Tuesday, 10 May 2022

GG, Girl, Horse or Game?

😁 lol  Bandersnatch? 


A train dream.  Train spotting and smuggling war in a bike frame on one of the carriages.

G or J.  Time wasn't sure of the destination.


A bandersnatch is a fictional creature in Lewis 
Carroll's 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass 
and his 1874 poem The Hunting of the SnarR_ 
Although neither work describes the appearance ot 
a bandersnatcn in great detail, in The Hunting of 
the Snark, it has a long neck and snapping jaws, 
and both works describe it as ferocious and 
extraordinarily tast_ Through the Looking-Glass 
implies that bandersnatcnes may be found in the 
world behind the and in The


The Bandersnatch is a fictional creature mentioned in Lewis Carroll's poem Jabbenvocky_ 
Bandersnatch may also refer to: 
• Bandersnatcn (video game), a computer game written by Imagine Somvare and later 
released as Brataccas 
• dandersnatcn (Known Space), a sluglike sentient creature in Larry Niven's fictional Known 
Space universe 
• 9780 dandersnatcn, an asteroid 
• Bandersnatcn, a newspaper run by John Abbott College students 
• A Sasquatcn infected with the HMHVV-II virus in the Shadowrun role-playing game 
• Frumious Bandersnatcn, a seminal 1960s psychedelic rock band trom San Francisco, 
• Black Mirror: Bandersnatcn, a television film ot the anthology series Black Mirror


Seems....  Lol  Back of my net then?  

'Or up your bum on the second shelf' I scored another own goal then?
Last year.


12.12 wake destination!  Hold down and lift up's

101 would be on or in the state 😃

202 On the run? ... And no I didn't want to catch that. 

Slow it .. I'm not dreaming properly since the tablet I took...

I know I wanted something slowed.

Wake just before 303 too!


3am data breach. 
Almost 3am woke just before.
Track almost 3am...  My phones.  A Data breach.
Staff won't help me to try and sync. 

Just want me to go to bed and sleep.

Chatted to a friend here instead.
I was sleeing...  I just wake at time stamps, I always do.
No dreams since I took that 10mg Aripiprazole tablet :(
Or very few.  Dosn't feel like proper sleep just oblivion.

I miss you guys.   'We're still here Ren, allways are.  Just giving you a break to ground there'

I know I feel that too.

I don't feel real here when I can't dream true.

'Come to Ddad hub Ren, let some of us meet you'



414 Blue Ka fragment coming back online soon.


5.30 Road kill?....   Still can't recall dreams a magpie was shouting outside though showed me car sliver.....links and I see in the distance the blue.

A part-hide (Apartheid) but real too.  

Just had to hide as I was way to crude oil for even pop eye.



Killing me Slowly with Kindness.

At least I recalled it's the anniversary of my mothers death this year without being reminded.

Pickled lilies, pickled pop eyes.  Keep stealing dreams with medication and I'll fuck with His story.
'You did Ren'  I don't hear stop.  'Not likely from this point' 

Intreasting, Thanks.

'Bitch?'   Mmmmmmm?  'Just remeber to meet some fucker some place ok?'
Hummmm  kk might need an S&R on me then.

Meds screwing with my internal navigation.  Can anyone who wants me just come collect me?

'I'll put word about'  TY.

I don't think this heating system is working with me.

My nose is so sore. 
It's like being in the wrong Ka can.

'Selective testing, scamming'

The snot inspector, selector or & collector....   Is not??   I snot

Honourable  mentions.  




CH ch?!  Church, Change, Chasm, Chaos


Mention calling to mind.


Sounds sweet and fanciful to me 'You surprise me Ren'  Bullshit.

'You're not always so unbendable'

Meby my own toilet system was a u-bend to far cause I want to snap some fuckers head off right now.

''Mmmmmm', we can tell'

Honrable mentions sounds similar to ack now ledge ment


Ment  Amazement, Betterment, Merriment.


Mentalist Mixology student & teach her.

Teacher is a pointer - target training installed like a program for a headwork out.

I needed the one I bricked on the basement. 


abasement (n.) 
early 15c., "embarrassment, dread, fear," from abase + -ment. Sense of "action of lowering in 
price" is mid-15c.; "action oflowering in rank" is 1560s; "condition ofbeing abased" is from 

Wasn't just me....   There was just a timing to drop some shit off and my bass depot are imp patient. 

Non bearing or enduring inpatients.  Where I am now Intolerant.


'I'm coming to squash your head Ren'
Blow it off please...  Like a dandelion cock clock plx.  'OK'

Blow me to where shit is waiting on me cause I'm sick of waiting on this shit.

A nose whistle so people can hear my toot toot when I get a steam up. 

'Boiling Ren?'  Aye, chuck in any fucking thing you want..  Teflon our bunny first though please.
'Which one'   The one I'm looking at.
'Understood'  See you on the flip then.

333 Upstart to Acton.

341 Over to Acton... 2 games in here see what he needs.


Act on Act off... I am a new button.


419 Duno if I'm off or on.  Start in, In my own can, own con'

I duno if I'm turning off on.. Don't currently care either.

515 Inc Off/on .... Off/on 

Anniversary of my mothers death where I walk away rather than let a family kill me with miss guided kindness. 

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...