Friday, 24 June 2022


An odd very long dream, I was with Marcus in an unfamiliar version of my main dream area. 

He was a barman and I was having a trial as a waitress in a posh restaurant where he worked.

All the other staff were really hostile and I was getting flamed for everything I tried to do but I understood it was a type of test.

It was alien to me, people with duck lips that looked like airbags!
People not letting me move between tables, not being allowed and order pad.

No one would tell me where the kitchen was or the clean table linin.


I couldn't find a hand wash sink either, but did find crazy stuff like I've never seen.

Big freezer rooms and steam rooms.

Lab equipment too.

I got the impression the staff actually liked me but there was a shit procedure that people needed to go threw before being accepted as staff.


It was intreasting, and strange.

Thursday, 23 June 2022



Ability to love, be excited and see beauty and fun dose not need Abilified

I will not defy my abilities

I will learn from them how to control and use them harmoniously.


Harmony working in rhythm with the cycles of what I am,

Respecting not pushing others.



Observation of others like I observe myself.  


I need to be less playful and more observant with others.

Learn to take my clues from them as to what is appropriate.


Hospital caused a layer of my sole to come off.   To much floor bleach.

Soul & Sole.

Pealing of one more layer of skin.... - one step ahead of the persecutor within. 


To follow.... Hummmm.    Following your own steps yet also ahead.   Makes sense, as dose the 2 heads.

I miss the voices, it gives contrast and colour to my own musings.
Another reason why I don't need abilify.ed

Oh yeh, I was to easily amused....  I need to observe that aspect of myself and keep it in check.
Meditation... strengthen my observer to remain detached from the amusement.
That's what I did in hospital.   

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Inflatable World


20 June
Doves, Gulls and Peacocks they were linked to the sale of a business.

Coughed up some slime that was fractal like people popping out of it.

It was to do with alchemy and elements.

21st June.
2 schools and a game/match.

We were in a large wired ballcourt and were using a huge globe beachball, way taller than any of us playing.
After the match the other team were flattening the ball and folding it up.

They were from Brazil so were folding it with Brazil on top.


As they were doing it a guy I was with pointed out a huge insect on the wall behind me it was like a massive bluebottle/dragonfly hybrid.  Very cool.
I'd got up to look and noticed drones too.

So fast they were hard to see.

As I noticed them more were coming towards me flying in formations and chasing each other.

They had eyes on and were making patterns for me to see.


Saturday, 11 June 2022

2nd Week June (Medicated)


Long dream.  Arguing with people or a heated discussion.

I has a bed on a flat bed at the end of a train.


Fay with a hand coming out of her shoulder.
She was swimming in a lake with me and kept letting go of it.
I was calling to her not to lose it as it was sinking.

Pleated fabric and wedding outfits.


Journey below London with Zak.  We had baskets of baking ingredients and were going to make bread under the city.

Another dream of a series of treehouses in a dark storm.
My gran was there making apple pies.



Main dream area, that very rocky version of the Beadnel beach.
Dark.. I'd been laying in the sand there on a laptop.
A night that had gone on for ages.. I was surprised by the tide coming in.
I moved my camp up the beach.

The light was returning for the first time in ages and people were coming from the campsites to watch sunrise and swim. 

Strange tankers, other HGV's and road vehicles.  Non of them had paint and there were all new sliver looking metal like stainless steal.
An underground facility, white walls unusually clean for the amount of traffic.

Mathew, a dead older sister that we kids were never told about. 
It had been another me.
she'd died around age 4.... A Sikh guy


A time being and a time doing.
Being time and Doing time. 

A mouse on a forest floor.... Small time.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Mushroom Farmer

5th June
Dreaming lots again.
Similar dream about moving, but we are in large dirty squats.  So full of stuff people have brought then moved on without.  We were not taking it either.

Vast shared spaces... People were taking stuff like the lightbulbs.

I was making a channel for fresh sea water to flow with the incoming tide.

6th June

Living in an amazing meditation garden.

The sun was low lots of dark and beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  Warm.

I had a job there working for a mad scientist type guy.

