's amazing... like the Orient Express polished wooden panels and rich velver sofas, lamps and filled with people from all over the world in various traditional outfits.
The train is stopped but the doors are closed and we are looking at each-other threw the glass windows.
Next dream is dyeing birds... black birds that are losing there feathers, no one knows why - it's set int he garden of my main dream house. Another bird is made of cloth patchwork and it's ill too... I'm trying to work out what's wrong with them.
In the last dream I'm a trainee nurse on a busy general ward (This hospital is familiar from other dreams) I was getting patients ready for discharge.
Monday, 19 February 2018
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
11th Feb 18
11th Feb 2018
First part of the night was wired, I was aware but it was like being a tree in a storm, kinda busy and wooshy :) Not unpleasant but nothing that's describable.
I do remember a long dream set in a very old village possibly a dream version of Bamburgh as there was bit castle fortress on a hill.
There was an old graveyard and lots of antique shops and a grass path threw farmland with hedges and trees. I can't remember what I was doing but it entailed climbing in and out of windows and on old dry stone walls.
At one point I was in the castle too, only it was turned into a hotel with a silver service restaurant and at one point I had on a all black dress with white apron and was standing with a butler type of person and showing people to tables.
Oddly real dream with some odd symbology.
First recall is of being raped and beaten by many men, there are other women too. We are a small tribe clan and have been attacked by a rival clan. I was the wife of the chief and was expected to die in the attack but as I didn't I've been taken prisoner with the other slaves. I have broken arm.
We are all in a wired hill fort type of thing, no rooms or roofs just a wooden fence/wall surrounding a hill. I had 2 baby sons which have been taken from me one a toddler the other a very small new born. I can hear him cry but am separated from him, my boobs hurt cause they are full of milk but I can't feed him.. I'm glad that they seem to still be alive.
I'm not with the other slaves I'm nekid at first from were we were raped and taken but I'm given a gown to ware, it's like a primitive peti-coat. it's filthy stained with other woman's menstrual blood but it's warmer than nothing so I wear it.
I recall the food I was given too, stale flat bread and an apple that was old and brown.
There is a wired bit I remember too, I could wander round the fort and there was one door/gate in and out. It was closed each mid day for an hr as there was a bad shaman/un-dead or something that passed.
The gate is damaged but the tribe are to superstitious to go near it.. I go and hold the planks in place It needs repaired but they are to scared to come near it. I wait and eventually a man from the tribe comes and hammers in some big iron pins to repair it - after that I was less shunned and allowed closer to the fires.
Second dream, was an exam on film covers and why it showed the actor/actress
The one I'd picked was a woman on a wooden swing, she was smiling and swinging herself on the snap shot she was smiling swinging up/forward with the wind blowing her hair back.
13th Feb
Like an Owl who flys by night,
My world
As loud as sight
I ride the ripples
You make
and surf the waves
in your wake
I am the eyes always watching
and the earth on which you tread
I'm the shadow that scares you
when your alone in bed.
An Angel that will lift you
Yet the cave in which your lost
Your echo when you call
The moss beneath your fall
My arms are open wide,
Do you dare come inside?
First part of the night was wired, I was aware but it was like being a tree in a storm, kinda busy and wooshy :) Not unpleasant but nothing that's describable.
I do remember a long dream set in a very old village possibly a dream version of Bamburgh as there was bit castle fortress on a hill.
There was an old graveyard and lots of antique shops and a grass path threw farmland with hedges and trees. I can't remember what I was doing but it entailed climbing in and out of windows and on old dry stone walls.
At one point I was in the castle too, only it was turned into a hotel with a silver service restaurant and at one point I had on a all black dress with white apron and was standing with a butler type of person and showing people to tables.
Oddly real dream with some odd symbology.
First recall is of being raped and beaten by many men, there are other women too. We are a small tribe clan and have been attacked by a rival clan. I was the wife of the chief and was expected to die in the attack but as I didn't I've been taken prisoner with the other slaves. I have broken arm.
We are all in a wired hill fort type of thing, no rooms or roofs just a wooden fence/wall surrounding a hill. I had 2 baby sons which have been taken from me one a toddler the other a very small new born. I can hear him cry but am separated from him, my boobs hurt cause they are full of milk but I can't feed him.. I'm glad that they seem to still be alive.
