First was a little like min craft but I was working on it from a code POV -- I was moving it over, there was old brick code and I wanted to upgrade the blocks or something. - t
Then I've written something I can barely make out....
World, something apart.. the black dawn, can we do something.. as hard to get, looking too the 2 halves to balance.
Then a dream about a very wired house - again with a ghost in (soul fragment) it was like a holiday place and we knew where the ghost was... it was in the toilet (why do my ghosts always hang round in bathrooms lol ) I had the boys with me and they were scared to go to the loo alone.
The house was like nothing I've ever seen outside of a dream.. perhaps 50/60 very stylised but wired. In the dream I have a circular wound on my forearm
(waking this reminds me of the Heaf for TB that we had as kids... it was in that place.
In the dream though it was a indented wound and the veins in that arm had become raised and hardened showing vivid purple threw the skin.
Next dream was in a city, I was moving there and had lots of crap with me in the form of bag's & box's and I was ment to be carrying it... lots of it wasn't even mine. I think I called a cab (Hummm, that's very like the dream were I had to much music to carry :stuck_out_tongue: )
Last dream I was on a shore line/harbour with friends. We were meditating a huge wave came and swept me out with it. I was floating in the ocean there was a massive swell though not stormy... it ment I couldn't see the horizon at all though. I wasn't bothered, but I was thinking.... hum I have no idea what way the shore is...
As I looked round a family of dolphins appeared out of the surf they looked slightly different to modern ones and were a much deeper indigo blue.. they were swimming and leaping towards me and I remember thinking 'Ah brilliant, I don't need the shore 'Dolphins!' Zak woke me up at that point yelling.
The baggage seems to fit with the crap in my purple centre, I need to clear this to move forward.
The wound, and the purple veins - stuff not flowing again the purple. Ghost, that's been round in a few dreams - likely fits with the block to, something needs to shift to allow reintegration.
Last bit seems to be telling me to surrender to the universal love - and focus on Dolphin totem to see what message it's bringing. They were an deep indigo too!
.I had a funny but cool thing with my 3 friends last night... we were meditating together and chatting and Kelly had brought an oracle (archetype) deck
Called keepers of the light, we were going to mediate together then pick one card each while still in a open state. As I read the title, I though... blugh, what about the dark I wonder if Kali is in there??
We meditate and the cards go round to be picked - I was last and the felt nice so I gave them a shuffle then cut them was going to fan and pick when the top card called to me. Obviously it was Kali! :D
Friday, 12 May 2017
Monday, 8 May 2017
May in the kitchen
First dream I was with Rachael... who was me female lover in another dream. We had huge bath sponges... lol big enough to lie on and we were rolling ourselves up like sausage rolls!
We went to sleep together and we were dreaming of the serial number for a car. We wrote it down in a dream diary then took it with us to find the car..... We weren't sure if we would be able to find it, but we did find a car that matched the number we'd drempt about. We drive it threw this massive black tunnel - I seem to be in charge of half of in and her the other, she's shouting at me 'find the lights!' as we were driving blind.
I kept pressing buttons It was nothing like a car inside... there was no steering wheel just a panel with buttons.
I find the right button and we can see again to avoid stuff heading in the other direction. I ask her if she wants to park and go flying as we know we are dreaming.
When we stop we are in a valley of trees - there is a wise woman there we talk to but I can't remember what about.
Next dream I was at my auntry sheilas house.... the British PM was there (she's standing for election again) I was not happy about it, she was getting changed in the kitchen and I was going to interview her over dinner. I didn't really want anything to do with her though. Next I was on a hill looking at a big line of traffic... 3 kids wandered onto the road, the traffic managed to stop but the girls were just playing, they had a toy horse with them. Everyone got out of there cars and left them and started to walk home instead.
??? No clue what any of it means!
We went to sleep together and we were dreaming of the serial number for a car. We wrote it down in a dream diary then took it with us to find the car..... We weren't sure if we would be able to find it, but we did find a car that matched the number we'd drempt about. We drive it threw this massive black tunnel - I seem to be in charge of half of in and her the other, she's shouting at me 'find the lights!' as we were driving blind.
I kept pressing buttons It was nothing like a car inside... there was no steering wheel just a panel with buttons.
