Monday, 2 September 2024

Homeless & Lost


Had dreams when I was away that I don't recall now. 
One was 29th

Main dream area, I was living rough with a guy.  We slept in doorways and were always hungry.
The beach was amazing, huge with intricate crystalline ships floating in the sky above the water. 

They were semi transparent shimmering in the sun.
Similar triangle type structures that I've seen before.

Another long dream about a large city station where I had a desk job.
I traveled to and from work on a train, living in a small wooden structure on a housing estate.

2nd Sept
I was supposed to be traveling to the isles of Silly with family, but I got lost on the way to the plane we were supposed to be getting.
The journey was split into parts. 
I'd not been ready - I'd left the car after the first part of the journey and didn't have a phone or money or pants.
I'd not been able to find the car again, but caught up with people before we took a helicopter ride to were the plane would leave from.
I'd got separated with another female from everyone else.
They'd gone to the plane and we'd got confused and wound up in a very surreal dentist practice.

We wandered around asking people, then I got separated from her too, the plane was taking off as I approached the airport and I wasn't sure what I was going to do, stuck there with no money or phone.

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Strange Summoning

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