I'm not with the other slaves I'm nekid at first from were we were raped and taken but I'm given a gown to ware, it's like a primitive peti-coat. it's filthy stained with other woman's menstrual blood but it's warmer than nothing so I wear it.
I recall the food I was given too, stale flat bread and an apple that was old and brown.
There is a wired bit I remember too, I could wander round the fort and there was one door/gate in and out. It was closed each mid day for an hr as there was a bad shaman/un-dead or something that passed.
The gate is damaged but the tribe are to superstitious to go near it.. I go and hold the planks in place It needs repaired but they are to scared to come near it. I wait and eventually a man from the tribe comes and hammers in some big iron pins to repair it - after that I was less shunned and allowed closer to the fires.
Second dream, was an exam on film covers and why it showed the actor/actress
The one I'd picked was a woman on a wooden swing, she was smiling and swinging herself on the snap shot she was smiling swinging up/forward with the wind blowing her hair back.
13th Feb
Like an Owl who flys by night,
My world
As loud as sight
I ride the ripples
You make
and surf the waves
in your wake
I am the eyes always watching
and the earth on which you tread
I'm the shadow that scares you
when your alone in bed.
An Angel that will lift you
Yet the cave in which your lost
Your echo when you call
The moss beneath your fall
My arms are open wide,
Do you dare come inside?
Saturday, 10 February 2018
Sleep Tickling
Something that's happened to me a couple of times lately in dreams is being tickled
It;s really very real and often wakes me up, usually first part of the night before 2am.
It happened again last night and it was very deliberate... There was an event/puzzle game I was ment to be involved in and I'd been sleeping/slacking - the tickling was to wake me up O.o I was running away but kept getting tickled again I woke up trying to squirm out of it cause it was to tickly!!
It's funny cause this is the time of night I often dream about team games and playing doing stuff in astral.
When I wake I can still feel my sides sore from being ticked so much!
After my being tickled dream I had a minecraft dream of being in a huge beautiful city, I was in a hotel room with a balcony with an amazing view across the city were the sun was setting gold and pink. The buildings were gold and white and so clean :slightly_smiling_face: I was mentally comparing it with a typical industrial northern town dark/wet and dirty. It was a very surreal dream, I could fly I also at one point was putting an IV line in a grey cat... I'm not sure how that fitted in with the rest of the dream though.
Last dream also surreal,
Starts with a top down view of 2 'muppet' type puppet characters. One is like a wizard in a wheel chair with a plaster cast on his ankle & foot, he's dressed in a long blue dressing gown and has long white hair. The other is pushing the chair. I watch above as they come up an alleyway it's night and the pavements are reflecting the moonlight and street lights.
They reach an old fashioned cobbled courtyard/square with buildings and shops on each side, they are all closed and in darkness. They dance, a swirling dance the wheelchair and guy pushing... it's beautiful they look like they are gliding on ice. (I'm still disembodied watching from above) the wizard type guy trails his arms and reaches making patterns with his long arms.
They stop at a small bare patch of earth in front of a sash bay window. The Wizard falls from the chair onto the soil and starts to weep into the earth - There is a small old fashioned child's toy there too it's a red plastic truck shaped thing, the back of the truck is a plastic window and when you wind the wheel a roll of paper changes the image behind the funny plastic and a tune plays.
I am the soil and I reach up to him, I know the soil holds memory's.
Sean changes and I'm an dockyard/industrial area with a man, possibly a younger version of the man in the wheelchair we live in the city, it's run by gangs and is violent. He's going to set fire to a gang warehouse, I want to go with him (I'm a younger female now) he refuses telling me it's to dangerous... as he heads into a door he yells for me to 'RUN'
I see the rival gang coming in a car/van - I contemplate running but realise it's futile so bend down and pick up a rock.
The car/van drives at me and I jump onto it smashing at the paint and body work of the truck with the rock... I know I'm going to get beaten and can't damage them but I'm going to fight anyway. (edited)
Wake up here.
Another ticking dream..
