Thursday, 19 December 2024

Learning and Exploring


Odd night, broken sleep ... Shift change and storm.

Lots of toys, I'd been in a holiday space and was packing up lots of board games to leave.

Was an odd space, of plants antiques and games.


Then a competitive hockey game, I was playing in pink boots.

Last dream was a square loft space, with a ladder to a pull-down platform bed.  It was in a large old brick industrial building.  Pigeons nesting across from my loft area, and a view over a strange city.  I was annoyed people kept storing their junk in my space.

16/12 Had loads of dream, but dark and tired.

17th I was holding up an odd truck in my main dream space.

Last night.

Main dream area, a fridge filled with coconut things.  Yogurts and puddings.


Main dream house, a table in the bk garden.  Sitting with a young guy who had pre-hair loss.
We were friends though I've never seen him before.  He was in a wheelchair too. 
He was going to share the house with me.

A Jamaican pastry shop had opened too, I just had a photo of it and had to find it, It looked like the Shambles in Alnwick so I was going to check there.

Pink glassware, I was looking for my glass amongst many others.

Mia and a Christmas party with loads of food.  Big platters with fancy nibbles, mountains of sandwiches.   I'd gone outside and when I came in the party I was at had gone.. And I found myself at an Asian kids bday party instead, the food looked amazing beautiful cut veg and rice balls in various shapes.

I'd left the party and wandered down to a port, there were tall old fasioned ships with masts.


Odd cartoon dream, i kept going into games and images.  The first i entered was a game with a radio station selector of all female bands.   It reminded me a bit of Charlie & Lola.
I went threw one of the characters into another dream of a school.
We were young, perhaps 11-13.   Strange too, 2 female with bird skull heads, and other kids that were just normal. 
I had my Dog with me. 

At the end of the day we left the school to walk home together, it was a path next to green dunes, and then white soft sand and a beautiful blue sea, when I asked someone they told me we were in Wales. 

I wanted to go to the sand, but there was a police cordon with officers working in white forensic  overalls, so I kept walking. 
On the way into a small village the kid in-front of me peed on me...  Was odd as he managed to do it backwards. 


The other dream was a world I'd been moved too, I went into it a few times, each time a little different.   The geography was the same though.   The land was split into huge tall columns, fractured... Massive gaps but some places they were small enough to jump over.

Other areas were huge platforms of stone where buildings and industry were placed.

First time I enter the dream I was alone, making my way over the ground.  The land was alive too and the rocks broke to pop out a small stone golem that became my friend and guide, showing me the way to cross the landscape and showing me the various habitats, some plateaus were grass covered, and some of the larger ravines had been dug into to make dwellings.  
The golem left me at the top of one, merging back into the stone, below I could see air shafts for a vast hall with marble floors, where stringed instruments were being made and played.
I was going to go check it out, he's told me he's watch me and form again once I was out. 

I'd climbed down and first came to a mechanical area where a black guy met me in grey overalls.  He'd been working on a strange vehicle.  He stopped me and I recognised his accent as Jamaican, he's smiled saying 'You're from Earth too?'   ... Humm was looking for a Jamaican pastry shop yday.  Anyhoo I was woken by the storm here.

I go bk into the same place, this time I'm with a Father.  He's unfamilier, a large guy he was an engineer responsible for some of the larger industrial areas, mainly the lifting of stuff from the ravens up to the top where it would be used.
He wanted me to manage a project for him while he was busy with something else. 
It was to do with getting a massive bit of equipment very high up... I wasn't sure how to do it safely though I understood the process of cogs/pullies and wheel things that were used.
I was at a sort of water level port filled with low metal barges and stores of chains and metal poles looking for a suitable team to employ.

Storm woke me again, and when I fall bk asleep I'm in the same world - younger.  I'm in a kind of school.  It's more like being an apprentice though, we work in small groups with more experienced teams.  One person keeps us in check while we watch the teams work.
I guess there was around 10 of us shadowing an exploratory team.  We were travelling over metal walkways we were constructing as we moved.  I seemed to have an unusual ability where I could sort of disintegrate into a cloud and explore an area at once flushing out water and other creatures.  It wasn't conscious either, it just kept happening and then I'd reform feeling confused. 

