Thursday, 14 May 2020

Vomiting Stones and a Clean Up

Buzy dreams... 

Causal chakra I think.  (Year group?  Zeitgeist) Are we meant to come online now??

Halls, school.... many labyrinths and classrooms like glasshouses and labs.  Like my high school with people, I'd not seen for years but vast and deep...   Going and connecting with the energy our group had brought in.   I wish I could get more of a handle on it... My head is buzzing at the back and threw the night I couldn't write it down.  But it's here now..

So it's Alnwick but like an astral version of the town, felt lower rather than higher.   It's a learning space like catacombs of modern labs with teachers recruiting for there classes - It's vast and I'm wandering around with people I've not seen since high school... but we are not 'us' 

The rooms had 'Offerings'   and 'games'   teachers were more like GM's I think?? 

Then a Gran's house vibe.... but not it's many houses... more of the cobbles streets a huge courtyard..   and houses around and in the middle of the wide cobbled courtyard is a shed. 

and in the is a shed with a vacuum and It''s shared - and I have it to clean.   First place is a shoe shop...... Cobbled/cobbler/shoe/soul??? 

I take the vacuum and I'm ment to clean a space with it but I can't recall the door number and so I'm faffing around in front of 2 doors.  I don't know the occupants.  

I'm emptying their bins and trying to contact the shed to see what house I should go into to clean.  I go back and get a message and go in.   A young family is inside and I feel a bit awkward cleaning their space, I don't go into the personal rooms and just cleaning the hallways.   I'm hoping to get into bathrooms but their kids are in the bath so I just wash round the doors and leave again.    Tell them to let me know when they want me to come back.

Also -  These could have come before or after as that dream recall just arrived tonight. 

Crazy symbols layers pilled on and in.     Liquid with rocks...  Oh, now I recall that.  It was like pouring rocks into formations.

People, dogs birds vomiting stones.    -  Yep we were in the wired rooms and we were creatures vomiting gravel.  -   How to split  class??

Then just a humble of symbols/layers and meanings...  but it was like Bic biro, the colours...  on waking I recalled Bic company/logo. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Team Work

Busy night - dreams all night.

First up is a 2.22 wake.   I've been what feels like far.   A game board, Zooming in and out many layers echos like the onion then an overview.  2 parents what can only be described as 'Alien' as they are so different.  Multidimensional/insectoid.  We can sit above and look at what is like a round game board see the moves from up here - 2 UK politicians were there too.    It's hard to describe but it was funny too - the absurdity of it all from this perspective was very amusing. 

I was disorientated on waking and supprised it was 2.22

Next dream's sort of all followed on from each other. 

A closing in for winter I'm on an island far north there is a glass door for the storms, I can watch threw the glass.   There are seals, puffins, skuas lots of animals - I have a phone to chat to the other islands.

Another dream was wired. It was a thread on Reddit that had gone viral - it was about 'Aliens' & 'Choice' 'Destiny' I'd not started the thread but was a major contributor to it early on.   Now this thread was changing stuff in a huge way.  It was linked to something massive. 

I was confused as my post contributions where not what I recalled writing.   I wasn't sure if this was cause it had been changed externally or I'd jumped from somewhere else and merged with a me that had written something slightly different.
Back to Islands and very far north felt like the Arctic, this is tied to the other dream Sunday night of the North/South journey. 

A friend of mine Clare was a Dr..  We are very far north, Ice and snow but not cold. 
We are wearing summer clothes.  There is a frozen river bright blue ice we walk on it, snowbanks on either side.... there is a waterfall and the frozen waterfall's away for miles below us, we are sitting on edge of the drop as the sun returns to thaw the water and it's bright and dazzling.   There was something to do with the Ra collective, also tunnels and slides for journeying. 

Masturbation with a female nurse I know we are bring each other to orgasm over and over.  

Next I'm plopped into a 'School' with a military feel.  It's a vast room almost like school sports/assembly hall - no outside. 

I'm in a new intake and we are around 150 young volunteers - we are also told that we will be 'cut off' shortly this is like a severing from our higher/larger aspect/connection.  (However 3 of us will retain connection... I remember recalling I hoped I was one of the 3 as my connection was important)

We are standing in a long line and being sorted into groups.   Green/Blue and Red.  

As we are sorted we are issued blazers like school blazers issued in our group's colours with strange piping on the back in 'wing' shapes.  

