Sunday, 20 February 2022

Medi = Blue and Blood = Red?

Odd dream me and Zak again he was younger.  We were in a strange place for a funeral or a wake.
Very busy many people coming and it was for my mother or matriarch that we knew.
Me and Zak were really filthy, couldn't turn up like that but there was no place to get cleaned up.
The space we were in was so rammed with people and we had contacts to check in with that had stuff for us but we were both literally head to toe in shit! 😆
It wasn't a bad dream, it was just frustrating that we couldn't find a place to wash up.

My blue centre felt so gritty!!  'Follow Ren, Stick with Malico for now to help your recall' 

I'd gone with Inka to Malicos, we'd went to the room with the bench and fire, he told me he'd wait till was dreaming then go and see me later.

Dying a fabric to look like marble it was red I was using.

Next was a very long dream, a school with a very mixed range... It was also like a leisure centre, hotel park.
We were being observed... It was non interference. 

I'd had a rainbow meat cleaver and one of the different needs people there kept trying to grab it.  They had no concept it was sharp and were trying to grab the blade.
I knew it would cut him, but he didn't understand language and just wanted it cause it was shiny.

I was being watched threw glass or one of them membrane things by a team including a female police type.
They wouldn't interfere, I was trying to get the blade to the intersection/bleed threw. So I could give it to them to keep the other guy safe.

Was hard as he was just grabbing me, but I'd managed to poke it threw to the observers out of the way... the duality police / border guard took it into her care.

There had been lots more.. That was just the main thing I recalled, the space was filled with animals and toys that could talk.

Next dream I can't read or recall... it might have been when I woke to the sensation of peeing... but I didn't even need the loo!  🙄

The dreams were so full of stuff with Malico I'd decided to jump to Ddads hub.  I didn't look for anyone just went straight to the room there that was for us to use.
My Blue teddy and that now burnt yellow blanket were on the dark blue matrass there and I'd gone straight back into dream.

lol it was odd!  An MMO style game....
I was back in the other school dream or some similar setting.  I'd taken off my shoes but needed to find them before I could leave again only my interface / account had been hacked and all my avatars were being changed fast so I was looking increasingly odd and no one knew who I was.

I'd worked out the people who'd hacked my account.  It was a bunch of guys in the Nelsons house.  My  main dream space.  (Oh that's also Middle me! Lol)

Anyhow.  Both front rooms were really high tec, and our avatars were being played from there! 

I was standing outside of the Nelsons (Middle Me's) house watching them.
Marie wasn't there though, it was just 3 tall guys...  Humm did she have an older half bro???
Oh I was also walking on my hands upside down.

I knew it was them who'd hacked me, but I was waiting on someone on my crew to change my passwords and lock them back out, there was no point in me doing it myself as I never remember anything!

It was kinda funny.... They were really screwing with my alts and I was changing shape really fast!  I was offering to post them my dogs shit threw there Male / Mail box... If they didn't cut it out. 

After that dream I was just in the void...  Something merged with me.
Was 515  I'd joined with it... Wasn't you??
 'Nope'   Where are you??  'Fixing you'  Hummm??   'I'll find you later, should have stayed with Malico like I told you'  Yeh to late for that.

'Just sleep mouse, I'll find you in a bit'


I was aware of passing, swapping weaving.    Then Inka had told me to join him now.. Was like the prawn thing again.   I was something that went up his spine.

Landed me in a strange blue dream.

It was Christmas day and I'd been sent to a health centre.
Only one member of staff and then my neighbour brought in her toddler son Tom.
He was in labour and about to give birth... He'd been born both sexes and had impregnated himself.

He was being given an epidural and then more stuff was coming in... Only it was odd. 
One nurse and me.  I'd offered to try and help her though it wasn't what I was trained for.  She chucked me a uniform.
The floor was blue ice and we all had skates.

As the night went on in this place it got more and more wyrd- Animals were arriving for caesarean only they were giving birth out of their hearts and chest! 

There was so much blood on the blue ice floor.   I was mainly on clean up more and more staff arriving.
The young boy birthed his baby..Him and his other brother came to collect him and they all left excited.

I was just cleaning up after all the surgeries. 
Oh, the medical kids were vast and ordered.   The kits came in these sterilisable trays. 
I'd not seen many of the instruments before.  I wanted to help wash them up but didn't know the order they would go back in or how the kits were formed. 

In my lunch break from this odd place I'd walked out into a harbour.
It's made of old stone walls...  Spiral shape.
A house was built up in the centre.. Medieval cottage style with a balcony.
It looked out over the whole space.

