Friday, 13 September 2024

Docking Station



Only one dream of a guy making a long helta-skelter.  It's was bright pink and blue twisted like a candy cane, I was watching waiting to have a go.



'Bitch?'  Inka...   'You told them?'  Mmmmm   well it seems strange keeping lies '
🙄 You're bullshitting them majorly about other stuff, why confess to voices now?'  Well it's not like your a hallucination, you're in my mind same as my own voice 'But different'   Mmm in tone and inflection and feel & sound, You all are.  Why am I growing into you?

'It was your connection to me you severed to get out'  Hu?  'Just sleep Bitch we will show in time'  Now?  'Not safe for you, be in place' 


First dream was a dance....  3 of us, 2 guys and me.  The guys had amazing sculpted bodies - we were all distant from each other it was expressive and slow like a moving meditation.  We were on mats on the floor.

Next dream I was taking a flight with Em on holiday - we were to stay in a cheep hotel in Europe - then images like photos.   Snap shots of locations.

Next dream long crazy and futuristic.  We were prisoners in a strange structure, forced to work there.
Grey uniforms.
The structure was like a massive docking station for sky ships.   We were in what was like one of them container offices that they use for building sites - more modern though made of that white plastic stuff that these style dreams often have. There were hundreds of them all pilled up. 
We worked various cranes and pullies, that added to the structure we were stuck in, sky lights looked out onto the bright blue sky above and the huge cranes and platforms overhead where ships would come and go.

I felt like Inka was with me too, but not locked in with me.  I was familier with the 4 people in my container though I'm not sure where from one felt like a brother.

The activity was increasing, a preparation for something possibly a war as weapons were being loaded and the structure increasing fast.  One night while sleeping we felt our container being lifted up...   We weren't sure what or why, but a crane put us down in the dark and I found I had a small set of keys for the doors on either end in my hand.
When we were put down no one came... We though meby they had thought our container empty so we wanted to use the chance to escape.
We go out into the night were we've been placed by a railway siding. 

A bright station that services the facility staff is in sight.   Workers leaving and arriving for shifts on futuristic trains on the small platforms.
As we are in similar uniforms we quietly join workers heading into the ground floor facility, a series of offices and meeting rooms.
It's busy even at night, with staff taking breaks and moving around.
We'd mainly stayed out of sight.  At some point I find my uniform had changed into a school uniform, I must have been young as I was going to use the excuse that my Dad had brought me in to work and I was to walk to school from the facility - though I was aware I had no parents.
Oddly I met Dabs and her kids - I'd asked her if there was any chance of a lift away from the facility, but she vanished and I get the impression she grassed me up as shortly after I was approached from behind by a guy quietly. 
Rather than arrest me though, he embraced me from behind.  Kissing my neck and whispering to me - again this person was familier, though I duno where from or if we'd met in person before. 


There was also a point in the dream I'd been given 2 playing cards, one was jack of spades my birth card, the other another jack a red one hearts I think it was... Could have been diamonds though. 


Last dream was jumbled... An mmo character I had, but I was playing it too.   My build had been changed and the rotation was all out of whack there was no way to cast all the stuff I needed while still putting out damage - so my class had become redundant untill it was fixed - I was considering learning another build.

There was also a small baby boy, I'd looked after him for a time and he was like a Velcro kid.  Every time I tried to put him down he'd run and cling to me, I eventually managed to distract him with my old toy mouse I found in the loft at stone close.  He seemed content to suck it's nose and watch me get on with stuff.
I was trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich but it was going wrong, and the cheese had melted out and was getting on a duvet cover I had, I was annoyed I'd have to wash a load of stuff.

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