Saturday, 7 December 2024




I've been so shit at tracking dreams Inka's started to bug me with nightmares.


On the 6th is was a 303 wake.  I'd been in a garden potting succulents into a flower bed when the plant started morphing, then bit's coming off and dropping spiders onto me.
I developed blisters where the spiders touched, and then there was worms under my skin.
As I pulled them out the developed into massive moth caterpillars.

I woke freaked out with small worms crawling under my skin.

Before that I'd had a dream of one of my Main dream houses.   Sheila and Eric's, but I was looking at the building plans and seeing stuff above and below the ground.

Last nigh the 8th...
Dream at work while on 1-1 as my Ressie slept.  I'd got up to answer a call bell and fallen over, low blood pressure and that rubber arm thing.

I could also feel my heart beat all over the place. 

It's odd as prior to these nights I'd been kept away from Inka for a while by crew as we had it in for each other.   Was when we were allowed bk together the nightmares started...  I'd been dreaming, but just to lazy with so much other stuff going on.

Friday, 29 November 2024

Water Tunnle


Forgot to do this yday as not enough time.  A house on a railway line, I had a chicken and another animal I can't recall.  I was drinking tea and a blue juice.

Then I was in a military being vaccinated for anthrax. 

A large stage.

Bunks in a rental cottage, having sex in a cupboard with Royce.



A coastal resort, it was the end of the season and the locals were holding a party.
I was a visitor there, but had been staying a while in a flat above a nail bar.
I came and went threw the shop, but was familiar with the owner at this point.

The place was odd, there was a blend of an MMO game I was playing too, I'd not played for a while so was relying on muscle memory.  Strange though as I was actually casting the spells.
I'd asked Foz & another guy to help but they dropped out.

A pice of wood from a medieval bridge had been used in the construction of an old house in the resort, this was the venue for the party.
An old woman picking up her stash of hash!  It had been left in a hole in the old stonework.  She dropped it and I picked it off the ground for her.

Then I was with Foz again, I think he was staying in the flat with me.  We were driving in the ocean... In a sort of clear flexible tube.   It was surreal!  Above was water then a net and above the net was a massive murmuration of starlings.

We got lost in the water tubes as the sun went down and I'd had to open the sun roof and feel our way back to shore.
Back on land I vomit up prehistoric sea creatures...    We were looking at them on the ground.
What looked like a large octopus tentacle and then some kind of trilobites looking things.
We were looking at them and Foz had asked me where they came from, I told him I'd yucked them up.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

More Moon Pool & Alien Invasion


An alien tribal war.  Various factions, some were tall with long faces and orange hair.  Others more cyborg there were also overseer types there, and teachers.
I was a kid and with a version of Jack and another kid.  I wore glasses and these had been broken running from trouble and I was having difficulty seeing.  The 2 older kids were annoyed with me that I couldn't keep up and kept tripping.   We went to see one of the overseer types who had a pale white/gray squarish head and he'd agreed I could stay by him for a while as I was struggling to see. 
I was holding my broken small red framed specs.
Our world had been taken over, but the kids were kind of refugees and being sheltered and moved from the worse of the fighting.  Kept in a neutral zone, so we saw the comings and goings of the various factions. 


Main dream area, it was very busy..... Like a day in the summer holidays but quite dark, seemed like dusk as it got darker after.
I was sitting in a crowd of people near the steps on the harbour hill when I young female runs past yelling.

Someone meby me commented I wonder if she'll stop before the water and we hear a splash. 
I got up to look, having swam there loads when I was young...  She's not in the harbour though.
I walk down onto the sand which is much deeper and undulated making pools.
I see the shapes of women swimming nekid below the surface in what I knew as the moon pool, and realise she has gone to join them and swim as mermaids for a bit.
On the sand are a pile of woven friendship bands.

I wanted to swim but not disturbed them so I walked instead to the end of the main pier the harbour was larger than it is, and it's fully dark by now. 
Instead of swimming,  I filled my lungs and jumped into the sky noticing I have on an odd white cape that flutters behind me as I fly.  I flew across the harbour empty of boats that were all at see and onto the docks where cargo was piled up.  Large heaps of rugs and fleece were being bought and moved up the hill to the carpark to be transported on. 