I'd met the mama and her child as I'd walked up the path to enjoy the view.

The dad arrived and didn't trust me.   The Mama had pointed out I was just on a break from the medic facility.

I watched as they lifted the small kid up onto the stone wall and he did a perfect dive into the crystal clear sea water below.

I'd said goodbye and headed back to the medi space.

It was really busy now, people arriving from all over the world.  Had a feel of a game show.
Cameras and TV's were set up and there was some 'team building' stuff going on.

Was strange as I'd only been there to help on that night and the morning activity's were very wyrd.
Mainly female.
One had had that lip cosmetic stuff that made her look like a duck, she was commentating and trying to sort people out... And I'd lost interest and sort of wandered off.
Oh they were saying prayers in Hindi too.

Anyhow...    it  was all a bit strange for me. 
As I was exploring alone I found myself in an old fashioned stair well.   All white painted walls and dark wood polished banister.

Looking down I could see a herringbone wood floor with a child's ballet outfit and pink ballet shoes.
A thick wooden oak door with a buzzer advertised a 'Dancing School'

Oh.. I think the thing that came bk yday was to do with this below.


'Hey Ren'  fuck man...  'I know bitch, it's OK'  
Sooo much from all sides... And 'You just want to be left alone expand and feel?' 
Yes...   'Do it'  
Can we level up or down or something ... Cause I'm sick of other peoples fucking ground hog day.  

'Your Bday witch'  It's not...  'Check'   Eh? 
Oh it's the day after???   'Read it Ren'    Yeh yeh....  OK 

Lol it's shadow 😆  'Keep laughing and Reading Ass Hat' 

Oh is this the ....  'Read Ren'

I'd rather argue with myself  'Yeh keep it up and I'll make you back into my elf'  lol 

OK I'll read...

The weather lore was brought trom German-speaking areas where the badger 
(German: Dacns) is the forecasting animal. This appears to be an enhanced version 
ot the lore that clear weather on the Christian festival ot Candlemas forebodes a 
prolonged winter.

Eh!!!   What about Imbolc!!  Hummmm back into a hole till there's less incoming shit??
'Read the film next'  Emmm ok, is it something repeating??

Hummm ok.  The homeless guy yday. Ben  'You asked us to run a diagnostic on him'

Oooo and this morning Ian told me after dog and me met him he attacked someone!
Wow...    See this is why I wana talk to you! 
'Yeh Ren, we know all about your time loops'   lol   Yes!   But no one else dose! 

This is farming??  

In Irish folk tradition St. arighid's Day, 1 February, is the first day ot Spring, and thus ot the farmer's year. 
To see a hedgehog was a good weather sign, tor the hedgehog comes come out ot the hole in which he has 
spent the winter, looks about to judge the weather, and returns to his burrow it bad weather is going to 
continue. It he stays out, it means that he knows the mild weather is coming_1241

Start of the farmers year & first harvest!  Only we don't harvest vegetables? 
'Don't be so sure about that mouse'  lol Inka!! 

'Down on the farm Witch?'   Yeh....  
That was hummmm  Overseer shit!  The bugs, Loci was with them.

'Underseer'  You're making up words man!  'Spells Ren, it's what we are good at and you are learning'  Hum   Ok...   Under seeder?  'Now we're creating' 
Nice!   I miss this talking to myself shit

'I've told you bitch, I'm real'    Yeh... We've been there and I'm not the fish, you can still bait me hook line and sinker :D  'Stinker?'  lol likely..   Anyhow,  Soooo

The homeless guy, was a green man archetype??
'To you'  Eh??  Oh and now he's stuck in a time loop?
He was repeating the same thing over n over...  
kk, can you I duno cut attachments and sort him out?   He I just ... He needed the woods.
'Yeh Ren he did....  Didn't need to get caught in your earth magic webs' 

Sorry...   Can you lot help?
  'We're not real remember 😈?' 
You don't make this shit easy...

'Nor do you witch'   OK.... Please help him or well just free him from any of my shit? 

'Close enough Mouse'  Thanks..  'You owe me now'  lol  Yeh that's ok too

Blugh I miss having time to talk to you! 
'It's why you sleep so much'  IKR  🤣

Soo can you show me what's up in his mind??
 'You might not like that Ren' 
Mmm but I'm curious and I'll try anything once, or twice
'Remember that night?'  Yeh sort off, when I was stuck in a errr you asked me enough hell??

Was like spinning in my own shit on my head?? 
'No bitch, you made that crap up for someone else'  Hahaha  Oh yeh, oops...  Well they did long time piss me off.

