Thursday, 22 December 2016

Hybrid things!

First dream was at Aunty Shelia's I was trying to cook but the cooker kept changing into a fridge and melting everything. 

I go to a shop to get more stuff, but fly's keep landing on my forehead...  when I go to swat them off, they push me out and lock the door...  

Once I'm out the flys go but they won't let me back in.  


Back into dreams in the same area, I was in a group with a crazy matriarch, and some old men... then owned a cafe, but sold it to by a petrol station.   Me and my friends worked there, we are young, me and a friend Emma are lovers and have a room above the petrol station, there is another human young male too.

The cafes really quite as the locations bad, no passing trade.    The owners decide to mate us with other species, the pumps turn into check out tills and we are paired on the tills to try and procreate.  There is a hairy monkey type fairy that dose karate and a green man type elf among other things.  

They need the money from the hybrid.  Payment is in advance and is 2 old rusty American cars filled with 50p pieces.    I remember I'm trying to solve some problem, it seems the old woman who is manipulating everyone. 

I find the green man type person outside in a garden... he's not like dryads as he has a face very detailed, he speaks our language, has dark eyes and his hair is made of plants... skin is green and black like leaves too.   

I wake up, I wonder if this is the same guy with dark eyes that has been in other dreams.

Wired version of Mortimer road..  It's several houses long.  There is a room that was haunted but I'm sleeping there now and it's fine, there are lots of wired hybrid animals, fox's with antlers otter, cats and 2 pet bat dogs! dog bat was hilarious, there were 2 of them pets, .... with curly hair and very affectionate, but instead of legs they had furry skin wings that they slid round the floor on.... they looked like rugs.
Down stairs was a room with tree carvings on the door and floor, all the walls are filled with tropical fish tanks and there is a large fire pit in the centre of the floor. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Regicide, Gran's House and Cloaks

First part of the night was about intention...   It was all  very abstract but that intention is what helps bring and send in the web.

Next a dream was set in my Dad's mothers house, it was with my brother and a male cousin ( His parents I were also perspective parents for this incarnation)  Both our mothers and our fathers are related, Zak was also in the house.  This seems to be to do with male ancestors.... we needed to look for something in the sea.

Next part of the dream I was watching a wedding with people from all over the world, the bride was a daughter of a friend with the same name as me who moved to Australia.  

A Journey with a camel or a lama it was like a cross between the 2, it was small and liked to drink coconut milk. 

Then the wired one...   This dream was unusual it was more like looking at another life, I had no body and I wasn't sure who I was as I was watching the dreamscape rather than in it.  

The dream was inside an unusual building with no windows... it was all in a different language too & there was a commentary too in an archaic style.  (disembodied voice style)

It was an important temple, there was a king there.   The walls were smooth and a golden/sand/tan colour.  Very grand but also had a feeling of a domed cave perhaps due to the lack of natural light.  Purple, turquoise fabric and gold stuff was used sparingly.... also old stone buildings around it.

The king has been juvenile in his behaviour, he was arrogant and abusive another 'me' had played a role in his death (regicide)  this was all being explained by the disembodied voice over the top of the temple scene and their chatter in a different language.    I was unsure as to who that other 'me' had been or even what sex I was.
This had had long lasting 'ripples'    in my space/time experience. 

When I woke up I had the name King Solomon in my mind.  - not sure if this was in reference to the king or the time period. 


Seahouses, seafront wired version, a massive old hotel totally burt out, just lots of arches remaining.   Inside were people looting, there was a wired ugly red 1970's carpet remains with crossed swords on that someone wanted. 

Next dream, Roz had a new house... it was very very small and in a 1930's style, lots of mirrors the rooms were triangle shaped.  It was quite claustrophobic so I went outside...   Beautiful sunset over a sea, pink and blue sky.  


2 furr cloaks, one of Monkey fur and one of Wolf.   I can swap them to take on different archetypal characteristics. 

Watching an energy flow in someone's body but feeling it in mine, the heart went round and round like a battery.  Not like any thing I've seen before. 

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Black Cobbled Streets & More Feathers.

 First dream before midnight was of 2 family trees...   going way way way back in time, I was in one of them.  A friend was making them.

Next dream is long.