The dream shifts and I'm lucid, I'm existing a train station marked only as India.  Outside it looks  more like a Victorian tube station with a London style tiled pub oppersit to my right.  To the left was a large open industrial size kitchen and public bathroom.

At a table outside is a group of people, I recognise my Grandad who died when I was a kid, and my Gran is there also much younger, perhaps her 30's, they are socialising with a few more people.
I approach the table unsure if they will know me and I tell them I recognise them, they tell me I look familier to them.....  Then it got odd, there was a washing machine, and I was clearing out gunk as I woke up.


Last dream was croft main dream space, there was a property swap taking place and we all had to be at the estate agents at mid day.  While waiting we were sitting around, I was lounging in a chair and a dark haired female was making out with me, she was a singer.
The village was beautiful too, I'd spent some time flying over the old cottages that were to be exchanged in the swap.

Monday, 25 November 2024

Moving and Seeing



A desert.

Tall old chimney stacks.   2 cafes set under sail shades. 
I got locked into one of the old chimney stacks with a guy selling old lamps and oil to use them.
On his walls were wooden shields painted with Celtic or Viking twisty dragon things. 



23rd Odd lucid dream at work.
Was a false awakening at first, I dreamt that one of the residents had come in and shoved me in the back as I was asleep... But I was unable to move or respond.. My body was frozen.

Eventually I could speak and I'd told them I'd bring some coffee and sandwiches along to their room.


When I was able to move I left the lounge where I'd been dozing but walked out into a 60's retro house rather than the home.  Confused I tried again and realised I must still be asleep.
I tried to wake up as I wasn't 100% sure if I had offered someone coffee and sandwiches or if that was dream too.


Unable to wake, I spent time looking round the old 60's house, it was that sort of hyper real thing you get in lucid dream where stuff is more real than real.
I'd decided to go outside the property and look up at the night sky to see if the stars were the same, but I'd managed to wake myself when I looked up by actually moving my head.  .... Resident was fast asleep so I guess that was dream too.

24th... No sleep.


25th...  Big sleep


First dream I was in a roundhouse with a talking fire and a log pile.
I was feeding the talking fire.   I realised waking Inka had wanted to meet me somewhere, this seems like the kind of place we'd meet but it's been ages since I was in the roundhouse and this one was different to mine, larger and empty apart from the fire and some fleece rugs.... The ground was chalk not sand.


Then a tent I had on the coast, stuff was tied down in wooden box's as the tide came up covered the tent then whent bk out.
I would move out and watch the tide waiting for it to recede before going bk in again. 
The box's seemed watertight and were lined with red and purple velvet. 
I was leaving for London on a holiday, my bro was tent sitting and I'd showed him how to re-secure stuff after each tide.

From London I was taking a plane to Croatia again.   We were a group supposed to be going.  Em, Jack, Me, Sarah & Marie.  We managed to miss our booked train so ended up in another were we had to sit on the floor between carriages.
Once we got to London I'd visited the airport to check were we'd be flying from as I didn't want to miss the plane too.   At some point it seems it's only me going on to Europe.   The others had failed to get tickets or forgotten their passports and I was to be joined by a female called Sophia Maria, a little taller than me with straight thick auburn hair.
She knew the local language and would help me once there.
The flight was odd, airport too, it merged with the other dream I had about Croatia the other night too, or I could recall that dream while in this one.
Drugs checks and security with guns.

Each passenger was to pick a reusable vape and pod too, pink purple or blue.   I'd picked pink.
At times the plane was more of a bus, we passed over snow and stopped off at a place in the snow.
Strange packs of animals with glowing eyes, it was like a bus trip at this point.
We follow what was almost like a funeral procession of religious men in black robes to an ancient church, over an old wide stone bridge.   Red poppies too. 

We visit an ancient Chaple filled with stone statues. 
We were playing something a game called 'Stay alive on Fridays' 


Last dream was here, I was in an upstairs bedroom watching a man make himself into a rocket on the other side of the street.  He was to launch from a large conifer.

He'd made his rocket out of cardboard and was lighting oil to blow himself up in the sky then fall bk down! 
Was funny :D


Final dream I was in the old newsagents laying in a round communal bed downstairs on the shop floor.


