Sunday, 30 April 2023

NI card, Bandages and Wrists


Dreaming all night though my recall of the earliest dreams is poor now.

First dream I was working a hospital ward, a resident from our care home was there.  I was chatting to him and serving people cheese boards. 

Then a dream with Em as a waitress, 3 houses with garages.   We'd visited Em's cafĂ© for lunch.


Then a dream of people I know and don't know.
I was dropping of a card to an Indian woman I know Athena.  It's a Christmas card, this woman is Christian... In the dream she's married to a guy of a different religion.
They invite us in, and while in their house I make a phone call about NI numbers, then help them in the kitchen were they are making a meal.
They invite us to stay.  I'd thought it would just be the 4 of us.  Male me was with me, but more and more people arrive.  I realise my Aunty B is in the house too, staying as a guest.

We make mushroom rice, and another dish with a tomato sauce, her hubby is cooking too.

I lay a table with cutlery, but as more people arrive we lay places on the modern kitchen work benches too.

There is a mix of people, most of them religious but a mix of religions, and it's like a prayer meeting social.
I feel slightly out of place there, but I want to talk to my Aunty Betty as I've not seen her in dream for ages, so we stay.
I have to wait until after a strange church service that's heled in a room they have for that reason.  

Next a med school. 

I was there with others.... But also on call.   Marie and Daniel were there, Marie had broken both her wrists and Daniel had taken the bandages she'd been given for redressing. 
One was a wide blue self adhesive flexy wrap, and the other Red less wide. 
I was annoyed with him and sent him to buy replacements while Marie was sleeping, but he couldn't find the correct ones and came back with different stuff, some white WOW and padding.
I'd told him she's been given specific bandages and he'd need to apologise to her now for using them. 
He didn't want too, but came with me and told her he was sorry.
The building was in the harbour area of an unfamiliar coast line.

Last dream was with Rach & Richard.. They were siblings in this dream, not a couple.  It was in some way linked to the NI number dream... I had the numbers on small turquoise cards and was giving them out.
Rach and me were on bikes, riding down Old Stone Close again on our way to the middle school.
Her bro was taking a course there.  On the way down the hill Rach fell of her bike, so I'd taken her into a house and gone to find her bro and his friends so they could take her home in their car.
I found them and we were walking back when I see my cat scribble.
He's close to a guy with 2 dogs, I thought he was going to leap over the dog onto some scaffolding boards were close.  Instead he jumps onto the dogs back and starts chewing threw the dogs lead.
The owner was yelling, but Scribble kept attacking the leads.


Saturday, 29 April 2023

A Home for All


An odd home place, large rooms...  I think it's a similar place I've been in before.  
It was similar to this place from the 8th Nov


Hummmm Just found this dream from Nov 15...I remember it well.


This time it was mainly older people at first... Again I'd been dreaming with Inka and Kaylo, we'd met in my hunters room.

The staff were in teams of 4, we had beds there too.  The residents were split into groups.   One staff person had gifted 2k to the building.
I'd gone to find fruit, but there was a maze of kitchens.  I was finding it hard to get back to the space were my 4 bed room was.
Go back into the same dream, were there is also a big communal hall now.  We'd been split into different times, and I was in group C.

The building contains a huge mix of people, there was a guy with reall short legs weight lifting huge weights, and a female with down-syndrome who did amazing make up. 
First it looked like flower petals and butterflies on her face, she wore a hand crotched dress in a fairy style.
She changed her make up so she had a gold design over her face, it looked like a labyrinth mixed with a Mayan calendar.

There was now uni students there too on the top floor. 


Next dream of a wedding, Sheila was swapping houses with people who lived in that glebe that ran from Nana's to Bettys.   It was a large house currently occupied by an Indian family.  The elders were all lawyers, a younger female was still in the house, I shared a room with her.   She had nice blue pants.
They had a dairy too, where they made and sold Ghee amongst other products. 
I was going to take a tin of it with me. 

They gave me a lift back to a large modern station in an old fashioned roofless car.  We followed a truck with round haybales that rolled off down the hill.
I'd jumped out of the car and ran the rest of the way to the station were they dumped my stuff outside the barriers.

