Mirrors, reflecting and refracting.
Versions of you others hold in their minds.
Stories and roles, a cut and a pattern...
Like cutting
I had lots of dreams
but they are so hard to bring threw to waking with these meds.
Ships and subs, container ships and refugees like a flotilla.
The visual detail
was amazing. Leon chef was there
A wooden chalet
style safe in a glass tank or case.
A special chair in a
staff room...
Militarised staff
and an incoming storm.
The refuges were all
female there sleeping area had no covering or roof.
'Come with me Ren. You let Inka be your subject and you have
learnt much'
Oh yeh, I'd
forgotten we did that.
'In time, you will recall'
Malico takes me to
his study and tells me I can sleep on his desk. I can be his study subject for
a while.
'We give Inka time to change and grow Ren, you can
remain in the house with Leon and I'
I was with Leon last
'Yes Ren, after you became Inka's understudy we shut
you in the library'
Hummmm I sort of recall Understoodie -
It's a play thing.
The undertakers
Oh! I recall the
girl next door was called Alexandria!
You shut me in and told me not to burn the books, I just nibbled them a little.
'What are words worth Ren?'
Not a shakes spear? 'Byron or a Biro?'
My recall and
pattern recog is poor.
'I know, I'm only asking you to sleep on a desk'
Ok... You gave me
Brandy too?
'A different spirit'
I've never drank
'You've had enough Teacher's Whiskey for now
Hummm Whisk eye, and
one eyed win key... Goonies and one eyed willy.
'Will he?'
We willy winky dream was in your house too...
'It took all of us to push you threw stories
Words.... 'A Logos thing
Ren, just come here and relax with me'
Hummm Logo's and logos 'Drama and words, Please Ren. Let me help you dream'
'You have suffered enough under the 'watch' of your
twin Ren. Let him go while you both
reconcile what you have gone threw, you will both change and grow'
Where's Leon 'Which Leon'
Hummm It was house Leon I was with last night.
'Yes Ren, look up last years dreams too'
Ok will tomorrow
'Now sleep here please'
Will He & Will I Am
Will I Am Shakes
Will I Am Words
Wake 141 tap it, bang bang... Inka and I
danced this into the middle... Need Leon
to make a point.
I'd been in a
pool.... Well surrounded by shallow water.
Sperm type cells like massive tadpoles and eggs.
Large like jelly golf balls. Snakes or
worms in the water too, was like giant primordial soup... Snakes were biting
Life and books.... Stories.
A room strange
patterned fabrics, yellow white green.
An Elephant seal, was a female too... I'd taken it home to talk to, I was due
to return it to the sea. We'd been
discussing stuff when it turned back into a woman.
Oh wow....Looked up
the 3rd... Massive sperms again