Saturday, 18 March 2017

Border Dreams

My first dream

It was my normal dreamscape but I was remote viewing a burnt out railway carriage on the English Scottish border.     I was also chatting to a reincarnation of someone who used to be a friend of my fathers when he was young.  I think the guy might have been 'Main' a salmon fisherman who lived in an old cottage.

I was also viewing something that looked like the Forth bridge in Scotland, large metal spanning a river...  it was for trains too though.  (Oh just googled it it was the forth train-bridge I was seeing!
While I was looking at it I was chatting to police, there was unrest in the Borders again, for the first time in 100's of years.   

----  I think this is me picking up on the new call for a indi Ref in Scotland.

Next dream I was in a 'hospital' but I was in a room that was a stainless steal elevator.  I was there as a large patch of skin on my cheek was torn, it didn't hurt, it was like it had pealed back to show the flesh under it and I was waiting to be pulled tight again and glued back together.    While I was waiting, I was sat on the metal floor of the lift with a massive box of lego.  There were other people with me, I was making a red Santa sleigh. 

Another dream with the same lift, this time it is open... and there is a bench with facility's for making tea and coffee, there are 2 attractive loves and 3 dogs.   I'm making tea and cake for all while going up and down!


First dream before midnight.

I'm in my normal dreamscape but above it and separate from it, almost like and overlay on the normal dreamscape. 
I'm moving on what is like an invisible catwalk like they have in the theatre, but it's grid like and made of light.  I'm moving at night... I can manipulate stuff in the dreamscape but I'm trying to stay unnoticed....  At the end of the night I meet with others to hear a story, this is odd.
We are still in a odd black voidish place.
There is a big person in a chair with a book with children & people gathered round him sitting on the floor like a teacher reading a story.
I'm part cat part human, there is someone I know who is part tiger (looks like the frosty s tiger!) Hanging back to the right, I enter and lean against a wall to the left to listen too, I'm part humm sandcat/sandfox adapted to hide in the desert and survive in harsh environments. 
It had a feeling of us being older children who still want to be part of something that they think they should have grown out off we were observing it with a cynical  amusement almost.

It reminds me of old fashioned 'Jesus' paintings in some ways, and also reminds me of the dream I had with god in when we were all bobbing up and down out at sea. 

Next dream was more of a vision - memory experience.  I'm weaving a rug on a large wooden loom, I have a wooden shuttle with thick cotton on.    Weaving in and out, the fabric is lovely earthy colours... Red, Brown, Orange and a light cream for contrast.. the pattern is geometric.  I have a small tan puppy with me, looks like a sausage dog.

Next dream..

Underwater game, with a book and a God..   It's hide and seek, but book is based on bullshit.  I'm the water rather than a player in the game, I'm surrounding and supporting, connecting and observing. 

Next up...

Massive stately home and country estate.  The house is old set in beautiful countryside, I'm going to meet the owner an earl or something... I have a mission / connection with him though we have not spoken before.   I enter his meeting room, the room is shaped like a medieval pavilion tent... It's much larger and the plaster is painted purple and pink striped, it's like being in a large solid tent.   His wife has painted gold pictures on the walls they are detailed and symbolic.  The furniture in the room was once fine and expensive but is aged and well used now.  
I get on well with this Earl, we know some of the same people.  We walk and talk, he wants to show me round,  we leave the main building and find indoor flats.   Hummm   They are bright like holiday apartments.  I've not seen anything like them in real life.  Lots of blue doors and glass, about 3 flats high set in lager groups of 20 of so apartments  (I'm recalling seeing smiler in outer dreams but destroyed  or in bad condition)    They are all very clean with plants at the windows, it's well lit and they seem to be under a glass dome.  Each apartments has notifications in the window, flyers and posters advertising the dwellers skills/talents expertises.
The man is powerful, is well connected to elites, money and other powerful family's and land owners  (One family is the Armstrong's who currently own a castle close to where I grew up)
I don't dislike the guy, he's an environmentalist and into wired spiritual stuff.... he explains how people are 'tied' to him.   There are images of 'knot's in the apartment windows,  They are like Celtic knot work... the more complexed the pattern/knot and strands the tighter the bond.