I find the right button and we can see again to avoid stuff heading in the other direction. I ask her if she wants to park and go flying as we know we are dreaming.
When we stop we are in a valley of trees - there is a wise woman there we talk to but I can't remember what about.
Next dream I was at my auntry sheilas house.... the British PM was there (she's standing for election again) I was not happy about it, she was getting changed in the kitchen and I was going to interview her over dinner. I didn't really want anything to do with her though. Next I was on a hill looking at a big line of traffic... 3 kids wandered onto the road, the traffic managed to stop but the girls were just playing, they had a toy horse with them. Everyone got out of there cars and left them and started to walk home instead.
??? No clue what any of it means!
Sunday, 7 May 2017
Ghost and Dancing.
First dream is game playing, like an MMO there is a spaceship there, also a kitchen built of reclaimed things.
Next dream is a city... it's dark and dirty and I'm friends with someone who's father owns a nightclub - we go there and dance and then part ways. I'm looking at a girl in her bed, she has a brown bear tattooed over her thigh and she's just bought a new compass.
I'm thinking about tattoos and the creator - I know it's to be found in ourselves and each-other.
Last dream is about ghosts again (soul shards)
I've got some following me round and they are causing alarms to go off and wired stuff to happen, I've been told to keep out of the local school & science lab.
I'm at My Dad's Mams house laying on a blow up cushion bed. There are other DC's with me and we are waiting for an all woman's football match - this is causing excitement as it's very new. There is a ghost dragging the cushion I'm on round the floor. The other DC's don't believe me but i tell them to watch and they see from how I'm moving that there is something else at play... next it gives me chopped of fingers.
Next dream is a city... it's dark and dirty and I'm friends with someone who's father owns a nightclub - we go there and dance and then part ways. I'm looking at a girl in her bed, she has a brown bear tattooed over her thigh and she's just bought a new compass.
I'm thinking about tattoos and the creator - I know it's to be found in ourselves and each-other.
Last dream is about ghosts again (soul shards)
I've got some following me round and they are causing alarms to go off and wired stuff to happen, I've been told to keep out of the local school & science lab.
I'm at My Dad's Mams house laying on a blow up cushion bed. There are other DC's with me and we are waiting for an all woman's football match - this is causing excitement as it's very new. There is a ghost dragging the cushion I'm on round the floor. The other DC's don't believe me but i tell them to watch and they see from how I'm moving that there is something else at play... next it gives me chopped of fingers.
Saturday, 6 May 2017
Moving Out & Armour.
I had a moving/leaving dream again last night. It was another of the dreamhouses I know. It's a variation of the terraced house I lived in London... but in the dream's it's different massive inside and haunted.
It's also set in massive neglected grounds, at one point I'm clearing an old metal bed-frame out of a dark pond so that the dragon flys can lay eggs into it.
It's also set in massive neglected grounds, at one point I'm clearing an old metal bed-frame out of a dark pond so that the dragon flys can lay eggs into it.
We've been renting it in the dream... we've had it for around 15 years - and have been caretakers as such.
In the dream the house is filled with packed bags and suitcases... lots of it belonging to the owners or occupants going back century's. I'm revisiting the rooms... the ghosts are quiet now, they are still there but were fed by fear/emotion they are drained of any power now as we were indifferent towards them.
There is a beautiful red Fox in the building I can talk to it and I lay down with it to chat.... running my hands threw it's soft red coat, it's female and will have it's young soon... she's telling me about her cubs that have grown.
The owner tells me I was specifically picked as the tenant as I'm not easily scared and I won't 'fight' (This would have only given the ghosts/shadows more power )
I get up and go threw to some of the rooms in the house I'd left dormant (I remember them from other dreams)..... one is huge, it's like a Victorian drawing room with a massive window the drapes are sun faded and hanging in tatters and everything is dusty, when I get inside it's not longer the elaborate but faded room I recalled but has changed again.
Along the window are a row of mannequins each is dressed in a set of armour threw the ages..., they are all the same size fitted to a small female warrior they also each have a similar style head gear or helmet.. it reminds me of a teddy bear with space at the sides for curled plated hair and the nose plate is round in shape.
