Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The Lungs Are the Roots to Anchor the Minds Branches

Wow, another amazing night :D

Soo first part of the night I'm a tree in the wind, holding on with my roots.  (Guardian and Fool??)

I wake up with the number 14 in my head... This is a code, DNA?  Light Code?

Sooo   I lay awake, every time I clear my mind another image/symbol comes....  The Blue Bird. 

The 14 Angel's from my cot toy song (The one found a vid for yesterday)

When at Night I go to sleep, Fourteen Angel's watch do keep, 
Two, to whom it's given, to guide my steps to heaven.

14, DNA?  A special number   1 & 4   Are we waiting to re'member this?  Angels  or Angles..  I've never been able to get these the right way round!    Not dyslexic, quantum!    Ok  these are shapes, solids!  Numerology is the points and connections that make the geometry.

lol  Then the Disney song once upon a dream pops into my head!!

Lyrics from "Sleeping Beauty"
Written by Sammy Fain and Jack Lawrence

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream

But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream 

The 2 in the song.
Two, to whom it's given, to guide my steps to heaven.

The Magic Mirror from the Mandela effect??  Or the Mirror/Mirror  -  the sign in my dream Compass & Square on a mirror... Also shown to me 2 times on August 25th!!   

OK wow we seriously are threw the looking glass!   That was shown to me in the meeting intelligent infinity. 
My totem animals, also in pairs  the 2 spiders... the

(2 owls and 2 eagles, candle with no flame dream from 22 Oct 2010.)    Oh and today the 11 Oct 2016 ......  and the 33 that I will come on to later (IN TIME)  O.o  'Now I know were not in Kansas any more!'  another Mandela effect.......

This dream below was strange... it took me ages to get back to sleep - I was dreaming in a dream... but had also at some point been awake as I'd written something down too.

22, Oct.2010

From the first dream I'd woken up, in my old house in seahouses.

I'd been dreaming of the 2 eagles and 2 owls (from other dreams at the time), near me was 2 candles, one could go out but the other was alight and neither really went out.
I'm still in a dream but I'm analysing dreams in this dream O.o
I got the impression it was twin flames (this is what I'd written down when I woke later ???)

Also there was a dream of a stone had been activated to allow something to change now, this had dragon in it too. 

I was wondering about my daydreams, and this male character that is always present in different forms. I was wondering if this was a soul mate who was discarnate, or a guide, or a part of me.
Also I had the image of a funnel from my house now..... something to do with gathering energy and channelling it.

I went and lay down on my bed, which in the dream was my parents bed in my old house. I was looking at an ipad type thing trying to find more about the activated stone, the ipad was a screen that  held my dreams and I could flick threw them
As I lay with my eyes part shut to ponder. **wired bit**
I saw a flash of bright - I opened my eyes to see the ceiling break like clouds and a bright golden light there --- I'm thinking bloody hell, wow! I mentally greet the light.
Then this lazer bean type of thing comes threw the clouds and hits me in between the eyes in my forhead -My head was fizing buzzing and cracking, like an out of tune radio. The golden lazerbeam stayed for ages beaming light energy into my 3rd eye area
The beam then faded, I jumped of the bed... Marcus was there, (old partner)
I told him what had happened, we felt my head and it was hot were the beam had been but the rest felt normal he thinks I'm odd and says jokingly 'I'm sure I'd understand if I knew the culture'

--- I wake up, the word Twin flame is allready written on my dream pad. lol it was soooo bizzar, took me ages to get back to sleep as I was just wide awake thinking, what the heck just happened!

I'm assuming the 2 dreams must have merged in two allowing me to write the twin flame bit. But the golden lazer beam into my 3rd eye was sooooo vivid, real seaming and odd to the point of funny ;D
Sooo   Back to tonight...... I also I recall an old dream with the snow seeds...   

Ohh and interestingly I just found the type up from the vision I had back in July 2010 It was when I tried a Youtube past life regression thing... but only went as far as being about 5years.    

"Then had the most vivid falshback to beeing aprox 4years old and a picture I'd drawn.  I knew it was a real memory cause it had smells... it started with a smell, It was the crayon tin, and old victoria biscuits tin with a blue and deep red lid...      I was colouring in a picture of a pink angel it was me...   I took it upstairs and put it on my wall, 
I stuck it on my bedroom wall right under the light switch on my nhoas arc wallpaper in my bedroom.
I remember clearly the angel I'd drawn, it was me...... but I wasn't an angle of God, I thought of myself as what I at the time called a devils angel.

I took myself out side after the vision to chill in the garden...... 
By this point I'm seriously freaked out thinking holly shit I'm some kind of Satanist

Then look up into the sky to see the pink clouds have formed a big pink dragon breathing pink cloud flame."

(((Well shite!   I'd totally forgotten about that bit! -  ))   -  I'm doing some hard core re'membering! lol

"If I couldn't see the funny side in this I think I'd be wheeling my self off to see some kind of therapist this morning.........

I could kinda hear my guid laughing saying 'well you did ask'

At this point my body feels so flipping odd.... it was like I was buzzing.   (Same as the trembling last night then!)

I sat there for a time thinking, am I bad? am I evil.... as I was brought up christian going to sunday school & fellowship meetings.

Decided that I can't be evil as I forgive easily, trust people and all ways try to be kind and fair, guenuainly care about people and want life to be better for all - and I'm quite a loved up person

Well  that was a fun tangent!  :P
Now I get the Giant dreams I was having!

Soooo  now we've got me being some kinda fallen angel/nephallim/giant/dragon thingy out the way/backinto the tree ;)  ...........what was the Snow seed dream about? 

lol  looking for that dream I've found loads of other dreams from 2010 when I was trying to tell myself this! That I'm part of a memory complex...  the Jung collective subconscious... I can tap into that... that's why I wanted to do Psychology!   I am you lol.... you are me!

Sorry...  tangents - The ADHD brain, fun hu?

Aug 28, 2010.....   

I told them night before last head needed a break - so my dreams were still nice with energy and startreck type stuff, but no strong messages.

Lastnight they came back with a woosh

1st one was visual --- seems my 1st dream is often the visual one.

I was a tube
Like an upright worm with hollow middle ;D I was bringing energy to earth and into the ground. Diffrent colours, it flows threw me and down. The green energy is quite fast, seems the one I'm to focus on.

I'm beeing shown round an old stone temple by an elderly guide in white, into a hidden area. Light is coming threw a coloured windows in a hall and breaking into spectrum of coloured light on the other stone wall...... This is what I'm ment to see.

