Friday, 30 December 2022

23rd - 30th Dec 22



23rd Dec.

With a guy, we had horses a small home farm stead with a paddock.   The home had a mix of old and ultra modern stuff.  In the house were big machines or processors that we would take apart and clean. 


Other dream was a bed, with a group of people.  4-6 of us.    We had a drug we would take.   C Connolly was there and Rowena... It was long but recall is hazy.


24th Dec

A house at the end of a green valley,  Large glass window that looked out onto a distant castle. 

Working 25th

In a grubby white mini bus, I was part of a garden work crew... Tired I was laying on 2 seats sleeping. 


A big kitchen with a black and white tiled dirty floor...   A large white liquid HGV also dirty. 


Long dream, I'd just finished cleaning and old fashioned fire engine, I had a postal van to wash next.   They were both in the dinning room of my main dream house.


Outside was an odd elevator table.... On a pole the seats, umbrella and table all lifted up and down.
I'd visited a butcher for some sausage meat... And there was an odd TV channelled message, lots of channels all with a similar message about not merging back and holding off. 



Buildings with no walls,  roof tops from above like flying over a city.
Amazing night garden and magic for the moon.

Lots of Bogaert stuff...   I was blue and with Inka.




Opening a café with Ann.  We were picking floor covering and tables... We'd visited other places as reference - one being a grand hall with a mural on the floor.

We'd decided on green floor, it gave the café the feel of being outside on grass.

We were collecting some toys, and pots of pens to have for the use of kids. 


There were large open windows at the back with an amazing view of countryside and trees.   It was next door to a vets and a farm.

Other dream was an odd fairy story.   A huge Victorian factory and gingerbread man.

A baby was due, 2 midwives and my mother was around too, her and friends were ordering ball gowns.


Monday, 26 December 2022

Dirty and Clean Things.


23rd Dec.

With a guy, we had horses a small home farm stead with a paddock.   The home had a mix of old and ultra modern stuff.  In the house were big machines or processors that we would take apart and clean. 


Other dream was a bed, with a group of people.  4-6 of us.    We had a drug we would take.   C Connolly was there and Rowena... It was long but recall is hazy.


24th Dec

A house at the end of a green valley,  Large glass window that looked out onto a distant castle. 

Working 25th

In a grubby white mini bus, I was part of a garden work crew... Tired I was laying on 2 seats sleeping. 


A big kitchen with a black and white tiled dirty floor...   A large white liquid HGV also dirty. 


Long dream, I'd just finished cleaning and old fashioned fire engine, I had a postal van to wash next.   They were both in the dinning room of my main dream house.


Outside was an odd elevator table.... On a pole the seats, umbrella and table all lifted up and down.
I'd visited a butcher for some sausage meat... And there was an odd TV channelled message, lots of channels all with a similar message about not merging back and holding off. 


Thursday, 22 December 2022

Sacked from a Shop.

Dream on the main street.  Muddled shops, I'd been sacked from a job by Joan but she was running a newsagents.   I wasn't sure why... Lol but I'd guessed it could be one of a few reasons.  I had a baby son and was living in the flat above and lost that too so it was a problem for me. 

I'd found another job at a shop down the street.  Was like a different life, things were similar enough but all slightly different too.

When I recalled my current job I woke up.

Long dream, Sheila's main dream space,   Photos and outfits.   The room I used to stay in was large with many people in.
We were clearing it out and packing it into vehicles. 

A sort of class or meeting was going on, Fay was there and other art and music students.

We moved to an Inn were there was a party... Part wedding part birthday, I'd not known it was a Birthday party... It was Jean she'd not told all it was for her Birthday and then I'd recalled it was a week before mine - that was the date in the dream.

There was a guy with ginger hair and beard there. He was manipulating stuff, Hypnotising only some people so they were perceiving different things. 
I was stuck some place in-between so I could see both versions at once.  

I'd told him it had caused me a inpatient stay under the mental health act. 

He seemed surprised and embarrassed, I could see a woman with him to also hypnotising people with out them knowing.

A advert on the TV too for genetic modified kids.

Last part of the dream was surreal, 2 horses and dogs.... And cows that were in strange places and too scared to be moved.   This large dog was helping them in the oddest way by climbing on them and sitting on their noses. 


Wednesday, 21 December 2022

A Sureal Cataclysmic


Long dream and in a liminal space.... Swirling thoughts of stuff from the day.
A sunset from a farmstead on the beach, swimming in the sea.  Wooden walk ways over the water to the rocks... Net sides.

Tall building with a viewing platform. 

Shaman, a movement of homeless kids.

