Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Strange Visitor

First dream...   Cannoning and then sledging, it was good fun :)   I was also in an invisible sandcastle out in the harbour.  It was on an island in the harbour but no one could see it, it was really nice inside.   It was owned by the 'Britons' 

Next is a big dream...

It's in a massive, hummm  perhaps a museum, or even a city?  It had a glass domed roof, and inside was lots and lots of stuff including live dinosaurs. There are lots of microscopes set up too and people are studying, chatting socialising.  

I'm with a group of people including 2 x partners and a girl friend.   I'm wanking off one of the guys as we sit and chat... the others in the group are a bit shocked but also amused.  (It seemed they were all attracted to me)   I laugh at the men and and I go to Rachel who tells them we are lovers now.     I stick with her for the rest of the dream, we seem to live in this massive domed place there are 1000's of people in it all busy with stuff. 

It's night and something's kicking of outside the glass...   at first it seems like a storm, then it's like shooting starts...  green falling from the sky.    We all gather to look up and I realise we are going to get a 'visit'   It's exciting.   As it's happening my crown chakra is going nuts...   tingling, and I remember I can fly.    I change my vibration to match the air and start whizzing and zooming round over the crowd in an annoying fashion. 
I know the guy coming, it's one of the insectoid (overseer) types.   He's kinda like a teacher, when he arrives people are rapt... he reminds me of the cat in the hat, amusing and witty.   He's large and floats in the air after materialising inside the dome.

I 'know' him but not just from this dream  ---  I'm still flying round being an arse :P   Zooming over the top of people really close and generally getting on there nerves as they try and listen.
At this point the insect person punches me in the stomach..... not physically but energetically.      I find this funny, me and the insectoid have a quick telepathic exchange not in words but 'knowings'   I know his type and physical violence is common and acceptable to them   He's basically telling me to stop being a dick and I'm amused as we both know I'm intentionally being a dick :P

After he leaves me and my female lover head into our room in this wired complex and strip nekid  start painting art onto the walls.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Boat & Shells.

Dreams of my dad's side of the family. 

Turtles & Tortoises  (Shells) 

A fishing boat that won't come back to shore, the people in it are related to me.

I also am making a huge amount of sushi to feed many people.   My male aspect is taking the form of a trickster and being not helpful in an attempt to be helpful :P  In the end I get him to contribute in a more useful way.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Dream Catch Up Beltane 17

Long weekend.

Before I left a dream of the Welsh countryside

Driving threw hillside and farmland lush and green, come across a cottage...   well more of a bungalow it looks very ordinary outside...  inside it's 70's with a welcoming old lady... her hubby lives there too.

We go into an old fashioned kitchen (60-70's)   Though there is a microwave.   It seems we are viewing the house with a view to moving in.     At his point the owner lady tells us there is alos a baby in the microwave it's been left there.  

I get the baby out, it's a little girl, just crawling.  I instantly like it... and it me (I tend to bond with kids/pets fast)   
I realise I'm not lactating, but can bottle feed the baby so I tell the old lady I'll take the baby. 

We go down to look at the rest of the house..  it's weirdly old fashioned, and not our taste but has a vibe we like.    Now, on the ground level the property looked like a bungalow, but it seems it has many layers underground.   The first one down is a dinning room with an old table set in a bay window, the view sweeps over a sunken valley, across to a village coach house / bakery and more cottages. 

I go down another layer..  It's wired small bedrooms, and then I go into a bathroom... it's very odd kitch and angled... there is 2 toilets just out of view of each other but in the same room.    I remeber laughing and thinking it was odd but fixable.

Next story down is a communal shower room...    again old, I've not seen anything like this in this life time but I feel it's 50-60's    It's busy.    I go out the other side and it opens into the wooded vally where the main event is these crystal filled pools.    

They are warm, and the colours are rainbow...  pinky coral shells in the centre and deep, then a vivid azure blue and to the edges blue, green then yellow sang before giving way to the grass land again.

It's all in this valley with cliffs and pools and full of people bathing or relaxing on the grass, others have visited the coffee shop, in or bakery and are sharing food with friends. 