Then skips to looking into a pool/fishpond. It's beautiful, all kinds of amazing life in there.

Then skips to being in the country watching a massive storm coming in, huge grey clouds full of rain. I'm excited
Ian is with me and climbs a hill towards the storm to see were the sun has gone, it's behind us.
Me and others stand and wait for the storm to hit.... We have to change the energy.

3rd dream I met an old friend.... she tells me she's found her gift, she can see people's past and future. I tell her I'm here to work with energy.

lol,  I've now 'Re'Memberd' that I'm all of them Dream Characters!   I'm me and male me and the 3rd me! 
That' was me telling me I had to wait for the storm before I could put it all together....   (This must be to do with alinement's of the planets!)  *Shrugs, just a hunch*

All the Dreams & Visions are like jigsaw seem to be bits making a massive multidimensional picture!  

I'm making the puzzle  I'm here to connect, to re'member  that's why I'm hear :D   I'm cosmic glue! :P  Sticking to you!   ( also might need rescued from a mental hospital at some point too O.o  )   Hehehe

Sorry.....  another tangent!  

Snowseeds...   Hopefully I can find it before to long and get on with what I was going to type.  

Meby a poem first ;)

Close together yet miles apart
The span of a life in the beat of a heart,
The contrast so calm so still so blue,
Timless forever expressed in a hue,
The white it stands brilliant enhanced by the light,
But so quickly it is eaten by the wind and the night,
The grey it blows high so heavy so full,
I feel it's water is ready to spill,
How stunning the battle of grey vs light,
The wind and the waters as they drag in the night,
We wait for there power,
Their energy,
Their Storm,
In out tiny but magical human form.

Just found this too  -
I had a dream I was riding in a wave of energy that's building and I hear and feel vibration. Then a voice inside my head says to me 'Don't worry, your a Guardian here too' later in the dream there was letters 'Indigo ray 11-11-11' written on a wall... and that I had people to go too, and I'd know them....

and another dream in 2013 ........

Another lucid dream.
I was in a bed reading, as I looked at the book I realised the book I was reading wasn't in English - and thus realized I must be dreaming (cause I only know English)
It was a harsh realization and I thought I'd woken myself up becoming lucid. It was while looking at a 2nd book, still in the same bed I realised I was still asleep as this time the words had numbers in them too.
I started to look more closely at the book, and it started to unfold into a fractal flower type of shape. I felt myself leaving my body sideways - but I wasn't crazy about that sensation and snapped myself back into it  (flower of life!! _ 

(Ohhh that's what's happening now, the getting lucid in 'life' this was seeing now... the numbers in the letters - how many layers is there (Oh the rainbow onion.. it's the mandala  ohhh   Mandala effect, it is the global wake up que from the life dream)

Right,  sorry...    Finally the Snow seed dream....  

3 March 2013
I had the most visually amazing dream last night with lots of you guys in :D
I don't know if it was earth we were on, things were similar but different.
We were in a large expanse of what was like ancient grassland with huge tall trees that were shaped like magic mushrooms.
We were in a massive encampment of humanity, and had a picnic table. M was there and Lynn, Jane, Austin, Lorna Taji and more of us..... we were waiting, there was an air of excitement and anticipation. The camp of people went on as far as the eye could see in all directions, but we were dwarfed to insignificance by the epicness of the wilderness around us. I guess I could feel more than see the others.
In the first part we are laying looking up a grass bank to a pink sky between the huge sparse mushroom trees.

Floating threw the sky are blue prints or patterns for human like species, there kinda made out of light. (a bit like them trippy luminous squid things in the deep sea) We seem to lay for hrs watching and pointing.
Then the dark clouds come. Rolling in and blocking out all of the pink sky.

Untill it's soooo dark with only a faint red light at the distant horizons.
With cracks of thunder parts of the clouds open and what look like rivers of water fall from the sky onto the people below. We got really cold and wet, but the excitement was still there.
As fast as the darkness had appeared, it started to break again. The pink light started peaking threw again and the dark clouds were breaking up and falling to the ground in what looked like lumps of candyfloss. In with the cloud lumps were these 'seeds'
They were shaped like big spherical dandelion clocks and fell slowly like snow.... we were calling them snow seeds there arrival caused lots of cheering and hugging as we jumped about to try and catch them. It was really cool :D
Everyone was supper loved up and embracing each other.
That's as far as I got as Josh woke me up looking for a toy 

Ok....  That was the dream....   O.o   Not sure is the is the future/past  ---  Oh,  the time thing there is no future and past.    Sooo Is this the looking glass reality?  Oh Dandelion 'Clocks'! lol

The Mushrooms...    They were there on Sat too,  Alice in Wonderland, the mushrooms... the Youtube vid.  'There are no trees on planet earth'  !!  LOL  -   OMG O.o  The implications of this are epic :D

Sooo   Humm, the Kefier I'm drinking (fungus scoobie!!)  They say the Vagus nerve goes from the heart down threw the organs???   

Good gut bacteria effects the vagus nerve too -
Is that why my solar plexus chakras going nuts atm? 

solar plexusWhose role is to absorb and assimilate Prana from the sun.  (Prana?  This is the same stuff from the breathing...

 Blugh...  and  I'm only 2 sentences in from the stuff I wrote at 3 am!  Heheh  Sorry, this is going to be long.   




So So Back to the 3am Stuff  and Some Round World and Science! 

So It was the number from the dreams and the Blue Bird cot toy  which was Ironically a lullaby to send me to sleep!!      14   1&4 
Then it was another of my poems..

All I could re'member was

'Tiny steps on a silver path that leads into the stars, tiny steps back down again that lead into the heart....     

Next comes threw a word.  'Shuttle'  (Ra uses this word )
The weaving machine...   also a loom
The Bracelet and heirloom?    -  Wonder if there is a relation with the date of the bracelet and the shuttle loom

Sorry, I'm bad at staying on point (that's funny)
Oh,  so dose the silver cord to our astral self  look like DNA?   With steps spiralling down and up?   Are our neurons the stars??   IS our brain a receiver?  Or is all this inside it already?    
Heirloom - is something, perhaps an antique or some kind of Jewellery, that has been passed down for generations through family members.   
Ohhh  is it in our DNA then?? ?   More questions!! More answers :D

Back then to the Numbers 1 & 4 

What are 1 & 4

1, the Monad
2, The Mirror,  Dose the creator need a Mirror to be aware? 
3, The Triad, the Lover Archetype, The Trinity, The Triangle, Body,Mind,Collective Subconscious/spirit  (The One Spirit)

So Number 4 

4,   Hummm    Ok  4 is the quantum!!  It can either be a pyramid shape or flat!!  4 is quantum - 4 is reality?? 

