Thursday, 22 August 2024

16th - 22nd



Was dreaming first with Leon, then Kaylo


101  I was in a green area, small wooden cottages with tongue n grove walls, painted white and built in shelves.   A big inflatable banana tree.  I was telling someone 'If you have a lumpy dumpy - you need more fiber n water'


202 I was with one of the Spears twins, possibly David, I was healing something or someone... My hands were wet.

404 A large collage, Bottled water machines selling a brand I'd not seen before.  We all had bags of medication, the pills looked more like party drugs with some of them having been pressed in orange star shaped.   A brand too Tulsi, the T was silver foil and printed onto some of the tablets too.


Ocimum tenuiflorum 
Ocimum tenuitlorum, commonly known as holy basil or tulsi or tulasi, is an aromatic 
perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae_ It is native to tropical and


It was a residential place and we collected a bag of the pills each evening that we took at various times.  All slightly different selections.  We all had matching school uniforms too. 
Was an old wooden style building, with desks and halls.


505 it was like a high school over the wall from my main dream house.
The dream started with me laying a new carpet in a room, before I went over into the school
Lots of outdoor space... Was set around the quarry before the houses were built.
Had a swimming pool built into the old quarry pond
The lectures were unusual and there were kids of all ages up to A level. 
One female was talking about Mania being lack of scared Masculine.
Amazing cake and desert collection, colorful fruity.   Strawberry cream cakes, kiwi and

Meringue slice bars with choc, rasbs and granola. 

I'd found a pair of really indescribable insect/animal things... One had a sort of soft colored shell, wings like a beetle a head like a grasshopper and a forked tongue.  Another like a errr flying starfish. 
The one with the forked tongue bit me. 

At the end of the dream I'd collected my sons for my Dad... I was taking them to my main dream house but got distracted by 2 mad proff type guys who were telling me all kinds of odd stuff. 



Very long dream.   I had a daughter still born, I'd wrapped her in muslin and was going to bury her myself. 
I'd picked an area by a mainline railway line. 
The feild was made of sand and flooded far down, it was also criss crossed with smaller railway lines, almost like toy trains... I had to peal these up to dig.

I'd made the hole and placed her in but not covered her.   A friend Suzi visited to see her and when I got her out to show her I realised she'd come alive, glad I took her out.... But she died again once out.
Putting her bk, she came back alive I realised she could survive below ground, so decided to find a space for us to live below the ground, the other family would come too.
Below ground was a criss cross of catacombs and sort of industrial storage spaces, people weren't supposed to live down there so I'd hidden our stuff and we just got it out to use then packed it bk up.

Baby fed will and grew quickly... To long above ground and she'd die again, but come bk to life once we were below.   At one point I'd been out and we'd hidden in a small room on a track.  Was like a little bedroom, we were avoiding someone walking past.

A train goes past on the mainline and a gate opens and the room we are in starts to move along a track too... I was confused as needed to get baby bk below ground and it was taking us away from our home so I'd ended up leaping out at the approach to the next station and hopping a fence with the intention of taking a cab bk.


Next dream I had the same daughter, she was older... Teeager and could spend slightly longer above ground now.
An odd city where a lottery like event occurred periodically where 3 people were randomly chosen and given sort of super powers.  It was a similar event every month and all were required to attend. 
Intreasting long dream too, strange modern city. 



Loads of dreams... But been so cosy I've not wanted to move n make notes.

One was very surreal...  I was with 4 versions of my Dad, but they kept morphing in and out of other people.

In another I had whooping cough, but was in an oddl world with spaceships flying overhead.

Another long dream with a woman called Vivian (Might have been the Romanian cleaner from work)  We had loads of dogs. 

Last one was again a long dream, outdoors festival.  Ian was with me, and another guy with drugs.  We were making a cocktail, I thought we were going to snort it, but he put it into a pipe to smoke.
I didn't get any...
In another space a religious ceremony was going on. 



Thursday, 15 August 2024

Spots & Bites



First dream was of long needles, both for tattoos and injections.  Something about a vaccine too.