As I leave the pools I walk towards the house, from below I can see it's old... not a 80's bungalow it just seems like that from ground level.  It's on red brick stilts...   and I can see places to plant the new plants - growth potential. 

Sat..   (In the old old cottage... so dark & quiet)   sense deprivation!

First dream was like minecraft... I was aware of the bed I was in and felt like building was folding and unfolding around me. 
At one point it became a metal frame and orange glass that melted..

Coins...   they were copper and lozenge shaped like bars of gold.   Only they were penny's and on them was marked 1GDP.  (I knew this meant something but just had to goggle what)

Then I zoom into a trippy version of the building I'm in.... There is a grey/pink 'train' time tunnel.   It's more of a hyper real energy tube.    There is also a big furry monster who I befriend and like....  but there was a new weapon that fired and it landed on the huggy furry monster.

The train took me into another dream, On a hillside... and then something that looked like a pokeball flew overhead.   Followed by everyone looking up at a star consternation.

Then a dog that bit Ian, he thought it was our dog that had run off...but it wasn't   I took that dog back to a market town, and then a vet.   As we set of to find our dog with the consternation in the sky I got a call.   The caller had our dog, but also dementia, So didn't know where him on the dog were.

I told them to hang tight and I'd come back to the heath.   I found them together.. the dog lept into my arms and the man was being pushed in a chair by a friend. 


Last dream was of being in the building I was sleeping in.  I had on a black night gown and coat thing, the doors/rooms were different and I'd left via the back of the cottage and walked down to the stream.  


Sunday was quiet...   well, wired quiet.  I was missing front teeth, I was stuck somewhere and wanted to leave for London.


A hidden spaceship, it's on sand under a sea.  I'm part of the crew.   The power source has been taken and is now being used as a light artifact in a city.     I need to get past the security and take the light back to our ship...  we want to fly again. 

Next I'm applying for a job on a space hub, it's a staging hub.   I'm going to be someone who measures radioactivity.  I need to learn another language before the hub goes live.

Last dream... and odd thing where a neighbour had signed me up for food deliveries I didn't want.... and school trips coming to look at the garages and me dressing up to freak them out for fun :P

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Mish Mash of Hazy Dreams.

Dreams have been strange busy with fuzzy recall and the weekend was rather hectic. 

End of last week I had an odd dream of doing LSD with Ian and kids and work up to wired visual effects just like I had taken LSD.   There was a gambling game where the coins where like trees of life. 
This last week I've been really bad at writing up dreams. I come back in this morning and start where I'd left of last week and the first dream is this below

Dream set in a lovely garden.... I was in a blue long flowing dress with lots of orange goldfish on it. There where 2 blackbirds and a large black spider.

This morning I went with Roz & Kelly for a dark moon meet and to set intentions for this cycle.

The meet was moved at the last moment (30mins before) from a different house to another friends garden.
I was met going into her garden by 2 black birds, one on the fence and one on the gate (they are feeding young)
At the meet one of my friends intentions was to work with a new totem the 'goldfish' which is also on her family's crest so she feels it's ancestor work.
The spider is one of my totems!

-  Another Matriarch dream..  3 sons.   hazy

Last night.   BBQ party and tower blocks  (Hazy)

Then main dreamscape... I'm trying to get home to main dream house, but I have a massive box of music.  (Old tapes & CD's)  
I try carrying it all but it's to heavy so I put it down and call a cab.  The dream is set round the old community centre, there is a school/fairground there.  My taxi doesn't arrive and I sit around waiting/watching.    Someone asked me into their house a middle age woman, she's nice she calls me another cab and lets me wait.

Then there is a wired meeting...  with my Dad.   In the dream my Mam is still alive, but she's being an arse - I'm telling my Dad to leave her!   This is odd as I say to him,  

'I realise this will sound wired....   in another life I live when she got cancer she died from it.... (In this she dream/world she didn't die, but was different/wired/nasty after)   I don't see her as real in this reality... she's an NPC, and it's not worth wasting your time with her'


I eventually manage to get the music home... then I seem to be in a  pub/inn it's wired as it's in 2 towns at once, and there is a white chalk cliff right outside the building. 
Lots of people have taken this new cheep drug that's made them completely inhibited so there are people having sex all lover the place...   this in it's self is not a bad thing, but apparently this society gone really wired cause people just keep having sex and aren't doing much else. 

