Friday, 21 June 2024

Sol''s Die


Inka WTF?

'Good morning Ren'  lol It will be.

'Nearly 404 get my Coffee 😈'  Where did that convo I had jump too? 

'Still there, U knot'  Hahah 😆

Now where the fuck did that vanish too?  'Soz bitch, you on a 2 way split..  Keep on the ball 2 day' 
Hhaha kk


Musical fusion x Mixology


Got to practice my First aid as nurse was ignoring someone who has anaphylaxis reacting to fruit... Also reported my sharp stuff missing.


'On track for my Monumental Bitch Ren' kk it's a good mix.

'You're on point, stick with me till I tell U to flip' kk

I can roll?  'As U wish'  Cool


Pastoral care..
'Leo'ns Track with Kaylo, Ren, cruse there for a bit'  Ok, Thank you I will.

After lunch nap

Hu??  Sooo much stuff.

'You 2 lane drift Ren.  Them dreams with me... Go chase your supposed care.'  Kk on it..  Well 20 mins more Zzzzz  2.22
'Lazy Bitch, come bk I'll kick your ass'  😆

Sleep again..

That was funny, almost 303
'Write it up in there' kk

We were playing a game, my house was on the market, a shooting range with rubber suction multi bolt firers.
A supper-drug shop...  A bunch of giggling kids and squeaking mice hacking phone lines

20mins to be some place a 30min walk away.
We're like the suction darts..
A carpet cleaner too - haggling over the price

UR such a shit Inka
 'Mmmm we good Match, Stick - BOOM!'  😏  Were you put my frog cardi.. It's triggering me.  'Not saying'  Shit head.


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