Thursday, 20 June 2024

A Dragon Called George



Kaylo?  'Ren, Stay grounded for wardround please & ffs avoid Inka till it's done'  Hahha ok, TY

'If you trace, I will surround you'  Ok.. Brilliant <3


Being in system architecture here was amazing.. I was in the green fire lights.

'You can thank Leon later'  Ok

'Hydrate b4 Gym'


Cousins British Red Cross. 

dictionarycom , browse , cross 
CROSS Definition & Meaning 
Cross, ill-natured, peevish, sullen refer to being in a bad mood or ill temper Cross means 
temporarily in an irritable or fretful state, and somewhat angry: He

22.22 Did I accidentally just go British Red Cross on someone?   'Semantically possible mouse'

Heya Inak.
I was just dreaming of a hotel and cousin there.
We had a room full of overall/uniforms like Inka chucks at me in dreams.
Cousin was wearing them and had put on a bright red uniform... Military stuff.

I'd been busy doing stuff too, I was mainly just sorting out rooms.

Anyhoo I got disturbed and woken from the dream for meds and realised again my MAR chart still not updated following ward round.
I got a bit snappy with the nurse (Apologised shortly after)

'It's ok Ren, it's CALLED 4 at this point'  Intreasting.  'Will be'  I'm going to try get my needle and thread.

Hungry too, Intreasting T-bag.

Become part of 
the universe so 
the universe 
becornes part 
of you .

Oo  Ted had ordered Chinese take away :)  Yummy!

'Our realitys will merge Bitch, but stay in your lane awake for now'  Ok..  Come to me if you want.
I do can we go someplace familier first?
'Your call'  lol your monastery hub then, seems appropriate given where I'm locked up.
'KK Loci too then'  Sure.
I'm home sick for my shed Inka.. 

'You'll soon move somewhere new Ren'  Was so nice to have a space of my own 'I know Bitch, your pain we will use' Ok.

1.00 I'm getting fucked off with them checking me by shining a white light in my face!
'Also I Ren'  ok.

'Sleep with me, we fuck this from outside in next'  My moods not good....
'Ok trouble, you want me there?'  Yeh plx.


My times fucked 'Welcome bk sleepy, firing up your systems'  Hu? 'Ren, you're busy and ON'  Oh

'You can kip on the job if you want' lol

Leme put music off to hear the birds.

'It's good for blocking you'  So it seems Im still tired  'Sleep then'  Ok

Inc 404 - 'Make me Coffee Ren B4 shit shift swap' kk Mate

'Come here my angry friend'  Ok.... Inka 'I know Bitch, just come to me, I'm doing this 2 you intentionally'  I'm so fucking angry - 'You're my ball in the bk of their net Bitch'


It's the full moon on solstice night tomorrow?!?! I can't find that dream.. 'U recall' 

'Take the dragon to the Sun'

It was St Georges day when I got taken from work to A&E

'Yes'  Okkk  Dream loops MAN! 🤣

'Aye Bitch... Keep your cool now and navigate plx'  kk 🥰



Slept most of the afternoon as section 17 not sorted.

WTF Inka it was 4.50?!?
'Shhhhhh Bitch, don't tell em.  They'll all want to do it'  lol 'Feel better?'  Wish I could recall dreams better, we were sorting stuff  'We were, Safer you don't recall 4 Now Ren - lets get U free' ok

I was woken by the noise of something I'd dropped off the shelf 30mins earlier.
'Mmm Splitting you'  lol Here & Now?  'Aye, need U in 2 places Mouse'  ok

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