Thursday, 22 August 2024

16th - 22nd



Was dreaming first with Leon, then Kaylo


101  I was in a green area, small wooden cottages with tongue n grove walls, painted white and built in shelves.   A big inflatable banana tree.  I was telling someone 'If you have a lumpy dumpy - you need more fiber n water'


202 I was with one of the Spears twins, possibly David, I was healing something or someone... My hands were wet.

404 A large collage, Bottled water machines selling a brand I'd not seen before.  We all had bags of medication, the pills looked more like party drugs with some of them having been pressed in orange star shaped.   A brand too Tulsi, the T was silver foil and printed onto some of the tablets too.


Ocimum tenuiflorum 
Ocimum tenuitlorum, commonly known as holy basil or tulsi or tulasi, is an aromatic 
perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae_ It is native to tropical and


It was a residential place and we collected a bag of the pills each evening that we took at various times.  All slightly different selections.  We all had matching school uniforms too. 
Was an old wooden style building, with desks and halls.


505 it was like a high school over the wall from my main dream house.
The dream started with me laying a new carpet in a room, before I went over into the school
Lots of outdoor space... Was set around the quarry before the houses were built.
Had a swimming pool built into the old quarry pond
The lectures were unusual and there were kids of all ages up to A level. 
One female was talking about Mania being lack of scared Masculine.
Amazing cake and desert collection, colorful fruity.   Strawberry cream cakes, kiwi and

Meringue slice bars with choc, rasbs and granola. 

I'd found a pair of really indescribable insect/animal things... One had a sort of soft colored shell, wings like a beetle a head like a grasshopper and a forked tongue.  Another like a errr flying starfish. 
The one with the forked tongue bit me. 

At the end of the dream I'd collected my sons for my Dad... I was taking them to my main dream house but got distracted by 2 mad proff type guys who were telling me all kinds of odd stuff. 



Very long dream.   I had a daughter still born, I'd wrapped her in muslin and was going to bury her myself. 
I'd picked an area by a mainline railway line. 
The feild was made of sand and flooded far down, it was also criss crossed with smaller railway lines, almost like toy trains... I had to peal these up to dig.

I'd made the hole and placed her in but not covered her.   A friend Suzi visited to see her and when I got her out to show her I realised she'd come alive, glad I took her out.... But she died again once out.
Putting her bk, she came back alive I realised she could survive below ground, so decided to find a space for us to live below the ground, the other family would come too.
Below ground was a criss cross of catacombs and sort of industrial storage spaces, people weren't supposed to live down there so I'd hidden our stuff and we just got it out to use then packed it bk up.

Baby fed will and grew quickly... To long above ground and she'd die again, but come bk to life once we were below.   At one point I'd been out and we'd hidden in a small room on a track.  Was like a little bedroom, we were avoiding someone walking past.

A train goes past on the mainline and a gate opens and the room we are in starts to move along a track too... I was confused as needed to get baby bk below ground and it was taking us away from our home so I'd ended up leaping out at the approach to the next station and hopping a fence with the intention of taking a cab bk.


Next dream I had the same daughter, she was older... Teeager and could spend slightly longer above ground now.
An odd city where a lottery like event occurred periodically where 3 people were randomly chosen and given sort of super powers.  It was a similar event every month and all were required to attend. 
Intreasting long dream too, strange modern city. 



Loads of dreams... But been so cosy I've not wanted to move n make notes.

One was very surreal...  I was with 4 versions of my Dad, but they kept morphing in and out of other people.

In another I had whooping cough, but was in an oddl world with spaceships flying overhead.

Another long dream with a woman called Vivian (Might have been the Romanian cleaner from work)  We had loads of dogs. 

Last one was again a long dream, outdoors festival.  Ian was with me, and another guy with drugs.  We were making a cocktail, I thought we were going to snort it, but he put it into a pipe to smoke.
I didn't get any...
In another space a religious ceremony was going on. 



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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...