Della from work was there but lucid....   People were judging me on my appearance, which was odd as I was dressed as an elf, but when I got the others instead they were all dressed odd too. 


A game called.  'Ask the neighbours'   a community and a funny jail break of a nativity scene.


Another long dream....   Was kinda fun.
A cataclysmic, end of humanity type of dream with everyone nomadic.   The world was surreal though, with extreme weather and giants and all kinds of odd and magical stuff. 


Groups forming, odd VR games we could go inside.   A sinking yacht.. With a woman looking at me threw a window, she swam out as the boat goes down.

An odd night club, and people still driving on what was left of the fuel on a snowy road... I'd fallen or sat in the middle of the road... vehicles avoiding me as I was trying to leave the road.

A Mall too, with a group trying to derail a train there and cause damage.... But  I'd flown up and lowered it gently from the place they were pushing it from.



Monday, 19 December 2022

15th-19th Dec




A really long dream, castles and kings, elves and towers too.   We were trapped in a building and going to make our way out threw underground waterways.
But to do this we would take a poison that would stop our breathing, the antidote was on the outside and would be given once we were free of the buildings.


One woman was already in the tunnels, I would be next but we had to sneak to where the entrance was without detection. 


A dream with a tiny horse, ankle height.
A guy who was balding with bright red, orange hair.

Houses we were sharing, but moving out of. 
I was clearing the rest of my stuff from one place to another.



Dom, a stranger and an old fashioned sword.  The sword was created by a group, ceremonial.  I was part of this group and we were discussing experimental realities and God concepts.   Hierarchical and more equal systems. 


Next dream 2 amazing pools...   One was a river filled with life, turtles, shells fish.... Amazing stuff.  

The other was flat but made to reflect the sunlight.   Ian was in the dream having a go at me about which pool I preferred, it was the one with all the life.


There was also a church hall having a games event.   All kinds of quizzes and board games. 



Leaving Zak in a play park.
A fairy coven, it was a shop with a coven at the back.  I'd gone in to look though I was a solitary practitioner.  Amazing incense  that were like sprigs of dried flowers that smelt amazing then odd thigs kept happing, pages on books turning by themselves, things floating of shelves into my hands.  
I woman came from the back and I looked at her, then looked at her again....   She'd changed ages, when I looked up again she had a different face, I smiled and told her, she smiled back and her hair started doing crazy things, cycling threw different colours then turning into small coloured snakes and things. 


Last dream, a kitchen in a house I had...  2 birds, a gull and a Tit, the Tit jumped on my hand. 
In the next room were 3 rodent type creatures one was something I'd not seen before...

Ferret/squirrel chipmunk type thing, a rat and a kind of Mole in clothes. 

My cats were chasing them so I was going to put them in a carrier to see if anyone had lost their pets.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Elephant Ride


8th..  Again into the same dream all night.

A world of castles and competitions lots of grass and stone, Inka was in it in a roll of a merchant I could port back too. 


There were lessons, and races... Elves costumes,  machines and dogs all-over. 
I was helping Inka to upgrade a cart he had.... It was a little like one of them chose your own ending books.

We had to take a female to a hearing.   The female was a little like young Em in that she was small and blond and accompanied by an older fair haired guy.  


I was more like grey Ren, no hair and big eyes.  Ripples of the same dream too...  My Room, and the back bedroom of Shilas. 

A blue and red room.     Mars and Jupiter as planets too.

Heavy snow falling... And strange creatures in it, a polar bear made of transparent slime, sliding down the window amid snowflakes.

Then back again to the cart, they had moved on and I needed to catch up.   I needed to avoid motor bikes that were in the same area.



Dreaming, but not making notes...   So cold :D

Lots of night shifts,   just mainly jumping in and out of a persistent dreams space with Inka.... 

Big fire and warm furrs...   Sleep comes almost instantly. 

Brilliant dream.

Started at a large outdoor gathering, all kinds of crystals had been placed around the area and we were collecting and sorting them into shapes and colours before leaving.


We arrive at my main dream space at the first school field.   It's huge and split into 2 parts.


The bottom has large machines and layers of soil and organic matter and being added to make a community growing space.   It was going to be no dig I think, the soils were being layered up and in the middle a bonfire of scrub bushes with a scarecrow witch is burning.


Further up is an outdoor market and bar, all made out of the same wood as the stake.  My Dad, Mama more friends and family are there.  There  is a buffet of the most amazing food.  Crazy layered cakes like caves and works of art, fish platers of all kinds of prawns and seafood....  Cheeses and stuff.   It tasted and looked amazing.
It was a Sunday too.