There is everything from leather armour, threw to chain male, various heraldry and then German style Natiz is the most recent.. they have a distinct feminine style to them. On the far wall opposite the window is an impossibly small steps and doorway inside is a tiny bathroom, much to small for humans.. it's for the fairy people. This room is full of packed bags too ready to be returned to the appropriate owners.
We head out into the sunny grounds where there is an old fashioned steam powered funfair.. In contrast to the dusty old house it's freshly painted. It's busy with people having fun and playing on the rides (Merry go rounds/big wheels ect. Piped organ music sets the scene and the people are all in period dress.
I go to the massive steam engine powering the fairground and put my hand onto it... It's painted a creamy pale yellow with red flourishes, it's brass is polished but I spot rust here and there which reminds me of it's true age. I feel a fondness and familiarity with it.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Strange Visitor
First dream... Cannoning and then sledging, it was good fun :) I was also in an invisible sandcastle out in the harbour. It was on an island in the harbour but no one could see it, it was really nice inside. It was owned by the 'Britons'
Next is a big dream...
It's in a massive, hummm perhaps a museum, or even a city? It had a glass domed roof, and inside was lots and lots of stuff including live dinosaurs. There are lots of microscopes set up too and people are studying, chatting socialising.
I'm with a group of people including 2 x partners and a girl friend. I'm wanking off one of the guys as we sit and chat... the others in the group are a bit shocked but also amused. (It seemed they were all attracted to me) I laugh at the men and and I go to Rachel who tells them we are lovers now. I stick with her for the rest of the dream, we seem to live in this massive domed place there are 1000's of people in it all busy with stuff.
It's night and something's kicking of outside the glass... at first it seems like a storm, then it's like shooting starts... green falling from the sky. We all gather to look up and I realise we are going to get a 'visit' It's exciting. As it's happening my crown chakra is going nuts... tingling, and I remember I can fly. I change my vibration to match the air and start whizzing and zooming round over the crowd in an annoying fashion.
I know the guy coming, it's one of the insectoid (overseer) types. He's kinda like a teacher, when he arrives people are rapt... he reminds me of the cat in the hat, amusing and witty. He's large and floats in the air after materialising inside the dome.
I 'know' him but not just from this dream --- I'm still flying round being an arse :P Zooming over the top of people really close and generally getting on there nerves as they try and listen.
At this point the insect person punches me in the stomach..... not physically but energetically. I find this funny, me and the insectoid have a quick telepathic exchange not in words but 'knowings' I know his type and physical violence is common and acceptable to them He's basically telling me to stop being a dick and I'm amused as we both know I'm intentionally being a dick :P
After he leaves me and my female lover head into our room in this wired complex and strip nekid start painting art onto the walls.
Next is a big dream...
It's in a massive, hummm perhaps a museum, or even a city? It had a glass domed roof, and inside was lots and lots of stuff including live dinosaurs. There are lots of microscopes set up too and people are studying, chatting socialising.
I'm with a group of people including 2 x partners and a girl friend. I'm wanking off one of the guys as we sit and chat... the others in the group are a bit shocked but also amused. (It seemed they were all attracted to me) I laugh at the men and and I go to Rachel who tells them we are lovers now. I stick with her for the rest of the dream, we seem to live in this massive domed place there are 1000's of people in it all busy with stuff.
It's night and something's kicking of outside the glass... at first it seems like a storm, then it's like shooting starts... green falling from the sky. We all gather to look up and I realise we are going to get a 'visit' It's exciting. As it's happening my crown chakra is going nuts... tingling, and I remember I can fly. I change my vibration to match the air and start whizzing and zooming round over the crowd in an annoying fashion.
I know the guy coming, it's one of the insectoid (overseer) types. He's kinda like a teacher, when he arrives people are rapt... he reminds me of the cat in the hat, amusing and witty. He's large and floats in the air after materialising inside the dome.
I 'know' him but not just from this dream --- I'm still flying round being an arse :P Zooming over the top of people really close and generally getting on there nerves as they try and listen.
At this point the insect person punches me in the stomach..... not physically but energetically. I find this funny, me and the insectoid have a quick telepathic exchange not in words but 'knowings' I know his type and physical violence is common and acceptable to them He's basically telling me to stop being a dick and I'm amused as we both know I'm intentionally being a dick :P
After he leaves me and my female lover head into our room in this wired complex and strip nekid start painting art onto the walls.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Boat & Shells.