These were like arm stripes we filled in as we gained experience but were in the shape of wings - They start of empty just the colour of the blazer but with outline piping looked like an ugly cross between a school blazer and an 80's shell suit tracksuit. 

I'm close to the end of the line, a group of 5 boys beside me are sent to red .
I get handed a green blazer.
When I'm given my blazer it already has most of the wing shape filled in.  Purple outside and then yellow/gold inside the purple there was one colour left to go in the center of the wing shape. (A bright pink I think it would be)
I was confused and felt a little self conscious that I wasn't 'the same' as the other recruits.  As I'm issued the blazer I'm also informed I am one of the ones who will retain my connection channel and this makes me feel better about being different.  

Our 'green group' are almost immediately shifted to our first 'experience'  and find ourselves in a huge canyon on a small rocky island in a very fast flowing river. 
The canyon has vast sides and an opening in the distance upriver.     The 'teachers/overseers are floating awareness/observing.  There is just our group of approx 50 on this rock.    In the distance up river we see a waterspout twisty thing forming it's huge and it enters the canyon and is heading towards us.    I spread my awareness out taking in the whole scenario.  We can't stay on the rock and the river is fast-flowing and will wash the smaller members away.  The instructors are indifferent to how many make it - survival of the fittest is valid.  They care not how many are washed away.  Members of our team are scared as they know they can't make the other bank.   I feel 'team' strongly and want to help preserve all.

There is a bank on the right with a  beach and I can perceive a cave system inside where we can shelter till the water twister passes. 
We need the stronger to form a chain into the water and to the other bank - we can make a bridge for the smaller to pass to safety.  To get us all to safety we need to convince the strong to preserve team and not just themselves.  It works and I wake as we reach the bank and help each other climb up into the cliff and caves. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

No Thanks.

First dream B4 2am

Abstract.   Hotel garden sleep.  View - Game, different rolls, paths, toys.   Story.   Same echos.  Only a few know the story..... finding it, seeing it telling it sharing it.

Next up.  

Colourless potential - Seeds growth, like crystal flowering plant shapes... Tomato seed to plant, to flower to fruit again to seed.. back and forth like a timeline fractal - all crystal empty clear inside waiting for instruction/input.


Journey by bus/coach to London, wired version.  Rasta types are very friendly and welcoming.

The last dream is a long one.

I'm in a 'complex'  it's sealed and controlled, it's medical and also military.  I've come in as an advocate for family, but also as a woman and a nurse.  All others are in uniform - patients are in gowns.  I don't recall my attire or body.

I go threw to the back, I'm not staff there so I shouldn't have been in the area but I'm unphased and I go to the nurse we have been assigned to tell her we decline the offer of vaccinations and thank you but please do not follow up. 

They are dismissive and sarcastic so I tell the family to leave and I will remain to talk.  I was wandering around the complex observing... staff are tired and frustrated and then it's like an end of shift/year party.

There is a table, and also a deep swampy pool in the pool is a Bear/Crocodile.   Around the table, the nurses are relaxing and talking drinking and sharing and I join them at the table and sit too.    I talk with them, nurse to nurse - about the protective role of a 'mother' science, systems and nature. 

Though I'm a nurse to animals (I think the Alligator and Bear were helping totems)  the staff and me have a common medical language.
At first many get up and walk away but a few stay listen and then more come back to join and sit around the table again.   We share a food and drink and I feel 'herd' I say goodnight and go to leave.

I return to the front of the complex but it's past closing time and the public exists are blocked now as the shift was at an end.  A military-type control the doorways and I'm told I need to use staff exists.   So I go where directed up to the train depot on the floor above.  I move threw what is like a crowded waiting room and up a strange hard to access spiral stairwell.  It's almost like scramble rope netting in a spiral fashion.  It's not easy but I clamber up and out onto the depo level.  

It's dark and open to the sky feels like a military aircraft carrier for trains might if it was floating in space. 

The train tracks are sunk into the walkway like tram tracks so the foot or road traffic can share the same surface. Huge grey hangers are to each side, uniformed / errr uninformed people are moving all over.  There are metal signs pointing to different tracks and I see one pointing for Angel and wonder why it isn't Islington too like the Tube-stop.