Emma again, but we are adults this time.   The dream is set in the home she had from the age of 10+  Her house is upside down with the living room and fireplace being the large front bedroom.   I had quite good real life recall in this dream as I knew her parents had moved out of this house so was surprised we were in it. 
As I get there she's excited, I'm just in time to swallow one of her children's teeth!  (In the dream she had 4 kids, all teenagers or adult she doesn't have any kids)  The tooth was an adult incisor. 
I agree and go down to the kitchen to collect a glass of water to swallow it with.. I walk past a mirror, I'm in a long old fashioned green nightdress it's see threw and I notice I'm weirdly fat (don't recall my face)  I get some water her dogs are in the front room but they are old dogs. I go back to swallow the tooth.   As I look out of the window it starts to snow.

The dream changes completely, I'm taking Emma with me to see something.

We are outside in a lush vivid green forest there is a small hill with an old drystone wall around it and on the top of the hill is an ancient chapel, it's Gothic style and the stonework is beautiful.  We are in Scotland, the Chapel is mythical and ancient and built on in an older scared grove.  

Still with Emma we enter the grave yard and walk up a path that twists round the hill and up to the entrance of the church... We meet the Vicer she's female she's also Anglican (This will have to change)   On the outside of the church is a clock tower.. the clock is ultra modern  it dosn't look like a clock at all, it's made out of shiny metal.  Emma gives me a 'joke sweety'  it's unpleasantly sweet and sticky.  

(When I woke, I know this church/hill grove it's very familiar from other dreams) 

Last dream,

I have a lover female with short purple hair, she doesn't speak much nor do I.   We are in a school like complex but it's also like a soft play area, we need to climb to move around it.  We enter a class room with large white grafix pads.   We are doing technical drawings with sharp white mechanical pencils Melody is there too, we talk about kawaii stationery.   The images we are drawing are very complexed diagrams of energy convertors or something. 

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Swimming with Seals, VW camper and a Market Square.

On a rocky shore with elderly aunt and uncle Sheila and Eric, there daughter and her hubby there too.    The sea in coming between the rocks and I want to go swimming, I strip off and go in, there are seals in the water :D  (last time I was really sea swimming there was a seal close to me too)

They are friendly I can breath underwater and I go down with them..   the deeper water is tropical with different fish, beautiful coral, and lots of small tropical fish are nibbling at me, it really tickles!

I keep swimming down deeper and deeper and further out to sea, I reach a 'school' type of complex under water, The rooms are large with high ceilings and white they are all filled with water.
The students there don't swim... they walk on the bottom of the rooms.   In the 'school' there are films and projections being shown that the students are watching.  
I'm still nekid and swimming around above them - It's a little like flying, the others don't seem effected by the water and it doesn't support them to float or swim - they seem confused by what I'm doing.

I continue swimming on until I come out of a cave entrance and into a sunlit field the light is golden, I can still fly, but it's much more effort in the air without the support of the water.  In the feild is my family again... but also a wooden stand with 3 beautifully covered small birds standing on it.   There is a bucket of seed and each small bird has a pile of seed in front of them.     They are eating the husks and leaving a small pile of white flower at their feet....   I sweep the flour away and give them all more seed, they are tame and let me stroke there fluffy feathers.

Next dream I'm in a city in a small shop or store, there is a film showing there too.  She has a dead bird, and I have a dead dog.   We are wrapping them in paper to be incinerated/cremated The dog is small.  I'm wrapping them like fish and chips.  (This is odd, reminds me of the dream I had of my mother as a doll sized mummy, I also wrapped her up like fish and chips, but she wouldn't fit back inside the glass coffin so I had to wrapped her in ripped cloth instead)
It's a kind of ceremony and I bond with the woman while doing it, she's upset about the passing of her small pet bird.   (There was also a storm and power cuts in the dream but I don't rember that bit now)

