Thursday, 29 September 2016

Visiting the Sun

I dreamed I visited the sun last night :)
I was in dark forest and he spoke to me asked me to come to him... I told him I wasn't sure how.
I he replied, I needed to find a puddle with the moons reflection in it and then jump in! :)
So I found a puddle with the moon shining in and jumped.
The sun was behind me, I couldn't look... I'd been made so I could hear and feel but it would still be to bright for my eyes to see.
I stayed a while being warmed and talking we talked about earth and tunnels (and the earth who was mother) - it was really nice! I felt like I knew the Sun intimately,  like a loving father the warmth felt like an embrace, as a human I was a beloved child of the sun & earth connected to them both, the sun wanted me to go up there so he felt less distant?

Other dreams from before were hummmmm more of awarness than dreams.
'I am a tunnel flowing' Flowing threw many dreams like pages in a book 'I am the back and forth' 'I am linking the pages' 'I'm a 'you' ne 'verse'' 'I'm the tunnel and the song, I'm the pages of a story'

Dream after was a big adventure, we were waiting for a ferry to travel north across the sea. - First we had to find box's to pack stuff in.... we were all running round hunting for box's before the ferry arrived

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Broken Promis and a Flood

I drempt all night, even first falling asleep... I was talking to people it seemed very real but the second I woke up I'd forgotten. There was diploid and haploid cells swapping fast between the 2 states... it looked very quantum as it was making wired shapes.

Next dream was a family home (again this was mums side) It's a row of houses, some of them are let and 2 are being renovated, I'm there to make flower fairy's!!
I'm sitting in the middle of all this modern building work making fairiys and pixi's out of flower petals and bits of twigs. They look amazing! One is a white pan type character made from daisy petals.
The building is haunted, and wired things keep happening to people there - I can't experience it unless I make a huge effort to engage with the people experiencing it on a different level. The building works not meeting it's potential but as it's a collaboration I'm limited in how much I can influence it, I'm just there to make the fairys.

- Cells again, this time swapping between 2 and 4 not the numbers but quantity's they are vibrating between the 2 and 4.


Dream starts in the newsagents were I worked as a kid (This building also belonged to one of my mams sisters) , I go into the shop and threw to the store room to get the key for the flat above.
There is an extra floor above and I'm going to live there. I go up into the flat and go to sleep, in the dream dream I can reach the top floor. The top floor is a huge grass plain, I'm a member of a native tribe, I think I'm a seer and have mainly shaved head.
There is a tribe elder, he's taken over the plain but he's a descent person and just wants to be a voice for his people. There is another character, like a sheriff/police man... the leader and this guy cut a deal, but we know it won't be kept. The terms are in a small leather pouch filled with white sheep's wool. The sheriff is watching the tribe threw a camera that keeps flicking into a gun.
As they break the promise ours vanishes too and the world/plain fills with water/sea. It's really deep, sea like a flood.
We are below the waves now... walking on the surface of the sea, we have sticks attached to the sticks are small flowers that float on the surface of the sea, they have candles in too... they are like the type floated in remembrance but we are below the sea attached to them.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Back to school, bread house and a horsechestnut tree!

I've not written my dreams down for a few days and my recalls got worse so (sorry dream brain) I'll catch up now!

Friday, Something to do with talking to Angels to start.

Then a country house that was made out of bread in the form of a corn-dolly batch-bun bake? It was a gorgeous house set in farmland... with beautiful views out of the bready windows.. the couple in it were wired, had lots of retro clothing and wired ways :P
(meby it was me and Ian :P) There was a morsalium in the garden.

A huge horse chestnut tree gorgeous in beautiful golden colours.


A wired high school, huge in a city, I'm in the lab with friends and we are stealing lithium. There's a bad gang in the city too, they are blowing stuff up.... we watch a huge glass shopping centre explode. We climbed up and out of the school threw a loft full of antiques.

