Very different dreams... Not a pleasant vibe & so many birds!
First dream I was in a room with Em & her Sister.
We are looking out to sea and the sea is covered in birds.
Small black and
white penguins and puffins.
Thousands of them just bobbing about on the waves.
We can see nothing else but sea & sea birds.
The room was empty just these large blue wooden window frames.
Then I was with Tig and her Dad, crawling threw ever decreasing window or
picture frames.
I knew it was linked to a dream where I had to find a framer....
We were being framed
or blamed for something.
I'd reached a point where I was stuck, the frame ahead wasn't big enough for my
We were all just
sort of stuck.
To the side were more puffins, they playing in a stream beside us, coming up
A huge journey in the dark. Had
thousands of kids in uniform, we had to keep them moving.
-- Hummm, lots & lots of similarity's past few nights to these dreams in
June 2018! Me looking for a framer, but only finding
cobblers and key cutters? - Markets and
steam fairs that I was asked to paint and reality/time
Anyhow with the kids was a strange teacher... They came across as an utter
asshole, but were really nice. I was
thinking good job they aren't a nurse there bedside manner would
Malico was with me.... He mainly seemed
to be keeping me from hunting Inka.
So he was just following me around in my dreams.
He again made me into that strange white ice thing.
Next I was making 2 long journeys one North the other South.
I didn't want to make either, both would be long and alone.
The journey coming north I'd be driving a white van, was a camper conversion
with a separate cab.
I didn't want to drive it...
Or travel alone and I'd put the journey off as late as I could.
I didn't see in the back of the van.. Was the largest you can drive without a
special license.
I knew I'd be shit at parking or reversing it and it was late at night and
My night visions
shit, and I was likely to fall into dream.
The place I was leaving from was a warm wooden hub filled with only
It had a small coffee hatch, that we took turns too staff.
People were staying there temporarily it was easy and cosy, one female was
trimming her very long blond hair short.
It was a mother type figure that was kicking me out.
She seemed insistent that the journey was important....
I know the rout and stopping places from other dreams. The roads in this space are busy at all times
of night and the hubs/service station are fucking wyrd :P
The journey south I was taking from my main space.
Malico was there with me,
we'd been looking out to sea.
I was heading south alone again. This
journey would be via a bus.
He'd apologised he was keeping me from Inka and also a bit salty his company
wasn't good enough... He was trying to help, but I could tell it was making him
I'd left him walking alone up the main street.. It was night here too and 2
kids behind me had soaked me.
They were play water fighting but I wasn't in the mood, my back was now wet n
cold and I knew it would make the journey uncomfortable.
At the top
roundabout the sky above king street was crazy!!
In the air was thousands of Pigeons...
They were attacking what looked like crows but it was hard to tell as they were
utterly mobbing them.
There was only a few of the black birds they were being completely attacked and
then these balls of birds were falling from the sky to the ground with a nasty
What had appeared beside me was the strangest of vehicles...
Huge and all blue like a cross between a futuristic tanker and a cement
The cab was way up.... On the front of the cab was a hole that blew
And this strange vehicle was blasting yet more feathers into the air to try and
stop the attacks.
I was just standing on the curb wondering WTF I was looking at!
It reminded me of the gold/god superhero's fighting shadow aspects in the dream
when Trump became president.
Only this was playing out with birds...
Feral pigeons and corvids of some type.
Another guy had got out of the blue vehicle with a smaller feather
It was like a noonoo street cleaner!! It
also blasted out feathers.
All this was on my left as I walked out of the village along King
I'd bent down to pick a long single white feather up from the
It looked like a swan or goose quill, long white but it was dirty and a little
I knew it was a thing I should take with me south.
Oh... That dream with the other battle in the air started with feathers too...
Hummm ???
Loopy time?? I wonder if that launch was the one with Kirk??
I'd thought it was Trump with the tintin hair.
Also Sorry Malico & Thanks... it's just Inka is
comfortable!! 😉
'Few but you would think that
Puffins from far north sea.. The Penguins far south?? 'Just dream for now mouse' Hey Inka, were are you? 'NYFB 😏' lol Ass hat...
Just walked into the room and a vid I left playing has this..
Mmmm vid kinda intreasting with the last couple of nights dreams.