Thursday, 22 September 2016

Ever changing veiw.

Dreams of.

A small island of sand, checking water & air quality (but really in space) - Doesn't make sense this morning.

Climbing into a blender.... and getting wizzed up??!!! Also, dosn't make much sense..... It felt like ones I was blended into a pulp I could reach further?

I was also in an Aunty's house (again, one of my mums sisters) I lived there for a bit when I was 18. It's a house I've drempt of before it's always vastly exaggerated though... writing this I've suddenly recalling a whole dream world that spreads out around this building that I've visited many times.

(Houses, next door,  Secret passages.  It's a house I lived in for a while and stayed at for 2 weeks ever summer as a kid)

Anyhooo .....In the dream I'm standing at the front bedroom window were I lived for a few months..... they view though - wow!
It's an ever changing landscape of mythical mountains, industrial space scape's, tracks, distant city's. It's ever changing, clouds and mist roll in and thin to reveal another different world, I'm blown away by the detail. My vision is mobile too... while I'm aware 'I' am standing in the window my site can leave me and travel into the landscapes for a better view.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Unity/Christ Conciousness Dream

I'm not even sure how to try and write up last nights dreams as I don't really have any reference for what I experienced.

To start with I was dreaming of seeing dreams and nightmares, they are in information/light/tunnels... It almost felt like watching other peoples dreams.

I was trying to sleep and dream (I was asleep) but I couldn't find my dreams?? I seemed to be experiencing the kids dreams and Ian's dreams?

I find a dream to enter, It's a school/church medieval looking - I'm in the dream but I'm also like a mesh overlay to the dream too so I'm everyone in the dream. I keep flicking between different dream characters. In the church is an inner sanctum... we have to enter here 'one' at a time.
I pass behind a curtain to enter, of to the side is a room of scholars/monks with robes on. I pass threw a second curtain to the inner sanctum.

It's all made of light... it's holographic, like them spinning discs but forms walls and things out of tiny fragments of light. It makes me feel discombobulated (for want of a better word :P )
I come out.

Next I am moving house, there are 2 huge houses round a pond/lake.. both are mine but I'm only moving into one. It's huge, and old and a big mess. The electrics are shot, but it has much better storage capacity. 

-- Then I'm back into the wired dream space of feeling like I'm me and the kids at the same time.... then I fall back into the first dream with the sanctum again.
Again, I'm a wired net/overlay of the dream?? Sometimes I'm all of the people or just one... I go into the body of a male he's big. I have a cup (like a challis grail type thing.. I'm going to take it to the sanctum to fill with knowledge) I leave a door to go there and find myself outside were a female is bullying a young boy. She's humiliating him... the male me feels the young boys shame as they are all me, and he attacks the female (me too) he wants to kill her but just punches her. (This was odd, I don't really ever dream of violence)
Old male is very remorseful... young male is shocked but great full. Female unconscious.
He doesn't want to hurt people so wants to prevent people getting into trouble... he gives up seeking and becomes a guide/guardian.
He gives away the cup and his belongings... he walks with people across a big dessert, back and forth (Him just being there protects them)

Next dream I was in a place I worked as a kid, this too had the multiple view points.. and also a massive metal chicken structure?

I think I know why the queen calls herself 'One' and 'We' now

Thoughts on this...    (Need to add links to old dreams)
After I realised some of the meanings behind this dream, I just got a physical conformation.

*The house is capacity for love, but I need to fix my energy flow

*I'd realised this dream is explaining to me the message I got years ago in a dream from a disembodied voice I know. It laughed at me and said 'your a guardian too' - At the time I dismissed it as part of me being delusional (if you can even be delusional in dreams) --- I've been thinking of going to work with those who are close to death, and have booked into a shaman style dream course on death.
*A dream I had where I was in a void, there was a terrified person being sucked into a black hole whirlpool... They were trying to get me to pull them out. I just smiled at them and told them there were an eternal being who's essence was love it was ok to let go. They let go.
*This dream, the male... giving up his search for knowledge.  Him walking threw a desert (writing this down this morning I got a mental picture of the Jesus story about foot steps in the sand (Why are there only one set threw the hard times)
I realised the male in the dream was representing 'Christ' or Christ Consciousness.

I was standing in the kitchen making cream for shop and feeling emotional... the post man arrives and hands me a packet.

The packet is from 'Hospice of the good shepherd' O.o

Not a dream but an observation.