Last dream,

I'm with an author she's blond and has been writing a book of prose.. she has a husband and 2 boys in the dream I think she's ment to be a sister-in-law.   We go into a market place with open stalls and meet 2 hippys with Dreds, one is Ian the other is unfamiliar... yet in the dream it was the unfamiliar one that I knew best.  The 2 boys change into our 2 boys, one of the guys has a live in camper van parked in a arch of the old market square... it's pretty basic inside, but nice... the blond woman turns into his wife they are weirdly incompatible she doesn't like the camper and in the back there is a shoe wrack with high heals and  wedding shoes on.   In the dream I was recalling the VW camper we had....  (it was real but my recall of it in this dream...  was of it being only mine and belonging in a dream in my main dreamscape -    I'd travelled all over in it, living in it and I have extensive memory's of this suddenly so it seems like a parallel me type of memory/dream   wow, I suddenly have loads and loads of memory flooding in from dreams of this van all over the place with me living from it... I think a version of me left Ian in that van and lived in it in another dream/life)
Anyhoooo back to this dream/dream :P   I realise that my 2 boys are missing wandering the market.   I can't seem to round them up as they are both in different places going in different directions. 
One dredded guys tells me to go to the other side of a road away from the market square... I do this, him and Ian round up the boys then we teleport them across the road to me.  

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Emma, a Bedroom and a Game on Stairs.

The night before last I was dreaming of a white canvas tent,   it was 2 domes with a  tunnel between...  one dome was open, the other divided into 3 bunks. 
My first dream last night followed on from this, I was set in the same place.... but it was to do with linking and patterns...   It felt like patterns and weaving a dream one colour at a time.

Next part of a dream I remember is a bakery deli I was being shown round by a European guy there were massive of ovens, new ranges next to ancient cast iron stoves...     I'd put on a wired white hooded robe, and because I was wearing it I was being taken to have the future read by someone??   The deli kitchen was full of cheese too!

Next 2 dreams have in an old school friend - she was my best friend and in the dream we are both as we were at 8 years old.  The first dream she has a large tall house, up in the attic is a bedroom, with amazing old-fashioned windows.    It's supposed to be her bedroom, but she is afraid to go there because of a ghost so she wants her elderly grandmother to have this attic room...      I explain to her that her grandma can't manage the stairs up to the loft, she struggles with the bathroom on the second floor...  I offer to stay with her and sleep there so she's not alone and afraid. 
She feels bad for her grandma so agrees, I bring other friends too we are all around 8 years old....  the attic is really large, and my friend Emma has a white wrote iron bed with patchwork quilt.  She sits in the bed but is happier and not afraid now that she has friends, I can see the ghost is linked to something, I think it was a bit of meat that was to feed to a cat. 

The next dream is in a similar tall Victorian house there is a central squared off spiral stair well, it's very big going up and down...    It's boarded by hand turned banisters and handrail with elaborate newele posts at each corner.  On the floor is a reddish wool carpet. 

Me and Emma are competing in a game/challenge it's taking place on the wide stair case... there are lights fitted to the side of each flight..   2 red lights at each side and a buzzer in the middle, we need to both complete obstical courses on each flight to turn our lights green..   (we worked all this out by experimenting)    The courses are set into 3...  So first it's 3 flights down.. we need to avoid coloured foam fish that have been placed increasingly closer together.   After than there is 3 flights up, where things are hidden and we need to find and collect them.    The same friends are there from the bedroom dream....  there is also something about food rationing, we have small bags of rice rations. 

Monday, 13 March 2017

Diffrent factions & Goverment Intervention.

Sundays dreams...

My recall wasn't good lastnight  -  In one dream Chelsea was with me though... and the pope!   There was an alien 'war' going on... but both sides were the same  - they had been mind controlled / confused into aligning with different factions but were basically fighting with each-other.    It was a hummm top down dream were I was observing from way above. 

Which is similar in some ways to the dream where we went in to rescue someone but they didn't recognise us, so we just went along with playing the roll of there enemy so we could get them out. 

There was also 3 & 4 leaf clover in one dream.

Last night.

First dream was a little hazy.... again it had a fire in it, I was lighting it I was chatting with people, I knew 'names' I shouldn't be able to know?  We were nearly ready to leave/go.

Next dream was similar but this time about forgotten words and codes... there was echo's too... I felt like I was jiggying stuff in my brain :P   Oh..... I also had a small red and black snake, it was nice but a bit freaky... in the dream it kinda exploded into 3 bits, it was icky!    I was also cleaning out a large toolkit for someone. 

- Last dream,

This was in my main dreamscape.

I grew up in a 'council estate'  So it was new build social hosing rented cheep from the government...  It was 'out' house in terms of you can decorate do what you want with it.   It was a big thing in the 70's in the UK... I was the first baby to move into the estate at 1 month old as it was being finished when I was born.  Priority was given to family's with kids so it was a fun place to grow up with lots and lots of kids!    Sooo In my dream last-night it was being renovated the dream was about the estate and not my house (So hummm my totality rather than my personality meby?) 

