Thursday 3 October 2024

Too Hot & Too Odd


2nd Oct


A shed similar to here, I must have been semi awake.  I'd been dreaming I'd gone down to empty my pee pot.  But then recalled I didn't remember walking down there.  In the dream I'd been sleep walking and tipping it all over the floor.

Spent the rest of the dream cleaning up.
The dream was odd in style, sort of renaissance style.   Embroidery and old makeup but modern too, a mish mash of stuff.

A friend had a coat made from GSD dog fur and a seal pup hat.   In another part of the dream there was strange symbols in dew on wet grass.


Second dream was stressy too,  A strange old building, converted Chapel had replaced my main dream house... And there were animals allover the place that needed putting bk in there right place.  Tiny mice with no fur,, fancy rats swimming in puddles.  I had a fish that was too big for it's bowl I was carrying around trying to fill a bath for it to go in.
Also smashed pottery to make a mosaic.




Stressy dreams, to hot with menstrual cramps.

First I was with Em in a School.  A guy was withdrawing cash from 2 different machines, running quickly between them.
The school had the feel of a transport hub too.

I was cleaning out a shared fridge, the only sink I could use was in a cafe over the hallway.  I'd picked a time after breakfast when it wasn't to busy to take the draws a few at a time to be cleaned.

The fridge was filled with veg that had gone to bloom.  Beautiful blue and purple flowers.  I was saving the blooms in a jar and getting rid of the vegs bits that were past good to eat.


Next an odd dream, my parents had been in car races.   Her in a female one him in a guys, he'd come first in his and my mam second in hers. 
There were vids of nekid people too, it was hard to identify the people involved but I was trying to persuade the person with them to delete them.


One another layer I was with Inka, we were breaking into a facility at the request of Leon.  It was dark and at night, Kaylo was in a vehicle outside hacking into their security stuff.  The team Inka worked with didn't like or trust me, but this just amused him and I was fairly indifferent to them. 


Next dream was a massive connection of stations, I was there from a school type place and helping a disabled woman who's residential block was near mine. 
There were groups of us that would help less able to and from the lectures and residences.  
The hub was confusing to navigate when using wheelchairs though.  The one we were using was odd, like an old fashioned umbrella buggy.

A small lift we were using was busy, and a guys brakes had failed.  A few of the volunteers along with me jumped down to save him rolling off.... But it was difficult to get back up to where we'd left the people we were with.
I'd also left my personal belongings at the top.   I had to go a really long way round to re-find the woman and then when I did, I didn't have the capacity to carry our stuff and push her. 
We were both tired, and while the maze of the hub was fascinating and busy it was frustrating...  Feeling more like a puzzle.

Last dream was supper odd!!   Inka was with me in the space, I was with a friend of his a dwarf with long curled orange hair and beard.  The space was a series of rooms with bunks and beds.  A dream and sleeping hub, the stairs and landings didn't all connect and we had to clamber between rooms.

There was a guy who was intimate with me too, he'd taken my hand and led me into one of the rooms were we kissed a bit.
Then the odd bit, we were going to have a piss drinking competition/dare game...  I wasn't keen, but seems we were all to take part. 

This ginger dwarf was really going for it, was going to drink tones of his own cause he wanted to win.

So I'd helped catheterise him as it was likely to fuck with his kidneys. Was an odd catheter, with a red odd pair of pants to hold it in position, comical too like a red elephant face 😆 
Inka wasn't taking part... Just amused and confident that his bonkers dwarf friend would win.... 
(Hummm, reminds me of when he was a dwarf once.... And that other dream where him n me were in a city on the run from Leon n he helped me escape to send a message to dwarfs.

We were supposed to watch the piss, but the whole thing was kinda icky. I was in the second round, along with the guy I'd been kissing.   We were all in the room with the first set of pee drinkers, another female was looking utterly unconvinced as they all sat around with there cups of warmed piss.

I'd decided that I'd drink mine out of a china teacup and saucer but I'd wandered off before I got round to it as I didn't want to watch.

I'd would up on the street outside, and unfamiliar town with old tall buildings, they looked like old mill houses and warehouses but had been transformed into dwellings.   Parts of the bottoms were painted where people could reach. 

I was floating by a telegraph pole next to a tree making a call on a phone there, watching kids kick a ball in the street below.

After that I'd headed by to a school residential hall, it was like the middle dream - same place I think.  I had a room, but I'd moved myself into the empty room next door to discover it was haunted. 
The toilet roll holder on the wall would wind it's self down and up.  It was annoying me as I was trying to sleep so I'd taken it off and put it with some other empty rolls were they all started turning together and stopping at the same time.
A guy came in and I was trying to explain it to him, but my tongue was heavy and words wouldn't form so instead I'd gone up to the wall behind the rolls, listening to the interference threw the wall.... Connecting with what ever was in there.   I woke up doing this - it was like I was pressing into static.


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