Tuesday, 4 June 2024

5th June 24 Dawn...

4th Jun
'Sing Bitch, come here I'll listen'  Hah  yeh, OMW.

Crowded House - Weather With You


Got a sock eye mask....

Can you stuff the clouds please plx.
I wana walk in the sun later.

'If ya nice'  lol  I'll try

'Ren deer, if you have quite finished being Inka's Bitch for NOW. It would benefit you to read B4 lunch'  Ok, yep... Soz Leon.
'It's OK Ren, I've grown to accept it'  Hahah well its not like you don't set it up! 'No Ren, I help orchestrate it' ??  'Read'  What dose that mean? Cause its turning into or castrate in my head!

'Meby ya dog liked it's balls bitch?' lol ffs 
What kind of harmony am I?  'Inkas Kazoo atm so please read'  lol ok





Eeeeepp... Inka 'Just sleep Ren, let me sort the distance'  kk how long 4?  'U'll know or I'll kick IN'


Keeps growing..



Why so Sirius?  'Ren'  Mmmmm  'Pack it in'  lol in where?  'Your call bitch' 

Hahaha kk   
I think better with music & a stronger drink.  'Tough shit'  lol will be if they keep giving me shit meds!
'I know bitch, it's not making me happy hr either' lol OK.
lol your teatching me fractions?  What about factions?
'You can play with that'   kk  Did you nick my socks?

'Look where they should be'  Ok...  Cause an extra pair jumped into the shower with me this morning.
Hop socks... Oh hop scotch!  The chalk!  I'll ask. 

Hummm that 10 west end hoodie..  I defo saw it as I spoke to the young woman wearing it.
But it's one of my main dream spaces.. Where I saw trump at the window and...




'Right Bitch?'  Aye  'Do I have your full attention?'  So long as some fuckers stop trying to Me Ed me' 
So Marvel End Game..  Enders game... Game enders, a speaker for the dead and the east n west end.  The costume department.
So many dreams I can't find but I recall all to well.     Dell in Indian means love <3


WTF they need to ask Frim Lay aboot my collagen supplement ffs.

.. Sleep 4th evening

Odd experience straight from the hypno google state.   An odd hospital space.
I was in a kind of waiting area...  A&E waiting meby. 
I was only asleep 30 mins but the dream was LONG

I was supposed to be in a room upstairs but I felt well so had gone to look round to see what was going on as I was bored.
The people in the hospital was odd.  A big nekkid friendly guy I had a chat too.
Another odd character in a Mario kids bath towel and a baby yoda mask.

I was sitting in what was more like a church pew or a coffee bar..
2 young girls in privet school uniform were there one Asian one Black, the African girl hugged me suddenly and said 'You get a hug'  It was lovely and made me feel better.  I'd asked if she was there with her friend and she told me she was.
Her friend had bumped her forhead and was suffering from something I forget what  (Pre frontal cortex dementia?  )  wasn't that but it was effecting the forbrain.
They had a sort of matron from the privet boarding school they were from with them, and the 2 adults went into a room beckoning in the girls.
My family arrives to take me bk upstairs but I'd wandered off ahead an when I turned bk they wern't following.
I wasn't sure of the way around when my friend Rob from London appeared and took my hand.  'He told me lets go home' but we wandered round old strange machines the baby yoda mario was sitting on an arcade game with organ keys.  I could smell shit but another guy was complaining he was peeing on it.  The block didn't seem to care either way and we smiled at each other.
I think another guy from here was there too.  Felt like him anyhoo.
I lost Rob too and woke up here confused.

Oh... The con fused from here earlier  the CON's lit my fuse!  Lol

 lets have a KLF justified and Ancient warning. 

Paupers reality... Prophet and profit

Google doesn't wana let me search that atm :) Was a dream though!  I'm sure it will pop up when needed

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