29 June 16
Really amazing insight from this dream.
The setting is a huge high security science complex, it's quite futuristic really clean and white, with huge cooling systems and miles of corridors.
I'm in there on a mission, I know I've 'done' this before.... I also know I'm 'winging' it but I instinctively know all the people I need to go to to help me, and also know how past all the security systems.
My mission is Crocheting - the thread is unbelievably fine and organic in nature. I've got a pair of hooks they are a size 7.
I pass threw the security un-noticed and I'm cleared for the bio security too. I'm connecting the few people I know in there who can help and getting things from them. When I get into the place I need to be, I realise size 7 hooks are to big, and I need 6.
I remember someone who can crochet leeks and that she has the 6, so I find her and bring her to the work station. I'm watching my team work, they are making amazing tiny molecules and shaped with the thread.
--- As I wake up I realise that rather than coming back into my body awareness from outside, I'm coming back into my awareness from inside me.
At that moment I realise that the complex was representing my body, the 'helpers' were cells the security was my immune system!
We were making cells molecules and DNA! :P
I've just quickly googled number 7 & 6 and 7 is intellect and knowledge spiritual awareness and 6 is balance, love/care and connecting above and below.
How cool!! :D :D
I'm now going to reconsider other dreams I've had in lab/medical/factory type setting

(Need to Finnish this)) 

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Triad Me, Space Onions and Time Editing

Very very long!!

My night started with slightly remembered images (before the awesome adventure)
A cave. Then cutting and pasting time lines.. this was visual, it was like errrr spiralising a pineapple into a spiral of rings and removing a ring or 2. Then I was dreaming for someone else of a blue tit, I painted it. Some jumbled stuff about Hillary, Bonds and Kate Middleton.. future. A beautiful woman with blue feathers.

Then memory in walnuts (2 half's of the brain!)  and information like onions. 

The nuts/pineapple and onion were to do with storage of information in space/time... onion was layers of reality.

I woke really confused as I wasn't sure how this integrated with my current view of this then I remembered my rainbow bubble of experience that makes flower of life thing and realised the onion was like that... it was being spiralised and stretched out threw space.

It made the pattern our solar system makes as it travels threw space, I had a realisation that the planets have memory awareness and are leaving trails of information too. They have archetypal memory/awareness they leave a trail behind in time/space (this is how astrology works)

At this point I also had a feeling that J (middle child) was outside reality and needed dreaming back in again.... I was feeling quite disorientated as I went back to sleep.

--- Then the dream,

I went straight into a semi-ludic dream from the HH stage.. I was watching a hole in my dream/dust and just lept in.
It was like I made a whole threw my reality into space, I was falling threw space it was nice, I was also 'dual' - (I was me and my brother but both me)

I reached out a line to a passing star and hooked it to spin up from, I traversed space like this (felt a bit like spiderman)

I see a track, it's glowing and fizzing like purple/pink electricity. (It's a memory/time/information line) We go to it, this time I'm both within it and without, I'm inside but watching myself out of it and then I become 3. (I melted my train down )
I'm a triad or trinity and my awareness is 3fold. I'm an over-soul I'm female me and male me. (This was the tangled bikes)
We travel this tunnel into America - There are some native American elders we need to meet.
As we land I'm me and my brother who then turns into my childhood 'boyfriend' of 5 or 6 years old.   He's also me though as I'm still seeing everything from the 3 places of awareness... we are lovers/siblings/whole we are one, we are magic... the sense of completeness was and is amazing.

We meet the Native Indians, they are angry - call us plastic shaman and say that male me just wants to f*ck people... my male side mishears and thinks they say feed so he manifests a bag of cookies.

They walk away in disgust, we need to reach them.   Female me falls to the floor convulsing and enters a trance where over-soul me can speak threw her.
Male me runs to bring back the natives, they are reluctant but don't want to leave female me fitting on the floor.
As they get closer Over-soul calls threw time to them, I tells them 'I CAN SHOW YOU' They recognise the voice over soul.
They need to meditate with us, they still don't believe us but the over-soul voice was familiar enough for them to agree... they are still cross at female me as I puked on them while I was fitting.

They agree to meditate, 'we' explain they need to forgive us, we are them too... they need to let go now.
I take them back in time with 'us' and we alter slightly some time lines.  We all come back together, they are less angry with us now and trust us, we say good bye.

