Friday, 28 July 2023

Trains, Wyrd Shit and Flying.

26th July

Long dream ended at 303.  Oddly the kid next door woke at just after me and started screaming.


It had been a long dream but I'd been awake nearly 24hrs so was hazy.
I know I'd been on a packed platform.

People sitting in groups on the platform floor.   Many people leaving and trains pulling in all the time full with more crowding on.  We were sitting relaxing, waiting for the last train that was usually less packed. 
I remember a discussion with a guy I didn't like who grabbed my face. 


Before that I'd been dreaming of a wooden bead base, a single and double both the same.


27th July

Long lucid dream.
A theme park type of school trip.   Large old hotel house made into a hotel and funfair in it's grounds. 
The hotel building while grand was basic inside, more like a youth hostel with bunk rooms and communal kitchen space.

I'd just met the people I was with, we were friends.  A cat hung out in our room too.
We were at the end of the trip leaving the next day and I'd decided to go back to the fair for a bit before the morning train.
The place had it's own station.
I'd left the building alone in the dark... It was raining. 

There were odd noises in the dark woods around the old building and I recalled then I was dreaming.
Letting myself float on my back into the air for a while then I took off. 

I flew round the trees in the rain batting the branches and feeling the cold raindrops soaking threw my clothes.  
Hyper real.
Go threw the station and look at the train departures. I recalled I was going to get the train to Luton and change there.
I head into the cafe beside it were again there is a self serve kitchen, Cakes and butter pats.. Breads and various drinks.
Looking over the counter I spot some people I know, Wayne, my bro and Kevin are sitting together and I go over and join them.  We chat and laugh about dreaming and lucidity. 


Other dream was a cafĂ©, I was a waitress there.  It's set in a large mall.   I was serving a potato meal.  The place had set down and pick up points for people.


28th July

In my main dream house.  It's very dark... The downstairs cupboard has 2 bathtubs side by side.  I'm with male me who is sometimes Jack sometimes Inka.  We are in the cupboard having a bath each. 
I'd freed a rat from a cats mouth.
The village was full of really strange stuff too, floating geometric shapes and floating black magnetic shadowy goo.

Next dream I was with my cousin sue.  She was a nurse/matron.
She was organising shift cover based on a bidding system.... Talking me threw it and how it worked.

It was an amazing village we were in with a huge castle that reminded me a little of Arundel the way it's walls dominate parts of the town.


We all had witch like familiar animals.


Next dream I was watching THE WHO perform on a small street stage.   The street was a row of Victorian houses, I lived in one. 
The gig was great, lots of dancing...  I was at the front and we were passing glasses of beer back n forth with the band.


Last dream I was with Hoggy, we were sharing a spliff in a small room.   Was a few days left before we were to return north.


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