The first image is the brainstem dyed...   This looks like the time/info tunnels, that I can travel... so are these 'Information'  
Is the information Quantum and wrapped into the tubes in our DNA, Or Neurons? 

Sooo  Neurons?  DO neurons make the memory?? 

1, Monad  -  The Singularity  that sprang awareness.      So dose the Monad need the '2' Mirror for awareness???  

Other 2 images are DNA,  these are the tiny steps from the poem?  That we travel?   

Sooo  I'm getting all this from inside??   Or am I a receiver??  

As a Triad in my Dreams I can be in the tunnels or out of them... the info in them is Fractal & Timeless it's coded and quantum......      This is 4 perhaps I think.

Moving threw the tunnels or outside looking in or you can be 3 to 'triangulate' and move between...   Oh this is the GPS I was told to look for earlier in the year!  lol

Back to the flat earth tree....     The Lungs are the Roots to Anchor the Mind!   That's why my lungs are wired and expanding at the moment...   (I'm sure this has implications for health!  Heart problems and Brest cancer.  )

A friend posted this below yesterday too... I knew It was a puzzle piece. 

It's the Medicine disk of the Hopi Indians.  (Oh my Indian dream!! ), that's the 'Elements inside us'

It's the Disk of the flat earth!  :D :D   --  I'm sure this will be tied to the Vagus Nerve, Meridians, Energy centres and stuff.
So  All about Numbers!   5 is the Sum of 1 & 4

5.  A pyramid shape.   'Initiation in pyramid'   --   This is the Awareness of the Quantum???? 

Particle and wave, The 'See' and the 'Be'  A human being, A human seeing! :D 

As above so below, as within so without...   That seems about right.   

So the roads, the trees, mobile phones the internet  VR -  we are reverse engineering from inside too I've always thought that was the case, that we were taking stuff we should be able to do and materialising it.......
Well not the trees but they are the reverse of our lungs? 
Sooo oh,  on flat earth if we are a tree we won't need the trees??  (The You-tube thing there is no trees on flat earth, the Russian guy)
Is that why it's giant Mushrooms?  And mushrooms in the looking glass world??  That the Fairy's live in??  Psychedelics?  

Next..  I'm the tube...   I'm the awareness in the tube?    The arm in the bracelet?   The tube... a tube is a channel. The tubes in our body..    The Cosmic Carrot!  

Humm,   I have been seeing 33 recently,  33 degrees in free mason stuff, the Nephilim are chapter in a verse 33 or something in the bible.   
That's the 3&3 the  6,  the Diad /Dryad  The Dryad tree spirit of Flat earth or the Diad / DIAD in the heart of our physical body that I was waffling about yesterday. It's the Pyramid going up and down.  The Branches or Mind, the Roots are Lungs.... Sooo  hummmm  The other organs???  

I finally went back to sleep!
-- and I had a dream.... lol OFC I did :P    

It was my Gran's house, Out of the window is a sea with 3 islands with trees and mists, the sea is beautiful but is behind a big wall. 

Mainly men in the building.     The house is full of people  (humm  I had another dream like this ages ago with a solider in...  My Gran's brother who died before I was born..   It was pre blog so I'll have to hunt it out. 
Kelly told me something about a Sore thumb and we seemed to be waiting for something.....  

As I wake I see a picture of a milk bottle, it's full fat UN-homogenised :P  The cream has floated to the top.    I know this means something... is this the vibration of colour? 

I have an asthma attack, my roots are growing to anchor my mind, they will grow up and round to form my ever word....     shrugs, don't understand why it's 'word' not world??  

Oh, is that the creation, the power of the word -  the word was god and word was with god?  

Ahhh  I know why my roots meet!  This is the Torus! The cosmic carrot goes into the tree perhaps, is one spiralling one way and one the other?

That makes the bubble that fits into the 3D flower of life... that is the thing that connects us!  Our awarness is at the middle of the flower were the bubbles interlock with each-other...    but if we all move to the ring the roots and branches make -  wow, that would be awesome :D   We would 'know' we were connected!!

Ohhh,  and a song came on..   I was playing Zak a lullaby as he looked sleepy... as I Finnish the blog this comes on, it's also Disney from Rapunzel 

(Oh the Tower Archetype!  The actual 'death' that is actually the birth of being born into the forgetting round world) 

The first time I saw that film with her dancing on the spiral sun like I used to draw, it made me cry and cry and cry...     
(I knew I'd forgotten)

All those days watching from the windows

All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now you're here shining in the starlight
Now you're here, suddenly I know
If you're here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

Sooo   Angels are Angles and vice versa! Oh and that song was from T'ANGLED  :*Face Palm* 

That's why I didn't know how to spell them.   Also quantum :P  the 14, was the 1&4 the tree... 14 is a number I need to check out too..    and the 2 guide my steps to heaven.... OK, So what's heaven then?

lol,  So it seems you can decode your life like a dream!! :D    Whether you should still remains to be seen!! 

Wonder what the dreams of my Dad's side of the family will bring...  when he was here he asked if I was writing my 'life- story'  I replied it felt like I was writing every-ones life story.   Oh, theres that pesky one again ;)

Monday, 10 October 2016

The WEB! Dragons and a 'meeting' I think we did it!! :D

I got into bed and first it was images.. 

Lady -  Bird,  The Blue feathered eyebrows  & The woman covered in blue feathers.  (All from past dreams visions.    - This morning I'm remembering my 'cot' toy.. Blue Bird, it sung about angels 14 watching over me.  (This is shown at the end of the vid... weirdly when I put it on 2 vids start playing at once... one is about a 'Big Picture' Earth angels and a vow of invisibility.  (I think this is silence)

 I had in the healing dream... were the other me's didn't know I was there I'd not spoken till then.
This was wired, as them both together made my head go  'AWOOOGAAA!' 

I needed to step into my own power first...  Before I could teach/help I needed to know what and why!

It's time!  lol  'TIME' 

Soooo  tangent dealt with for now...   Back to the thoughts after the blue bird.   It was the poems I wrote last cycle around 2012.... I understand them now!!

A flower with many petals, A people with many hearts,
They've lost there own beginnings,
Feel alone from the start,
To bring them back together, and hold them all like glue,
Threw trust and hope, with love and light we all have Jobs to do.