Though it wasn't the one I had more recently, the more recent one bordering on unpleasant as I couldn't get away from it.
It;s really very real and often wakes me up, usually first part of the night before 2am.
It happened again last night and it was very deliberate... There was an event/puzzle game I was ment to be involved in and I'd been sleeping/slacking - the tickling was to wake me up O.o I was running away but kept getting tickled again I woke up trying to squirm out of it cause it was to tickly!!
It's funny cause this is the time of night I often dream about team games and playing doing stuff in astral.
When I wake I can still feel my sides sore from being ticked so much!
After my being tickled dream I had a minecraft dream of being in a huge beautiful city, I was in a hotel room with a balcony with an amazing view across the city were the sun was setting gold and pink. The buildings were gold and white and so clean :slightly_smiling_face: I was mentally comparing it with a typical industrial northern town dark/wet and dirty. It was a very surreal dream, I could fly I also at one point was putting an IV line in a grey cat... I'm not sure how that fitted in with the rest of the dream though.
Last dream also surreal,
Starts with a top down view of 2 'muppet' type puppet characters. One is like a wizard in a wheel chair with a plaster cast on his ankle & foot, he's dressed in a long blue dressing gown and has long white hair. The other is pushing the chair. I watch above as they come up an alleyway it's night and the pavements are reflecting the moonlight and street lights.
They reach an old fashioned cobbled courtyard/square with buildings and shops on each side, they are all closed and in darkness. They dance, a swirling dance the wheelchair and guy pushing... it's beautiful they look like they are gliding on ice. (I'm still disembodied watching from above) the wizard type guy trails his arms and reaches making patterns with his long arms.
They stop at a small bare patch of earth in front of a sash bay window. The Wizard falls from the chair onto the soil and starts to weep into the earth - There is a small old fashioned child's toy there too it's a red plastic truck shaped thing, the back of the truck is a plastic window and when you wind the wheel a roll of paper changes the image behind the funny plastic and a tune plays.
I am the soil and I reach up to him, I know the soil holds memory's.
Sean changes and I'm an dockyard/industrial area with a man, possibly a younger version of the man in the wheelchair we live in the city, it's run by gangs and is violent. He's going to set fire to a gang warehouse, I want to go with him (I'm a younger female now) he refuses telling me it's to dangerous... as he heads into a door he yells for me to 'RUN'
I see the rival gang coming in a car/van - I contemplate running but realise it's futile so bend down and pick up a rock.
The car/van drives at me and I jump onto it smashing at the paint and body work of the truck with the rock... I know I'm going to get beaten and can't damage them but I'm going to fight anyway. (edited)
Wake up here.
Another ticking dream..
Though it wasn't the one I had more recently, the more recent one bordering on unpleasant as I couldn't get away from it.
Monday, 5 February 2018
End of Jan Start of Feb 2018
Sat 27th Jan. when I was away the dreams were of a crazy industrial world.
All metal and water, First part I'm in a futuristic sort of sub marian water filtering plant, but it's to do with water quality, it's dark with metal grids on the water we walk over, there is an issue with to much co2 in the water?
Next bit I was in a huge wired floating metal building it was a hospital or sorts (not sure if healing or experimentation) I was a nurse there anyway I had a blue and white uniform a bit like the ones from the PDSA. The theaters were massive all stainless steel with many many tables and teams.
We lived there too in large dorms and worked shifts with the people we were dormed with. There were also huge metal conveyer belts we moved along.
Last nights dreams were fun.
First there was a team quest game it was a chain event and I kept forgetting the last bit so kept repeating it over and over, I was looking for a braclet. It was a flying castle with green hillside. Then some how there was a bus load of OAP's ??
Last bit was an underwater world were I was collecting and making rainbow bubbles. I could make square ones :)We mixed them together.
Monday the 1st of Feb
First dream was one of my packing up to leave dreams - it was a school, Uni dorm I'd been sharing with Emma (old best friend from school). The room was all white with no doors or windows but lots and lots of built in white cuboards and draws.
We had been there for ages and had so so much stuff! I was aware I didn't actually want any of the stuff I was packing up but I felt I should clear it out and not leave it for the cleaners or next ocupants.
