Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Harvest Wedding.


Lots of detailed food related dreams.

First one is a green grocer, It's in a white painted cellar, quite dark and the fruit and veg are exotic to me.

In the dream I was familiar with some of them but waking me isn't.

A room above the grocers was dark with circular windows we were using biscuits for fortune telling.  Large selections of them and then fortune telling from the biscuit selected and they way it was eaten and broke and crumbled.


I was to get married too, I wasn't ready.  It was to Ian, and I didn't want to as all my family were dead now.. His family wasn't going to attend. 
I had a cheep dress old fashioned style I'd bought from ebay.  It had high collar and long sleeves I didn't want to ware it.


Next dream I'm at sandra's their is a ghost/energy there.  We've placed staves of wood in corners of the property getting smaller and smaller to contain the entity and draw it out.

I could feel and interact with it but not see it yet.

My dead auntys were there too, talking about the wedding and getting me cups of tea.

Another cellar again white, filled with crockery and food.   A row of old fashioned round red light switches but non of them worked, the ghost was controlling the lights instead.  I was learning to play with it.

I attend the wedding alone, Ian wasn't there I was sitting talking to another aunty who has died as we ate the wedding meal together.


The dream moves and I'm in the countryside, unfamiliar farm land on a sunny afternoon.  Harvest is approaching and I'm with a very well off couple.  The male had owned a castle and burnt it, buying a new house.  The fire had been so hot the stone had melted. 

He was lecturing me on agriculture and the deduction in independent farmers and lack of sustainability.

Again we had a huge spread of food like a large afternoon tea.  Savoury flans and quiches and fancy cakes.

Another male is demonstrating a grinder to me, telling me to get one.
It grinds grains and pulses into a powder that can be cooked fast in boiling water to make an almost instant filling soup.  Ah it was Delonghi the make, he was making sure I paid attention to the brand name, it was powerful enough to do what he was showing me.

I was leaving on a long journey home... Back to my main dream space.  It had been a long day and we were due a hand over.

Fields were filled with rock concerts and sports grounds and crowds of people, the light is low as evening approaches.
I'm with Jack and Claire and an Indian woman and we have a car full of food.  Amazing deserts in the shape of 8 pointed stars.
Layered sponges with cream, cheese cakes and more.   Each person is being dropped at a different destination with the remains of them.  They are left over from a celebration.

I was in a shop on the main street waiting someone to pick me and more cakes up to take me back to my main dream house.   They were the most amazing things I've ever seen, chocolate ganache like feathers, mandarin layered cheese cakes.   They were all cut into and tasted amazing.

Inka and Ddad were with me again too, in a room.  We were all kneeling in a triangle with me facing Inka - our energy merging.  
They were telling me this was to do with the pledge dream.
Then I was standing looking over fields at dawn.

Ripe corn fields with rows of futuristic combine harvesters' their lights still on where they had worked threw the night.
The sun was bright and pink and I had 2 sets of eyelids like an animal.  I could still see with my eyes closed and was opening the sets of lids one at a time to adjust to the light levels. 

Ah, the Inka me and Ddad was to do with nodes on the tree of life.  We were connected, I was at Uranus, they were at Saturn and Pluto.


Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Inside Full of Worms

Emotional dream of Zak being taken.

I'd just moved into Maries house... Middle me.
The place was still a mess with box's all over and I was in a bed downstairs watching a show on an old TV & VHS set I'd pulled out of a skip.

I'd fallen asleep watching it and was woken by Ian ripping parcel tape.

I'd realised that Zak was at school in my main dream house and I was 30mins late to collect him so I run down there to find a bunch of women, some I know and many I don't taking him somewhere.
They won't tell me where.  Eventually they agree to let me, him hug and say goodbye we are both crying.

I head back to the other house upset waiting for someone to tell me what is going on or bring him back.

While I was waiting I was collecting glowing herbs and flowers from round the estate.
The sky over the estate was amazing too, castles and I could see the Pleiades stars... 
Didn't care though just wanted Zak back.

Took my ages to go back to sleep.  Inka had come to me before that dream I think... Or he appeared after.  Told me to clear my mind before I slept again and next dream was long and strange.
I woke at 555
It started in the same place... But ended in London.

At the start we were playing team games, throwing stuff at each other from a height.  
It was a little like paintball but with beanbags that went splat. 

It was almost like a party too that had gone on all night.  I was chatting to people and we were all on the streets in London.  It was very busy and nearly dawn.
I was trying to find a toilet but no where seemed to have one, It was like a massive worm was trying to come out of me.
I'd been sent to try the library.

I enter and it's dark, looks like a service corridor.  I open a room that's dark filled with low down copper pipe work and red stop valves.   I've a feeling there was cages of some kind of animal in there too.

Unable to hold on I decide I'll go to the loo there and crap a massive pile of worms and parasites.  

I was looking at the pile squiggling on the floor thinking better out than in!

I got the impression they'd been hitching a ride with me to get someplace else.

Next dream was a tree / vase shape.  Was a flow of information like from the branches of a tree... It was organic though, it could also have been like milk flow in a breast or something.