Oh focused on something to close to my nose..   He's not spinning on his head in his own shit is he?? 
'We'll sort it bitch'   It wasn't meant for him!  'He's a wild one Ren.... He sees you as you see him' 
Humph...  So
'He won't hold it against you witch'   Hahahah I got ya 😏

(Then odd sync with Ian thinking he's seen this guy)


Ceaser cease -  Arian  ??   What was the Ceaser dream??


Wow..  The patterns...  'Cuts and Weaves?'   Like sewing 'Or surgery'  

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Moving Bridges

A long dream, I'd left here and moved to London.  I only had a small bag and was finding my way around.
It was a rundown area I was going to sign on as looking for work.  The place I was staying it was like a B&B an ok room in a block that contained a post office and café.
I was struggling to find my way about as the postcode system hadn't been implemented there.

I was missing my kids and pets.

I go back into the same dream and I'd met with some people I know.
I was leaving the B&B place at night, close to midnight.  I'd passes one of the Post office staff working late.  They asked me how the room was, I'd replied it was ok.
She had nodded and said kids that come out of foster care are normally used to having more tec.
I recall being a bit confused as I'd not been in foster care... Not that I recalled.

We were crossing the Themes but it wasn't like London now.   The river had several strange ornamental bridges and gardens below.
The bridge we were crossing on was stone work, only the path and road was made of old coins sealed in an plastic or something.   They were catching the moonlight.
The tide was also rising so the water was covering the coined path and then the bridge split. 
The people I was following had made it across and I was puzzled as to how a stone bridge was folding it's self up.

He had massive rusty chains covered in seaweed.
Me and another female got folded in the bridge not squashed, but we were going to have to climb up and out of a small hole.  
I was wondering if anyone would be able to give us a hand and pull us up.

I was in Ddads hub again.
That room with the large table were I'd been a baby.  It was the same with people sitting round it talking.   Inka asked me to lay on the floor and dream there and not to argue with him about anything for now.
I was laying on the floor behind his chair.
The was hard and slightly shiny.. All black kinda familiar.  I'd been considering how I wasn't comfortable and had started thinking about a blanket and then I had the yellow blanket I had as a kid, was a cot blanket I took all-over till it fell apart and my mother took it.

I'd had one yellow one blue.  It was just as I recalled it kind of unravelling and I was revisiting really old memory's of childhood and the nightmares and dreams I had back then.

Inka grabbed the blanket and burnt off one of the corners then gave it back to me...  It upset me but as I didn't have a clue what was going on I just decided to roll with it and watch!

I had a dream with my daughter in.  A female brought her too me, she was upset and injured had purple bruises on her legs. 
The female was familiar too, she'd brought people to me in the past.
Fay had failed to stop at a red & white stop sign.   It had been at her school and she'd walked into a bike race?!   She was showing me red & white plastic barriers and kids on bikes so I could observe the incident for myself.
I thanked her and she vanished.

I wake up again still on the floor and Inka took the blanket again setting fire to another corner before chucking it back.
He was talking to me mentally too, reminding me how he'd also been around when I was a kid.
I knew this was true.. Oh and my energy body was crazy.  Felt amazing, it's one of the reasons I was quite content to just lay there a word  'Mishonesty  or miss honesty' 
There was also like liquid sliver fire running threw me.

Oh a hedge of cherry laurel... Inka was in my mind too, reminding me it was also alien, persistent and invasive...  Lol like the Skua bird dream were I took responsibility for shit.
Once we were in a system we duno when to stop. He was showing me that's why pairs & crew, we won't back down alone.

After everyone else left I got up and we jumped back to my roundhouse hub, Inka told me to do what ever the hell I wanted again, lol which was lay down and zone out again.

There were words shell Andrea's hell...   Shell .. He'd lost his fingers in her hell?   Then I was seeing a kid I grew up with.  He was an Andrew, like I was supposed to have been.  He was born with fingers missing... It was linked to me not being the kid my Mama wanted but something she agreed too.
I was remembering why I came again.. We are going wider each time from that perspective it's so much.. 'I know Ren, it's lots from that perspective' 

Last dream was cool, we were arriving at a large haunted looking stately home>
Inka was with me and a few others were walking behind us.
Someone had come out and told us we were not welcome.  Inka told them we were maintenance and needed to check the boiler room. 
A young kid runs out to meet us, she wants to show us the way and a grandfather is already waiting.-

Humm Also the Pledge dream was something to do with this... It's linked to Pluto & Ddad.
Oh, night I checked the birth charts ... that was when I transmuted all that pain with Malico too, Christmas eve 2020.  I couldn't find it the other day when I experianced it again

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...