Dreams of my dad's side of the family.
Turtles & Tortoises (Shells)
A fishing boat that won't come back to shore, the people in it are related to me.
I also am making a huge amount of sushi to feed many people. My male aspect is taking the form of a trickster and being not helpful in an attempt to be helpful :P In the end I get him to contribute in a more useful way.
Turtles & Tortoises (Shells)
A fishing boat that won't come back to shore, the people in it are related to me.
I also am making a huge amount of sushi to feed many people. My male aspect is taking the form of a trickster and being not helpful in an attempt to be helpful :P In the end I get him to contribute in a more useful way.
Monday, 1 May 2017
Dream Catch Up Beltane 17
Long weekend.
Before I left a dream of the Welsh countryside
Driving threw hillside and farmland lush and green, come across a cottage... well more of a bungalow it looks very ordinary outside... inside it's 70's with a welcoming old lady... her hubby lives there too.
We go into an old fashioned kitchen (60-70's) Though there is a microwave. It seems we are viewing the house with a view to moving in. At his point the owner lady tells us there is alos a baby in the microwave it's been left there.
I get the baby out, it's a little girl, just crawling. I instantly like it... and it me (I tend to bond with kids/pets fast)
I realise I'm not lactating, but can bottle feed the baby so I tell the old lady I'll take the baby.
We go down to look at the rest of the house.. it's weirdly old fashioned, and not our taste but has a vibe we like. Now, on the ground level the property looked like a bungalow, but it seems it has many layers underground. The first one down is a dinning room with an old table set in a bay window, the view sweeps over a sunken valley, across to a village coach house / bakery and more cottages.
I go down another layer.. It's wired small bedrooms, and then I go into a bathroom... it's very odd kitch and angled... there is 2 toilets just out of view of each other but in the same room. I remeber laughing and thinking it was odd but fixable.
Next story down is a communal shower room... again old, I've not seen anything like this in this life time but I feel it's 50-60's It's busy. I go out the other side and it opens into the wooded vally where the main event is these crystal filled pools.
They are warm, and the colours are rainbow... pinky coral shells in the centre and deep, then a vivid azure blue and to the edges blue, green then yellow sang before giving way to the grass land again.
It's all in this valley with cliffs and pools and full of people bathing or relaxing on the grass, others have visited the coffee shop, in or bakery and are sharing food with friends.
As I leave the pools I walk towards the house, from below I can see it's old... not a 80's bungalow it just seems like that from ground level. It's on red brick stilts... and I can see places to plant the new plants - growth potential.
Sat.. (In the old old cottage... so dark & quiet) sense deprivation!
First dream was like minecraft... I was aware of the bed I was in and felt like building was folding and unfolding around me.
At one point it became a metal frame and orange glass that melted..
Coins... they were copper and lozenge shaped like bars of gold. Only they were penny's and on them was marked 1GDP. (I knew this meant something but just had to goggle what)
Then I zoom into a trippy version of the building I'm in.... There is a grey/pink 'train' time tunnel. It's more of a hyper real energy tube. There is also a big furry monster who I befriend and like.... but there was a new weapon that fired and it landed on the huggy furry monster.
The train took me into another dream, On a hillside... and then something that looked like a pokeball flew overhead. Followed by everyone looking up at a star consternation.
Then a dog that bit Ian, he thought it was our dog that had run off...but it wasn't I took that dog back to a market town, and then a vet. As we set of to find our dog with the consternation in the sky I got a call. The caller had our dog, but also dementia, So didn't know where him on the dog were.
I told them to hang tight and I'd come back to the heath. I found them together.. the dog lept into my arms and the man was being pushed in a chair by a friend.
Last dream was of being in the building I was sleeping in. I had on a black night gown and coat thing, the doors/rooms were different and I'd left via the back of the cottage and walked down to the stream.
Sunday was quiet... well, wired quiet. I was missing front teeth, I was stuck somewhere and wanted to leave for London.
A hidden spaceship, it's on sand under a sea. I'm part of the crew. The power source has been taken and is now being used as a light artifact in a city. I need to get past the security and take the light back to our ship... we want to fly again.