The whole estate had been flattened and was being rebuilt and modernised..   It was wired, as it was being rebuilt much more communally & ethically .. so we shared heating and energy.   There were fetchers like a laundry who provided washable nappy's professionally laundered to the houses that needed them... the dirtys were collected to be washed and seteralised to be reissued.    There was also shared communication and lots and lots of TV sets everywhere even outside on the buildings.   There was something a bit 'big brother' about it, but lots of care had been put into stuff to make it 'work'

In the dream is this larger than life red haired woman called 'Kathy'  she's humm  like a barmaid from East london a strong cockney accent and very direct.   I was chatting to her about nappies I was using as I was allready using washables...  she was explaining that it was good I was doing that, but the program wouldn't allow for return of the same nappies (mine were patterned)    There was a distinct lack of individualism.  I also had a young female friend in the dream who was pregnant.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Darth V, Snowballs and partys.

First dream 1.30 was about nested reality's like layers of onion.

Second 2.30 I woke myself up laughing. 

The dream had a party atmosphere I had a big caravan and was holding a party, people from allover Europe were there.  Darth vader too (he was my Dad!)  he was a bit creepy and moody but was there cause he was my father.    The party spills out onto the street, we are on the outskirts of a city.   There is a big frozen lake and snow and we are skating and throwing snowballs... lots of kids there too.  

An ambulance arrives and we part ways to let it threw then keep playing, I wake up laughing when a snowball hits me in the face and goes down my clothes. 

Third dream.

Christmas party...  Dom x-partner is there, our GP Dr P (who in the dream is estranged from his wife and kids) Steve too.   The party is wired and kinda awkward no-one has much in common.   Leaving Steve gives me a lift... his car is wired 50's American but inside it's futuristic and it's self drive... also steering wheel is in the wrong place for the UK.   We are coming from the north into my main dreamscape   there is an amazing sunset (but the sun is setting in the east not west)   The sea is calm and is full of swan boats and gondelers with lanterns floating on the sea and in the boats
it's very romantic.     He wants to take Suzie so I offer to have the kids and take them all to the beach.  
At the beach I find a woman who's breeding bitch has been stolen and she's appealing for the person to took it to take good care of it. 

Friday, 10 March 2017

Connecting Tracks, Violent and Mass Death.

I had a completely different type of dream last night in some ways in others (3rd person and manipulating time) was similar.
I think I must have integrated that male aspect as all the DC's were men.      This was the last dream of the night.

It's set in modern-futuristic   I'm observing 3 men, tall hansom ruthless.  The city is very modern and the 3 men are part of a faction who are 'wanted' by the establishment.    One of the men had gone undercover but had been found out and had been torchered and interrogated and the 2 others were looking to release him.

It's more like watching a film from inside the TV...  I can go first person into any of the characters or observe them from above.   

The guy who'd being kept prisoner is a wreck, he's been totally broken and doesn't recognise us as we come to collect him.   The only way to get him to comply is to beat him up more and pretend we are the establishment too.  He's so used to being controlled this is the easiest way to get him to the safety of our faction again. 

He follows our commands as we lead him out of the building  (The other 2 guys are disguised too)     At the exit there is a shooting and fighting but we break into another building and leave that way.       They whole area is cordend with road blocks and security checks and everyone is looking for the 3 but they get out of it and back into the city. 

Next I flick thew this dream... like the pages in a book, I can flick back and forth (this is familiar I sometimes do it when I dream of a life/world game ending)    I stop at a scene with 2 men sitting on dirty red sofa in a smoky room, then flick a bit to where they have been shot multiple times the blood is pooled round the bottom of the sofa congealing.    I flick forward again to a city were something has gone badly wrong millions of people are dieing at once....   they are all out in the streets and dieng in agony  possibly chemical gas as they are all on the ground fighting for there lives with no obvious wounds. 
I watch them die and the moment their energy/souls start leaving there bodies...    I flick back and forth a bit here it's gruesome but I'm watching there souls leave then flicking it back and watching itover and over.   
I leave that and end in another dream with an Aunty who's dieing, (in the dream she is well) her freezer is leaking and I'm measuring to get it a new draw!

