Thursday, 27 June 2024

Soft Like Silk


Can we all dream share? 'Not advisable without Malico'  Ok, Why? 'Ask him to share, and tell you why Ren.  His balance and support would only benefit your situation'  Ok  'You can ask Inka to stay Ren'  He makes me comfortable.

'We know Ren, you are what you are and we love you for it'  Just as well really.

'That doesn't mean we don't find you irritating'  Hahah, yeh, that I gathered.  'If you stay apart from Inka your life would be easier'  .....   I get that from the many probabilities, still I just follow my feelings and intuition.

'Find Malico and talk to him, we will wait.'  Ok


I found Malico in a posh hotel, Italy somewhere I assume as he spoke Italian to the room service. 

He was busy where I arrived and he asked me to wait, I watched the sun setting over a town from his window then he ran me a bath and gave me the black n gold PJ top that matched the bottoms he had on.
What I'd been wearing was covered in Inka's blood.
He ordered us coffee and some soft cakey things...
He wanted to dream with me there while he watched over me.. We would go bk to the others, but not yet.

Was jumbled Eminem  Em & Me  M&M's!  Music and choc.. 
I was weaving much.. Below the collective consciousness the structural points and nodes that support and project.


Over watch & Over Mop..   Magenta pink..    Others black & Gold like the song & Seth & Anubis.

Did we make it to Inka?   'I took you Ren, but your awarness is still merged with mine'


Silk worm and thread, the spice trail..  The fabric of reality .. Hard too 'I know Ren, it's a weave, it's hard to linear the multi-dimensional perspective in your mind, lay again please' 

Thanks Malico, 'You know I always look out for you Ren'  Mmm I know our past, I'm sorry.  'We both made our choices Ren, it makes little sense to regret'  We must have made other probable choices too?  'But of course, but from your perspective it was long in the past and far in the future were our paths entwine.  It's why I can offer a much wider perspective and balance to your NOW' 
How can you help?  'Stay merged partly with me for now please, you will have much more strength, stability and patients to navigate yourself from this situation'


It's when I stick to Inka I get locked up?  'Yes Ren'   But it's you guys that flip me first?  'Also true' 
Why?  'You ask you get Ren'  I need to understand more please 'Best done at night or in sleep, run and admin today, we will be around when you have time' 



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