Monday, 14 August 2017

School Renewal.

Wed 9th

Another dream in mane dream area.. there is a school for kids and it's busy but there is something going wrong there.   I'm talking to people about if there kids are happy.   

one group I go the chat to live down by the community centre (this has been in other dreams with music cd's & giants)    They are Himalayan dressed traditionally and all men, I bow to them and ask them if that's right for there culture and they tell me not really but they welcome me to talk to them... they speak a little English.  I'm asking them if there children are happy and they tell me they are board the school used to be good but something's gone wrong of late.

While i'm chatting to them I notice they have a large white goat.  I pet it and it starts to chew my clothing as goats do... it is nibbling my tummy and it really tickles :

Thurs 10 August

I'm male and young and the setting seems somewhere in Europe perhaps in the Alps or Germany time wise hummm it's not a modern society but not to far back perhaps 100 years or a little more  though there is blurrs of more modern stuff. 

I'm a drug dealer and a money lender - I lend the money I make selling drugs to make more profit.    One of the guys who owes me money is an elderly waiter/butler he's just got a job in a hummm  I guess it's a castle/palace it's set on a mountain surrounded by beautiful specimen conifers trees and a winding road up to it.   He's being paid substantially more and as a result his payments to me have increased and I'm loaded. 

The castle/village it very self contained and partly ruined but also beautiful with large open carriageways stables and such.   I've used this buttler guy to smuggle me into the palace and I'm living there mainly hidden.  We all play a game with dice too it's popular and we bet on it, I win alot. 

I'm in love with a girl there she's in her teens and I'm not much older her father is an aristocrat and our relationship which is very sexual would not be approved which is why I remain mainly hidden it also allows me to keep selling drugs and lending money.    When I wake I go back into the same dream but this time I'm female.   I go to the stables and take out a white horse it's got black leather saddle and harness it also has horse brass things on it... like them big shire horses used to sometimes have.   (in the dream I know how to get it ready and how to ride :stuck_out_tongue: ) 

Next the dream jumps and I'm riding along a shore in the hard wet sand with the tide coming in...  I ride for ages the tide is coming further and further in I watch it come in over a seaside fun fair the rides are just visible above the waves and swell of the tide.    I think Zak woke me around here.



A large house with an excentric retired GP/surgeon  growing veg in the garden. 


Today's dream...   School renewal. 

Long dream..  I'm at a large school/uni -  It's residential and more like a cathedral old school collage - a little like Hogwarts but also more modern.   

In the dream I've attended this place for years and have graduated from every class..  I'm being kicked out of the small room I have as there is nothing left for me to learn, the room is up in the wooden eaves of an attic high up and dusty.   

I don't want to leave as the school is like my home, I also know I have something I need to do before I go, but I can't recall what it is - there are a few others like me we've been there so long we've forgotten what it is we were going to do but we know we can't leave yet, we play games and have competitions with each other.... the building also seems to 'know' us it's alive too and it makes us hard to remove as doors vanish when we pass threw them or stairs move when we are followed.

The collage admin/deans are wired - they are like a religious group with purple and red robes - they are the ones who say we must leave now that we have learnt all we can.   I'm not convinced so have been sleeping rough in the grounds and met a fiend who we'e sneaked back inside with.    We are moving around freely and there is still a lot going on preparing for a new intake and arranging rooms.   I'm summoned by the controller group as I've refused to leave I'm going to tell them I will work/stay as maintenance.. 

On my way to them I'm crossing over a wooden bridge in the grounds when the bridge comes alive growing bark that wraps around me first cutting me off from either side then encasing me in a kind of wooden cocoon - the deans are angry but they can't get to me.    The wood is alive and sentient and it's changing  it's renewing and an old wooden dragon is ending and a new branch sniffs at me it's like a puppy energy..   it's joined with me now the old wood is dyeing away (This bit reminds me alot of the dryad dreams I had last summer ) I'm part of the bridge and the building...  it's showing me this is why I couldn't leave me and my friends are the new caretakers now (the balance of power has passed from the old order into our group of friends)  the buildings been renewed we are part of it and caretakers..   it smells like peppermints :stuck_out_tongue:

After the cocoon thing me and my friends all remember that we were there to look after the school when it was time, we'd forgotten the order was trying to get us to leave as they wanted to keep it how it was.    The school was different, new and vibrant and playful very much alive and interactive. We were excited about the new intake. 

At this point I get sucked into hummm it's like a spaceship?? or a lol  errr space tube train or something  the other faction are there too, it's more of an admin centre the tube our bodys are all made of the same wired material, we are discussing the shift of power.

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