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Barndance and Cafe.

Disjointed dream due to sleeping with Zak and him kicking me.

Wired kind of young-farmers barn dance...  violent and dark was separated from male me who was the new person in last nights dream. 

A cafe/children's hospital.. in main dreamscape but in a new undercover mall where mat Stephenson old house was he was the chef.  Most of it was below, and there was a doorway leading into another world with a wood and fires and gun license.

The main area had a duchess working in the cafe, the kitchen was 2 floors below ground and the nursery and hospital part one story below.  


Another mincraft dream..  (To much playing with kids) but I was using it as a staging point to go to other dreams, so going to sleep in it having another dream then coming back again.  

I went back into the tantric dream last night...   I was in another dream that was drawing to a conclusion and the bloke appeared again and told me they were all waiting for me.    I went with him back into that dream..... where they were all waiting for me.

It was WOW :stuck_out_tongue:    More like joined yoga and pranayama with strong influence on moving energy and sharing it with our partners.    Aspects of Reiki too.   We went into a joined position to get astral and that was amazing.

The class continued with white see threw bodys so we could see the energy moving inside.... and utterly bizarrely the teacher was now in the form of an upright light transparent dog!  :smile:

She reminded me a bit of anubis :slightly_smiling_face: (edited)


I had lots of dreams too...  One was being in a Mayan type of jungle structure but it was totally overgrown.    A lost city.    We were renovating it clearing it to use again, I was fixing these high up water channels they carried water dripping from the canopy into pools. 

It was wired, at one end some people were making a casino.     I was also cleaning up some ancient wood shelves to stock with items.


2 long dreams.... first I'm in a huge complex... indoor and out.  It's a community I guess it had the feel of an old collage/uni campus.    Halls, but also kitchen gardens and cottages.  In the dream I had a hubby and 2 boys but I'd lost them somewhere in the campus.... the dream was me wandering round looking at stuff cause it was a cool place and trying to reunite with them. 

I found them all at the end of the dream.

Next was a city, London I think.   Sky blue featured prominently and I was with an old school friend.  We had partners who were involved with something illegal/underground and they had to meet some people sort something before we all got a train to leave the city.

It was another wandering round killing time dream... The sun was setting and the sky a orange pink colour.   We had a meal together then went to sit in a cathedral, outside was amazing and Gothic.... inside it was very small and friendly.   More like a little church, the priest was nice. 
She wanted to pray I had 2 cats with me and I was playing with them, I was also chatting to the Priest and offering to paint some stuff blue & gold as the inside was a but dull compared to the outside. 

We left and headed back to the station, I passed a barber shop were an old man had taken his cat's about 8 of them to have hair cuts!    They were old Persians and had been shaved and shampooed he was putting them back into their carriers to get a cab home.

We cut threw a large city pub that had openings onto 2 streets, my friend met her partner in there and they were going to stop for a drink and meet us before the train so I continued on alone to the station just enjoying the city.   The streets were grey cobble stones, round and smooth and I was walking down a street of old Victorian terraced housing..   it was both old and modern and as I got to the station the path got steeper and steeper making it to steep to walk on.. at this point the buildings turned more to medieval ruins and I crossed round a pillar onto some narrow worn stairs.   At the bottom is an ancient fireplace...  the walls have eroded away leaving just the hearth and the back of the chimney breast.   There is another small alcove still intact, in here there is skyblue cloth with some flowers placed like an offering.    I keep walking to the station but wake up. 

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Void Game & Training.

Friday night.  First in the mine craft world I'd been building with the kids, then in my main dreamscape. 

The main dream one was wired, as I was mainly just going round talking to the other DC's  -  It was fascinating, they all had so much going on.  One guy with high blood pressure who'd been elected mayor - a princess who'd been cursed or something and was tied to the dream...  a fox frozen who could only move at the pagan festivals.     A Dr who was training in acupuncture, a girl who was loaded,  2 old women on the bus complaining that they were taking the buss pass away and giving credits.....  lots of building work in the next village, another woman telling me how she washed socks before washing machines. 
I walked along the beach for a few miles,  It wasn't like a dream, it was more like a daytrip.     There wasn't a plot as such I was just going up to people and asking them about themselves.