Last dream was jumbled, a strange black spinning ride that we were supposed to go inside.  It wasn't time to spin yet though so we watched it in the dark from outside in.

Friday, 28 April 2023

Gems and Bugs


Been dreaming on my night shifts and stuff but I wake up so fast to do something hard to recall properly.


Odd dream but cool early on before midnight.
Inka and me were like 2 parts of a Zip...   A catalyst.   There was another person who was envious, not sure why.
We were on a huge Lego like battle star Galactica type thing in space. 
I had a female lover too & So many stars.

Next a dream in my main dream areas...  With Em.   Tiny bugs like fireflies that kept multiplying, they all had different gems in there bums, dark and light blue, red and a gold/orange.  Small sliver rings too with corresponding tiny gems. 

Then an odd dream, Jacob Rees Mog was in my main dream area, which is strange.  Old Stone Close is a concrete maze of small square buildings.  It's dark and the sky is filled with stars. 
I have found an old book, it's has a purple woven clover that's party ripped from one spine.  Purple, blue printed cover with an image. 
It was humm linked to Seth and something else.  Witt -  Anyhoo Jacob Reese Mogg wanted to read the book, I'd said ok but I'd be back to collect it. 
Wish I could recall it's name.

Last dream was long, the same concrete sprawl.. The community centre was huge, a large hub, with train track bridge above. 

I had a dark room with a stone bunk and fire place in one of the railway arches, outside were benches were people would wait for trains in the station above.   I'd watch them from the open stone window, that was the only way in and out.

Another building, filled with my dad's family... A large outdoor wooden sleeping platform, with a table and chairs, a social space like decking I suppose.   Lots of small flying cats, they could swim in deep water too.
I was with my 2 female cousins on that side.   One was to get married, we were at the wedding after party large chips in bags had been the meal, to many to eat and they were pilled out by a door.   I'd been following the setting sun, to find my room... But herd my Aunty's distinctive laugh.
When I entered the venue it was dark, but the light adjusted so I could make them out.   It was nice to see them, my bro gave me a new contact number for him.

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Old & Modern


A large building, well it was 2 together.  One half modern, the other very old.   It's filled with shops, hotels, lessons.
Like a vast hub.
I'm with Rob & Rach & Funny Face was with me too.
There were rooms in the attic of the old building with beds that were free to stay in.   I was wondering if I could live there but they seemed temp accommodation.
I was to make my own way there but I'd accidently gone to the top of the modern building.   I passed a room were redcoat soldiers were watching a film on a screen... And realised I'd gone up the wrong building.
I follow my dead cat back and threw till we work our way up the old staircases and find a room.
We slept there then made a meal together in a communal kitchen.
Mixed veg and yellow split peas.


Next a festival or carnival in the dark.  I was making my was threw large canvas tents and stepping over sleeping people.

Then an odd dream, a huge hanger..  With a war machine.   I was flying over it, seeing the layout and also the floor and doors.
Someone had noticed me and I was way up by the celling. 


Last dream I was flying again.  We were clearing out a squat we'd been in.   I was emptying a large water container from a fridge we'd been using to refill water bottles.
The stuff we were taking was odd, wire cable sleeping bags and stuff.
The place we go too is odd.  It's modern but clothing is old-fashioned uniforms, like maid outfits and dresses with pinafores.   Each group of people there wore this kind of standardised clothing for their role.

Flying up and down looking at babies on shelves.

I was going on a holiday with Jon & Jo, first though we had a meeting in this grey stone fortress on a cliff.
It was a social event with a jumping game over rock pillars and puzzles. 
We sat around a square stone well.


Next there was a meal on a train.   One was a posh restaurant cabin I'd not bought a ticket for that, it seemed to be family and friends attending.
I was going to travel with them but I was informed I the train would split soon and I needed to go with the modern half as needed to be back in London before the other train a steam engine would arrive.

The back of the modern train was amazing...    I'd gone to the toilet that was right at the end of the train, and was made all of one way glass.
The view was amazing, we were somewhere south east of London and the sun was setting.   The moon up and lovely dusk light as we travelled threw fields and villages. 
I stood at the window for ages just looking..... Until a cat sat on my head and woke me up.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Still in the Loop

13th April

First dream was long, like a whole series of books.   A magical barrier between England and Wales had been in place for years, it was about to be opened and an odd school, uni I knew of wanted to be the first group to pass threw.
The portal would be in a beach cliff.