The info was like liquid light.


The last dream was just of an old fashioned Carphone shaped thing, only it was made of soil... It was linked to Saturn too but was a way to chat with planetary awareness. 



Monday, 15 August 2022

Insects and a Puppet


Craster a bus.   100's of people I was scrolling threw then forwards and back.  I had an idea they were family but non looked familiar to me.


A square collage building, it had a 6th floor and we wanted to go there for the view but the inside was complexed and no one could recall were the stairwell was.
We'd gone outside instead and walked into my main dream area.  Marie dropped and chipped a terracotta bowl she was holding and we went back to find the bit that had chipped off. 


Loads of names now... Similar to the first dreams.   Layers of them. 


A refugee baby that was brought into a vets.  The vets seemed to have animals and young kids.

They were putting her onto a drip but she needed to be given formula and I was tying to find a bottle to feed her some.  I had a kettle I was filling to boil the water.
We'd taken a camper van to try and get some feeding bottle tops and land once more after a strange journey in my main dream area.
It's sunny and not to busy. I'm walking up the main street with Em.  Peter is there at a butchers shop were the ice-cream shop should be.
She pats one of his hams and it piss's him off, she tells me 'He always was a bit grumpy back at school' 

Further up the main street were posh cafes getting ready to serve dinner. 


Odd thing at 7 like false awakening.   Ian's watch went of then it seemed like 20mins till mine did.  I'd looked at Ian who lifted his hand to the bottom of the bed and as I look up there is another one of him there.  It startled me properly awake ... When I looked at his watched it's 3mins ahead.     (Some days they are in synch)

Last dream was a woman with many names... I'd wanted to know why as I recalled Inka calls me different things too... He explained it once.   Anyhoo... Star wars type people and a cottage in the woods.



An old fashioned town.  I'd gone their to see someone about a lose tooth.   Watching 4 women ballet dancing and an odd type of slipper or shoe, different days a market stall sold different colours. It was a red day. 

Main dream house.   I'm there with Roz, Niki and Ian and we are drawing on pads.

I was just relaxing on the sofa when Ian gets out 3 mantis.   One he keeps holding beside my cheek.  I meant to kick him in the dream to get him to move it..... But I actually kicked him in bed :P 


Another dream with an insect this time I'd brought it.  Em and Marie were there again.  The insect was red with strange wings...  (Nothing like I've seen before, was like an insect angel fish)
It was flying round when it got tangled in something of Emma's.  


A bag with a wooden puppet on strings, the insect was still alive but trapped in strings and a fine mesh or net.  I was asking her permission to cut the strings so I could free the insect and she agreed, though the puppet would be broken.

I was cutting the fine white strings and orange net with silver pointed scissors.  They were surprisingly hard to cut threw.


Saturday, 13 August 2022

Dull Dreams.


I  went with Inka to Ddads hub, were jumped inside of him instead.  Fell relaxing to be one thing.
First dream was the back of a bus, I had a cappuccino machine and was making drinks and small burgers that I was handing out to people.
A war game was going on.

Then a dream of London, I was on an elevator going down It was a long way and I'd fallen asleep. 
Some guys had taken my phone and purse and then pushed past me.  I chased them and there was people falling all over the escalator. 

My Dad had a large inheritance that was mine.

They ran off before I could get past the people they had knocked over.  When I got to the bottom I chucked my bag away.... Frustrated with the whole concept of money.


I'd gone to sit in what was an underground transport hub and was aware of conductors approaching me as I woke up. 

Last dream was with Rob, Dom, Jon that I used to live with in London but Inka was there too. 
I was in Berwick to start but heading to a fancy dress rave in London.  

Me and Rob were going to ware strange matching wizard like outfits.   Dark blue coat like robes and very large dark blue pointy hats. 
I was collecting my costume before travelling. 




Crazy teaching game.  Clare lots of stairs and a pug in clothes... Inka was there as a coach or motivator.  Lots of stupid amusing stuff.

Blueberry scones and a shared kitchen in a garden.  Felt like Sheila and Eric's place a strange version with a big front garden. 

I had a large pile of twisty candles and candlesticks to break down..  They were for an art project.

Lots of crushed coloured wax.  Piles of cardboard to be recycled too.  A journey North, broken dishwasher and an outside performance on this large green lawn.

-Boat and car journey to an odd house... I was learning speeding up and slowing down.

Uncle Eric again , he was younger but ill still and another person.  We all had some mental illness.  He was lent forward and I had my hand on his back.


I'd left them to take a bath.   The bath was sunk way down and the water deep with jets. 

It had 2 plug holes and I'd got in wearing clothes.


Thursday, 11 August 2022

Sleep Awarness

Inka I feel dizzy  'Serves you right Ren'  Sorry...

'I know you are'  Can you help plx?  'If you help your self'

I'm trying.... Joel is 'Like you Ren, fast'  ok... 
'It's why you like talking to him'  Mmmm

'Go outside again'  ok.


HELP... 'Dick head'  Thanks...  'See'
Yeh, trying to hold on makes me dizzy? 