Thursday, 21 November 2024

Moon Pool & Get-Away-Car




Very long dream. 
I was traveling from the north to London with a group.  We spent alot of time in various parts of London interesting stuff, flower markets and various areas.
We visited a fairground.
The theme of the dream was a vehicle I had.. It was an odd thing, part car part camper van.
We were using the it as a get-away car.
It had a strange sort of room with windows on the back where we all hung out.
I'd let one of the guys drive and at one point he called a vote, letting me belive it was for who would drive.
As he called the result it was unanimous and he was now the vehicles owner. 
While this was happening we were also stuck in an underpass with a strange green what almost looked like a farm vehicle... It was trying to cut us off.

I was a bit miffed he'd not made it clear to me what I was voting on, but I sort of didn't mind as I couldn't drive anyway and he'd agreed to take me where I wanted to go.


On the journey bk north I'd been asking him what he planned to do with the vehicle.
He said he'd leave it part converted into a van.




First dream I was in an old saloon bar on a train with Nana Hanna.

The train was filled with officials and there was an appeal to change work.

Next dream I was taking a Europe trip, part work, part leisure, the work was in Spain but I was flying to Croatia first to visit for fun.


Last dream was Balifgate, only it was huge tunnels below it that lead under the castle and beyond.
Some kind of strange occult thing, entering in threw an old church crypt. 


I was young, n kind of moody.  I'd been tasked with looking after Liz. 
I wasn't sure where she'd gone and I wanted to explore.
The tunnels opened out into what was like a lower astral level of the pastures too and people kept coming and asking me why I wasn't looking after her.
Then apparently she'd started vomiting so again I was sent to locate her.

It took me ages, n someone had picked her up on a mule and was taking her bk indoors.  I'd followed behind, grumpily wondering why I had been given this job.


20th, did dream but the room was freezing, n didn't want to move my arms out of the duvet n pick up a pen.




A beautiful place, it was a temple to the planets Saturn and Pluto.
Was like a labyrinth made out of small square sandstone blocks with circular rooms filled with 'Moon pools' 
Crystal blue water in shallow pools the rooms were open to the sky and lit by the moon and stars. 
Flame torches and braziers to warm the space, the pools could be used for bathing.
I was with Em.  We called the place a basilica.

There were circuit puzzles, and also a strange parked helicopter that was out of place with the beautiful calm vibe of the pools. 


Second dream I was in a mirror version of my main dream house.  We'd moved there, it was the same address in a different layer.
It had a sort of furnace were the old duct heating system used to be.  I was building a toy garage and putting stickers on it.  For some reason I made a call to the puppets from Rainbow

Saturday, 16 November 2024

8th-16th Nov


Odd dream of a strange arena in one my Dad was dead and there was a massive rave then in another he was weaving numbers in the sky while I was watching.



had a cool dream at work, a street market. Stalls selling hats gloves and scarves.  I'd met a guy, then another young... one Asian one African. I don't recall which was which I think the Asian was the fighter.

The fighter challenged the younger, and the younger came to me afraid. I explained the fighter had no intention of actually harming him, he fought as a sport, like a game.

As the younger understood a purple butterfly left him and landed  on the bk of my neck.

The tickle woke me.



A washbasin like a huge shell, all iridescent inside. A ghost playing catch  with me.


Then a forest full of old bones, the ground covered.  The bones green with moss.


A cliff side car park.

Milky way over the north sea, closer and rainbow.

Woken as I was gazing at the sky n a 4x4 reversed over Zak.



A kid like Huntly i knew at highschool, laying together holding hands.

Watching structured in the sky. Odd things in the sky.

Almost like lego structures, tubes and funnels im watching 

Going up.



Being chased threw a world.

Its a while since i had a dream like this.  I was both the pursued and the pursuer perspective.  While being chased i was on the run with a guy threw tangled thorny woodlands.  Glowing beautiful other worldly place.

We would teleport and vanish to throw off the pack of white wolves that were being used to hunt us.

Leading them into dead ends of caves of strange thorny growth.


Then another odd world.  A strange robot space crafts were being sent in ever increasing numbers. 

Again i could teleport away.

I find myself in a vehicle in the passenger seat.