Playing an epic game, with 2 players left (Though there are others watching who went out at an earlier stage.  The game is 2 factions against each other, neither good or bad... starts as small teams on one side or the other..  I started of small. 
There is me and a male left, the game is huge... so much power at play... it's in a world and effects a world but there is also like a floating game board in the void,  it's set out as points geometricly aligned.   Almost like the flat version of part of the tree of life.   Me and the male are in the void playing but aware of the impact on the planet.    

It's a little chess like there is a move and counter move...  the points control stuff like 'insects/bees for pollination' 'weather systems'  This guy has held the reins of power for ages and doesn't lose.   I'd played the team games but then made a fast power play having little to lose.   It had paid of and the game board is set in my favour with the others who have fallen away now watching.    Me and the male have also seen something the others haven't   at this level of the game it's possible to see a code/key/pattern not apparent to the others.   (It's to do with the layers of illusion, that it's all equal and all nothing) 

The game has stalled and slowed as we reach the conclusion it's inevitable I will win but my competitor is taking his time to teach me his role... he's appeared as a bad guy but has been playing a balance game too that isn't obvious at the ground level.    We enjoy each others company and conversation as we play out the final moves.

Wake briefly and then back to sleep, because I'd won that game I'd been called up for 'witch training'   :P  The teacher at this stage was my Yoga teacher.
In the dream my mother had been a witch and I needed to learn more now.  It was going to be taught in my main dreamscape, astral and on spaceship/stations.   Part of the role was tantric so we would be paired up too.   This part of the dream is set in what seems like a black spaceship or hummm  I duno, it's like a relay station..  we are getting ready to move on and shown the position we needed to be in to get astral.   There was around 6 in the class and we need to be close together in yoga like pose but using each other to balance and interlocked so we all ended up together as we moved.  

Zak yells and wakes me.

Go and see him, back to sleep.

I'm in the same dream, but I've lost the others I'm training with...  I'm in Alnwick but have my kids with me and need to get them to my main dreamscape before I can go back to the class.   I take them to a bus station and check if they can use my return ticket..  they can so I pack them onto the bus and fly ahead of them to check there is someone home.   I land at the outskirts of the village (main dream) it's night I'm aware my Dad is at the harbour (he was fishing again and there were unloading the catch before he could look after my 2 boys) 

I walk into the village and Zak youngest runs up to me, I wonder how he got of the bus..... and if Josh even realises he's lost him.  I head back to the house as Josh will be getting of the bus soon, I find him and send him with Zak down to the house and turn to meet the approaching male. 
He's my height with short brown hair and a long black coat, I instantly know he's the male I've been partnered with for the training and he's come to take me back to the training.   He has a sharp intellect and playful manor that makes him attractive and likeable.  He follows me into the house and meditates to contact the class teacher to let her know we will be joining them shortly.   We are telepathic and I can listen in on the conversation and view the class.

Get woken again... but go back into same dream.   I put the boys to bed in my main dreamscape house and leave as I know my father is walking home.   

I port back to Alnwick to hover over the bus station to observe a wired chase going on :P   It's a bus and a yellow JCB being driven by one of my friends they are going round and round weaving in and out of traffic cones.     I was about to go back to the group when I got woken up again.....  

Thursday, 13 April 2017

A book by Gaunt, Hospital and a Sky.

First dream is about story book being written by someone called 'Gaunt' with 2 initials coming first.  I'm in several places at once, I'm inside the book/story  I'm formless in the room where the author is at her desk.  I'm a character or all of the characters in the story... but I'm also 3rd person (I can be all or non of the cast) 

I'm the dreamer and the author communicates with the dreamer as a go between..  so I'm being a go between.  

The book is a bit like the Wiz of oz... there is a path threw a wood in a world... a journey a path to follow.  The hero has come to a clearing and can see the other cast members but they are all in a magical sleep.. something has happened and she needs to re-awake them to continue the story.  

There is a dryad tall faceless and amazing looking a walking tree entity like I used to turn into last summer... to see it in so much detail laying asleep was epic.  

