Monday, 19 December 2022

15th-19th Dec




A really long dream, castles and kings, elves and towers too.   We were trapped in a building and going to make our way out threw underground waterways.
But to do this we would take a poison that would stop our breathing, the antidote was on the outside and would be given once we were free of the buildings.


One woman was already in the tunnels, I would be next but we had to sneak to where the entrance was without detection. 


A dream with a tiny horse, ankle height.
A guy who was balding with bright red, orange hair.

Houses we were sharing, but moving out of. 
I was clearing the rest of my stuff from one place to another.



Dom, a stranger and an old fashioned sword.  The sword was created by a group, ceremonial.  I was part of this group and we were discussing experimental realities and God concepts.   Hierarchical and more equal systems. 


Next dream 2 amazing pools...   One was a river filled with life, turtles, shells fish.... Amazing stuff.  

The other was flat but made to reflect the sunlight.   Ian was in the dream having a go at me about which pool I preferred, it was the one with all the life.


There was also a church hall having a games event.   All kinds of quizzes and board games. 



Leaving Zak in a play park.
A fairy coven, it was a shop with a coven at the back.  I'd gone in to look though I was a solitary practitioner.  Amazing incense  that were like sprigs of dried flowers that smelt amazing then odd thigs kept happing, pages on books turning by themselves, things floating of shelves into my hands.  
I woman came from the back and I looked at her, then looked at her again....   She'd changed ages, when I looked up again she had a different face, I smiled and told her, she smiled back and her hair started doing crazy things, cycling threw different colours then turning into small coloured snakes and things. 


Last dream, a kitchen in a house I had...  2 birds, a gull and a Tit, the Tit jumped on my hand. 
In the next room were 3 rodent type creatures one was something I'd not seen before...

Ferret/squirrel chipmunk type thing, a rat and a kind of Mole in clothes. 

My cats were chasing them so I was going to put them in a carrier to see if anyone had lost their pets.

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Strange Summoning

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