Monday, 24 July 2023

Old Themes Return


A dream set in a large country manor style house.   Filled with a mix of strange people and odd stuff like hamsters in grand pianos.
My dad was there too, was arguing with a young aristocrat in a fancy gown.
Jack was in a dream too.  I was on all 4s with him riding on my back as we went up a flight of stairs.  He was unshaven and I could feel my hair caught in his stubble. 

Strange synchronised dancing too.

An odd country estate.  I was giving birth there... I had a daughter due. 
It was on a clifftop with amazing views.
I recall handstands and a female football team.

Oh yeh, I'd played on the female team... And as we'd won we were getting a dual citizenship for the UK & USA. 
As I'd arrived in the USA to get it, my car had been taken for a ticket charge. 

Formal guardians.   Also a room like a gym were we would swing on long thick white ropes.


The last dream had started with a house I owned, 3 story.  I was childminding for kids from all over the world.
They were all amazing artists, the building was on of small bedrooms were the kids would be painting or reading.
One image I recall was a red abstract fox against a swirling deep blue night sky.

Then I was with a crew, we were jumping threw reality's in a strange craft.  It was like a flatted off cube, windows on all sides and were flying over a frozen ocean at sunset.. The sky a vivid pink.
The waves are like slushies.   Slow and high, it's like the water is in slow motion.


We stopped in a city.  The crew was also like a band, folk style.  When we stopped we'd play a few tunes.
We'd stopped in a town and some people came to look around our craft. 

From the outside and then it looked like the shell of an old burnt out cottage.
The outside hidden by scaffold with plastic wrapped round making the cube shape.

After we'd invited others in to look around, we recalled the ship ran on endorphins. 
Specifically ours and we'd have to deep clean it from there feelings be for we could move again.

I'd gone outside to look around, and noticed a strange tall black ultra modern thing.. I knew it was the imperial team who were following us.   I'd tried to show another crew member but couldn't find the right veiw across the city were I'd noticed it hidden.
It was on tall legs, black an unusual thing.... But i knew it was hunting for us.

We'd tried to move the ship on a train and we jump so that the cube is on the flatbed of a train on an overgrown old railway line. 
As we start to move 2 vehicles are also on the track... A HGV pulling trailers of cut tree trunks and tractor with piles of haybales.  One painted red, the other blue.
The 3 vehicles are going to end up in a pile up on the track, but I wake before they crash.



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