A chemist and one room was full of pots powders and lab equipment.
I worked in a basement shed growing mushrooms and fungus that he used.

I also knew other people who visited him, he crated drugs and medicines.

The gardens grew herbs and trees too that we used ingredients from.



Parents fighting over custody of children.... Kids homes run by states.

An odd version of my mother there too, she looked like she was wearing a fat suit.

I was having a strange argument with her.

Last dream a colouring book... I'd coloured most of it in.

My Aunty Sheila was there too, younger with no dementia.

Saturday, 4 June 2022

Primordial Soup

3rd June
Mirrors, reflecting and refracting.  Versions of you others hold in their minds.
Stories and roles, a cut and a pattern...

Like cutting fabric. 

I had lots of dreams but they are so hard to bring threw to waking with these meds.
Ships and subs, container ships and refugees like a flotilla.

The visual detail was amazing.  Leon chef was there too. 

A wooden chalet style safe in a glass tank or case.

A special chair in a staff room...

Militarised staff and an incoming storm.

The refuges were all female there sleeping area had no covering or roof.

'Come with me Ren.  You let Inka be your subject and you have learnt much'

Oh yeh, I'd forgotten we did that.

'In time, you will recall'

Malico takes me to his study and tells me I can sleep on his desk. I can be his study subject for a while.

'We give Inka time to change and grow Ren, you can remain in the house with Leon and I'

I was with Leon last night.....

'Yes Ren, after you became Inka's understudy we shut you in the library'
Hummmm I sort of recall Understoodie   - It's a play thing.

The undertakers understudy.

Oh! I recall the girl next door was called Alexandria!
You shut me in and told me not to burn the books, I just nibbled them a little.

'What are words worth Ren?'

Not a shakes spear? 'Byron or a Biro?' 

My recall and pattern recog is poor.

'I know, I'm only asking you to sleep on a desk'

Ok... You gave me Brandy too?

'A different spirit'

I've never drank Brandy
'You've had enough Teacher's Whiskey for now Ren'

Hummm Whisk eye, and one eyed win key... Goonies and one eyed willy. 

'Will he?'
We willy winky dream was in your house too...
'It took all of us to push you threw stories Ren'

Words....  'A Logos thing Ren, just come here and relax with me'
Hummm Logo's and logos  'Drama and words, Please Ren.  Let me help you dream'


'You have suffered enough under the 'watch' of your twin Ren.  Let him go while you both reconcile what you have gone threw, you will both change and grow'

Where's Leon 'Which Leon'  Hummm It was house Leon I was with last night.

'Yes Ren, look up last years dreams too'

Ok will tomorrow

'Now sleep here please'


Will He  & Will I Am 

Will I Am Shakes Spear

Will I Am Words Worth

Wake 141 tap it, bang bang...  Inka and I danced this into the middle...  Need Leon to make a point.

I'd been in a pool.... Well surrounded by shallow water.  Sperm type cells like massive tadpoles and eggs.
Large like jelly golf balls.  Snakes or worms in the water too, was like giant primordial soup... Snakes were biting me.
Life and books.... Stories.

A room strange patterned fabrics, yellow white green.

An Elephant seal, was a female too... I'd taken it home to talk to, I was due to return it to the sea.  We'd been discussing stuff when it turned back into a woman.


Oh wow....Looked up the 3rd... Massive sperms again

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Medication and a Dead Dog

1st June.
Thailand dream.

A strange outdoor lesson place... Odd costumes and roles.

2098 we would meet again in Thailand.

A battle too in fancy-dress armour.

2nd June.

Dream of being locked up and medicated.

Staff just laughing cause they didn't give a shit.

I was so drugged I could hardly talk and I'd lost my shit with this guy grabbed his hand and sunk my nails into his skin.... Which was odd as it felt like a water balloon!

Next was my main dream area, a hearing.

My bro and his wife was there, pubs and landlords, beach parties too.

Last dream Sue & David and dogs, an odd floating platform with a dead tree.

A cat had chased a dog up the dead tree, it slipped and we watched the dog fall to it's death.

Was odd as the dog looked all ready dead, bloated and stiff as it fell.
Was also French provincial countryside and a romance story. 


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...