Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Tents n Posts


First dream I'm in Mayfeild with Jack & Ray.  We were looking for vapes, playing hide n seek with them and chatting. 

All young. Camping there.

I went on a journey too, it was odd.   As we stopped to let a cartoon like train passed, it was giving vibes of a Simpsons ghost train.  After that we all got on a kids fairground ride, with kids on it too.


I'd lost a person I was supposed to be 1:1 for.


Next dream bk in main dream area, the 2 old hotels were commercial, a vets in one too.  There was a big blond angry woman outside.  We'd locked all the doors to keep her out, and they were sending me to the other buildings to warn people to lock up while she was on a rampage.


I had a cheep tent I was living in behind main street.  Jack was there again too & Athena.  At night it glowed.


Next dream I was with Inka and Ddad.  They had taken me to the field above the crazy jail n left me there.  The grass was cut short and was slippy...   I was sliding on patches of mud... But was able to slid up a hill - like my feet were magnetically stuck to the ground.  Was odd n fun, till I got stuck on a sheer mud bank n couldn't get over the top but was to far n steep to slide bk down.  Inka picked me up from there n dropped me in a city next, it had zombies.. Not many.   2 women were talking saying that it would be over in 3 days as their holy book had told them.

I meet and befriend a female with grey hair that has vibrant metal purple highlights.  When I'd asked her the name of the dye she tells me it's called Engulf.


Inka moves me again, he takes me to an office in the crazy jail building where a guy is reading 'The racing post' paper, the female has come too and is attracted to me.  We kiss a little, and I marvel at the metallic stripes in her hair.

Last dream I was working with a college as a home care assistant for 2 elderly fat people in a very unusual house.
It was like a junky antique shop and many of their belongings had price tags on.

The guy was bedbound,  I'd some how got wet at some point so I'd had to borrow some of their clothes which were huge on me.
I'd done their laundry too, n sorted out their wardrobe.  Was irritated when their teenage son came and filled it with his dirty laundry.
Then there is a strange sale in their house, market stalls with art/cheese cakes and jewellery racks of vintage clothing.  The female seemed to be organising it the guy was still in bed and I'd changed and washed his bedding for him before going to look round the market stall.

Someone gifted me some small plastic holographic skeleton earrings that were kind of cool.  2 other females by an art lesson called me a Moor... I was thinking moorhen?  A black n white bird?  N they nodded at me.   Lol was odd!


Music Architecture & Illusionist


Not many dreams for the last week.  Busy and tired, n still lots on.

Last night was loads though.

First one I was at a street market, some people I knew.  I was looking at crochet tops, the work that had gone into them, some were impossibly fine like lace.

A tall unfamiliar guy who seemed to be my partner and then other people  knew were in the dream too.
The guy had a friend and the 3 of us were together, there was surreal stuff too. 
Checking out odd body maps and then the end of the dream was more surreal.
Music architecture, I was making a sound sculpture from the sound of the space in-between things.  

It was a mental process void like space where I was using mind to form structures and space but the sound in between was the project I was interested in.


The second dream I am in a world of gods and mortals, the gods have abilities passed threw the family lines.  I was in a family of death dreamers/illusionists.
I was mainly with a brother, a tall sad guy with long blond hair.  Something had happened to his dreaming that was effecting the reality.  Elements of the mortal society were being locked down.
Although the gods were immortal they still had kids, and I was part of the youngest generation of them. 


The older gen were very quirky, choosing to keep long beards and hair, and wear colorful long silk outfits while talking philosophy.
The reminded me a little of Djinn. We were in a city unlike I've seen with all white buildings.  It still had vehicles too, though most of the gods just floated or flew. 
I'd been called to a meeting with the older guy gods, my father wasn't amongst them and it was to discuss my brother, who had declined to attend.  
I wasn't very much use to them though - being lost in my own interests and thoughts about how I could help my bro.
At one point I'd positioned myself in a large tunnel of smoke coming from a large shared hookah type pipe. 
The light from a stained glass window was shinning and in the smoke it formed a tunnel.
It was familiar - a swirling smoky colored tunnel with a shadow at the center and started to float threw it, that familiar sensation of increasing speed...
One of the older goods irritated by my lack of focus on them had intervened and pulled me bk out where I landed hard on some wooden steps of a raided platform were they were sitting talking.
I woke with them looking at me. 