Next I'm applying for a job on a space hub, it's a staging hub. I'm going to be someone who measures radioactivity. I need to learn another language before the hub goes live.
Last dream... and odd thing where a neighbour had signed me up for food deliveries I didn't want.... and school trips coming to look at the garages and me dressing up to freak them out for fun :P
Before I left a dream of the Welsh countryside
Driving threw hillside and farmland lush and green, come across a cottage... well more of a bungalow it looks very ordinary outside... inside it's 70's with a welcoming old lady... her hubby lives there too.
We go into an old fashioned kitchen (60-70's) Though there is a microwave. It seems we are viewing the house with a view to moving in. At his point the owner lady tells us there is alos a baby in the microwave it's been left there.
I get the baby out, it's a little girl, just crawling. I instantly like it... and it me (I tend to bond with kids/pets fast)
I realise I'm not lactating, but can bottle feed the baby so I tell the old lady I'll take the baby.
We go down to look at the rest of the house.. it's weirdly old fashioned, and not our taste but has a vibe we like. Now, on the ground level the property looked like a bungalow, but it seems it has many layers underground. The first one down is a dinning room with an old table set in a bay window, the view sweeps over a sunken valley, across to a village coach house / bakery and more cottages.
I go down another layer.. It's wired small bedrooms, and then I go into a bathroom... it's very odd kitch and angled... there is 2 toilets just out of view of each other but in the same room. I remeber laughing and thinking it was odd but fixable.
Next story down is a communal shower room... again old, I've not seen anything like this in this life time but I feel it's 50-60's It's busy. I go out the other side and it opens into the wooded vally where the main event is these crystal filled pools.
They are warm, and the colours are rainbow... pinky coral shells in the centre and deep, then a vivid azure blue and to the edges blue, green then yellow sang before giving way to the grass land again.
It's all in this valley with cliffs and pools and full of people bathing or relaxing on the grass, others have visited the coffee shop, in or bakery and are sharing food with friends.
As I leave the pools I walk towards the house, from below I can see it's old... not a 80's bungalow it just seems like that from ground level. It's on red brick stilts... and I can see places to plant the new plants - growth potential.
Sat.. (In the old old cottage... so dark & quiet) sense deprivation!
First dream was like minecraft... I was aware of the bed I was in and felt like building was folding and unfolding around me.
At one point it became a metal frame and orange glass that melted..
Coins... they were copper and lozenge shaped like bars of gold. Only they were penny's and on them was marked 1GDP. (I knew this meant something but just had to goggle what)
Then I zoom into a trippy version of the building I'm in.... There is a grey/pink 'train' time tunnel. It's more of a hyper real energy tube. There is also a big furry monster who I befriend and like.... but there was a new weapon that fired and it landed on the huggy furry monster.
The train took me into another dream, On a hillside... and then something that looked like a pokeball flew overhead. Followed by everyone looking up at a star consternation.
Then a dog that bit Ian, he thought it was our dog that had run off...but it wasn't I took that dog back to a market town, and then a vet. As we set of to find our dog with the consternation in the sky I got a call. The caller had our dog, but also dementia, So didn't know where him on the dog were.
I told them to hang tight and I'd come back to the heath. I found them together.. the dog lept into my arms and the man was being pushed in a chair by a friend.
Last dream was of being in the building I was sleeping in. I had on a black night gown and coat thing, the doors/rooms were different and I'd left via the back of the cottage and walked down to the stream.
Sunday was quiet... well, wired quiet. I was missing front teeth, I was stuck somewhere and wanted to leave for London.
A hidden spaceship, it's on sand under a sea. I'm part of the crew. The power source has been taken and is now being used as a light artifact in a city. I need to get past the security and take the light back to our ship... we want to fly again.
Next I'm applying for a job on a space hub, it's a staging hub. I'm going to be someone who measures radioactivity. I need to learn another language before the hub goes live.
Last dream... and odd thing where a neighbour had signed me up for food deliveries I didn't want.... and school trips coming to look at the garages and me dressing up to freak them out for fun :P
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Strange Summoning
12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...

I don't have the questions 'Don't need them you have answers, come here' Hummm Love hu? 'OFC, just sort intention R...
Toddlers been ill so he's been sleeping with me. His mind feels like a vortex at night, I really don't understand it but I felt ...
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