We were packing holdalls, and clearing out cuboards cuttelry draws, the amount of crap we had was unreal :stuck_out_tongue: One cuboard after we'd removed lots of old bedding, wall hangings we found baby and infant toys. I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we'd ammased while we'd beed there.
Second dream is more hazy but I definitely gave birth, it was my 3rd of 4th baby and I delivered it in a glass room.. on the floor on my own with no help... but there were other birthing Mamas in there too.
It was really fast, I was neckid and kinda went in knelt down and gave birth then picked up the baby and left..... Other Mamas were looking at me confused as the'd been there much longer, and had midwifes with them. In the dream I was aware it was easy cause I'd done it lots and lots.
Sat 3rd Feb 18
In one dream I'm in a city with Ian - we need to get somewhere fast and so we steal an old red London bus. It's dobble deck and the old kind with the stairs at the back. Ian drives and I jump onto the bonnet at the front and sit there as we drive. I notice the sign on the bus keeps changing at first it's number 8, then 60 then something else. There is no name just the bus number.
We get to our destination, it was familiar perhaps the Harlsden area of London not far from were I lived. Very busy we park the bus and leave it and have a pile of 'printing'
We are going to distribut them I think, next we are hummm it's kind of inside but it's a cave with the tide coming in. At the back of the cave is a print shop who did the printing for us.
They have printed wrong, shrunk the original artwork but at the wrong ratio and it dosn't fit, it's also been trimmed badly and I'm asking them to re-do it - The owner is apologetic and said he will question one of the jr staff about what whent wrong.
I go out into the sea in the cave to wait... The tide is going out and the rocks under foot and black and slippy.. they almost have a mudy clay like feel. I realise it's a very low tide.
Ohhh.... I just checked and the time I was having this dream it was low tide O.o
2018-02-03 Sat 6:32 AM GMT 0.76 meters Low Tide -- Also one of them very low tides cause of the full moon a few days ago. Not lowest but a cople of days away from lowest.
Sunday 4th
I had a lucid dream in a dream last night.
Last nights dreams were more communal residential buildings. Starting of in long darm dorm with beds and shower / wash stations.
There were many of them all open in long think rooms. I was nekid and my hair was tied in rags like people did years ago to make ringlets. I also had a postit note on my face. I'd slept for ages and was looking for a was station to shower in. One girl was vomiting and I got it on my leg/bum, I could feel her stomach acid burning my skin.
Not finding anywhere to wash where my bed was I kept walking along past the beds, some people were sleeping, others playing cards, reading or studying or just talking. I got to the end of the dorm still not finding a free shower room and walked out into a large open but coverd porch area with sunshine, it was morning and bright. There was a wooden dome building there and donald trump was going inside, he grinned and said VIP's only in here as he walked in and closed the door behind him. I decide to lay down and nap while I wait for a shower to be free and so lay on the grass.. I go into another dream in which I'm flying.. while flying I realise I'm dreaming, but I recall my life as the dorm dream not this life! So I fly u and out threw that dream scape which starts falling away I have no body and in the space there is a huge male massive he's kind of in space or the sky, I fly towards him but I have the sensation of pins and needles in my head (This has happened before in wired dreams) and I wake back into the dorm dream again.
I'm moving from that place to another, again it's communal dorms but in a diffrent city/town. I'm moving into an old stone building the door lintle is made of an old plogh the room is all wood. I look round breifly then go out into the town to look round. It's layed in a grid pattern of streets. I think it's a version of Ashington were I lived at 16 in a halls of residence. (except in my dream there is a harbour)
There are 2 sisters with 2 golden retrievers and one sister has a lover who she dances with, I'm helping them find there rooms.
Next I'm exploring the town at night... I find a bottle of something an acid/liquid. It's been left by one person to be collected by another. It's for something not good?? I take it and wrap it in some fabric, I know there will be a fight between these 2 people who were leaving collecting it??
