Friday, 20 September 2024

Cat's & Magic




Cat's n cuddles, with my old cats again <3  Phoenix was there and really cuddly.  I was on trains too between Newcastle n Edinburgh Waverly stations.  A Suede concert in Newcastle and a church event in Edinburgh. 

Next dream I was with a strange unfamiliar partner, we were expecting twins. 


Then a long dream were I visited New York.  Dream had 2 halves, in one I was in a house Niki owned in the UK, I was looking after it for her, and I kept finding vid uploads of the place.  Phoenix was also with me in this dream, he was in the house.

The house was bright and modern.
The journey was by plane and train, the last part on train we'd left our luggage in a lock up and forgotten to collect it and I was trying to find my way bk to the station to report it missing and where I'd left it.
The place was unfamiliar though..   Surreal too with buildings that were too big.

A tourist info place laid me a path of blue string to follow that helped, it led me threw all kinds of odd places back to where I could report my stuff missing.   They would collect it and forward it to my hotel so I've headed by collecting the string as I went.   Only it was getting tangled up and was heavy.

Shops were strange filled with unusual stuff, the place was familiar in that I knew I'd been before but it wasn't anything like this reality.

Last dream was a wooden shed on the side of a busy motor way.  It was a communal space with a shop, display fridges and arcade games.
I could look out the door at people driving past.
It was a communal space, Fay was there with short blond Afro curl style hair.  I was vacuuming with an old blue upright hoover. 
People coming and going...  Odd space too.  My mam was there, not seen her in a dream for ages, she was very fat... 


Practicing magic, I was with Seema.  We were watching the movement of the sun and making heat.

Outdoor classrooms for the lessons, close to the sea.


We were snacking on Bananas too, a bus and train depot brought people to the space.


With uncle Eric, he was well we were talking.  I was washing clothes in bathwater and hanging them to dry.

We were chatting about CQC inspections.



An odd dream, with mice snakes and cats.   Snakes were killing mice, then cat's killing the snakes.  The remains were covered in wasps.
Some of the cats were mine, some different cats I'd not met.


I was sipping coffee out of a mug while chatting to a friendly guy abut his grey short-hair cat.

It was more of a lilac colour.
Nix was in the dream again too.

We were in another space too, Tiger was there making art with silver wire.  Kitchen appliances were being repaired and I'd got tangled in fishing line.   Then had to pull stuff from a filthy toilet.


More magic and cats in this dream too. 

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