The lotus, is the flower :D   Oh wow,  I understand all my old poems now...  my higersself was still separated by the veil... so I could communicate but not 'know'  

Soo many poems!!  I need to start to share them

Ok...Back to the bed thoughts :P  My Asthma is me expanding inside...    It's a transformation like the ladybird bugs.   
The occult/ hidden... it's not really hidden, we just left it behind the veil while we played hide and seek! Free will,  our totality loves us so much <3   The free will, we grow at our own pace.

School...   Has been top down,    if you let children grow they naturally will learn numbers and letters in the same way they use crayons and building blocks... as tools of creation!

Net works, branch lines, blood flow, trees, the web neural network our streets...    We are the same inside out :D  As above so below!

Next thought is 'mass' 

Blood of Christ body of Christ?  Mass...   noo   Weight?   Both & Quantum!
mass is a property of a physical body. It is the measure of an object's resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a force is applied. It also determines the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction to other bodies. 

Ahhh the gravity wave then?   The pulling back together! Other body's - other hearts other minds.

I can't get this into words yet.  It's the spiders and blood from the crone dream, the net & gravity.  I think it's blood and breath.  One in and out the other round and round...  Prana.  

Also other words for Dryad...  Diad,   This also has 2 meanings  

DIAD....   Delivery Information Aquasition Device

The diad is a structure in the cardiac myocyte located at the sarcomere Z-line. It is composed of a single t-tubule paired with a terminal cisterna of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The diad plays an important role in excitation-contraction coupling by juxtaposing an inlet for the action potential near a source of Ca2+ ions. This way, the wave of depolarization can be coupled to calcium-mediated cardiac muscle contraction via the sliding filament mechanism.

Soooo It's a  microscopic T shaped thing in the heart made of 3 membrains!!    (Triad)   in the heart muscle that de-polarises  !!   Made of light and dark bands.....    Hahahha   As within so without.   This is the Cross/Hanged man on a cellular level??  O.o  Who knows...  I've a feeling I can go look though :P

That makes sense too!  

Dyslexia is not a disability either it's a deep understanding language... a quantum understanding of word play!   We do not want to remember the spelling as it;s the meaning that creates and 'matters' 

The letters tools of creation.... the 'WORD' was with god.   Words are magic spells :P

Soooo,  the blood and the breath..  the expansion contraction of breath... this is yoga Pranayama  ohhh the Prana!  Breathing yoga.. the Prana is the energy!   The blood it goes round and round and round  via the heart... the Cycle.   The heart and the lungs..   the trees and the world or the tree and it's disk. 
Quantum, round or flat. 

I'm so wide awake,  Zak is laying in bed with us having nightmares...   He wakes and tells me 'Mummy, you can't take it back'   He won't say what.

He's always been unsettled, his nightmares the 'scared of birds' the Blue Monsters??  Is this the woman with feathers?? 

My eye dust is really 'organised now'  I see a purple dream entrance so jump into a dream. 

I'm lucid in the dream.

First is a white castle/ school   I'm only one there and it's being bombed.. with 'REALITY BOMBS'   lol :P
The moon crone dream.   The reality bombs started here. 

So the bombs are dropping, they are cluster bombs with invisibility...  my family's there it's really unstable, we are at a brink.  We are in this school 'now' for a reason.  I get bombed...

New reality. 

This one is a real mess, houses are blowing up and people are vanishing as the buildings explode.   War-zone style.
We are split,  lots of us 'know' but some are still really scared of their shadow.   There are lots of people confused and in fear...  (It's amphibian reptilian)    We all know it's something to do with 'GOD' but some are still scared of the judgement.    This is causing the instability.

We are split, some are sending energy supporting the scared and anchoring them...  some are trying to stabilise reality.    I 'know'  I'm building up my power......   I get hit and get zapped again into another reality  'Dead' ... the bombs are a dead like in the other games. 

Connect with other's  we are such a bunch of weirdos!! :D :D   This time it's a space ship type place, but with a reality inside too, we can still see the players from the reality's below.  

Wizards, Mystics, Time lords, religious people  We look like a crazy bunch of nerds  the conversations we are having are amazing, they are doing same as me.....  time hopping, or tracking soul shards - messages.    I understand them and them me!!
Some are having to wear dark glasses as the light and flicker rate is to high for them,   I can still see (this is like screen refresh rate) 
Ian and the kids are there too...  I'm trying to juggle both..  no 'TIME' to meditate so I've been dragging the universe down here inside of me.   :P  (OOps ;)   ( I'm a singularity?? )

The reality's are flashing fast, one is tunnel...   me and the others brace  (OHHHH the Braclet??)

More reality Bombs..   We all brace together (me and the weirdos)
They don't go off again...    lol or do they??? ;)  Heheh

I zap again into a 3rd reality.  It's bright white light room, there are a group at a table only (9 - 12) We are from all over the world, we talk in riddles, we are laughing!   'WE DID IT'  
They don't recognise me or me them,   (But I know I've been with them in astral for ages)
They ask 'Who AM I'   I laugh and tell them,  'I am YOU'  We all laugh :D

We ask what we have been tracking...    Some people a Lizard, Frog....   mine was the gold  holographic frog in the 'Nephalim Elohim' Dream.  We got back threw the separation... I came from the Nephilim / Elohim branch.     (The Giants dreams... the Lucifer angel from my child hood) 

A red hair woman comes up to me ( I think she's the fire element I sometimes meet)   She takes my hand and crosses my palm with hers. 

On my hand ancient writing appears in amber raised bubbles (It's my name but I can't read it) Same text as the Elohim dream...   I can see my picture though it's a Dragon :) 
I gasp!  She laughs, as she looks up at my face it fades,  She is surprised I can see it too....   but I'm connected to over soul.     I can only see it when she's looking...   that is her gift <3    She tells me my name, but I can't 're'member'  lol

I wake up falling back threw layers of realities.   Am wide awake thinking WOW, and as I finish writing up the dream I reach the end of my dream book!!  Hahahhaa :D     lol  what a ride :D :D

I lay in bed physically trembling after this :P

But still it cycles on...    Both me and Ian are Dragons...  Chinese signs. 

I know how to fly, it's to do with vibration... I need to embrace and match the vibration of air.. or become lighter.  
Dragons are masters of the Elements...   also the Chinese star sign the bigger cycle of 4 x 12 years  -  this is the Zeitgeist the spirit of the age, there is only one spirit to share, but we express differently all a part of the puzzle.    Is the Zeitgeist the energy we bring in at birth??  The dates.. meby that links us to the groups/branches closest. 