Second dream I was with a guy... Think it was the same one from the other night, he was a partner.
I had a rash, at first they looked like chicken poxs but then they all went pussy and infected.
After they turned into colorful shimmering scales.  It was an interesting dream.


There was an old castle set on a half floating constructed metal platform.  Old Victorian style, it looked amazing but was old and going to fall down. 

I was with a team assessing the structure floating around and under it. 

Last dream was an odd castle.   Could have been the same one from the other dream.
We were eating puddings and overnight oat brecky things.
2 social workers in a quirky room, I was chatting with them.  Also Em's sis was around and made Em the biggest ice cream cone I've ever seen :D


A strange hospital with field beds, they were in the dark set on a stepped hill.  The steps between very high so we had to climb. 

I was helping people, but also being prepped for a surgery too.   Lots of various dogs were sat with people at their beds.


In another layer there was an odd story too..... People moving on together after many lives. 
They were a group that waited till all were ready to go. 
It was close to their time to move and this was being discussed in a dream/astral state - the recalls and plans being put together.
We always moved as a group/collective.


Another dream too, an outdoor arena.  More of the strange layers.... This seemed linked to the first dream too with the movement of a group.   This time there was attempted kidnappings and faction wars.
It was hindering the group movement as some were being removed and hidden to stop them all leaving.  


Last dream was my main dream house to Mortimer road.  I was moving down there with a new group of people, some remained the same I think Rachel...  The house was bigger and slightly diffrent 17 of us would be living there so rooms were shared.  I was sharing the large lounge with  3 others.  The group seemed nice but I was a little freaked out that I'd not be able to spend any time alone. 


Was dreaming first with Leon, then Kaylo


101  I was in a green area, small wooden cottages with tongue n grove walls, painted white and built in shelves.   A big inflatable banana tree.  I was telling someone 'If you have a lumpy dumpy - you need more fiber n water'


202 I was with one of the Spears twins, possibly David, I was healing something or someone... My hands were wet.

404 A large collage, Bottled water machines selling a brand I'd not seen before.  We all had bags of medication, the pills looked more like party drugs with some of them having been pressed in orange star shaped.   A brand too Tulsi, the T was silver foil and printed onto some of the tablets too.


Ocimum tenuiflorum 
Ocimum tenuitlorum, commonly known as holy basil or tulsi or tulasi, is an aromatic 
perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae_ It is native to tropical and


It was a residential place and we collected a bag of the pills each evening that we took at various times.  All slightly diffrent selections.  We all had matching school uniforms too. 
Was an old wooden style building, with desks and halls.


505 it was like a high school over the wall from my main dream house.
The dream started with me laying a new carpet in a room, before I whent over into the school
Lots of outdoor space... Was set around the quarry before the houses were built.
Had a swimming pool built into the old quarry pond
The lectures were unusual and there were kids of all ages up to A level. 
One female was talking about Mania being lack of scared Masculine.
Amazing cake and desert collection, colourful fruity.   Strawberry cream cakes, kiwi and

Meringue slice bars with choc, rasbs and granola. 

I'd found a pair of really indescribable insect/animal things... One had a sort of soft coloured shell, wings like a beetle a head like a grasshopper and a forked tounge.  Another like a errr flying starfish. 
The one with the forked tounge bit me. 

At the end of the dream I'd collected my sons for my Dad... I was taking them to my main dream house but got distracted by 2 mad proff type guys who were telling me all kinds of odd stuff. 


Monday, 12 August 2024

Random Spaces



Craster main dream space, It's a version I'm familiar with - no cars and only people walking.
Where the carpark is is the ruins of a monastery or old church.  A cafe is there I work in as a waitress, tables are set outside the ruins, it's warm and sunny and I'm serving a large family of 14.  We didn't have enough menu's and I was reading the kids options while the adults picked.

In the other dream I'd cut myself twice.   It was on a metal BBQ.   One was a deep cut across my stomach and another on my thigh.
The wounds didn't bleed but they wen't healing.  Were interesting to me as I could see all the various layers of skin, fat muscle n stuff.  
I'd left them a while but they were still refusing to heal or granulate so I'd decided I'd better get them
sutured properly to bring the various layers bk together. 

