😁 lol Bandersnatch?
A train dream. Train spotting and smuggling war in a bike frame on one of the carriages.
G or J. Time wasn't sure of the destination.
Seems.... Lol Back of my net then?
'Or up your bum on the second shelf'
I scored another own goal then?
Last year.
12.12 wake destination! Hold down and lift up's
would be on or in the state 😃
202 On the run? ... And no I didn't want to catch that.
Slow it .. I'm not dreaming properly since the tablet I took...
I know I wanted
something slowed.
Wake just before 303 too!
3am data
Almost 3am woke just before.
Track almost 3am... My phones. A Data breach.
Staff won't help me to try and sync.
Just want me to go to bed and sleep.
Chatted to a friend
here instead.
I was sleeing... I just wake at time
stamps, I always do.
No dreams since I took that 10mg Aripiprazole tablet :(
Or very few. Dosn't feel like proper
sleep just oblivion.
I miss you guys. 'We're still here Ren, allways are. Just giving you a break to ground there'
I know I feel that too.
I don't feel real here when I can't dream true.
'Come to Ddad hub Ren, let some of us meet you'
414 Blue Ka fragment coming back online soon.
5.30 Road
kill?.... Still can't recall dreams a
magpie was shouting outside though showed me car sliver.....links and I see in
the distance the blue.
A part-hide (Apartheid) but real too.
Just had to hide as I was way to crude oil for even pop eye.