'We' open a reality gap and go back into space... using our over-soul as an anchor  we can teleport/shape/shift and dimension jump.. we're exploring.

I get a 'letter' from the Native Americans, 'We' need to go back.
When we go back there is a box of gifts left for us... they are all blue and white things, box's inside box's there is also amongst it a handwritten letter, it's from one of my mums sisters to another sister - it mentions her medication. ( Ancestors timeline dream )
We accept the gifts and take the hand written letter.   The natives can't 'recognise' us as the people don't remember/know any different now as the timeline is different ......but the people we took back 'know' that there are people alive now that wouldn't have been without the change, we can't meet them again but the gifts are their acknowledgement.

Male & Female me are dryads now and made of soft flexible wood, we travel again as a unit of tarot style 'lovers' and over-soul.   Falling threw space and time, meeting aliens to talk too.
We come back to earth, one alien with bright orange eyes follows us watching.

He wares a dark hooded cloak and is channelling stuff too, 'We' find it odd that they are interested.

'We' rapidly lose him by anchoring up to Over soul again and teleport to a huge beautiful grassy plain we are riding in the air in an old style bus seat... it's like a roller-coaster with no rails we control it by thinking of a point to move too (this is really good fun!! )
After messing around we start to port into hospitals, we are still dryads but invisible made of energy... We are working beside Dr's we are de-ageing cells around incisions and wounds so that they will heal faster.
I woke up as I was arranging 'meetings' with people....

Night was just amazing :D Was obviously way to excited to go back to sleep!

I remember the dreams right threw the night.
First one.
I'm sitting in a small group some are helping and teaching.
We have coloured paper and pencils and craft stuff. We are making Animal masks, mine is Wolf.
One of the teachers in the group is a shaman, he tells us we are honering the spirit of the animals focusing the energy and power by making the mask... by wearing it we are inviting the spirit animal into us, or asking to take it's form. There is a Wolfe with me watching, he stayed with me threw the other dreams too.

The middle dream.
I forgot to write straight away, it's many things spreading out way way out in different directions like ripples in a lake..and coming together again long journey almost like circular waves but all separate parts going way out - then coming in again to be reconciled. We finally come to rest all together, Wolfe is still with me.
Next was just a pattern (I posted a picture... It's swirling slowly.
Last dream
I'm working in a garden centre selling small plants, lots of people are sitting in a field I think they are meditating they are slowly going down in number as they vanish from view.
As I wake I get told to look for air element symbols. I didn't recognise the symbol in but googling it it looks like a shinto symbol.
I also got another message to keep looking for the 'GPS' That was mentioned in Sat nights dream. Wonder what it can be :D

--   Thoughts on this dream.. aside from feeling very blessed.  (Updated on 21-Sept-16)

I've been flat out since sat so not had a chance to catch up on dreams... last night was quiet (which is good as I have enough to catch up on from past 2 dreams)

I'm a bit blow away, I just looked up the term 'over soul' As it's not a term I'd ever used till Sat nights dream (I was clear that it was the right term)

So just looked it up on wiki - it's from an essay on transcendental unity.
'We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. And this deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one. We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul'
More amazing is the bit below...

"Over-soul" has more recently come to be used by Eastern philosophers such as Meher Baba and others as the closest English language equivalent of the Vedic concept of Paramatman.[5] (In Sanskrit the word param means "supreme" and atman means "soul"; thus Paramatman literally means "Supreme-Soul".[6]) The term is used frequently in discussion of Eastern metaphysics and has also entered western vernacular. In this context, the term "Over-soul" is understood as the collective indivisible Soul, of which all individual souls or identities are included. The experience of this underlying reality of the indivisible "I am" state of the Over-soul is said to be veiled from the human mind by sanskaras, or impressions, acquired over the course of evolution and reincarnation. Such past impressions form a kind of sheath between the Over-soul and its true identity, as they give rise to the tendency of identification with the gross differentiated body. Thus the world, as apperceived through the impressions of the past appears plural, while reality experienced in the present, unencumbered by past impressions (the unconditioned or liberated mind), perceives itself as the One indivisible totality, i.e. the Over-soul.

This is pritty awesome as the the word 'Sanskara' --- That was the word I'd thought was samskara.. It was the word give to me in the meditation dream were I was showed the effects my thoughts were having on my reality!! (The meditation with nothing until I thought)

--- Last nights dream had a single word too that I was . Zeitgeist - spirit of the age/time.