In the dream, I was going to see my Dad at home and was looking for a stop to Chathill - I look into my bag to find a phone to call my Father to let him know I'm home soon but as I open my bag a glass clip-top bottle of homemade fizzy fermented ginger-lemonade falls out and breaks. -   Josh alarm wakes me up. 

Monday, 11 May 2020

A Chase

Sunday 10th

A long journey north or south... Overview of a country.  UK but different can zoom above.   North is cold, ice and snow blowing down - south warmer.

Trying to view but contrast is too high, need to lower it to make out details.  A car that drives into the sea.

Monday 11th

Very early..

A new Uni/School.  Floors with kitchens, I'm looking to borrow some veg.  We are waiting for lessons/classes to begin.   Floaty guy, cowboy/shady stealing stuff to take into prisons.   There was also an outside area that wasn't properly formed yet.   Looked like there was a logo a repeating logo the shapes.

It's like a landscape that's been built in a 3D package but not textured yet.   Can see the outline of the polygons.


Next dream was a massive chase, horses and strange hovering motorbikes over miles of dark countryside was a 2 faction scenario.   Robot walker things are around too like squashed At-At things, that move like robot dogs. 
Massive snakes, we were looking for clues to find keys and open doors.   It was fun and exciting, lots of adrenalin.   We reach a raised platform/station first completely frazzled, I comment we aged 2 years in the last 30 mins and we find this funny. 

The platform is an amazing rusty industrial thing, wrote iron that's rusting with stained concrete/plaster stuff that's smooth and stained in nice patterns.   We are waiting for a flying train thing.

(A metal puzzle/game fast like a wire track, magnetic)

The last dream is back in dream Alnwick.  I've taken a job in a bank, it's below street level but is serving food, not money.  It's busy like a bar/pizza restaurant.  Lara and Jo are there and they are waiting for me to finish up, they have bought a pizza too and we are all leaving together - half my clothes were missing so I was topless.

As we go out there is a wired thing of Madona and some guy who was a little like Ewan Magreggor in trainspotting.   One of them is crashed out/OD'd I can't recall which was crashed out now... One has dragged the other and dumped the unconscious body in the electric door on the street level and left them there for us to deal with.      It was an odd jumbled dream but seemed to fit and work.  

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Disjointed... dreams and new editor.

 I've been feeling detached...  Ok but off.

I realise I should honer the detached dreams and come to find a new editor. So different space different place.

Wed 6th, May 20

Tower of electric energy.  Green, tall fizzy. Australia?  Towns and people.. Anticipation, gardening and growing. 

Thursday,  7th May.

Seeds...  Void, relay.  

Something some people don't want to do or see.  A red dragon, I fly it I am it.

Friday 8th

Main dream space, but going to Alnwick with Lara & Stew.  Going to eat and I've wrapped gifts for Ian & Stew.   We take a bus, and the table is on dark cobbled stones.   I've wrapped the gifts in 'star/galaxy paper'

Sat 9th,
Parasites on pets.
Long conversations... Astral type.   Hazy, with people from Collage. 

Clare, Lizz..    A city...  Economics  /  Earth kids / building site... then exploring how to lucid dream and go deeper....   SHIFT a mountain.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Dragon Kites & Fight Night!


One dream later on... it learning/school but open strange.   Stuff has changed overnight suddenly odd things that not everyone notices.     Like the washing, machine draw has gone.     Cooker controls have changed and there are now 'devises'  attached tot he cables that were not there before.

I mention it to others but no one seems to know what they are or where they came from.     My hair in the dream was wired.   It was straight then there was an inch or so that was knotted and matted and then the roots growing straight again.   It was something to do with how I'd slept, but another girl with matts similar told be it was where her dragon licked her!

In another part of the dream, I'm watching 3 Asian men on the bank of a wide river flying large dragon/serpent kites.   The wind blows in the mounts and inflates them and they hold them on wide silk sashes.   The men are dressed in temple clothing. 

Fascinating night!  I was feeling really buzzy before bed and knew it would be interesting.  I also felt I wanted my Dalmation Point. 

Dream dust was strange, triangular and pulsating.  

The first part was... Energy/lockdown   HOME -  Busy, reaching, channelling.  Strong, hard and soft.   Mining -  Mining in dreams...  carts/tracks and also mining data.. not sure how this fits with my other mine dreams of late.   I'd been aware but it's impossible to describe as it's not tangible.