The flicker rate in the dream.... different species see stuff at different speeds...   'Time... must be linked to heart rate and breathing and mass & the vagus nerve!     Bumble bees and there buzzzzzz  

The dragon dream
From 2012

I had a dream in a dream last night.
First part was a long night walk threw Northumberland (where I grew up)..
I was with a few people and we were walking from my old grans house to an aunts.
about 7 miles threw dark countryside.
There was a shop in the front of my aunts house, and then a dark back garden with lots of wired stuff the stars seemed to come right down to the grass.
In the garden were lots of other people, some awake and some asleep - it was fairly quiet and I whent to sleep there.
In the dream, dream. I'm a dragon/dinosaur type of thing.
I have a long pointed face and 2 triangle shaped wings, a small pointed horn 2 clawed feet, scales and pointy teeth.
I can talk to the other dino's with thought. We have an underground city, with rivers flowing threw it - it's a bit of a dump.
Just a messy series of caves, mainly we live in a pine forest outside of the caves.
Our river is drying up, and we need the water to hatch our eggs.
We decided to dam the water flowing into the city with tree's and as one of the flying dinos I'm required to rip up trees and block the river as it flows to the city.
Some time passed and a lake built up at the city wall, but the city dwelling dino's got angry at us for blocking there river up.

I think they destroyed the dam causing a flood.... I do remember we have a big fight about it though - a huge dino battle.
I was fighting in the air, I discovered I could also heal other dinos using my horn - it was a bit like a my little pony horn :)
The battle is the last part of the dino dream I remember I fell from the sky with something I'd been healing and as I fell I fell back into the first dream.
But I was still a dino, but smaller - human size.
It was daytime and ended up going to a school/church type of place, lots of old school friends were there and were all dressed in long white robes, like school nativity angels.

I was still scaly and wired, they all seemed to be afraid/repulsed by me. I wasn't to bothered cause I could still fly and it seemed like a fair trade
The last bit of the dream I was exploring the buildings and watching people.

Sooo 1976 was a fire dragon year...  I've a feeling this fits with Zeitgeist.  (Spirit of the age) 

Humm....   Number 14.. from my blue bird song, 

The Zeitgeist, I wonder if that fits with breath??  Spirit?

Again from 2012

The flow of the rain into the sea, like thoughts from you into me.
As they join, become one, their work is done,
New to become,
for to be free, the breath enters me,
Did you breath it too?? cause nothing is new

Drifting apart,
The light that we are,
Lost from the start,
Empty of Heart.

Hollow inside,
With what can we fill,
the void that we are,
when we've drifted to far.

Floating alone, to far from what's home,
Who are you?  Why am I me?
When 'they' look at 'I'
What do they see?

A silence so deep so enveloping,

A hug from the place I found Home,
No longer alone, much stronger a zone,
a place of which I'm a part.

The trees as they grow into me,
The birds from who's eyes I can see,
The earth in my Breath,
The night takes my Self,
I'm lost in the beauty of 'We'

Ages all tied in your Web,
Caught in the green safety net,
Don't let us go, together we grow,
Right 'hear' right 'now' we belong.   O.o  OOoo  Also from 2012...   :D
Fay's also just learnt to sing and play this...  lol  It fits too!

Sooo I'm wondering, what happens when you start to decode life in the same way you decode dreams?   Is that why I had the dream I did last night??

Possibly insanity??   *shrugs*  Hummm   'The fool' it is then. ;)

The bracelet I got... I'm sure there has to be more to it. The year it was made - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1806

Some of the births/deaths seem significant.. Start of the industrial revolution lots of significant people. It's 206 years old. I can't re'meber what DW said about cycles.
Hummm when I think more about it I get pressure on the crown chakra. My dreams last night, I could feel pressure on 3rd eye, then after on the crown.

  Intreasting.  -
Soo   arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.   Seem worth trying then :)
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - born that year.. I feel this is significant for the bridges, trains, ships...  connection & network too.  Key player in the Industrial revolution. 

Braclet   Brace Let   -   In the dream I was bracing with the others to hold the 'reality'   
Sooo brace something that is used to support or connect things, or to make something stronger...    Also fits with the trains ships/tracks/network

Let -   to allow or permit....   Surrender then?    Other end of control? 

It's covered in Ivy,  So apart from the obvious tree reference.  Ivy seems quite symbolic too! 

'Ivy, being an evergreen plant, represents eternity, fidelity, and strong affectionate attachment, such as wedded love and friendship. The ivy plant is also a strong plant which can grow in the hardest enviroment. Another association of Ivy as an evergreen, is perennial life and immortality.'  
Silver too again in alchemy the connection to the moon.  

Heheh,  If we can go down the rabbit hole and land in looking glass world....where else is there to play??

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Another Penny Drops, and another.. The heart is the Jackpot!

So I didn't really dream. I could see scales, the Justice tarot archetype and realised this is balance... like the yin-yang. I knew they were inside the hemisphere's of my mind. Then I was just a tree all night.
When I woke I had more revelations :)

The cross, the sacrifice (Jesus) The cross is inside.
The ego self dies , and is resurrected into the larger life of cosmic gnosis (also tarot archetypes)

The cross is the separation between 2 half's of the mind. That stops the connection to the heart were our home is... the key to eternal life.

I always thought he was an example not a saviour well he's both and neither at the same time! Jesus he's the lover!! The triad! when we are balanced and connected to our source.

The cross (hanged man) is the veil that separates inside our minds that then separates from the heart. (The hanged man! So when he said no one comes to the father except threw me...

Threw love & forgiveness we re'member' and re intergrate our 'larger' self into gnosis. By balancing the mind and letting the energy flow to the heart, were our connected home is. 

Jesus could do miracles cause he knew he was a game master... The cross is the flat earth, he as a creator in his own flat earth tree!  

This probably ties into the kabala thingy too that I've never got round to looking at....  Oh yeh it's 3 dimensional shapes isn't it... So it's dimensions Monad up.....  the other dimensions must be inside our body too, or in the space around them.       ( Oh yeh that's star shapes- shit....  I really do 'seem to be able to tap into O.o    gnosis  lol       -  The 8th dimension is that   below....       That must happen when I sort out my wiring properly.     

