Friday, 7 June 2024



When Can I See You Again - Owl City HD (Wreck It Ralph Soundtrack)




Inka?  'Bitch, I'm going to side kick you so hard U might never land'  Hahahahah  Sounds fun 

'Aye, 4 you it likely will be. Fucking idiot'  Soz  'Don't lie to me bitch' 😆  Love ya! 'Still fuck off'  lol nop....


Oh!  Waste  & waist?!?  'Mmmmmm, fuck U are slow sometimes Ren'  Yeh, well I've got a lot on diffrent plates..  Chuck me a fish mate 😏

'Come here n I'll KO you with it'  kk Deal.

Civil servise?  'Civilised'  Mess mer eyesed?  'Mmm'   better lol, feels like you patting the back of my skull. 'Packing it in Ren'  lol....   Meby I want an elongated skull!  'lol keep it up Ren & I'll make you into something we'll both regret, plx just come here'  lol ok.


00.00 ffs 'You asked 4 it bitch'  I know!  Lol bit still, how the fuck can I sleep threw constant belly laughing, orgasam and dreaming! 'Duno, U tell me'  Hah - well not very well.

The dream was funny though.

'Obviously Ren'  lol Raggi dolls allreet.
raggy dolls intro 1980's



Inka took Kaylo n Me bk to the Re-ed station hub to try and work out wtf to do next.

Lol  'You should swap that vanilla milk shake 4 coffee for a start'  I will when I wright the dream down.  'Go on then' lol FU.

I seriously hope Joel's having better luck sleeping than I am & where the fuck did the raw onion in my bed some from? 'Why the fuck did you eat it?'  lol I duno 😆 stop asking me stupid fucking questions for a mo.

The dream was here, It was with the crazy hybrid people I dream with here.

We'd gone cathedral & my escort a female had started menstruating I think it was around new moon as I'd mentioned that.. Anyhoo I'd told her I knew where the toilets were and took her, but she didn't want to let go on my hand to go into the loo.
lol  Toilet dreams ffs..  'Your enjoying this hu?  'But of course Ren'

Haha well, it was like being stream rolled by a guy while standing up n he was horizontal rolling up and down me while levitating :P
I was also stuck having one really long orgasm.. While also belly laughing at the stupidity of it all.

Some special needs kid was trying to help me by giving me clues, I was trying to explain that I was a kind of help but I just drag the reality I want on my trajectory here but with so many of us lol we were doing everything at once and getting more fucked up every second.

'Coffee'  Yeh, OMW..  Did you just print me threw the racing post??  'I fancied your Odd's'  Twat 😆 .. Kk I want to go into that publication we used to get into the newsagents for the travelling show guys bk in the 90's  'Want me to Holly Combe it?'  Yeh WTF knot..  Make me into a waltztser  or a speedway and I want happy hardcore and plenty Acid. 

'Hop in Bitch, I'll take you to the hoppins'  Hahah  sounds more fun than a great north run 'Didn't tell u what I'd do with you once there yet'  Meh... I'll try anything once.. Can we bring Loci just incase   'mmmmk'  🤣

Pfffff I'm getting some wyrd flashbacks...  'You have a fertile imagination'  How many times have I died?  'As many times as you've been instantly reborn'  I'm confused, need to get a wider perspective 'Clearly, come bk to re-ed & stay on your fucking rug' lol ok....

Oooo new in mate is nice!  'Lets try not to make him a flat mate or a flat packed cat in a zip lock bag'  Got ya...  'Happy?'  mmmm 'Good come here'

Inka hugs Kaylo n Me for a while till We chill enough to go bk to sleep.

before 303.. much more.. Relaxing and purple hazy.  Dreams slower and flowing.
little recall as respect for privacy & confidentiality.
Societal stuff.

Universal translator C3 PO  lol star wars vs star treck shit.  Meby that's why Andromeda was called oot
😂 'On ya bike bitch'  lol love ya


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Even turned n cleaned my mattress 😉   It's a norish thing.   😛
Last time I was here I was on the purple soft turn table mattress...   
This time it's a hard blue wedge.   It's fine, but I had a fitted sheet and easier to keep my shit shite sheet in place 😉

It's a bit ripped too 😉  Perfect for a wiggler like me.

Just booped aden brooks too 😛

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