Friday, 28 July 2023

Trains, Wyrd Shit and Flying.

26th July

Long dream ended at 303.  Oddly the kid next door woke at just after me and started screaming.


It had been a long dream but I'd been awake nearly 24hrs so was hazy.
I know I'd been on a packed platform.

People sitting in groups on the platform floor.   Many people leaving and trains pulling in all the time full with more crowding on.  We were sitting relaxing, waiting for the last train that was usually less packed. 
I remember a discussion with a guy I didn't like who grabbed my face. 


Before that I'd been dreaming of a wooden bead base, a single and double both the same.


27th July

Long lucid dream.
A theme park type of school trip.   Large old hotel house made into a hotel and funfair in it's grounds. 
The hotel building while grand was basic inside, more like a youth hostel with bunk rooms and communal kitchen space.

I'd just met the people I was with, we were friends.  A cat hung out in our room too.
We were at the end of the trip leaving the next day and I'd decided to go back to the fair for a bit before the morning train.
The place had it's own station.
I'd left the building alone in the dark... It was raining. 

There were odd noises in the dark woods around the old building and I recalled then I was dreaming.
Letting myself float on my back into the air for a while then I took off. 

I flew round the trees in the rain batting the branches and feeling the cold raindrops soaking threw my clothes.  
Hyper real.
Go threw the station and look at the train departures. I recalled I was going to get the train to Luton and change there.
I head into the cafe beside it were again there is a self serve kitchen, Cakes and butter pats.. Breads and various drinks.
Looking over the counter I spot some people I know, Wayne, my bro and Kevin are sitting together and I go over and join them.  We chat and laugh about dreaming and lucidity. 


Other dream was a cafĂ©, I was a waitress there.  It's set in a large mall.   I was serving a potato meal.  The place had set down and pick up points for people.


28th July

In my main dream house.  It's very dark... The downstairs cupboard has 2 bathtubs side by side.  I'm with male me who is sometimes Jack sometimes Inka.  We are in the cupboard having a bath each. 
I'd freed a rat from a cats mouth.
The village was full of really strange stuff too, floating geometric shapes and floating black magnetic shadowy goo.

Next dream I was with my cousin sue.  She was a nurse/matron.
She was organising shift cover based on a bidding system.... Talking me threw it and how it worked.

It was an amazing village we were in with a huge castle that reminded me a little of Arundel the way it's walls dominate parts of the town.


We all had witch like familiar animals.


Next dream I was watching THE WHO perform on a small street stage.   The street was a row of Victorian houses, I lived in one. 
The gig was great, lots of dancing...  I was at the front and we were passing glasses of beer back n forth with the band.


Last dream I was with Hoggy, we were sharing a spliff in a small room.   Was a few days left before we were to return north.


Monday, 24 July 2023

Old Themes Return


A dream set in a large country manor style house.   Filled with a mix of strange people and odd stuff like hamsters in grand pianos.
My dad was there too, was arguing with a young aristocrat in a fancy gown.
Jack was in a dream too.  I was on all 4s with him riding on my back as we went up a flight of stairs.  He was unshaven and I could feel my hair caught in his stubble. 

Strange synchronised dancing too.

An odd country estate.  I was giving birth there... I had a daughter due. 
It was on a clifftop with amazing views.
I recall handstands and a female football team.

Oh yeh, I'd played on the female team... And as we'd won we were getting a dual citizenship for the UK & USA. 
As I'd arrived in the USA to get it, my car had been taken for a ticket charge. 

Formal guardians.   Also a room like a gym were we would swing on long thick white ropes.


The last dream had started with a house I owned, 3 story.  I was childminding for kids from all over the world.
They were all amazing artists, the building was on of small bedrooms were the kids would be painting or reading.
One image I recall was a red abstract fox against a swirling deep blue night sky.

Then I was with a crew, we were jumping threw reality's in a strange craft.  It was like a flatted off cube, windows on all sides and were flying over a frozen ocean at sunset.. The sky a vivid pink.
The waves are like slushies.   Slow and high, it's like the water is in slow motion.


We stopped in a city.  The crew was also like a band, folk style.  When we stopped we'd play a few tunes.
We'd stopped in a town and some people came to look around our craft. 

From the outside and then it looked like the shell of an old burnt out cottage.
The outside hidden by scaffold with plastic wrapped round making the cube shape.

After we'd invited others in to look around, we recalled the ship ran on endorphins. 
Specifically ours and we'd have to deep clean it from there feelings be for we could move again.