How cool, I seem to be being taught directly from beyond the veil, it's funny as I don't have many firm ideas about stuff.... other than that we are eternal and are past of a whole. The only intention I ever set for dreams is one of surrender and 'tell me what I need to know'

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Melting train.

Disjointed and hard to remember.

Patterns of snakes

Sister-in-law wants to give me a phone.. but I don't want to be reached.

Dragons and dragon flys.
A red dragon and purple one.

Huge metal train being melted down in a furnace.

A teacher - I lack discipline

More snake patterns, like they are made from sandstone.

Huge castle, a river has flowed threw the middle causing it to crumble the water is very blue and deep with stepping stones, people are playing in the water and a camel is swimming.
More swirling snake patterns with coins.. again on stone, look Mayan.

The melting down of the train is interesting as 'train' seems to mean awareness/now for me.  Fire is spirit/cleansing/rebirth.   Perhaps my awareness is going to get a transformation.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Dream in a dream, Alligator bed

I was having really interesting dreams last night but our toddler kept yelling for me in the night and interrupting them.

First part of the night was about 'dream space applications' Awareness and time loops.
Then I was in a big museum/gallery, sectioned of into small display areas that were representations of archetypal mind. They each had names on the entrance and were display/boards covered in macabre old classical paintings and wired freaky statues.

In each was a place to sleep.

I'd entered one called 'warlock' and in the middle was this wired looking fibreglass alligator with it's mouth open and a pillow inside.

I crawled into the alligators mouth and tummy and got all comfee on the pillow looking out at the freaky paintings from between it;s jagged teeth.
But toddler woke me up before I went to sleep in the dream. :P (I was really miffed!!)

-- Thoughts on this wow, so seems the alligator & Croc are Pritty cool totem animals -
*As an animal totem, these animals represent fierce protection. Mothers will transport their young to water in pouches in her mouth and she will guard them like ferociously.
Look for an opportunity to ingest new knowledge and wisdom. This totem animal contains all the unbridled creative forces of the world and the fury and ferocity of Primal Energies. It is the keeper and protector of all knowledge.

Warlock -  The most commonly accepted etymology derives warlock from the Old English wÇ£rloga meaning "oathbreaker" or "deceiver"
I really want to know what the dream in the dream would have been!  Wonder if I can do a dream re-entry into this. 

I went back to sleep again and woke straight up with a message 'Mass awakening of human potential'
My watch was also really uncomfortable, I took it off and felt better this seemed symbolic too - released from the constraints of time.

Next dream was a game, there were stations were people could do daily activity's and get 'body points' for them. One was counting your teeth?? Another was running a circuit. - people seemed really invested in them and getting there daily body total as high as possible.
It seemed wired to me so I just stood round watching, next part I suddenly had 4 lovers that I didn't know about?? One of them (a footballer) had killed themselves with sweeteners as I was cheating on him?? Another was in Japan with a strange long name.. I was with one and there was another waiting.
It was very confusing.

Dream from 13th Sept
Disjoined stuff last night but with lots of 'towers'
First of big red lego bricks, then a tower of white meringues, there was a tide coming in and out round them and I could see the marks of high/low water.
Then a tower made of ice cubes.
?? Only thing I can think of is the tower tarot card.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Time Hopping for the Perfect Crime?

An odd night of cross referencing dreams and poetry.. I'm not sure what it is that I'm re-membering it's all coming back in bits and bobs.

First part of the night was bizarre, time changes, bobble heads, people bit like 'Frank Sidebottom' I know nothing about him :P but people had that massive head and some of them with just 1 eye.
Realitys all mixed up, like hairy balls or pom poms - I was looking for something to connect with to re-balance.
Then the proper dream (with my train/school imagery which is again timelines/lessons/earth)

Sooo the setting is on a train, I'm with a small group of 3 or 4 people one of them is the black guy from the force awakens (the one who left the dark side)
Inside the train it's a school. It's a posh school an elitist paying one, and it's their open day, nibbles and drinks have been laid on to smooze prospective parents and students.

The small group of us are not ment to be there, we are looking at the new security doors they have set up and talking about 'the perfect crime'

We are discussing the possibility of teleporting ourselves threw the carriages faster than the train is moving so we can hide in the future ahead of time.... always one step ahead of the game.