Some of the females were half dragon.   They looked very human just slightly taller and attractive, I was helping one to dress, she was a leader of some kind.   The dress was a tunic and folded fabric sash.

Our first group to go threw were delegates. 

Next dream a country house, I was staying there and was annoyed at 2 men outside who were being paid for some gardening and had cut down a banana tree without asking. 
So I was following them about and shouting at them.

I'd followed them up a huge fabric curtain into a strange place that lead to a room in Poland.

We were in a house, undercover and being hidden by the occupants. 
We had no papers and needed to sneak out.
It was an amazing place, we passed threw villages with light snow, and countryside with working steam trains.
We met up with a bunch of soldiers who were in hiding.

Last dream I was writing and essay from a Dr who was my teacher.   She was called Mary, I couldn't find her to get it checked.
Was looking around this below ground white facility trying to find her.
I had a girlfriend too, she had more funds than me, was a dancer too.  She was being bitchy that I wasn't going to Spain on a holiday with her, but I couldn't afford it. 


Societies and Delegates


16th April

A fractured tooth like glass that filled with blood, and a huge spider.

17th April
Long dream where I was given a frog.  The frog was linked to a mission I was to go on.  It's friendly and interacts with me.
Then I was given a racoon too.    I took them both with me into a town. While heading for the station I found someone's bag and 2 phones and wallet dropped on some steps.  So I took them to hand into the station lost property.

I met a group of people after that, we still had the Racoon and frog.  We were having a meeting in a room at a mayors house.



Brilliant good me vs bad me dream...  Lol was me being triggered and how much I keep in check...   While the bad me is going.... 'lets go lets go go go go go'  Was mainly due to a discussion with someone else :D
I was with friends who knew me who also keep a reign on there real self :D 

Part of me wanted to explode back into reality and all by broken egos were there... Saying....   'could we just not keep a lid on this??'

It's nice to realise I'm still in the LOOP if somewhat chained down.

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Societies and Delegates

10th April

An odd dream with a bunch of people from here, some neighbours and friends of my daughters.
It was a festival were we all got a different type of cushion to sleep on.

In the centre was a spiral library section with metal shelves. 


In another dream I live in a layered town, with ladders between the levels.
I'd bought a treehouse in woodland, lots of people lived in tents in the woods and a female had decided to cut down all the old trees.  Our area was called Wildlings.
I was annoyed with her for the destruction of all the trees and the woodland feel.

Odd dream with Zak, he was an infant and I needed to work but had no childcare, I was trying to find someone to look after him for me.
Amazing landscapes and a huge arcade.   I watched a rockslide too.

Another dream we'd hidden a usable room in an abandoned house at Alnwick.
A journey to craster were the park on the clifftop was filled with food stalls and drying laundry.


12th April

I'd not slept for 2 days so very sleepy.
An odd dream with Sandra and Chris, a garden we had with an dark old concrete building with 2 dirty beds and some dark rooms.
A secret society I was supposed to join, but a fake card I'd got for the ID wasn't working.
It was supposed to get me access to this unusual police building where I was to be interviewed.
It was like a hexagonal mushroom shape, with access tunnels from the ground. 


A carpark in the dark too, just the light of the moon.  Waiting for a time to meet a contact.
A guy with the society was with a female called Alexandra....  We were swapping names? Or impersonating each other.   It was linked in some ways to the female I was sectioned next door to around this time last year.


Then I'd fallen from the sky onto a massive statute in a sunny field.   I'd used a short rope to swing to the ground and landed hopping threw the grass.


13th April

First dream was long, like a whole series of books.   A magical barrier between England and Wales had been in place for years, it was about to be opened and an odd school, uni I knew of wanted to be the first group to pass threw.
The portal would be in a beach cliff.

Some of the females were half dragon.   They looked very human just slightly taller and attractive, I was helping one to dress, she was a leader of some kind.   The dress was a tunic and folded fabric sash.

Our first group to go threw were delegates. 