I take it to the harbor and stand at the railings on the end of the peir there are stairs going down to the water. As I look out over the dark sea it's full of life, the water is thick with dolphins and harbour porpoise, giant starfish and rays octopus too. It's beautiful they are all looking at me, I apologise as I throw this bottle inot the sea and it sinks. I walk down the steps a bit and a wired sea thing comes out, it's like a ray but moves like a starfish and has suckers like an octopus! It climes onto my foot and wrapps it's bits round me, it's wet and rubbery :stuck_out_tongue: I gently detach it and put it back into the sea and wake up.
Last night
Wolf :)
Was in my dream last night and was me, sometimes I was the wolf and sometimes I was seeing it... It was so real I kept waking myself up when I was running or pouncing.. my muscles were twitching I guess :P (Wonders if she looks like her dog dose when dreaming)
It was beautiful huge and white with bright blue eyes.
I know Wolf is one of the more common animals I dream of.
From - Thursday, 17 November 2016...... ' I was also linked to a wild animal threw the forest it was a white wolf, but it was very malnourished and in poor condition.
A tangly wood, were people can play. Nothing is what it seems. You are the question and you are the answer the asker and the asked. '
At least it was in better condition now, it was amazing looking!
- My other dream was possibly set in the 60's. There was a male in it, a busker he had no top and trousers made from old fashioned curtains... they were dirty and he was thin. (possibly diabetic) Red wavy mop hair.
I liked this male, and I'd made him new trousers. I took them up some storys into a loft room in a house where he stayed sometimes and left them.. I think I washed and returned his old pair too.
We became friends and the last part of the dream we are sitting on a street he's singing and playing a guitar and I'm waiting.
All metal and water, First part I'm in a futuristic sort of sub marian water filtering plant, but it's to do with water quality, it's dark with metal grids on the water we walk over, there is an issue with to much co2 in the water?
Next bit I was in a huge wired floating metal building it was a hospital or sorts (not sure if healing or experimentation) I was a nurse there anyway I had a blue and white uniform a bit like the ones from the PDSA. The theaters were massive all stainless steel with many many tables and teams.
We lived there too in large dorms and worked shifts with the people we were dormed with. There were also huge metal conveyer belts we moved along.
Last nights dreams were fun.
First there was a team quest game it was a chain event and I kept forgetting the last bit so kept repeating it over and over, I was looking for a braclet. It was a flying castle with green hillside. Then some how there was a bus load of OAP's ??
Last bit was an underwater world were I was collecting and making rainbow bubbles. I could make square ones :)We mixed them together.
Monday the 1st of Feb
First dream was one of my packing up to leave dreams - it was a school, Uni dorm I'd been sharing with Emma (old best friend from school). The room was all white with no doors or windows but lots and lots of built in white cuboards and draws.
We had been there for ages and had so so much stuff! I was aware I didn't actually want any of the stuff I was packing up but I felt I should clear it out and not leave it for the cleaners or next ocupants.
We were packing holdalls, and clearing out cuboards cuttelry draws, the amount of crap we had was unreal :stuck_out_tongue: One cuboard after we'd removed lots of old bedding, wall hangings we found baby and infant toys. I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we'd ammased while we'd beed there.
Second dream is more hazy but I definitely gave birth, it was my 3rd of 4th baby and I delivered it in a glass room.. on the floor on my own with no help... but there were other birthing Mamas in there too.
It was really fast, I was neckid and kinda went in knelt down and gave birth then picked up the baby and left..... Other Mamas were looking at me confused as the'd been there much longer, and had midwifes with them. In the dream I was aware it was easy cause I'd done it lots and lots.
Sat 3rd Feb 18
In one dream I'm in a city with Ian - we need to get somewhere fast and so we steal an old red London bus. It's dobble deck and the old kind with the stairs at the back. Ian drives and I jump onto the bonnet at the front and sit there as we drive. I notice the sign on the bus keeps changing at first it's number 8, then 60 then something else. There is no name just the bus number.
We get to our destination, it was familiar perhaps the Harlsden area of London not far from were I lived. Very busy we park the bus and leave it and have a pile of 'printing'
We are going to distribut them I think, next we are hummm it's kind of inside but it's a cave with the tide coming in. At the back of the cave is a print shop who did the printing for us.
