Thursday, 13 June 2024

Pica Puck a Pie in the SKY



15.15 A ward of court??

Wake to the chaos here... I'd slept threw most of the screaming... But all guns were blazing.

.. Cool dream! 'Just your cup of rosy lee?'  Hahah I..  ID tag me 4 it ;)

beautifully, talk 
live beautifully. 


'GG game' lol I can't believe I was admitting to your hand up my ass!

'Makes no odds to me bitch, be a better fit if you go sacred cow next' 

Lol ok, wtf knot.

Dream...  Was my life I suppose, being a muppet puppet & performing with a few who got the score.

Weee breather after each round, lindi is fab.
We were currently between main dream space.  Inka had told me to MmmKK

Lol  he was picking us a new avatar this time, had a theme tune and everything.
We were currently a Russian Cossack dancer with shoulder length cartoon black and white hair.

Cool... This is that soul retrieval I did of 4 or 5 souls at once.. Was orange center shame n stuff. Can't find it but I recall. 
'Aye bitch'

wow, the heart pop might bossibly possibly? 'Look'  ok.. Raspberry shortbread first.

Rasb shortbreads are good... And T tag. 

Without realising 
who you are, 
cannot come 
to you .

All creatures Great and Small... The vet program.
Crofts Vets!  Old School.
Love James, he can Lynch me anytime.. I'm sure my Bro would agree <3

Mulvey 2 Diamond class.
Muppet puppet show down  x rodeo round circus ring. 

Piccadilly could do with some pica lilly

Travis - Bus (Official Video)



Elderbrook - Shallow Water (Official Video)




The other teabag has a message no one wants to hear... So I'll eat it n wash it doon with a coffee for Inka 😋



Risk Adverse Practitioners in high risks game..  to be A voided.

This really hurts...  'Yeh Ren it's still attached'  Which of you wants to cut my right hand off?
'Non of us Bitch & we'd all prefer to keep ours too'  Understood   What do/can I do?  'Keep being u.. come to us and transmit/transmute'  Where?  'Up 2 U'
I duno

Ok...  medi bay re-ed ;)  Illith can mend as U hurt?  'Will do'  Inka?  'Yep, I can stay splitting with U'  Thanks.

'Lay down Ren, Astral with the others there'  We were lock-breaking but my hand and wrist were jamming a door.  

I'd had 2 escape roots a big blue & red dumper HGV or a bus.
We would need the extra seats. Raggy dolls not rejects.

'I'll keep hold of your hand, sleep'  Bimla was waving a cooked lobster at me!  'We got you out/in in/out'  - Now sleep.

Morning glory.. what's the story?  Banging here, sam song singing or sung & trying to tune here to get from an oasis bk to a beach.

Thanks Inka...
'Welcome Ren, as always' ... lol many hand dance indeed.
'You keep extending them my friend and sharing your keys'  Hahah well, it's all to do with harmony you sea see 'I know love. we also good at taking u 2 C & dealing with U earl I in T mornin' Haha I'm not the drunken sailor!  'I know our emotion navigator'  Missing outside Inka.  'DW bitch, you bringing that in too' 
My left hand feels numb now.

'Just prepping ya wings'

101 inc Number 4 Above & Beyond & dirty down under udders... Bison & sacred cows. 
'Rolling u Ren'  TY mate.

'B4 U ask Ren, I'm busy rolling your shit around' You a dung beetle 2 then?  'You will B if you don't stick to Leon till dusk' kk got ya.
'Just stay still please Ren'  Ok...

That book was really good and on point.  Puff the magic dragon and a sea plane. 
'Sleep then'  mmm help plx  'Sending Kaylo'  Cool  (Had a kip on the beanbag in the sun.


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