---  I realise this is the male 'devil' archetype and also same person as this bus dream. 

The first dream was wired...  Hazy (again it was cloudy) 

I was lost and I couldn't remember stuff I was being helped by the other DC's....  they were all being really nice :D

Another vague memory is of being in a class room...  a train-track is laid out round the outside it's all separated though and I'm with male me and a class of others.  We are connecting the tracks so that the small steam engine can move again.  They have lots and lots of separate boilers.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Ewoks Reality Bombs and a Clock Tower

First dream before 1am was wired...   a plastic world and I'm planting a plastic forest.  Sucking things up with a black plastic hose. 

Next dream..

A game in a world with multiple species...  I'm part of their family's.  I change form dependant on who I'm with... sometimes I'm formless.   The main ones I recall are Ewoks we are small and furry and upright like teddy-bears.  (The teddy-bear avitar from Sundays dream perhaps?)
They live in what is like a cross between snow and a desert..  it's barren and cold, but overcast and there home is a bender built into hill side, the front is open and it's covered with old thick coloured fabrics...   lots of bits and bobs of tat inside and hanging from the supports. 
The living area spills out of the front onto the sandy ground, the floor is dirty coloured matting. 

There is a mother type Ewok and I'm one of her offspring too I'm visiting and it's good to see her again... we hug alot (it's furry :P)     She tells me 'To linger in our home is to perish with neither sustenance or light' she sends me away with a gift and a mission.   She goes to find the gift from the tat at the back of the bender.

The gift is a bottle of sterile saline the kind for infections inside is a hamster in clothing.   It's floating like a specimen in formalin.   I put it in my pocket and wish them good bye.... they tell me to return when the clock is at 6.   
I walk away from the camp and to a coastal bay,  on the shore hares and badgers appear running to greet me.  I smile and stroke them.

The bay is small and surrounded by rocks, underfoot is shingle and small pebbles.   I wade out into the water until it's up to my calves (not deep cause I'm short and furry) 
The water is full of starfish with trailing tendrils from their 5 points, the tendrils contain a psychoactive substance that causes hallucinations...   I can see my vision fragmenting into coloured fractals --(at this point a local friend appears on the shore and says you need to come out your getting stung) but I grin and go deeper into the trance. 

As the trance and hallucinations fade I'm in another world with another family, setting is a dark building this time tall green skinned orc like (not dissimilar to the Bogart I was a week or so ago)  the are bulkier though and taller and green very familiar.  It's great to see them again, I'm in a wispy form with no actually body.   They give me a 'reality bomb'   (I know these from many other dreams :P there fun!)   I've only been subjected to them landing on me, but this time I'm being given one to set off! :D      I'm instructed to use it in a town/city for maximum effect.   They show me a clock and tell me to return when the pointers are at 12.

I wake with the message  'The 'future' will be here in a second'  which makes me laugh.    

I bobble in and out of HH's for a bit...  there is an 70's looking school in Russia.  It's very basic, the floor is blue and I'm being asked what disinfectant to use to clean it.... It gets more dream like and one of my green orc friends appears to say goodbye.   Next 2 men come in wearing only thin black tights and start Cossak dancing I watch then cheer, we talk about communism and politics for a bit then left and right duality and balance...    There is a game of 'before time began.. and elder races'   I woke myself back up here coughing.

Last dream.

Another game....  this one starts with us entering the dreamscape from the front.    Like dolls placed into a toy town, me and male me split as we enter.    We have a potato man too he's at the top and is like a life bar!   Every time we fuck up the potato man gets kicked, beaten up, abused or eaten, it's game over when he's mashed.
Me and male me go separate ways the dream is split so I'm seeing where he's going and where I'm going like an overlay, but I'm also looking at scene as if I'm outside it looking at us both as dolls.

The dreamscape is like a town there is a path going up and one going down, male me sets of up and me down.   He's walking a path between neat houses with gardens and hedges going up and up.    I'm heading down into a harbour waterfront area of a seedy town.  It's rundown dirty there are grubby shops tattoo parlours, take-aways, taverns and cheep shows.... it's like a old fishing town turned tacky seaside town.  
I lose the vision of male me and potato man and get absorbed into the dream. 