The setting is in a medieval style market town, there is a wide main street with gates the ground is covered in black cobbles...    One end of the street seems more modern, the other ancient.  

It's night with a moon and the buildings are all dark and damp so everything shining and smooth looking.

The first part of the dream I'm at the lower older end of the street, there is a beautiful wrote iron gate also black set into a medieval style town wall.     I'm being initiated by witches, I'm me and my daughter I seem to swap between them.    We are on the far side of the gate away from the street and there is grass and wired hats and feathers, black fabric.   Witches, Wizards and lots of talking animals.   There are dragons there too small ones.
I have 2 familiars one is a talking monkey, it's hairy like a sloth and it wants me to carry it round on my back, it's  huggy :)   The other is a beautiful blue and green bird, peacock like in colour but a different shape... it wraps it's self round my neck, we are chatting about reality the wizards, that I need to follow my own path...  with the dragons I discuss tail eating cycles. :)

I leave the initiation threw the gate to head back into the dream street, as I'm walking threw I notice a pink plastic kids bowl with dog poop & pink feathers in it!  I realise I should pick it up and take it to a bin.

As I walk up the street a group of elderly people call to me, they are all dressed in black very old fashioned clothes, the Male is an undertaker, the female his wife she's larger than life it's her that calls to me saying 'Oh thank you, they are mine dear' indicating the plastic bowl containing dog poop and feathers!

I go over to join them and talk, they are very friendly... they are part of a revolution.  It has to do with a shortage of stone...  

They are making things change, they have a old wired coach with 2 black horses I think it's there  hearse.

I remember that I've left my dog tied up in the modern shopping area at the top of the cobbled street, here it opens into a modern street, I excuse myself to collect him before they lock up.   I walk up to the shopping center, I see my mobile phone on the floor it's been run over.... to my right there is a young sycamore tree they are cutting of it's branches.   Security let me into the shopping centre and I collect dog, and lots of kids all leave with me.   I head back into the dark cobbles streets.
I'm back with the undertaker and his wife, they are telling me about decentralisation of power...   there comment is 'Why would you only have your picnic in London'   

The dream starts to fragment, moving up and round like a spiral the cobbles from the street change, to look more like lizards bumpy scales and it's coiling around separating and expanding. 

I have no body now and am watching the street/ground come alive the cobbles now scales on smooth skin.  

I see a man with no shirt run threw a road block...      (I hear 2 females talking about their teenage boys not 'getting' it.....    I remember the 'streets are paved with shirts dream' 

I'm semi awake and go into a very very vivid vision.. 

It's starts like dream dust, but organises it's self into a tunnel of black thorns... it looks epic!    In the centre of the thorn clearing is a glowing white chest it looks like it's made of white glowing quarts crystal.   It opens.. 

Inside is white light, then it morphs and changes making amazing faces, animals scenes it's shape-shifting and pulsing It's just been born from the crystal. 

As I wake I get a message...    'Concept of work is out dated,  need concept of growth' 

Rest of the night I was underground with water and fire... it felt cleansing.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Souls, Wholes and a School.

I was dreaming about souls and wholes last night...   like seeing us all connected and spirits and stuff... also how sometimes spirit can can like a ghost in my dream It made me think that's what the holy spirit ghost must be to Christians.   The whole shary spirit.   (It's hard to describe this as it's fractaly and multidimensional)

Then I had a dream I was leaving a house, and was upset to say goodbye...... someone was in the corner channelling aliens (I was to sleepy to be bothered to wake up and make more notes though)

Last dream was really odd, it was a huge learning complex, mainly for the study of music & harmony.  We were all pared with someone to learn with (male and female)

I didn't recognise my study partner, he was blond tall with very blue eyes, our area of work was in a huge modern cube/lab with no floors, it was deep with metal grids walkways to move about on.    In it were particles small like grains of sand, we had to find 2 types.

There we another 4 sets of couples working in this lab.   Once we found the specific particles  the room transformed into a microscopic viewer.  (This was like a huge telescope in reverse)    Each couple had a different particle to look at.

We were looking at ours it was tablet shaped and a pinky/purple transparent... we were supposed to be recording the measurements but in the dream I couldn't write so the male was making the notes and I was going to copy them later...  I was just looking at it mainly.

Initial feelings... interpretations...