I'd gone outside to look around, and noticed a strange tall black ultra modern thing.. I knew it was the imperial team who were following us.   I'd tried to show another crew member but couldn't find the right veiw across the city were I'd noticed it hidden.
It was on tall legs, black an unusual thing.... But i knew it was hunting for us.

We'd tried to move the ship on a train and we jump so that the cube is on the flatbed of a train on an overgrown old railway line. 
As we start to move 2 vehicles are also on the track... A HGV pulling trailers of cut tree trunks and tractor with piles of haybales.  One painted red, the other blue.
The 3 vehicles are going to end up in a pile up on the track, but I wake before they crash.



Thursday, 20 July 2023

Funny Face Fish & Lucid Flight

Odd stressy dream at work I can't recall now.
Then another odd dream when back. 

An odd place like a cliff top holiday park with crystals all over the place.  Outside the place we were staying was a deep sandpit of soft sand we kept sinking in.  It made it really hard to walk in and out.
There was a tunnel being dug under the sea,  odd blue white and red drilling trains were moving about on tracks, they had saw like arms attached to the front.
Emergence services were moving around.

I had a bag filled with amazing small tropical fish, just babies with cute funny faces. 
Little black and white ones that looked like funny emojis.
I was trying to move them into a tank, but the water had been let out of the tanks.  I couldn't put down the bag of fish as it would spill and it was heavy... Making the muscles in my arm ace and bulge in odd ways.

When I woke I was laying on my arm and it was numb. 



Working in a strange vet practice.  I'd gone back after doing another job it a kitchen for a while.
I was watching a stand-off between a locum and the other vets.
He'd come in as temp and they wanted him to do the major ops then the minor ones.... And he stopped part way threw the first surgery saying 'It's to much' and walked out.


The building was large and open, cold concrete and stainless steal.   I'd had an argument with another staff member who'd wiped Sudocrem all over my uniform and I did the same back. 

The doors had alarm isolator keys we had to keep flipping to move about. 

Em was outside with the Managers, a male and female and their head nurse... They were going out.  
All dressed in silk ballgowns with sparkling jewels and tiaras.
Em wearing an amazing necklace with birds woven from silver wire around her throat...  We watched them leave for a night in Parise while we cleared up.

Another dream I became lucid while standing beside an ATM machine that was flashing the words 'Fay'  
I realised I was dreaming, then wondered what to do as I was quite asleep still so set the intention for something intimate.
The visuals of the dream faded out with the sensation of moving and amazing body sensations and I found myself back in the medical space from the dream before.... Only this time I was with 3 Asian guys all dressed in the same clothing.   I sat down with them and we held hands. 

As we were sitting people I know started walking past, they were heading to a bar or something.  I knew I was still dreaming and crawled from the guys along the metal gangway we were on coming to a steal elevator door, I didn't enter I kept crawling up the wall and when high enough pushed off to fly. 
Flying over the guys on the floor and over the others at the bar. 
I was flying as an alarm woke me up.

Another dream I recall was being in the back of a van with an open section at the back... I was falling asleep there standing up and I had images of me rolling into the road.   I'd stuck my head up into the rush of oncoming air to try and wake me up.


Monday, 17 July 2023

14th-17th July


A strange place with platforms and beds, washing white sheets that were shitty.

A sister like Lana, she'd been to visit some shamans and had a birds wing and some beads on a string.


3 sisters who turned up at different times, was like a portal they used, only one of them here a 3rd of the time.

Layers of beds 2 baths.   Was Em & Me we had to bathe everyone in the bath. 


Fresh coconuts being brought to us.

Dream with Hilla, she was in her wheelchair and we were taking trains cross countries.  I was smuggling drugs in her chair :P

An odd sexual dream.  With a guy in a corridor, we had a green powder we were making smoothies with.

Redecorating stone close bathroom.  A grey stone washroom set, uneven lino floor.

Camping trip to the south east coast.  Amazing harbours and beaches.  Vivid blue sea and red standstone cliffs, rocks and harbour walls.

Kef goes diving in a strange man made sea pool.   Chatting to a bloke about diving, and a man hiding in a black bin bag.


16th Minimal sleep...  One dream of walking up a sunny hill and old people coming out onto the path to greet me.

Dream in Croft, a house by the river on the way out of the village.   It had a large house we were living with, I lived in a barn bit with eves at the back.
Lights around the wooden beams and a large bed.
The river was huge and wide, in flood but the riverbed shallow.

Same area, I was going to the sea on the east coast.. The tide was way out.. Soft sand.  Once in the water it was odd, the water was like a wall behind me, on the sand was a small baby and in front of me a bus.  I was moving in a tiny gap between the two... Taking the baby with me as it was too small to swim.
I ended up sitting on the roof of the bus.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

July 23 first weeks.


