Saturday, 1 June 2024

Best of Beasts


Tails just got a 6 Inka - You want 6 of the best or 6 of the beast?  'lol, Fuck off, Ren'  hahaha  kk I'll ask Kaylo later ๐Ÿ˜


1.11 'You fell asleep Bitch, b4 you had us all onboard'  lol so what's new......  Hahhaha that dream!!!

Was srsly wyrd. 
'Yep' lol
Chel sea V Ren f*cked up threw hospitals, medica, pharma farmer suits, porn & errrr  did I leave anything out?
 'Launguage and Religion?'  lol.....   I duno ๐Ÿคฃ but well was also astral space here and fucking odd!
'Bestial?'  Hahaha well kinda, first time I've seen genitalia looking like a pig's nose....  Oh? Woodhog?  Lol like how?!

'Have a coffee Ren, ๐Ÿ˜ˆ chat 2 me'  Hahaha  kk, why the fuck not 'Pfffffffffffffffff'  Yeh, well IKR but it's not like we haven't been here b4  'You're In Sane'  I'm also game  'If you say so' lol ... Aye.. Leme get coffee.

Emergency services been busy today 'Aye Bitch, lots of shit emerging' 
๐Ÿ‘€ so eye See.

The dream I'd been in a med assessment unit, with 2 others.. I was to be put on an IV but the other 2 didn't seem to know what they were doing so I'd set it up myself, let them pick the vein.
At some point everyone got nekkid too, lol to compare errrr well... It was odd. 

Not something readily translatable into language ๐Ÿ˜‚

What a dream 'You were chill to go along with it' why the hell would someone let a pre-schooler watch siren head
๐Ÿคจ  !! '4U'  Crazy buddies...

'Ment 2B'  Aye, that's fair nuff.
Midblurst ๐Ÿ˜†


Later on crew came here.  Inka want's to move me oot of the way Wey for a bit.  The way of the Wey.

Leon is at my souls offering me ground to stand on.  Kaylo and Malico at my sides and arms.
Darth D at my bk.   Loci and the others all in heart space... Posidon in the flow of water and e motion. 
Inka within n without, offering boundaries and limits 4 NOW.


Bk on the bristle Channel at 505
lol my own comfort round ๐Ÿ˜

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