-  First part was a soul retrieval type dream, but I was showing myself how it works.   How we are all connected when we are not physical.

The house,  I get this when I'm done with a lesson/idea and am moving on/have outgrown something.
Sometimes it might be a teacher/school/building.   I realise it's time to let something go  (The communication with aliens)  I think this is to do with how I communicate with collectives... meby it's time to start bringing that aspect of me more into my waking awareness.

- Last dream.   Setting huge learning complex but also dedicated to music..  could be earth or my current experience/interpritation of this earth reality.    It was a little like the layout of my highshcool set out over a large area with many different buildings of various ages.
This seems to be male and female minds -  our perceived split, each couple in the dream is a person.   We are working side by side on harmony so balancing logical & creative.

Hummm   the next part, I'm not certain.  The lab we were in wasn't like anything I've scene before it was ultra modern/futuristic cube type thing.

Micro/Macro  I wasn't aware of my being my male brain in this dream... so I only experienced it from a creative view point, I was unable to understand the measurement system or record the detail  I was very much an observer...     The particles we were working with were tiny, but when looked at closely really interesting.

Soooo  Hummmm, I think this is possibly formation of new thought constructs for me.    Looking at something differently.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Being a World Tree and a Poem

Like a shuttle weaving to and from,
The place were your at to the place you belong,
Binding your heart, with the web of the world,
bracing your soul, you surrender to whole,
enveloped with love, sharing one breath,
Uncoiling to fall, then climbing once more,
threw and in, catching the ends,
it's tangled it's angled,
it's drawing within,
I feel were I'm going, I feel were I've been,
I see into the places the what's in-between,
string or a whole? a weave or a web?
a magic embrace,
we're caught in life's net.


I'm inside and am the world tree.  To do with a tree/ the world it's axis & the wobble I was the tree, then the world and I had a hole threw me, I also had a big spiral going our from the centre with cross bits like a web, my spine was the trunk, and I had a spiral staircase inside me...    my mind was the branches and the web stretched from my heart. 

Then I moved into a body  and started making globes with a gaming friend and a lesbian while we were all sat eating tea and toast :)   We were gluing the paper onto them.

Another fun dream later about being in a forest, we were learning about opening portals in a kind of relay.... so we could quickly move as a group threw them and back.  

Hummm,  wonder if I'm unbalanced and need to move to the next element. 

Last nights dream was water, based... 

I was on a trawler fishing boat, I had some things with me, some giant antlers, a baby sling, and a cuddly toy.  It was a grey sea quite flat.   I was sitting on something on the deck looking out.... some how the stuff I had got tangled with the winch and knocked into the sea, so I jumped in after it.

I was trying to get it so dived down..  I managed to grab the sling, but then the rest vanished under the boat...   I pulled and fortunately the stuff was tangled together so all came back.

The boat left and I was left in the sea,  I found a sand bank shelf, and there was a big drop of after it.  I was going to dive down when all the water vanished leaving a room below.   I found some wood to the side I was going to climb down but a woman operative entered the pit room so I thought I should wait, I woke up after that. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

OBE Surgery

First dream was a bit like the swamp/oil field dryad... but it was spirit of a beach. 

Next was a nightmare type of dream... I wasn't scared but it had a kind of urgency to it.    Annoyingly all I can make out is that It was set in a forest, and I was searching for something  (rest of my writing's to messy)  Something about a call to the wild,   I know I'd woken up thinking it was interesting.

Next dream is outside too but it's a home.  I'm with a guy I went to school with I can't remember his name we are looking after the place as  his mother has gone away. 
The place is a glade in a wood, there are rocks covered in grass... there are also the odd wired placed chair and occasional thing like that.  

In the centre of the glade are rock pillars with grass on the top, we climb up onto them.  On the largest there is a marking on the grass....   looks like the grass has a tattoo.   The mark is of a hummm   bit like a labyrinth picture, and there is 4 caves in the directions N,S,E,W

We are looking at it, not sure what it is possibly a game or for a ritual.

His mother is due back soon, and her GTL (grot tolerance level) is lower than mine, so I help my friend to clear up.   She arrives back, as I'm leaving I notice part of the ground/floor is I bounce up and down for a bit cause it's fun.