A blue purple Dragon, curled round it's self also a sleep (Another form I can take in dreams sometimes)

A nature warden  -  I've taken this form too, it's more human than the dryad like a fairy or sprite and rides on a mouse :P

A Unicorn (This ones new to me) 

The hero needs to solve a puzzle to wake the other cast members up.

I wake from this dream into my main dreamscape.. I'm on top of the small white wardrobe in the room I had when I was a very small child.   I come down stairs into my main dream home to find a friend Holly clearing out the toy cupboard with a broom.  I chat about the dream with her... there is a radio on with someone talking about not experiencing 'dreams' - I laugh and turn if of with a comment 'what a dick, of course I'm experiencing it :P '    I chat a little more to holly, she's heading to the next house to sweep out there cupboard (even though it's the middle of the night)  I tell her I'm going back to sleep and I'll see her soon....   I go upstairs and go to sleep only I go to sleep to wake up here!!!

Next dream is WW2 period

I'm in a Georgian country manor house (square shaped)  it's beautiful and ornate set in a walled garden but the furniture is gone and it's been converted into a makeshift hospital / rehab facility to cope with returning wounded.   I'm a jr nurse or auxiliary there.

The matron, sister and other female staff are all acting very wired this shift.  One of the elderly female staff is in a massive fuss about getting a pair of pants, and that the ward rounds must be finished early. 

I'm confused by there behaviour I tell her she's wearing pants... she's insistent that I must find her fresh ones, it's very hierarchical with me being a bottom feeder I do as I'm asked...  but I'm trying to work out what's going on. 

As evening approaches there is a power cut the building is plunged into darkness and all of the nurses are clearly excited.   My night visions ok so I creep about the house and realise that it's filled with German soldiers and they have all come to fuck the nurses!    Perplexed I sneek threw the massive hall way clocking fucking couples all lover the place and towards the servants kitchen.

I notice Hitler  and the matron at the top of the stairs looking down on me, I look up at them but non of us speak.  I pull up a sash window and climb out into the night in the walled garden.  It's beautiful outside a summers night, garden is full of roses and moonlight and smells heavenly.   I cross the kitchen garden and climb up and over the garden wall dropping down into the dark woodland beyond and head deeper into the woods....

Vision in the middle of all of my dreams of a hummmmmm 

I thought it was the seed of life, but it was just at the stage of being 3 interlocking bubbles and it was contained inside a cube. 
It looked like wired glass or just light.    It was very pretty... hard to describe/draw as it was floating and moving one inside the other.

Dream about Japanese knot weed and trying to remove it.

Last dream.

Main dreamscape.. 

Lots of renovations, a woman has bought Makays gift shop and is ripping stuff out and painting to re-sell it.    I seem to be collecting lots of girl students from school... they all have gifts for each other and want to leave them in my car (wired cause I don't drive)  I let them, the car is blue. 

Next I go into the hardware shop, they ask me to come and look... it's lovely they have taken out the old stuff and there is a rainbow display of house paints, rainbow fabrics, lights.   It's really bright and colourful.

I come out again and have lost the car and the kids,   I use the keys to unlock it to find it.   the kids get the gifts for each other.   The electric shop has changed into a grafix/art shop... someone sends me 2 metal trays full of the most amazing looking cyber pencils!  They are neon colours amazing like light... but they are expensive I don't have the money atm. 

I remember I need to get sky blue art paint for daughter as she is going to paint a skyscape.   One of the pubs is now a fine art gallery and art supply shop.    As I go in a woman is painting a cityscape onto a massive canvas at high speed... the sky is amazing orange/yellow/red and the buildings are black silhouettes.    Upstairs are tubes of paint, I try out a few..   I want a sky blue as it's for Fay and if she mix's her own hue then runs out she might not be able to get the same colour to match so I test a few to pick on.    While I'm testing them I paint a snow scene with tall conifers and a willow bower covered in snow.   I pick the blue and then a canvass.    The shop is shutting but more people are coming in to look at the art, there are amazing Van-Goch paintings - skys and stars.  When I look out of the window to the east the dream has changed so the sky is painted in oil paints.   It's still wet and I can swirl the blue of the sky.   I wake up.  

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...