Thursday, 20 July 2023

Funny Face Fish & Lucid Flight

Odd stressy dream at work I can't recall now.
Then another odd dream when back. 

An odd place like a cliff top holiday park with crystals all over the place.  Outside the place we were staying was a deep sandpit of soft sand we kept sinking in.  It made it really hard to walk in and out.
There was a tunnel being dug under the sea,  odd blue white and red drilling trains were moving about on tracks, they had saw like arms attached to the front.
Emergence services were moving around.

I had a bag filled with amazing small tropical fish, just babies with cute funny faces. 
Little black and white ones that looked like funny emojis.
I was trying to move them into a tank, but the water had been let out of the tanks.  I couldn't put down the bag of fish as it would spill and it was heavy... Making the muscles in my arm ace and bulge in odd ways.

When I woke I was laying on my arm and it was numb. 



Working in a strange vet practice.  I'd gone back after doing another job it a kitchen for a while.
I was watching a stand-off between a locum and the other vets.
He'd come in as temp and they wanted him to do the major ops then the minor ones.... And he stopped part way threw the first surgery saying 'It's to much' and walked out.


The building was large and open, cold concrete and stainless steal.   I'd had an argument with another staff member who'd wiped Sudocrem all over my uniform and I did the same back. 

The doors had alarm isolator keys we had to keep flipping to move about. 

Em was outside with the Managers, a male and female and their head nurse... They were going out.  
All dressed in silk ballgowns with sparkling jewels and tiaras.
Em wearing an amazing necklace with birds woven from silver wire around her throat...  We watched them leave for a night in Parise while we cleared up.

Another dream I became lucid while standing beside an ATM machine that was flashing the words 'Fay'  
I realised I was dreaming, then wondered what to do as I was quite asleep still so set the intention for something intimate.
The visuals of the dream faded out with the sensation of moving and amazing body sensations and I found myself back in the medical space from the dream before.... Only this time I was with 3 Asian guys all dressed in the same clothing.   I sat down with them and we held hands. 

As we were sitting people I know started walking past, they were heading to a bar or something.  I knew I was still dreaming and crawled from the guys along the metal gangway we were on coming to a steal elevator door, I didn't enter I kept crawling up the wall and when high enough pushed off to fly. 
Flying over the guys on the floor and over the others at the bar. 
I was flying as an alarm woke me up.

Another dream I recall was being in the back of a van with an open section at the back... I was falling asleep there standing up and I had images of me rolling into the road.   I'd stuck my head up into the rush of oncoming air to try and wake me up.


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