30th June
Odd dream at first, work related... Helen was there pooping into a sick bowl.  I'd needed the toilet, and when I went I was pooping hummus!  2 guys walked in while I was still using the toilet.
They were older guys, looked like science lab tecs.  They were singing the Rolph Harris 2 little boys song. 
It was all set in my main dream area at night on the south road.  The quarry was still a field with water... Only something had happened and the water had drained, it was being repaired so it could refill.
The road was really busy, it was midnight and people were driving home from the pubs drunk... They kept nearly hitting me.
I also spoke to Fatima on the phone, it was odd as she'd come up on my phone saved as Aunty Ann.   Rosie was there too with her kids, we were trying to charge a phone, she had a charger with all kinds of old hand heled games consoles plugged in.

Second dream was of my Uncle Ken, he was with Julie and she was a baby.  He was holding her, I had a folded white Christening gown with me.
Strange trains, the old carriages with sliding windows, only there were loads of them... Like an art installation the metal of them had been engraved with writing and names.
We were on an archaeological dig too, we'd had had a canvas camp set up on site that had been removed, but we'd gone back once more and this time taken some cardboard temp structures for shelter.
I had an Asian lover too, or an Indian guy I was sleeping with... Not sexual, but had a relationship vibe... His name began with R..  


2nd July
In Asia with Fozzy, but he's old now...  Sharon too, Kevin's wife.  We had dogs.  Were in an old stone village huge sandstone blocks and marked paths.

We had to keep to paths as there were wild animals outside in the forests. 


Dream with Lion lane people, the J Everett's... & Phoebes fam... Headlice eggs but they were different much bigger and  hatching into mosquito lave.   I was scooping them up.
Art work, a bunch of us had been painting with acrylics.  We had an odd vehicle, like a 4x4 bus.  It seemed a sort of school, I was doing handstands while waiting for people.
A strange vegan cafe on a sunny harbour jetty.  


5th July
Main dream area, a big children's festival on the middle school field.  A massive 4x4 like a monster truck. 
Loads of stalls, art and food to wander and look at.
There was a cavern of crystals and rock too.

Was more dreams but I'd hardly slept for 48hrs and was really out of it :D

6th July

2 groups bickering, one was incentives the other threats.

Dream of being in Scotland.   Locks and railway tracks... The tracks had circular portal like bridges.  
I was trying to align the setting sun threw 2 of the portals but there was low cloud blocking the view.

A dark sausage dog who'd had patella surgery, swimming in a lock... We were in a visitors centre on a wooden boardwalk watching.

A chemist or vet counter.  People wearing fabric green masks.
A cohort for a study.  Chewing rainbow glass.
An odd thing with a spirit and a woman in a chair with a grey rose....  

7th July
Odd dream were I had large thick earlobes... Could feel them wobbling on my neck.  Piercings and stuff too.
A dirty kitchen with a dragon in it. 
A shop of fancy princess style dresses.

9th July
A wooden cottage that was being built.  It was in a woodland on a lave shore.  It was being built in stages, the wood dark and square a mane room has a cosy fire and a rough built wooden bench with soft cushions and throws. 

Dream about the care home but had a 70th department store on the grounds and a fun fair.  I took some of the residents on the big wheel, then was trying to get to the 6th floor using elevators but they didn't seem to lead up... Some just kept vanishing into walls.

A guy called Mr Fuk's arrived in a car parts department and was making a fus no one greeted him properly when he was there every week.
Then I was on an elevator with Jean P on my back... We were giggling at a mans tummy getting stuck.

10th July

Futuristic space dream, homes in cliffs.  Dug into them with metal doors.
A group that had seeded us.   People thought they should take an interest, but for the seeder race we were like a packet of wild seeds they'd scattered on waste ground. 

An LSD like experience... I was laying on the ground drawing with coloured pens and tripping hard.

A group of birds and rodents.   Chipmunk type things, green woodpeckers.   Looking down into a town in god mode, like a Minecraft or sim game.


Monkey and Rachel a meet up in London.


222 wake
A crazy party game that had rocks and shit flinging.   A big meet at a party in London...   I'd lost my southern accent.   Kings and castles.

Shirly's body in a fridge, odd chemistry equipment and analysis machines.  A school with young kids with facial hair.

Last dream was a house party in my old grans bungalow.  People coming in and out.   A couple Hazels owner seemed to own it, their daughter was yet to be born. 


Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...