I take a job as a make-up artist doing stage make-up for a drag type show.  
My ward/employer is the 'dwarf character I asked to marry me, I 'know' him by his black eyes and he 'knows' me...   but we stay in character for the sake of the game...    In the dream he's tall dark and sleazy he clearly fancy's me - I let him know it's not happening but when I put on his make up looking in his eyes is intense - and there is an obvious attraction but not the current game body.    Near the end of his life (he smashed his spud early on) I'm putting blue face paint onto him, the flirting becomes more intense.     He dies on stage. 

Out of work I leave the waterfront area and head towards the area where I know male me is.  It's a long way up and as I follow his trail it's lined with white fluffy feathery clouds...  the game world becomes dark and as I get higher I realise I'm moving threw dream layers and becoming more lucid...

I find male me outside of what is an epic looking building, its hyper real and almost cartoon like.  

It's like a mix between a church/clock tower/night club.   There is coloured flashing lights at the tall arched windows and banging techno, the building is black bricks with purple woodwork and the tower is huge going way way up in the air.  
It's set in a large area of grass like a neatly kept garden, and the building is lit from the grass by up-lights so it glows in against the blackness of the night.
I walk towards male me who's white and fluffy/feathery looking like the trail he's leaving... he kinda glows a bit -  too he shouts to me 'Did you get us killed then?'    Before I get close to him the door to the building opens and out walks the black eye guy in his new body!

He's an upright pirate dog, ginger furr and peg leg, a black hat with a purple feather poking out of it and a patch over one of his black eyes.  I laugh out loud when I see him he grins his dog grin and growls 'I knew, you'd come!' 
He picks me up in a cradle hold and carries me over the threshold like a bride  into the creepy-party building.   Male me kinda rolls his eyes and follows us in.   

Inside is also hyper real, there is a raised dance floor, lasers a long bar against one wall.
I'm plonked on my feet as black eye guy sweeps his hand round and gestures to the room.... he leads me to the dance floor introduces me to 2 females dancing and heads of again.    The dance-floor glows and the building is way bigger inside that out, it's hard to make out the purple arched rafters way above,  one of the women I chat to is a business type woman (it could possible be the same one I killed in a dream a while back)  Another female is intoxicated on the laying on the dance floor.  

Dog-guy appears around and wants to show me round, I tell him 'fuck of I'm dancing' but he's amendment.. so we float up to the celling.   We are up in the rafters, below the clock tower... above us the tower goes on and on, and below us is a hole too the same square shape it's impossible to see an end to either.

I tell him I know what this place is, it's the same as the 3 prisons side by side in this dream I had... It was a prison full of drugs, sex, games..  I flash a picture of it into his mind, then I show him the security around the buildings we are in.    He laughs, and flashes a picture into my mind of large red beds on a loft landing overlooking the dance floor and tells me 'We can fuck here too'    I laugh and  tell him 'Perhaps, you have to catch me first though'   
I drop, free-fall like a stone down the hole.... he laughs and follows...   we free fall for ages picking up more and more speed I let myself dissipate into a smokey form.. he copy's and we mix neither of us solid... just black shadowy smoke we pull up short of some lava at the bottom of the tower and start to fly up again, twisting in round each-other like a spiral whirlwind   - So fast, as we fly threw the church/rave we start to dematerialise that too so its falling away into nothingness    finally all that is left is the outline/skeleton of a massive clock and below it the outlines of cogs and a giant swinging pendulum 

I wake up. 

 I had a wired card experience later that day in the evening.   I felt like I should pull a card before bed, as I was shuffling I was thinking about Aleister Crowley  (It was to do with what the LLO books say about him over identifying with 'The Beast' archetype ect.   Anyway, I was thinking about the darker male aspect I've been working with over the winter as he's the 'devil' archetype in some ways   (

Last nights dreams was these 2 cards together.......   The clock tower in the dream too was also 'The Tower' card.   Which follows the Devil card.   The devil aspect was a dog rather than a goat but his was the animalistic side of desire.

Low and behold out of the 52 cards..  I felt I should pull 2 next to eachother.  One was 'The Devil'  only in my cards it's 'The big bad Wolf'   

Anyhoooo  It was really bang on, how threw integrating and accepting our darkest aspects is an important step on the path to love....  :)   and another reminder that I dream my self threw the hero's journey threw the archetypes each time a little deeper than the last!

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...