The dreams are unusually violent and aggressive, not unpleasant or scary.  A lot of adrenalin and energy.

First dream I'm with Ian, or he's male me.  We are in an unfamiliar terraced house and it's black dark out.   Outside there is a long path and Roweena yoga teacher is next door and she's going to teach a class outside on the concrete car standing.

I have my Matt and I'm going out to practice with her and some others who are in her garden.

When I get outside 2 youngish males arrive, they are bringing a part we requested for vehicle repair - when they offer it's a botch job, it's white and not the gold we requested and they are asking full price.  I inform them it's unlikely to be satisfactory and I call for Ian... the men go down the path with the part and I leave the yoga mat and get Ian and we follow them.  The next part is in a tunnel, meby a little like a subway or underpass.   Ian has walked ahead and when I turn the corner I see him smacking one of the guys over the head with something hard.   The guy crumbles to his knees as the other guy punches Ian and a fight ensues.   I go to look for help for the first guy who's hit the deck as it looked bad.  I don't know who threw the first punch. 

The scene changes and we are back at our home.   The white part is there the white paint flaking off and it's not what we need to fix the vehicle we needed something gold.... and the fight kicks of yet again!  This time more and more people are pilling in, biker types are arriving, old looking barbarians, and then one of the original guys pops up again and he's stolen something from my elderly yoga teacher and this pisses me off so I statch it of him telling him it's wrong to take from females! 
At that point, I seem to be involved too (though I don't recall being physical myself)

We are literally beating each other to death bare fist fighting and smacking each other around the heads with anything at hand when someone sets fire to the building (possibly me) and we carry on fighting regardless as the building is burning around us lost in the violence of the moment.  ---  The scene jumps all of us together and I hear the word 'Valhalla'

I'm in an old fashioned Victorian bar, a little like 'The Elephant' from my college days, I'm behind the bar in what appears to be a backroom/lounge...  The room is full of entities sat at old fashioned tables. They are all turned to face me and are mentally greeting me....  There are all kinds of entities with all colours of skin it's a reunion - I wonder where the men went that I was burning with and my awareness pans round the other side of the bar to show the main bar room where the fighting is continuing with wild abandon!  Flying barstools, mugs of beer and people still punching each other bloody.   

Wake here - thinking well, that was wired!!

  (More of the pyramid-shaped dream dust)

Next dream...

Which seems similar in theme to the first but rendered differently.    I'm with male me and we are in a workshop where we create.

We are aware of something in the building and male me goes downstairs to find out what the noise is,  I can hear something coming it's a robotic drone but disguised as a cat and I climb under a table in the corner to observe.    I'm watching it scan when a portal opens and men come in, they are scanning and searching our creations and research.  Taking bits, I can see them open portals and dream-fasting and sharing mental images.   I don't think they are aware of me but they are.    They issue me with a summons and a warrant,  and I'm aware that our creation has been taken and I've been framed as a perpetrator. 

Wake again wide awake and start clearing... 

Use the Honi what's it....   first at other then bringing it swiftly HOME to my heart.

I'm sorry I'm'seeing' you this way, Please forgive my needing this lesson, Thank you for playing this role, I love you.  

To my heart...   Sorry for perceiving this way, please forgive me for needing this mirror, thank you for offering/service -  I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Dragon Weaving


Sleep didn't come was too high energy/fizzy.
The shuttle poem from 2016...

Like a shuttle weaving to and from,

The place where your at to the place you belong,
Binding your heart, with the web of the world,
bracing your soul, you surrender to whole,
enveloped with love, sharing one breath,
Uncoiling to fall, then climbing once more,
threw and in, catching the ends,
it's tangled it's angled,
it's drawing within,
I feel where I'm going, I feel where I've been,
I see into the places the what's in-between,
string or a whole? a weave or a web?
a magic embrace,
we're caught in life's net.

I need to share more, I need to open to the other dragons.

Wake a 333

More weaving, dragons people, dancers, dreamers and truth and resistance to truth doing it anyway.

I see  

Lots to bring, scary but ok...   Guardian energy.

Then this

Next  Gates...  he's a portal too, a Gate!   lol   It reminded me of the old 'hell' funpark that I couln't be botherd to wait in line for. 

Oh.... also Electric all energy centers buzzing and fizzing, when I whent for a wee I grabbed a quarts point and where ever it was was on my body threw the night was crackling. 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...