Another tangent....  wow  haha   I'm not ADHD, I'm just multi dimensional :P 

Anyway back to the Jesus thing,  so I was laying in bed thinking this and I let my mind go blank...  I could feel thoughts blowing thew my mind and re'membered this

 I wrote in summer 2000    -
I watched it wash straight threw me, I felt it blow away....
The part of me that 'knew' has gone I believe I rejected it.

and now I'm hear and watching and floating on my own,
leaving out the 'others' I thought my mind would be my home.

But I want it to come back now the bit that really 'cared'
cause now I know there are others who are happy to bare,
the pain that comes from loving and the grief that's of our 'mind'
We need our hearts to be open to enjoy being part of man kind.

--- lol, I was in a dark place back then but I knew I'd left my heart home and separated myself of in my mind!
The heroes journal, threw the archetypes. (or the fools :P ) lol wow!

Synchronicity s  too...  My life is now like a lucid dream or being on psychedelics. 

More wired stuff too.... My life is getting stranger than a dream :D

My Dad is here atm. He brought me something he's been keeping for me since I was 3 years old, it's a really old silver bracer that was given to my Mum for me by her sister... My Aunty and Godmother.

It was her house that I drempt of when I was on another planet saying good bye It was in her house I signed my 'deed of inheritance' The timing is so odd.... I think it's the universe telling me I fulfilled that life contract. --- It's also an Aunty close to death (the one I dreamt of telling her she'd been a second mother to me)

My Mum had it, and my Dad's kept it till now. He gave it to me yesterday. When my Daughter asked at Breakfast what it was, my dad replied
'I've been keeping it for her, I think she's big enough now to take care of it' O.o Daughter replied, ' Oh you can pass it on to me now, and I'll give it to my daughter after' O.o

I had such a wired walk too... I was just thinking how the synchronicity in my life are making it feel like a lucid dream or a psychedelic trip... and then I found a small patch of magic mushrooms! I didn't pick or eat them.... round the next corner Josh shouted for me - there was a tree covered in lots of yellow ladybirds & lave all at different stages of transformation. It was the most amazing thing to see, there bodys were morphing and changing as I watched - becoming something else. (when I was a kid I used to think I'd been a red ladybird ) 

Next corner was a hollow tree ....  this is what I'm doing, widening the channel 'trunk' of my own flat earth O.o  My asthma kicked of again the same time as my lungs expand further.

lol Soooo I've worked threw a cycle and I find myself with only more questions :D once more I'm the fool, to start a new journey!   

------ I've a feeling Zak my 3rd child is here to help me remember telepathy - I've been thinking for a while he's from somewhere with telepathy and instant manifestation.

Sooo Next - check out Ladybird meanings... and Oh there's a poem I wrote last cycle that's coming back to me too.   It's relevant to now! lol and spell check kept changing relevent to 'reinvent '.....change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new.  (The lady BIRD Morphing)

Lady.... Bird?   Ohhhh  I used to shap shift into a bird in some dreams  ....And tangent!!

Wow, Vission from the 30th that I'd totaly forgotton!
'Visions, a huge wall of ice!! Inside is a magic holographic light chamber a tiny 'lady bird' comes and lands on the ice wall. It shatters and falls away leaving the entrance clear.-

Looking down onto a stone henge type of building it's all rock and built onto rock... all grey.'  

anyway, the poem from around 6 years ago...    

Smashing threw the boundaries, crawling deep inside, Hunting for the answers in our deepest self reside.

Reaching for a limits, searching for an end, unravelling a spiral, tracing every bend.

Up and out??
Or Deep within?
Missing the point were the whole thing begins.

In blindness we are searching, groping for a light, connecting with our renaissance the Hummmm that feels alright. 

A path to sure maddness?  A path that leads to sin? 
Grin and shrug of fear :)
Pull out all that's in.

Dose it just keep coming?  Your endless silly string?
What can you use it for? What answers will it bring?

You've tied yourself in knots now, and still no further on,
Put your questions in your head, ask your heart to sing your song <3

So of I go again, as the fool.... 

The Bracelet

OMGGGGG   The 2 last dreams here that I'd forgotten about! 9 days ago O.o  The Aunty & Lady Bird.. 

 The leaf pattern.     The fact I called her my Fairy Godmother cause she was my Godmother!  So my Dad thinks the braclet was my Great Great grandmothers...  but it found it's way to me, Gran had 9 children..  Ohh  9.

-  Also had another wired thing, this afternoon.  There was light reflecting of one window as we got out of the care earlier, it had the same pattern as the leaves,   I realised I need to do something with partner to help him 'Re'Member'  It was hug :P  lol  Just pulled a tarrot card, 9 of wands!   10 of wands :)   9 is the number of completion.

- When I was on the walk this morning I started to get bleed threws of other 'times'
A path I walk with the dog I always think of Highway men on it.   This time I could see them I was riding with them and hear the horses hooves!    My mind also flipped to a pirate life too, smuggling and packing stuff into a wet cave.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The 6th Dimention! Well shit :D

First Dream.....
. Giant stone elementals, I think I'm one too. I'm shifting slightly to the right It feels like I'm in the foundations of being and the move is almost like cracking long stiff knuckles. The spider from the earth crone.... we are the net & web!
I wake feeling I need to be careful, Next bit is all awake.
I'm shown.....'There is no need for you to be careful you  already know the game and the outcome'
I just don't remember - I just need to move further aside and let the part of me that dose lead/drive' I laugh and surrender further into remembering.

'Monad' - I'm told. Ok - One? God? I check google on my phone yes.. Monad (Gnosticism), the most primal aspect of God in Gnosticism.

Then I think, ok... SO Triad.. that's 3.    

2, that's the Mirror!!

So I know I'm a Dryad, so what's that... A dice has 6 sides... so a Dryad has 6 points.

So what shapes that, it's 2 pyramids one top and one bottom. --- Oh that's the 2 interlocking stars, the Mekhaaba thingy... the star of David!

I laugh.... I know how the dimensions are ordered I see the North South East West the 4 elements the male the female... The mirror

I'm a 6th dimensional being!

