First dream I'm in Mayfeild with Jack & Ray. We were looking for vapes, playing hide n seek with them and chatting.
All young. Camping
I went on a journey too, it was odd. As
we stopped to let a cartoon like train passed, it was giving vibes of a
Simpsons ghost train. After that we all
got on a kids fairground ride, with kids on it too.
I'd lost a person I was supposed to be 1:1 for.
Next dream bk in main dream area, the 2 old hotels were commercial, a vets in one too. There was a big blond angry woman outside. We'd locked all the doors to keep her out, and they were sending me to the other buildings to warn people to lock up while she was on a rampage.
I had a cheep tent I was
living in behind main street. Jack was
there again too & Athena. At night it glowed.
Next dream I was
with Inka and Ddad. They had taken me to
the field above the crazy jail n left me there.
The grass was cut short and was slippy... I was sliding on patches of mud... But was
able to slid up a hill - like my feet were magnetically stuck to the
ground. Was odd n fun, till I got stuck
on a sheer mud bank n couldn't get over the top but was to far n steep to slide
bk down. Inka picked me up from there n
dropped me in a city next, it had zombies.. Not many. 2 women were talking saying that it would be
over in 3 days as their holy book had told them.
I meet and befriend a female with grey hair that has vibrant metal purple
highlights. When I'd asked her the name
of the dye she tells me it's called Engulf.
Inka moves me again,
he takes me to an office in the crazy jail building where a guy is reading 'The
racing post' paper, the female has come too and is attracted to me. We kiss a little, and I marvel at the
metallic stripes in her hair.
Last dream I was
working with a college as a home care assistant for 2 elderly fat people in a
very unusual house.
It was like a junky antique shop and many of their belongings had price tags
The guy was
bedbound, I'd some how got wet at some
point so I'd had to borrow some of their clothes which were huge on me.
I'd done their laundry too, n sorted out their wardrobe. Was irritated when their teenage son came and
filled it with his dirty laundry.
Then there is a strange sale in their house, market stalls with art/cheese
cakes and jewellery racks of vintage clothing.
The female seemed to be organising it the guy was still in bed and I'd
changed and washed his bedding for him before going to look round the market
Someone gifted me some small plastic holographic skeleton earrings that were
kind of cool. 2 other females by an art
lesson called me a Moor... I was thinking moorhen? A black n white bird? N they nodded at me. Lol was odd!