Next dream a country house, I was staying there and was annoyed at 2 men outside who were being paid for some gardening and had cut down a banana tree without asking. 
So I was following them about and shouting at them.

I'd followed them up a huge fabric curtain into a strange place that lead to a room in Poland.

We were in a house, undercover and being hidden by the occupants. 
We had no papers and needed to sneak out.
It was an amazing place, we passed threw villages with light snow, and countryside with working steam trains.  We met up with a bunch of soldiers who were in hiding.

Last dream I was writing and essay from a Dr who was my teacher.   She was called Mary, I couldn't find her to get it checked.
Was looking around this below ground white facility trying to find her.
I had a girlfriend too, she had more funds than me, was a dancer too.  She was being bitchy that I wasn't going to Spain on a holiday with her, but I couldn't afford it. 


Friday, 7 April 2023

Bus Trips

6th April. 

A bin cart on fire and a strange old stove with & petrol nozzle.


A large old house and a bunch of really odd looking German woman with strange dirty jutting teeth.
Was an odd mishmash of stuff, a vets and a school, hospital.  

I was working in the vets crossing over with a person who was going to replace me.

An odd game in a swimming pool.

An old church to be converted into a living space, I was thinking it would make a good party venue.
We were discussing when it had been built.


Back of a bus with a strange bird, it had been a friend but had died.  I was looking at it's eyes were the light of life had gone feeling sad.   The dead bird reached out to me to let me know it was still around.

7th April

Eric, we were in an odd concrete outdoor swimming pool complex.  The pools separated with wire mesh fences and locked gates.
A group of us were waiting on friends returning.


Main dream space, was to head back to London.  
Patterson's was running a rail replacement to Chathill.  I was late leaving the paper shop and a red bag filled with my stuff had already been packed, I was running to catch the bus and the driver waved to tell me he'd wait.


It's a mini bus and the seat layout is unusual, seats sideways and tables too. 
There is only me and 2 old drivers onboard.   They both have white hair and are smiling at me in recognition, I feel I knew them long ago.
Somewhere outside Beadnell I'm outside the bus in dark countryside.   I consider going back to it, but I'm quite lucid so decide it doesn't matter if I miss the train and I'll go flying instead.
I'm flying past huge ruins in the dark and approach a group of people living in them.  
They are huge, and assume I must be a baby as I'm so small.


Another dream I was on a bus again.  This time we are on Southfield avenue, it's wide and there is a green.
We've stopped on the grass and my dog and Zak who are also on the bus have got out to run around. 

As we are stopped I get off too and am surprised when Inka walks up to me holding a brown folded overall, he's wearing the same... Similar to the stuff from Re-ed.  
By the time he's walked up to me I'm dressed the same as him.   We hug then sit down on the grass... We were both filthy :P 

Last dream I'm at Eric and Sheila's house.  Lots of family there and we had strange rolled up animal hides... All slightly different.  We were buying them from a wandering trader.
Some people go upstairs and some stay down.


Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Spring 23



A survival type story... <10% of humanity had been picked to remain we'd seen the others die.
I was in a small group with around 10 of us, we had odd gifts like some of us could turn into cats.
I can't recall if it was me or another female that could turn into what was like a pale purple tiger.

Next was a big white hospital, we all had white uniforms, metal beds.    This dream too had an end of the world vibe.  I worked there, outside was all dark.

Last dream a place I was leaving, 2 bedrooms I'd slept in I was clearing out.
Then main dream space with Sheila and Eric, small low flying planes over the harbour carpark.

I had with me and old blue bag I once owned.   It had in it some old gold jewellery, 2 engraved copper keyrings with different  symbols engraved on them and I huge bag of coloured sparklers. 




5th April
Dream set in a type of London.  Simon, Marie and some others were going on a holiday and had rented a room to stay in for a few days before a flight to another destination.
It was an odd building with a food place below and a coble stone church next door.


Marie had given the keys to some people hanging around outside and they had taken our clothes.


In another dream I was in a strange place underground.   A huge metal ship thing, my dad had gone onto it, and I was climbing on too.
Em was here and had turned of a power isolation switch, after a moment there was a scream from one of the levels below... So she turned the power back on.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...