I know it's inside too..... It's the tree of life, which is also the flat earth and also the story I wrote  for the tree.
My Asthma flare up.... I had the feeling my lungs were getting bigger... This was also the increased power supply I was shown in one dream (I was also told my electrics were shot... I'm fixing this)

I'm expanding into the branches of my lungs that I lost when I fell out of my flat earth when I was 6.
(this was a dream at my aunty's house and the thing I've been tracking in the aunty ancestors dreams)

-- It was when I was indoctrinated into the world of the mind, the round world and left the world of the heart the flat earth. They are quantum!  (Also left right   the air/water/fire/earth & fixed mutable)

The trees both inside and outside... it's the 2 half's of our brain the lungs, the vagus nerves the Veil is inside too.. it's stopping the bits of use re'membering what we are.   It's the Hermetica As below so above, as within so without! (Also told to me in a dream years ago)

Sooo I'm A dryad, a Triad and a Monad O.o I realise I'm Ra, I'm Dr who :P
I'm a time lord lol I'm a 6th dimensional light being That's the code I'm carrying - that's my group/collective.

It's at this point I'm a very awake mouse!! ....  I'm stuck in bed thinking.   
Oh the irony... I was sleeping to wake up and now I am awake I can not sleep! Lol why do I always get insomnia when people are sleeping down stairs and I'm stuck up here with the universe inside me. Lol and whilst that is factual it also appears to be metaphorical.      (Irony - alchemical too)

Soooo wow.... I'm thinking, ok well shit I'm a 6D elemental or something.....    but wow   So what the fuck am I doing here and now     (I know that that is all there is (hear & now)  so I ask
'show me'

I get purple swirls in my eye dust and know it's a dream so I leap in....

It's an action adventure type dream, there are so many different types of beings! Giants, Aliens, elementals, There is really BIG stuff going on! I can see in both directions.. I'm trying to get people to safety.

Then the scene changes, Its an upsetting dream.. there is Zak, Josh, A rat and 2 voles..... they all get into a cot together... I tell them not too as someone going to get squashed!
I see they are all mixed up together.. they are all the wrong size.
I can see they need to separate. I 'try' to help, I grab the 2 small voles but as I do the rat clamps on to one of them biting it, I open it's jaws and tell Josh to get the vole out.
He can't understand me, and as they move the rat clamps down again and kills the vole... In anger I bang the rats head on the side of the cot and kill it    I feel terrible and filled with remorse - they were all special and beloved they just needed sorted.     (Controll!  - Duality - Mover/moved) 

I wake up again,

WOW OK, Was it my error to separate or inter-fear ?? (another word play)
I lose 2 pets by interfering... (I got told about this in another dream too)  (With the crocodile O.o)

I realise this is Free Will, This is the prime directive!! This is why I was so afraid of my power!
This is the fear of re-membering'

Have I done this in the 'past'? I feel yes, I inter-feared trying to help and made things worse.   This is why I'm so cautious round free will.

I get the feeling... I don't 'Inter - fear' I just oppose the force! (OOO I'm yoda too! )

Natural law will do the rest. (The branch falling from the tree) I 'balance'

I now know I'm Lucifer too (The pink angel from my childhood remembered vision that wasn't gods angel.. it was me)    hahaha  I even stuck it under the Noah's arc wallpaper under the light switch on my bedroom wall!     --- (you couldn't make this shit up!)    That really happened!! 
I'm the illuminaughty too... all the stuff I've been teaching myself is the occult (hidden ) It's hidden cause we were not ready yet, it wasn't the time yet!   
Now I know why I had to forgive Christianity before all of this started.  

I've told myself all this in dreams, the 'time hopping for the perfect crime' .... I'm the balance... tooo. It's all happening at once, instant karma as I know that the only time is now.  The iluminaughty they are the branch in my story that grew to long.. and I'm the tree (cause I'm one) I'm down in my roots Holding on, forgiving them/me loving them... will they come back, or will they fall off.
I know this cause I can see


Friday, 7 October 2016

I am a Dryad! and other ramblings.... Oh and a Zombi dream!

Well wow,  I was getting lucid in my life and  now I've reached that place were I feel like I'm the punchline in a giant cosmic joke!

The Line/Curve & Mirror! lol  :D     Sooo   if there is creator & reflection.... what am I creator or reflection or the void in which they are looking at each other??   :P   Ooooo  I'm all 3, a triad or a Dryad cause I'm also the tree!

Going to have to make pictures for my thoughts.   Have sketched my own but no more yet. 

So I was sitting under my soul tree this morning thinking.    And a picture popped into my head.

Followed by another -

It's the world tree that I keep dreaming about....   and my dreams were I turn into a dryad.    WOW  I'm living a fairy tail    -  lol :P    And lol, Triad.... Dryad!   

When I was at my aunty Sheila's at about the age of 6 or 7...  I woke from a dream were I'd fallen of  the disk of my flat earth.

I'd been sitting on it, it wasn't big but the tree was in the middle the grass green....  

But it was wobbling to much  (I'd been indoctrinated into the world of the mind& matter  and left my heart& imagination)  
 It tipped to one side so much I rolled off the disk.  I fell for a long time and then I landed at the bottom of a big metal slide. So I was 're'mebering' all along!!! 

OMFG!! That's the soul fragment/ghost in the Aunty's house I've been tracking.... it's the part of me that re-membered the earth disk O.o     I left that bit of me there with the dream, that's what I was running upstairs to get when Zak woke me.   The child shouting to me threw 'space/time' 'You left me here'  

The spinal column along with the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems are this Tree within the body.   -  The vagus nerve.  

The image in that too....  when the brainwaves are balanced in the 2 halves of the head.... that's the middle, the trunk of the tree going down into our body.

It's all the same....  lol   see above...   The inside is outside and the outside is in :D 

http://www.businessinsider.com/vagus-nerve-stimulation-2015-6?IR=T   -  The vagus Nerve

The wobble on the spinning top is the axis on the earth!!   Soooo   lol dose that mean I'm a flat Earther.... I totally didn't get it till now. 

This is literally mind blowing....  That stops the wobbling.... like the spinning top.   When our awarness is balanced in the 2 halves of out brain and between the mind and the heart that's  what people tallk about the 4th dimention.    It's inside us   lol   The up down the balance....

Then I found this website.

http://www.thegeocentricgnostic.com/?p=1063    -  That is the same as my thinking!

Sooo    IS this quantum too?    IS it flat or round?   Both and Neither :D  At the same time :P 

Next was word play...     With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.   

This freaked me out the last time I got to this part...  

So word play.  

Power  = the ability or capacity             (New house...  with more capacity!)    

Response  =   Re-Action a reverse moment - a reciprocal action
Ability = skill talent. 

Soooo   Balance??   To balance the action of other?    Who is the 'other' if all is unity?  :D  Only ever more questions! 