Last dream I was sorting stuff from the almost empty main dream house..  It was still how it was when I was there and the cupboard filled with old dolls and toys.
(prolly cause I'm going up to clear loft next week)
Anyhoo I'd been boxing stuff but decided to take a break.  Had found an outside cafe were I ordered chicken gyros and was chatting to a woman with a dog named Boots.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Jumbled Stuff




Interesting but hazy dreams as was catching up on sleep.

In one I was in a van, we had tokens with our names on.  MI 15&16 we seemed to be, I wanted to know what I was but we were being observed by a blue light we needed to view the silver coin like tokens.
I had a broken tooth too.   My teeth were long, not like human teeth at all...   Not really sure what the rest of me looked like as I was just focused on the odd long tooth.


Next a dream where I was young...  Not sure where I was as we had communal school like showers.
I'd taken my toys in there to play and put the showers on so I was playing in warm rain.


Last dream I was flying, it was an odd house with 2 mirror like staircases.
Dark n old, a very different version of my main dream space too, there was an engraved stone wall from Mainstreet to Kippy Law, with a train like ticket barrier. 

I was with some other kids and we'd swapped teddy bears.

The last part of my dream I was with Paul Mccartney, he knew me and had arranged to meet me at a hospital.  He wanted me to check something out.  As we go in he tells them to close down the internal call switchboard.


The light in the room he takes me to is blue, it looks like an ICU.   Their are no patients though, a few staff watching us.   Set up are various tanks with strange creatures I'd not seen before.... Like if you mixed spiders with rodents.  The one thing I spent ages watching was a sand tray where invisible hands were building a replica of

Chichen Itza, I was recalling a dream where Inka took me there once.....    Anyhoo the structure was being built block by block from sand, internal stair wells... A watering can was used to erode it after. 




First dream was stone close, a big green house in the garden and lots of cats.  Scribble was with me, an add campaign ending and a house swap.


Next a strange and detailed dream. 

Loads of money was being spent on a contract / project I was involved in.  It was to do with a cable being layed that was going up a mountain to connect with Russia.  It was almost like a zip wire but carried Data too, road works had had to be done first.  The project starting in a roadside guest house were I was staying, I was part of a flying climbing team that were taking the wire and marking it's attachment points.  We were working to a map we had. 

I was also helping people test the part that had been laid.


Then main dream house again, I'm selling it and clearing stuff out and people were coming to visit.  I was sitting on the roof, some of them were distant relatives I'd never met.

I could turn invisible too, and was picking stuff up and waving it around to confuse people. 
An odd theme park based on Darth Vader. 


Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Sea Life


First dream i was with Inka on farmland, we had loads of snakes and lizards around us, I was holding a red snake n he was showing me how to open into jaws n where the venom was.



Then main dream house, I'm in the garden where the ground is very wet, im with an older unfamiliar bla k guy.  We moved some soil opening up a sort of sink hole where we can look down into clear water below.


The guy was telling me about the fish, they were almost prehistoric.... he knew about the water below, there was some kind of huge cave that opened below and only filled with certain tides and storm conditions.

It contained stuff that wasn't found anywhere else and was a unique environment.


He was showing me mentally what was inside.

Mainly though we were enlarging the entrance ready to dive and feeding the fish that were coming to the surface.  I found it funny the fish had never seen a human and here we were feeding them and taking some of them out to look at.  All diffrent shapes, one had a stamp like a tattoo on it's skin like scales.

It was marking it as property of a China fishing company.

Other stuff was washed into the cavern too but i woke before we got a chance to explore.

More layers of the dream was to do with contracts.  Roz & Royce were in the dream too, Royce was working fishing boats from the harbour.

I was friends with lots of females from the convent school, Mel wasn't with them.. I'd got to know them as we drank in the same inn before our commute home.

There were also loads of clear small parasitic worms hatching from eggs that were freaking me out.



