Monday, 16 September 2024

Lots of Touching



Dream at work..   I was with Ray, we were both young.  It was affectionate we had 3 dogs with funny personality's we were going to walk, it was a slightly different version of my main dream space. 

Well after 2 nights no sleep...  I major crashed yday.   Slept 16hrs :P

Dreams were amazing, but was asleep so long my recall now is far from perfect.

First I was with Em & Aggie.   We were in a huge hotel in the center stood an incredible tree, it's roots were above ground where it clung to a rock in a small pool.  The roots were hexagon shapes, it was like a living sculpture, people relaxed round the pool... We were there for a long weekend, relaxing and having fun. 

Next dream was a big sex den, was kinda seedy and aggressive too... Drugs and sex, fun and interesting too. 


Seemed another part to this, it was like a collage I was at, I was studying a clinical course...   But there was lots of sex, big rooms with views all kinds of kinks in different rooms.
It seemed like it was above the UK.   Large floating bridges connecting stuff.   I was revising for my course but there was loads of flirting even in the revision groups.

Last dream was the coolest - I was in the back carriage of an old wooden train.   It was really old fashioned and my seat was open to the air with a shelter from the unusual weather.   I was on my way back to a training course, it was linked to the dream before.  
The train had no track and would at times fly... And the weather was like tiny smoke explosions   - Like the air would pop whoosh and a puff of smoke would fly in a direction.   It sounded great and looked cool too, nothing like I've experienced before.  
Everything was damp too, like a wet mist leaving pools of standing water.
A strange world too,  dark skies.   We passed village constructs I've seen before in dreams....   Sort of dark containers all heaped up connected by metal bridges, industrial and functional.  Communal spaces connected only by public transport.
I'd arrived bk at my collage dorm room, it was a ground floor space like a barn separated into different rooms.  I was rooming with a couple of guys one who got of the same train from a carriage in the middle.
I was nekid from the waste down, was annoyed I'd lost some of my clothes somewhere.

We also roomed with a strange person like Gollum, he had massive long arms.   Wasn't in my room, but shared our communal space that was a square room with an orange rug and soft low benches around the outer edges. 


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