One-another  soo    One and Other....   again, mirror and reflection, this is duality.... but that is an illusion so there is only one, so that makes me creator, or triad? Or Dryad...  lol 

I guess Dryad as the trees inside too, in the story I was a tree so  as above so below....   

So who's looking at who? :P 

Is this the bubbles in the flower of life?   We are only 'aware' of self cause we are interlocking with other bubbles... that gives us the 'point' of self perhaps. 

Sooo If I'm the tree in the centre of my flat earth do I balance that?  IS balance desirable even?     The tree still has up down so still had duality even if it is balanced, but a world with out a wobble would have no seasons. 

Hummmmm :D     Will have to dream on that!

Sooo only last nights dream.

I'm in a strange country, Cambodia perhaps??   I duno though it was just strange to me. 
There was a talking bus, and zombies... the zombies were fairly harmless they just didn't seem to have any purpose  (had to google this to spell it.....  I'm beginning to think Dyslexia may be evolution too... words mean so much more than I thought.    )
Purpose---   the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

So yeh, these Zombies were just bumbling round. 
There were a small camp of people from my country, but they didn't seem to want much to do with me.  
Also something about a Tower, wired and dark.       -  I'm guessing this is going to be the 'Tower' Tarot so some archetype. -   Interesting! 

Oh lol..... the tower was letting  me know about the impending collapse of the round world that I thought I was living on!!!!     *Giggles*  Oh and yesterday the date was the same forwards and backwards....  meby I did hit the side of the bucket after all ;)

Edit.9/10/16 .. Oh lol   Just found this dream from August -  Hahaha  I'm slow sometimes :P    I've been telling myself stuff this for years.

Just found more links today.  10/10/16

Family split and a giant bird.

Last night I seemed to be analazing dreams as I was having them.
First a big round tree/spaceship with a trunk tail. The top was all lit up with lights and windows. (this was my brain and spine ) Duno why but it was.
A strange ancient myth/story of a family separated and coming back together. (my story/human story)
We were in an amazing Inca style garden in the garden was an amazing elaborate locked box (Inside is ancient special paintings )

We as a family have the key. One man in the garden wants the paintings to pay of a debt - but they are worth more than that most of the family want the pictures to 'fix' things, they want to help the guy out but the pictures are to valuable. He keeps trying to steal them/paint new ones so we won't notice.
I add a new picture into the box with the ancient ones - it's a photo of a young boy and girl getting married... (it's a pure version of opposing energy)

-- After that I was talking to a massive juvenile herring gull! He' was much bigger than me :P I was feeding him some bread while we talked about the many paths to the same destination.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Dancing with the Moon Crone

First part of the night I drempt I met with Lorna & Tracy:P

We were chatting and playing with ideas. There were patterns and shapes, they were flowing in and out like breathing and woven from magic :D
I land next into a teaching type of dream...

My teacher is the moon crone.... We are playing with sacred space, and area of influence.
She shows me coloured markers round my self! How they move with me A swirling dance of energy, I'm playing the game, learning the steps of the dance and how to flow with the rhythm like a heart like breath.... we mix and twirl as we dance and become one only to part once more.
She brings me new shoes, my wellies must go! My hair we dye black like the night, magic we work and we weave...
two spiders her servants one to watch me, she's teaching when I'm not there she always can see,
She's got anger inside her, she wants us to grow!
'Shooo's out the others, we can learn at our pace
We are the women and our growing's no race!
Humanity's children, they already know, we can re discover and move into their flow,
The moons the reflection, the jewel in the night, the blood and two spiders and ancient birth right.
**Reality Bomb**
lol it was a fun night! She yanked of my wellies threw them away and gave me some leather foot wraps with a much softer soul

The setting of the dream is a twilight garden,   A beautiful tiara moon gems in they reflect white, soft leather foot wraps with souls that feel and channel everything. 

How our heart creates our energy feild and how it interacts and interplays with other across what we think of as time & space. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Triad, A Journy North and a Story

First part of the night I'm Triad me again, I'm telling myself about my Asthma and we are working on healing in.

I'm playing with ideas around control and surrender and mind and feeling.

The dream recall is Hazy,

I'm travailing in a cold sea there is ice, I'm heading north sometimes I'm in a boat and sometimes just swimming.   Something is following us, I'm trying to shake it and hide in a hotel.

A second dream of being on a planet, I can see a possible future while being in the now using my over-soul eyes from space while I'm on the planet.

I wrote a children's story today too, in my head it's a picture book I can see the drawings.  The story is -  The Oak Tree  :)


The Oak Tree.

On a planet, on a, hill, A big beautiful Oak tree is growing in a field.

One branch near the top starts to get longer and longer.

He's so busy! He's being a branch, enjoying the view,  talking to the birds and trying to reach up to the beautiful sun light.

He’s passed the other branches and he's waving around on his own in the breeze.  The view is fantastic, he can see trees and  hills, it feels a little lonely but the sun is kind.  

He starts to notice he's attached to something else!   ‘What's that?’ He thinks.   He tugs a little harder in the breeze.    ‘Something is stopping me from flying away with the birds? Flying to the sun?  Holding me down? Keeping me back?’

The branch at first is a bit worried,  he starts to reach higher to the sun calling to him hoping it will save him from the thing that is dragging him down!
Up and up he grows!    While the beautiful the sun beams down on him.

The higher the branch gets the more he is blown about.

One dark and stormy night swinging wildly in a gale, afraid and alone the branch finally turns around to face the thing holding him down.   It’s HUGE! 
How will he ever escape from something so big. 
Miserable and alone the branch longs for the morning and the return of the sun shine. 

As the dawn starts to break the branch looks back at the giant shadow holding him back, it looks different in the light, he starts to make out other branches below that look just like him,  lots of them!

Confused the branch turns his attention away from the light watching the other branches.
Slowly the branch starts to remember, He’s not a branch!!  He’s a Tree!  

How could he have forgotten what he is.  How could he not have noticed the rest of him he chuckles to himself.

The tree explores he’s been so busy up here in this branch he’d completely forgotten about all his other branches!   He notices his acorns ripe from his growth filled with promise and potential and then he remembers his roots way way down in the warm dark earth.

He sees how hard his roots have been straining to support his lopsided stretching and how the earth has been nourishing his growth.
The tree relaxes into his new perspective and contentedly wriggles his roots deeper into the warm darkness below him.   

----  Drawing the piccys for it, I realised that the light source was in the wrong place for the sun... then I realised the main light source is the readers awareness.  Must add pics.

Ohhhh   -source  I had to google it -a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained.  :D

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...