Wake and go into the same type of dream.  We are clearing a property we have sold, I was taking bags of stuff to recycling bins.  I was moving down to the south coast. 
When I arrived there it wasn't like the south coast...  Was a very different coast line with islands and rocks, dunes and again an abundance of amazing sea life. 

I'd run over the dunes with a female guide, she was taking me down onto the rocks diving and teaching.

The water was full of colorful life, corals and seaweeds all kinds of fishes...
There was a guy in the dream too, some kind of adversary but the details of him are more hazy.
Also an incredible island palace more like something out of a fairy tale.




I spend most of the dream sitting on wet rocks looking down into the channels of water filled with stuff I'd never seen before, at one point she'd asked if I wanted to see a puffer fish... I'd explained no as I found them creepy. 

I was also homesick for the place further north, it was arranged for me to go bk for a day n return in the evening. 

Monday, 21 October 2024

Lost Track


Odd dream...

A virus that made black spidery marks on peoples skin, the cure was to find a compatible partner.
Once this was done the virus was cured and you remained bonded to the person, though some of the black marks remained.
The dream was set in woodland, the body's of the people were unusual too.  Larger than human, and sort of smoother and more muscled. 


21st Oct


long and hazy dream, we'd been in a club, I was with Dom. We were hunting for a missing music tribute track.

We had hunted many clubs searching for it.  We found a new one though, about gratitude and thanks.

After leaving the club we headed to a fish n chip shop n bought stuff that we ate outside in the dark.


Next dream I was making a journy to the top of Scotland, the same western isles I was dreaming at the start of this year.

We were heading to a film festival.  Was a relaxing dream, we took a ferry.


Next up a dream with Sally from crazy jail. She was blind, we were sharing bunk beds, they were a set of 2 together that could be sideways or an L shape.  


I was helping her to get in and out of bed.

We were using a nearby supermarket too.  The beds had lots of blankets and bedspreads.  Various layers of fabric.


Last dream was surreal.  I'd entered a strange space, a sort of pocket world, in the form of a zoo or theme park.  It was filled with unusual fields of animals and labs with a large corridor.  Some  of the animals reminded me of the gw mount skins, giant rabbits with skeleton like skins. 

Other odd creatures I'd never seen before, I'd dumped my bags n stuff to go an look at the animals, odd herds of sheep that were used to feed the predator creatures.

I'd passed another group of people and I realised by the way they were looking at me that they had nicked the stuff I'd left in the hall way.

When I got bk, all my bank cards and phone had gone, but been replaced with other stuff and an odd note too, sending me love.  The name on them all was a guy, and the phone was odd square shape. 


The last dream I was trying to cancel the cards from the first dream... but it was stressy as I kept getting distracted and was late for another appointment.


The things distracting me were a passive bundle of Guinea pigs I was hugging and a spiders web filled with crickets that were on blades of grass.   I had full recall of the dream before where the stuff had gone missing.


There was a bit between them when I was flying and floating over stuff too, between the 2 places. 


Thursday, 17 October 2024

Buildings & Bricks


Help me Inka plx?  'Ren? FFS'  I know..... I just can't help myself.....  'I know that, Ren'

So plx?  'You know my help Ren.  Another time another space'   Yeh But?  'You act like you do to fit where you are, can't grow a shark in a goldfish jar'  I'm not a shark  'With my help Ren you are difficult here'

Ok.... Then meby just pat me to sleep and help me to dream?  '🙄' plx?  ...   'Ok'

Working in a building set into a cliff, the walls at the front are red glass and metal, it's an amazing looking place but the work is hard and stressy.  
The building goes bk into the mountain and it's some sort of factory or foundry but modern too.
I was suddenly hated by everyone there, I wasn't sure why.


Next dream was a party with Fay and her friends, they had decorated an plain apartment, it looked amazing as they'd done it with their own art.
Statues and wall hangings and paintings on walls.   Each room had a theme, the bathroom mosaics of blue tiles and then starfish and statues of mermaids like old ship figure heads. 
We were tying up small gift bags for the guests.