Baby next door wakes me

Next dream, setting is a very old fashioned surgical theatre at the top of a tall building, with loads of windows.   I'm about to be operated on, and the person doing the surgery is Ann a vet I worked with, but in the dream she's also my mother in law.  (Ann is mum of 3 vet, very competent not very confident she swapped to running a guest house) 

She is going to operate on my ovaries or something reproductive... and is she upset as I might not be able to have children (I don't care)

The op starts and it's early in the morning, she anaesthetises me.   Once my body's asleep I leave it and am having an OBE watching,  she's struggling to stabilise the anaesthetic and doesn't have a nurse to help and so she's upset and panicking a bit.

A receptionist comes in, to say good morning and she can kind of see my OBE body  not properly but like a ghost or presence in the room.  I wonder if I can help the Vet, so I go up to her and hug her.   I'm like a ghost so she can't see of feel me properly but I feel her heart rate and breathing start to settle so I keep hugging her till she's relaxed.

(This was like the dream were I did this to someone trying to get a soul fragment back... I was a ghost that put my hands on his chest and slowed my breathing till he matched and then his SF came back to him)

Anyhoo she's relaxed now, so I start to look at my body on the operating table, I can see the ET tubes not in right so I wriggle it until I can see the bag moving as my body breathes.   A nurse arrives, (This is a girl I was at school with)  She takes over the anaesthetic, the vet is more relaxed and they start the surgery.  I walk out of the wall and go to explore. 

I fly I have awareness of the place I'm in it's like a huge collage place my dream partner seems to be one of my x's  (his own mother is dead now) he's in a refectory type place eating.... he doesn't seem to know/care his mother is upset.  The rest of the place is filled with lessons and youngish people.  

I feel a tug and realise the surgery must be finished so I go back up to were my body was. 

When I go back in, my bodys not there but I'm standing up and can talk to people now so it felt like I was back in it, they all seem quite pleased - on the Op table are slices that they removed from me :P

They vaguely look like cuts of meat ready to cook :D

- I get woken up by Zak. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Dreaming of Dreaming Group

Firstly I meet Guy.
The setting is like a barn...  or old coach house, but it's seems to be floating in the night sky.   It's got massive vaulted wooden beams and parts of it are open to the sky and stars.

It's clean and basic inside, with rows of beds were people are sleeping.   A few people are walking round.  I go up to a balcony, with alcoves, it's open too and I can see the sky, and the beds of people sleeping below.  Guy is there too.   We try to talk, but there are lots of little dark shadow entity's fluttering round us.  They looked a bit like the ones in the other dream that were fighting with the gold things.    This time they are smaller though, like little dark wispy fairy's or ghosts.   I realise we have more inner stuff to clear until we can talk properly in astral with less confusion. 


Next dream, is a journey to a dream school meeting, then it swaps to the Slak group... 2 people are getting married, and then another person joins.
I was reading her posts, I was confused this morning wondering wether it was real and then I remembered her name had been Sophia

She was telling us about old toys.. which seems to fit with the 2 dreams I had a couple of years apart about the earths toys.

Next ~

I'm on a coast line, with sand and the odd dark volcanic rock.   The see is calm we have a 4x4 that is driving on the sand but we get out and walk too as it's a nice day.  We are on our way to a big building close to the shore.

We pass threw A forest, with huge tall trees and a light canopy, there is lush green grass on the ground...   the whole place is green and sparkly I'm watching my Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys..    They are spreading out then calling to each other to run back together.  I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.

Find the house is like a stately home, it's huge and very fancy.  There are people I'm related to in there and also lots of other people.  It seem to be a kind of hub, it's taking deliveries and displaying them, it's almost fairy like in places, with huge outdoor markets with the same tall trees, the canopy's of them sparkle with tiny lights.

There are displays of fruit and veg, flowers and plants like cotton other plants that I'd never seen or heard of.... they all look beautiful and healthy.

Another dream, this is in a store/staff room in a huge education complex.   It's got leather sofas, an is very full of old furniture, in it we have something that look like Lego sets.   This part the scene also flits to my Aunty Shelia's house (were I found my 7 year old self shard)

Each set has 2 things to create in and if we have 2 sets the same we can use the 4 create a bigger single scene that becomes 1 that is very different. 
The grey Gul is there again. 

Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys..    They are spreading out then calling to each other to run back together.  I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...