'Yes'  But Inka?  'So don't get pissed Ren?'  Sheesh

'It's not rocket science'  suppose..

I... Inka, I.. 'Yes Ren, lets learn quiet' 


I hate the fear... Wow.. 'Mouse, I know you ok?'  Seems so



Dreams like false awakenings... Dreams of being in bed. 

The only one dream with much detail was going to rent a shared accommodation with other females in London.
'You feel better mouse'  Yeh much.

'You like your independence'  So it seems.

'I can come to you there?'  plx do. 

'Malico too?'  Sure. 


First dream was dark woods....a journey out into the crazy wild and back and brining the wild with us.   It was a school, learning type of dream.  We wanted the wild within. 


Dreams were like last night... More like meditating in my sleep.  

Inka joined with me.. Like we're inside each other overlaying.

Our bodys were gloves of light and shadow but I'm not sure who was inside who....

I guess he was inside me as I was aware of being in bed.

I woke at 201, 302, 403, 504.


When I did dream they were dreams of being in various beds and rooms.  Dreams within dreams of Em and me young or me young with my bro. 

Yeh my sleep app says only 25mins of REM sleep.   It's usually a couple of hrs. 

All my deep sleep was before 1am. 



Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Stars, Shaman and Heads

8/8 Missing toys.  They were plushies or something from the Mr Man books.  We were trying to recall all the ones we had but now didn't.

I was writing a list of the missing ones. 

While I'm doing it two large cuddly toys on a shelf come to life and jump down.

A man with a shaved head and a strange scalp tattoo, dragon like.

He was operating some sort of machine I'd never seen before. 

Em in some very unusual clothes, a woman going bald in the same way men do and she'd shaved her hair short.

last dream.

A river break... Was like a music video too.   We were a group of females on a coach trip or similar.

A river in a costal town, we were going to travel out to the islands off shore.


Before the visit we head to a newsagents or pub where tiny live animals are being given away with the paper.

We have a small cow, chicken, zebra and pig.  They were hand high.

I'd taken them to the island with the guy who had bought the paper and we let them go there where they all find small muddy puddles and started to bathe.


We watched them for a bit then the guy made me all wet, I was kinda annoyed so I sat on him, making his clothing wet too. 


We were waiting on a field trip with some Shaman.  The island changed so it had some houses then people were passing in mixed groups.  

Hunters, Locals and a female shaman, who it turned out were all captive.... Taken from their own place and time.

I didn't want to go on trip with a captive, but they told me we should as they would be in trouble if we didn't come.

They wern't kept well.  The female shames were black and white, like they were from an old film but all the other people were in colour, they had beads going from facial decorations to a staff they carried. 
They resented being used as an attraction and by the game hunters but couldn't get out of the situation they were in.



Main dream area but we are suppressed / watched by some giant automated things.


Mel likes a treatment for something not usually treated.  This was experimental game again, like monopoly.   Mono Poley?  Bi polar mono pole?


404 Rooms for dreamers jumping into different dreams.  A guy there too, portals and patterns.


I was linking to a far star  oh yeh, it was the pole star.. Polaris  I knew cause I could see the dipper around it at the different times of the year.

On the ground I was a sort of anchor but I was made of 6 stars in a sort of figure of 8 shape.  Inka was with me reminding me of the 2 heads thing. 


Long dream that was set in this strange dark version of my dream space.  First a large strange lifeboat named 'The Margret'

I'd taken it out and then brought it back into it's mooring in a rocky gap.  After that I was driving a red double decker bus from the top deck at the front. 

It reminded me of when Inka has been driving below me, this time It was me driving.
Only I didn't have a wheel or anything I just had to drive with my mind.

The streets were narrow and filled with kids playing, I avoided them on the harbour hill then came to the main street.

It was closed to cars and rows and rows of Asian teenagers were in lines.  It was like a school assembly or watching a sports team.
The top of the main street was closed with a metal barrier and I realised I wasn't suppose to be driving up there. 
As I got the bus up and out of a gap another bus the same came from round the back of the newsagents were the carpark was connected by a road now... The bus turned fast and crashed into the barrier. 


Next I'd woken Em.   A school was ending and I wanted to see if she was coming for the final lesson.  She was. 

We were all making street food too, there were shared camping stoves of various kinds.

Jack was there too on a long table outside my main dream house with lots of veg.
I was cutting up a courgette like squash with orange flesh and green skin. 

It was like a marrow with orange flesh I was going to cook in cheese sauce once I could use one of the stoves.

The Asian people it seems had appeared to do with a vote.  

Linked to earlier in the night when we were all being observed.  They were hoping that bringing numbers would help their representative get voted in.

It hadn't worked and the representative was one from the estate were my house is.   

Still looking for a camp stove I'd gone wandering threw the dream space were it's day now.
Parts of it are built up with large outdoor churches and congregations holding services. 

I'd gone round one into a fortress or castle at the back that was more Greek in style and was asking directions to get back onto the street were I knew I'd find a stove outside of a bank there.

I see the numbers 301:103 Inka tells me 'The devil is in the detail' 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...