Dream was long, I was living in a space with other people, I shared a area with em, the rooms were tiny like sleeper train compartments or capsule hotels.  We had a shelf with a kettle and cups, then a couple of tiny bunks.
The communal spaces had shared baths big enough to swim in and odd art installation's that were movable.


It was like a collage dorm.   Travis was there too, and other people I knew and many I didn't.  We were on an outing, far up north via train, a connection we needed to make at Sheffield.


The journey was great, as we drove past the most amazing ancient surreal architecture, monastery's, castles keeps... But they were vast, beautiful too fractal patterns and stained glass, other worldly in how impressive they were.

One complex was made of what looked like a smooth red rounded sandstone, another was all small stone and flint pebbles, they were separated by fields and woodlands, but the train would wind in and around the castles and stuff giving us a view of the gardens and various doors and outbuildings. 


Last bit of the dream I was stuck at a broken elevator trying to get to the platform with the rest of the group I was traveling with.  
The waiting rooms had been underground.   I managed to make it in time, and joined the others on the dark small platform.

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Campings and Covens




First dream was of a big weekend festival, just usual festival fun. 

Next dream I was joining the TA
😆  I'm not really sure why, but it was kinda fun learning to shoot a gun n stomping threw muddy fields.


Em was with me and being given anti-psychotic medication she didn't want to take.


Next an odd dream, a fire had started in a room.   It had been started by the cat vomiting on an unusual putty toy the kids had.
The building was a single story place.   The family had all left but I'd refused to get out of bed.   I was aware of blue lights and fire crew but had just hidden under the blankets.


Then a dream on helping someone I knew teatch another healing skills.   The new student was surprised how easy it was, I was explaining we wen't doing anything really - that the persons body did the healing, we just were reminding the body awareness of the original blueprint so it could adapt back to health.


Last dream I was with Jack n Foz, they had put tv screens in random places round the main dreamspace that was streaming people gaming.  After that we all crashed out in the same large bed.



Loads of very long involved dreams after no sleep for 2 days. 

First dream I'd been with Inka and he'd left me with a guy telling me to wait for him.  I'd not wanted to though and so had ported to a place I was unfamiliar with, it felt like a jungle but of unfamiliar trees not lush n green, more like scrubby bush but miles of it. 
The trees small more like big bushes.    They wern't dense and there we no set paths but room to wander between them.
There had been some sort of murder and I wanted to be alone and not found.   I'd been sleeping rough in this odd scrub area, avoiding anything I herd....  I wasn't even sure what way to get out of it or how to get deeper in. 
Inka was coming for me though, he was on a helicopter with a winch as there was no where to land.
I was avoiding him too, but he knew how to locate me so it was inevitable he'd find me n avoiding him was just likely pissing him off more. 

Angry Inka aside, it was a relaxing dream, I had a small canvas tent the weather was mild.  I'd found a small pool I could wash n swim in n camped for a while not far from that.


Next a dream I don't recall aswell with big stone terraced houses that were up for sale.  I know the style but not what they are called, more town houses than rural... But old.
A birthday celebration too and someone blabbering about stuff.

Then I was bk in the woodland again. I could hear the helicopter and was trying to make my way somewhere more urban so I had more chance of avoiding getting picked up.


Then something more surreal..   Was the same odd dream world, I was controlling a robotic arm large pneumatic thing with a drill, It had a sort of cable tube attached to the base I was using it from and that was stretched across a train track. 
A modern white train arrives and manages to slow, the driver annoyed with me as I move the cable bk, I'd been using the arm to unscrew something on the far track.


Then bk to the bday party dream, it's a kids party but the kids are magical. They have innate witch skills that it tunes out they had inherited from their parents.  The hosts were nice, a warm motherly woman and her eccentric hubby who'd made a sort of magical obstical course in the back garden.  I was helping the female remove stickers from her kitchen that the kids had stuck up.
While helping her she was inviting me to her coven.  There was a Samhain celebration she wanted me to attend, I could see it in my mind, it was in lush green woodland and we all wore deep green too cloaks and dresses it looked nice and I was looking forward to attending. 


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...