((This stands out to me as I did this once in a train in a dream.... it was a dream I lived for many lifetimes it went on for 1000's of years and had parallels to Atlantis/Lemuria type of myths added below. ))

On waking I have the message 'choosing the lesser of 2 evils is still choosing evil' (I think this is to do with political voting)
I also had lines from 2 poems in my head, one is 'falling threw time, peeping into space' - Another that I can't remember now.

So this is the -   24 July 2012
Another dream that seemed to last for lifetimes. (thus long)

The start of the dream there is a train, the front end & back end have
different destinations - and the train is due to split shortly.
A few of us from the back carriages decide we want to go with the front end
of the train.

So as the train splits (it's still moving) we kind of make ourselves
ethereal and blast ourselves threw the train walls into the front.

Once on the front train it changes into a huge space ship - it's massive
more like a flying science lab/factory with huge rooms, windows and bridges.

At first me and the others who great crashed the journey are really pleased with ourselves. 
We can fly and pass threw walls into space and back, we are also totally
invisible to the people on the spaceship.

As time passes (months) we start to get depressed. Cause we can't interact
with anything or even each other. Were all just ghosts, watching.

The people on the ship get old and some of them die and were just stuck
there - timeless, trapped observers. Eventually after many 10's of years the ship
landed/crashed to a planet.

On the planet there were a few people who could see us but by this time most
of us were in deep depression and not wanting to communicate.  I was quite excited to be on the new planet.

I could see magnetic lightening strips up in a very cloudy sky (the landscape
on this planet was an amazing very modern industrial cityscape huge purple metallic structures)

I'd flown up to get closer to the lightning, but was intercepted by some
people who could see me.

I stopped to chat to this woman, sitting on a pipe miles above the ground -
she told me they'd been waiting for me and the others like me, that I was
one of them.
It got a bit wired at that point, cause she didn't look like me but all her
mannerisms and expressions were the same as mine.... she was explaining that
we had all been cloned by this one guy who was leading them.

I'd decided that I wasn't keen on the idea of having a 'leader' so flew of
back to the lightning stuff.

As I got to it, I could no longer fly - I fell threw the air for what seemed
like ages, when I landed I was back in the ship again.

One of the other ethereals was there she'd changed and she had found away to
become real again - it was to do with her eyes/crying and emotion.

One by one we all went to sit and look at her as she cried as we started to
cry we became real again too.

The last part of the dream was like a journey home we repaired the ship to

On the journey we started to have kids and create a civilisation on the

Years and years passed again, and kids grew up and we had an entire world on this
ship.   - But our society was a mess the younger generations we had produced
were fighting each other and us as elders had all become wired and vain
--- I woke up after that :)
Totally knackered as it felt like I lived for 100's of years last night.

Synchronicity while writing up too, I was trying to explain my dream symbolism to partner....

[10:18:12] Me: As a kid though I had recurring nightmares... I'd be trapped on train tracks 3 or 4, I'd hear a train coming and feel the vibrations. I could never see the train though or what direction it was coming from and I'd have to pick a track

[10:18:43] Me: I'd always get the one right next to the train and have to cling to the ground as the train rushed by sucking me towards it
[10:18:51] Him: No train station near where you grew up either, that's odd

[10:19:41]Me : Over the years the nightmares stopped but significant chages in my life were often accompanied by dreams of getting on and off trains
[10:20:27]Me: and as my dreams got freakier I realised the tracks are timelines - possibilitys that I could have visited in my life

[10:20:50] Me: as a kid it's wide open... there are many many ways your life can go

[10:22:41] Me: as you get older the options are narrowed down I guess... I've seen the tracks from space too... and controlled them - they are like trippy dmt tunnels of memory/experience and the 'train' is awareness/now

[10:23:38] Me: they are all happening at once.. but the awareness/now moves threw the experience/memory/time like a train in a tunnel
[10:24:12] Me: It works in my head in fractal pictures :P It's not easy to put into words :D

And then, I clicked on a link on a page I've been trying to read and this picture pops out at me -- that's them, my tunnels :D   Only they are rainbow and the information ripples :P

This was posted today.... also fits with the Atlantis dream...  (the arrogance)

17 sep- 16  insight into split dream. 

Was playing fires with toddler...
He was trying to 'kill' the fire, I explained fires can't be killed but only quenched with water.   Then my mind went all alchemy (spirit-fire/emotion-water) and I realised that it fit with the time crash dream and the crying making us real.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...