I'd wandered off with the intention of taking some photos of the soil layers.  Instead find myself on the front of an old fashioned river with a boat race.

It's like an old painting and this massively ups my lucidity, I realise there is no point in taking photos as I'm dreaming.


A massive fairground style elephant emerges from the water with a seat on it's back... I'm wondering how to get up there when it picks me up in it's trunk and places me on it's back and starts walking into the surreal town. 

We pass threw a gate made of milk butter and eggs and into a carnival style medieval town...    An odd Muppet like performance is being watched and a woman waves at me commenting 'Oh, it's your first time here'

The journey gets stranger, I'm aware I'm making my way back to the place I started as I'd arranged to meet Em there.
I'm also lucid enough to just observe and I'm still on the elephant in a space were thousands of men are building rooms with fire places.  They are mainly Asian and the same few guys are repeating hundreds of times.... The rooms they are making are again a set number of styles. 
Em's Dad is there surrounded by a group of the same person too, he's huge and a surreal gangster character...    Emma is also massive, around 8 feet tall and bound in coloured fabrics covering her face and body.
As I reach her the elephant starts to turn back to water and walk to the tide that's coming to shore in the space we are in, I kiss it before it disintegrates and thank it for the ride. 

A young girl gives me a rave poster and askes me to place it on my maindream house door. 

I was aware we were being opposites of a sort she was playing a role of gain and profit and I was seeing creation for art... Alarm woke me here.

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Party Swap


7th Same dream all night.


Main dream area.  A party in the Links, I was a host in a black and white shear shirt;  well 2 shirts, one black one white identical and layered. 

Black and white face paint too.

Mel was in the newsagents and the party would continue there after midnight in Martins flat.  Catering too, roast chickens and Toblerone chocolate :P 


Em was around too and we had a baby in my main dream house. 


I kept waking and going back into a similar dream, next time the predominant colours were brown and red... Inka was in the dreams too.

The news agents turned into a sort of tower.


In one part was a game, I'd changed my awareness and the landscape was like a Minecraft of Lego buildings, I was zooming out till I could see the power source and drive that the projections were running on.

I wanted to close them off to see what would happen, but it was a shared server and others were still playing in the program so I had to wait.  

They all seemed to be connected to some sort of old Xerox copier.


Last bit was linked too, and old sentient racing car.  She was female, and wanted to only upgrade as she won races...  I was asking her to upgrade anyway, but her driver was insisting she was still fast enough to win. 

I'd skipped off with another female and we were laying in a grass field with blue forget me nots or violets pushing threw the grass.


Tuesday, 6 December 2022

First Week Dec 22

2nd.   Not sure about the first. 
Got head cold, didn't want to move to much cause it made me sneeze :)

3rd,4th... Sick.


5th.  Lots of dreams but my notes are odd and unreadable.

With Aggy, a drug dea.  The drugs were wrapped in cubes of white with a shrink wrap cover.  

We were taking them in a school toilet.   Quite lucid.

I was looking in a mirror in a dark bathroom, I could make my hair vanish and my skull was a strange shape, with hard angles, it was alien like.... I didn't look at all like me.

A very angular and unusual bone structure.

A big storm,  ???  Fish.   Waves, Lights and Messages. 


A strange, teaching setting.  Medical, I kept dreaming and waking in the dream, doing the same thing over and over again.

My Dad was in the dream too, he had called me crying and confused.  I was talking about bone shapes with a male I knew, it was with reference to the bone shapes of the skull.

Last dream was a version of balifgate with European style café tables and chairs outside. 

I was wearing black and white and sitting at a single table with a laptop outside. 

I'd been brought a small glass of clear liquid that I spilled by accident, knocking some on my white top.  It was aniseed like ouzo.

I'd gone into the building which was a mish mash of stairs and stalls. 
An escalator and climbing over a one way gate at the top, to get into another market area, then looking around at the things on display.  
I was looking for another white top, it had a leather string fastening, it was to replace mine that I'd spilt the liquid on. 



With Roz, we were looking threw my wardrobe full of clothes.  (Not my actual wardrobe or clothes) Lots of outfits and colours... We had dolls too. 

The errr cabbage patch ones. 

We were waiting on 6.00 to leave on a journey.

We would have to move and repark the car once before then.


Next dream was errr Swiss army shoes?  They were convertible shoes that could be boots, Ski boats, Slippers, Walking boots... By folding themselves around. 

I was running away on a train too.


Mystery to solve..  Fivovault and an emo blanket. 
Then a party on the train we were fleeing on.

Last dream military terraforming thing..   Guys in sand coloured overalls we are clinging to this huge tank like machine. 



Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...