They have printed wrong, shrunk the original artwork but at the wrong ratio and it dosn't fit, it's also been trimmed badly and I'm asking them to re-do it - The owner is apologetic and said he will question one of the jr staff about what whent wrong.
I go out into the sea in the cave to wait... The tide is going out and the rocks under foot and black and slippy.. they almost have a mudy clay like feel. I realise it's a very low tide.
Ohhh.... I just checked and the time I was having this dream it was low tide O.o
2018-02-03 Sat 6:32 AM GMT 0.76 meters Low Tide -- Also one of them very low tides cause of the full moon a few days ago. Not lowest but a cople of days away from lowest.
Sunday 4th
I had a lucid dream in a dream last night.
Last nights dreams were more communal residential buildings. Starting of in long darm dorm with beds and shower / wash stations.
There were many of them all open in long think rooms. I was nekid and my hair was tied in rags like people did years ago to make ringlets. I also had a postit note on my face. I'd slept for ages and was looking for a was station to shower in. One girl was vomiting and I got it on my leg/bum, I could feel her stomach acid burning my skin.
Not finding anywhere to wash where my bed was I kept walking along past the beds, some people were sleeping, others playing cards, reading or studying or just talking. I got to the end of the dorm still not finding a free shower room and walked out into a large open but coverd porch area with sunshine, it was morning and bright. There was a wooden dome building there and donald trump was going inside, he grinned and said VIP's only in here as he walked in and closed the door behind him. I decide to lay down and nap while I wait for a shower to be free and so lay on the grass.. I go into another dream in which I'm flying.. while flying I realise I'm dreaming, but I recall my life as the dorm dream not this life! So I fly u and out threw that dream scape which starts falling away I have no body and in the space there is a huge male massive he's kind of in space or the sky, I fly towards him but I have the sensation of pins and needles in my head (This has happened before in wired dreams) and I wake back into the dorm dream again.
I'm moving from that place to another, again it's communal dorms but in a diffrent city/town. I'm moving into an old stone building the door lintle is made of an old plogh the room is all wood. I look round breifly then go out into the town to look round. It's layed in a grid pattern of streets. I think it's a version of Ashington were I lived at 16 in a halls of residence. (except in my dream there is a harbour)
There are 2 sisters with 2 golden retrievers and one sister has a lover who she dances with, I'm helping them find there rooms.
Next I'm exploring the town at night... I find a bottle of something an acid/liquid. It's been left by one person to be collected by another. It's for something not good?? I take it and wrap it in some fabric, I know there will be a fight between these 2 people who were leaving collecting it??
I take it to the harbor and stand at the railings on the end of the peir there are stairs going down to the water. As I look out over the dark sea it's full of life, the water is thick with dolphins and harbour porpoise, giant starfish and rays octopus too. It's beautiful they are all looking at me, I apologise as I throw this bottle inot the sea and it sinks. I walk down the steps a bit and a wired sea thing comes out, it's like a ray but moves like a starfish and has suckers like an octopus! It climes onto my foot and wrapps it's bits round me, it's wet and rubbery :stuck_out_tongue: I gently detach it and put it back into the sea and wake up.
Last night
Wolf :)
Was in my dream last night and was me, sometimes I was the wolf and sometimes I was seeing it... It was so real I kept waking myself up when I was running or pouncing.. my muscles were twitching I guess :P (Wonders if she looks like her dog dose when dreaming)
It was beautiful huge and white with bright blue eyes.
I know Wolf is one of the more common animals I dream of.
From - Thursday, 17 November 2016...... ' I was also linked to a wild animal threw the forest it was a white wolf, but it was very malnourished and in poor condition.
A tangly wood, were people can play. Nothing is what it seems. You are the question and you are the answer the asker and the asked. '
At least it was in better condition now, it was amazing looking!
- My other dream was possibly set in the 60's. There was a male in it, a busker he had no top and trousers made from old fashioned curtains... they were dirty and he was thin. (possibly diabetic) Red wavy mop hair.
I liked this male, and I'd made him new trousers. I took them up some storys into a loft room in a house where he stayed sometimes and left them.. I think I washed and returned his old pair too.
We became friends and the last part of the dream we are sitting on a street he's singing and playing a guitar and I'm waiting.
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