I'd called a dr for an appointment but got sent to a strange A&E unit where I met a nurse, woke up as I was waiting for a Dr to put me bk together,


First up I was in the same dream well 2 dreams for 4hrs.
On one layer was a hospital - the other a castle.
I was with Inka, in the castle there was an endless fight...   The hospital was putting stuff bk together again.

Another dream was car stunts...   Odd stuff, also very fine needles like errrr   acupuncture.

Paper shop in my main dream space too.   Shift work.

Last dream I was with Dom, big outdoor play area... Like an inflatable game arena.  I was covered in bruises, deep purple on my hips n legs.   I can't recall how - I think it was to do with being sent flying of the bouncy thing n landing on the deck.   It was like an adult play zone, bouncy but also violent.   There was objectives and was lots of competitive fun. 

Party vibe with food n lots of sex.



Slept for 17hrs after hardly any sleep between 2 night shifts.

First dream was my main dream space.   I was making an outdoor bed, I had 3 spots I was going to use.
One was the space outside the old cobblers, another was the other side of the road or the harbour hill.

The one I wanted had a leek from some guttering that needed fixing. 
Was a cosy dream.... Rugs pillows and blankets.

Next dream a large garden attached to a beautiful old guest house.  
I'd been given the key...  I arrive threw a big beautiful old wood door, inside kids are using it for choir practice.
Was unusual inside, the garden was walled with raised veg beds and tables and ponds.  Inside fireplaces and large dinning room for breckfast.
The beds were raised bunk areas and lofts.  I was looking to live there and chatting to an older hippy guy who'd run it.
Next to it was a more commercial area.  A busy modern bank, and then a railway station with an incredible grey and red train....  Very modern, the painted pattern on it was upping my lucidity.  It was the end of a line the track going below ground.  Wasn't a people station, more of just a big depot.


Last dream I was with a group of people... I seemed to be deciding if I should have a relationship with a guy.  He was young, thin with a shaved head...  Not sure who I was.
Was intimate.


Tuesday, 6 August 2024



Lots of dreams over the weekend, but was to sleepy to keep track.
I did keep visiting the same strange massive metal bridge....   It was just in the sky, it was so big I'm not even sure what it was connecting.


Last night was collage, though I did visit the bridge again.
It was end of year at collage, I'd been bleaching my hair, It had already been a neon type of greeny yellow, and I'd left part of it unbleached in the green colour.
The communal showers were huge with loads of toiletries left laying round, I was looking for some shampoo to use to wash the bleach out.
Massive bags of face masks and stuff.  We would need to clear all the stuff away before the collage shut. 


It was dark and the moon looked amazing.
I was wandering around between tower blocks :)

Again, the same huge metal bridge from the past few nights.

Then last dream again I'm in a city, it's a holding area where we are waiting on a plane.   It's an odd space, like a square concrete hole in the ground with a sort of wide ramp to access the ground in the center.

Seemed to be linked to the first dream were we'd all finished the year and we were with our bags and crap waiting to leave the city back to our homes.
I had the old cotton bags I had back when I was at collage.  Groups of people are laying around on there bags, chatting and sleeping while waiting the flight.

I was playing a game with a friend where we jumped into the center from higher and higher parts of the ramp... A game of chicken of sorts to see who'd jump from the highest spot. 

Loads of kids drawings too, they were of the city we were in.  S&R theme,  could see the airport and the area we were in and then the surrounding tower blocks. 
They showed people being lifted up on winches by helicopters and stuff. 
I woke while in the line waiting to board my transport.

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Bubble Ships & Glass Houses



One odd long dream, I was young with a girlfriend the same age.
The dream started in the bathroom of my main dream house.
Someone was in the bathroom and had called me into see something.  It was like bubbles floating... But was alive multiplying like cells.   We could see genetic info floating white inside it.  
Not sure what to do about it the other person tried to separate them as they were multiplying quickly and the cells were large.  The mass just reforms.

The next part of this dream isn't my main dream space at all, it's a warm town with woods around.
I had a room there with my girlfriend who was Asian.
My recall jumps around multiple related scenes.