The driver has vanished, and i'm trying to stear and hop seats to park.


I park on a country lane with big houses and hedged gardens.

Leaving the  vehicle we enter was what like a grounded spaceship or sub.

First finding ourselves in a medical place,the guy i'm with is fiddling with some power stuff next to an O2 supply a i have a vision of him blowing us up.

The structure we are in is odd, air locks  between rooms..  bunks in the side of corridors for crew.

I follow a female outside who has some leave.


I'm grabbed and again teleported this time to a clifftop were a guy has a hold of me, he is rolling us to the edge.

He goes over and another guy grabs me to try stop me falling but the weight of 2 of us is too much n he lets go.

I fall far to the village below with the guy below me still holding on n land on him to break my fall.  Oddly neither of us are hurt n just get up.


Last dream starts, I'm a mother of a month old.  I was making a plant arrangement with ivy when the baby wakes, and one of its eyeballs had burst.  It didn't seem bothered, but I wanted to get it checked at an a&e.

Again i'm around unfamiliar guys one who gives me a lift.




A dream with Leon, he was beating the crap out of me...I'm not even sure why.  Inka appeared and intervened much to my relief As it was brutal even for Leon n me.


I think the sun has been flaring at Uranus, meby this.


Next dream i was in an odd shopping place with strange escalators and tall stairs.  I had a pink bag that had vanished.   I was going to report in and became lucid realising I was dreaming, so I didn't need to bother.

Outside the police station i met a guy who was heading to court after a accidentally killing a guy while on his bike. We had a conversation in sign language.



15th Nov


First dream, animals... a cat clamped onto a dogs leg with its teeth in a fight over corn-beef.


Massive dream.  End of a world type stuff. A virus that had been brought to a planet after it was encountered on an alien ship.

Very few people had natural immunity, most died quickly.

The human inhabitants of the world were close to extinction living in a few closed colonies.


I was traveling with a young son.  We had been on the ship that had first contracted the virus and were immune, something to do with early exposure before it mutated to be deadly to humans.

We'd made our way into a huge military like facility set in a mountain entered threw a sort of canyon with a river.

At first not realising the area was inhabited, once we were found n they realised we were new we were both tested.  I didn't tell them about our early encounter with the illness.

When they had established we were clean, we were injected with something, i'd objected and the woman who had been testing me injected herself instead.

The kid with me was taken for schooling, it was advanced from  a young age, he would be fine once he caught up.

I was to be matched for a dna compatible male to have kids with n found a job in the facility.

The complex was split into different zones were groups were doing different roles n work. 

I recall a map that showed a large ship in the water in a cave at the mouth of the canyon, the leaders n military were here or behind in the mountain, groups educating, outside in an area being built up outside, then farming, fishing n resources in the river canyon.

It was a relatively large colony and i was picked for medical assistance.

The place was full of spiders too... not the place you'd want to have arachnophobia, door code locks always seemed covered in them.


Wake and go back into the same or very similar dream.   Dental operating equipment was malfunctioning and we didn't have people with the expertise to repair it.  I was trying to limit damage from water leaking from it whilst a group tried to understand the repairs needed n access and improvise parts.


I was also setting up hygiene protocols for areas, making sure scrub n sluse rooms were used n maintained, I'd been accepted by the colony but there was a level of mistrust about were I'd come from n how I'd survived alone n made it there.


Stuff was rationed too, meds for one, then stuff like tea was very hardtop get.

I had a dog in my  care too I'd made it a purple carrot toy to play with.


16th Nov

First dream, I'm amongst a group of children being raised by a church, we were small still toilet training.   There was no kindness from the care givers, many of the kids were distressed. 
Cold too, we used each other for comfort.


Then a more surreal dream with 2 male nurses, one Indian one Asian, we had a packed sandwich wrapped filled with shit for some reason!

Last dream was an odd sort of old grey stone place... Like an old castle made of mossy granet. I met a woman there I recognise from years ago and told her, 'Every person holds a story they are waiting to share with you'


A mouse, rat ground covered in tics and a bunny that had lost one ear and a wound that had been stitched on it's flank.

Looking for a lost earing for Ian's sister that her kids had purchased as a gift.  It was shaped like a silver cube.



Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...