The over riding thing was off this bubble/cell thing that had now grown massive and would appear over towns.
During it's manifestations some of could see other reality/things morphing in and out.  But not everyone, the bubble cell thing could manifest a sort of spaceship like a legoish floating upside down pyramid... Few people could see it.

It would project different stuff to different people....

The majority of people were seeing it as an attack from South China with tanks,  but not all. 
The strategy people were using to try and protect themselves were odd too.... Some people wrapping them selves in bubble wrap.  
Weapons were used by some people who could see the pyramid to attack it, but when it took significant damage it just turned bk to bubble cells regenerated and vanished from perception.

We were trying to combat the appearances were people would get errrrrr 'infected?'  I duno, but it made us contagious with more people morphing realities when the ships showed up.

Other bits of the dream I recall was talking with people about my latest hospital admission and what was wrong in the system.  Lack of individuated care and integrative approaches. 

I was also meeting some of the staff that had worked there at the side of the woodlands, it was autumn as the leaves were golden.
The light in the whole dream had a golden September morning sort of sparkly glow about it. 
Another part I'd been asleep in someones car....  And old blue estate, I was wrapped in a blanket asleep on the back seat again parked at the edge of woodland.

The car was being used to taxi people around but no one seemed to mind me sleeping in the back.

Clearing out old school lockers too.  Some of them had been locked for 40 years, we were sorting stuff into reusable piles.  We seemed to be using an old school as a sort of base for exchange of ideas and goods. 

1st Aug
Loads of dreams but all just out of recall, Inka had been around.


2nd Aug


Take a van to an errrrrr I'm not sure what it was.  It was dark, but sort of hub dark....   The kind of place that may never get light. 
Outside, a series of buildings - one was a workshop for all kinds of repairs including vehicle and we had a part to pick up for the van.

While one of us went to wait Em and me explored an odd tavern where you needed to use ornate wooden climbing walls to get from room to room.
A big supermarket was there too and we were to pick up some food too. 


In another dream I'm clearing out a large glass walk in freezer,  I'd emptied it to defrost and was cooking some of the food n sorting the rest to refill. 

The glass freezer was in an outside space, the inner area we had was a large wooden cabin, with beams and rooms on 2 levels. 
It's filled with plastic crates of food too waiting to be sorted.
Someone had frozen whole bananas, in face we have loads of all kinds of bananas.  Fish, stakes and also vegan meats... One was in the shape of a flattened duck. 

Other things like frozen choc pig lolly pops.

I'd watched a white dove chasing and eating snow flakes, then a small girl with long white braded hair, and a long flowery skirt follow it.   The structure we end up in is almost like castle ruins that have been encased in a large glass house structure.  It was an attractive place, with benches for people to sit on. 

The girl stopped to chat to a young female dressed in a punk style who was sat on a bench reading, they were chatting about spiders the young girl knowing a lot of insect anatomy and Latin, they are then joined by the younger girls Mam who's dressed in similar long flowery clothes with the same white braided hair. 
I left them and wandered out to a city, a mix of supermarket express shops and old 80's style mall's.


Last long dream is unusual.  I was with Mikhail Gorbachev, we were chatting in Russian about that part of the world.
Then it's a little jumbled, the setting is a large vertical tunnle complex that goes deep under ground, on the surface is a sort of pale orange warehouse with a glass front, it's set in grass lawns as I'd gone for a walk outside at one point.

Inside it layers of shops, and a hospital... The layers were connected by steep white wooden ladders that we part hopped part floated up and down.
I'd done various things there, talked to a large Russian family about their family members medication.  We also spoke in some Russian and broken English. 
They wore Date's around there necks on silver chains as decorations. 

In another part I'd gone of to a very modern lab and radiology unit to try and organise for a hip xray to be done on a suspected pelvic fracture. 
I'd at one point got lost in a department store trying to get somewhere else, I seemed to be in a bridal section with loads of flowing gowns and bright lights.
There were also large bar one like a old hotel, with elderly people listening to a singer.   Teashops too, the place flowed from one area into another.

I'd revisited that glass place too, with the ruins inside in the morning before I woke up.


Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...