Sat, Again the same horse chestnut tree, this time with a red door in it's trunk. message 'Quantum entanglement' for Tracy. Along with, I am dream, I am creating, I am designer.


Another school, this one with lessons on 'time' and 'theams'

Another dream about being shown 'interaction' it was a bit like a ninja school :P We were walking threw crowds of people and learning to 'see' without looking. It was to do with eye contact and connection. It was interesting, people from all over the world I was finding it hard not to smile at them.

I went from there to a small room were we were learning alchemy, I was going to run a small magic shop, it was really cool.... very harry potter.

Friday, 23 September 2016

The word - Elohim

Set in a dream version of the Village I grew up. On the sea front is a 'hotel' it's called the St, Aiden's. It's nothing like like it really is - but it's position and name were the same.

The dream is set in a perpetual twilight... the sea is calm and filled with sea mammals there is no cars or roads.... there are many castles.

The dream 'Hotel' is a massive imposing Gothic structure, with huge columns at the front and in the formal front garden is a huge stone pond filled with rescued dolphins in it.

Inside there is a lecture hall, an upstairs with beds (again another aunty is here, this time it's my God mum too in RL she is close to death)

There is also a very special engraving/art work. It's quite small like a picture and made of stone and in the dream I keep going back to it as I know it's important.

I wasn't expecting it to be here the hotel owners don't know how important it is.
It's got ancient writing a little like Sumerian indents... I can't read it but it's something to do with Eliohim? (I need to google this cause I duno what it means or how it's spelled)

I go and listen to some speeches in the lecture hall, some MP's are speaking but no-one wants to hear them, I'm there watching the people watching rather than listing... (the MP's are uncomfortable as they know they are irrelevant)

I return again to the engraving, I notice that the middle/picture part is holographic, it's made of golden light and is indescribably beautiful and intricate.

It's small and hard to see but I notice that inside it now is a scene with a tree with big roots, there is a snake/dragon with overlapping triangle scales.... I see a small frog in the scene and it's moving.

I magic up a magnifying glass to get a better look. The details are incredible... the stone is made of holographic gold light and this tiny gold speckled frog knows that I'm watching it.

As I look more of it comes to life, the snake moves too. I want to pick it up to show people but it's too alive.

--- Thoughts on this,

Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deity" in Biblical Hebrew.
Hummm lol, reading up on it has just left me even more confused so I'll just wait for more dreams to explain and sort it out, it dose fit with the strange dreams I've had of being a few people at once and thinking of 'me' as 'we'

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Ever changing veiw.

Dreams of.

A small island of sand, checking water & air quality (but really in space) - Doesn't make sense this morning.

Climbing into a blender.... and getting wizzed up??!!! Also, dosn't make much sense..... It felt like ones I was blended into a pulp I could reach further?

I was also in an Aunty's house (again, one of my mums sisters) I lived there for a bit when I was 18. It's a house I've drempt of before it's always vastly exaggerated though... writing this I've suddenly recalling a whole dream world that spreads out around this building that I've visited many times.

(Houses, next door,  Secret passages.  It's a house I lived in for a while and stayed at for 2 weeks ever summer as a kid)

Anyhooo .....In the dream I'm standing at the front bedroom window were I lived for a few months..... they view though - wow!
It's an ever changing landscape of mythical mountains, industrial space scape's, tracks, distant city's. It's ever changing, clouds and mist roll in and thin to reveal another different world, I'm blown away by the detail. My vision is mobile too... while I'm aware 'I' am standing in the window my site can leave me and travel into the landscapes for a better view.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Unity/Christ Conciousness Dream

I'm not even sure how to try and write up last nights dreams as I don't really have any reference for what I experienced.

To start with I was dreaming of seeing dreams and nightmares, they are in information/light/tunnels... It almost felt like watching other peoples dreams.

I was trying to sleep and dream (I was asleep) but I couldn't find my dreams?? I seemed to be experiencing the kids dreams and Ian's dreams?

I find a dream to enter, It's a school/church medieval looking - I'm in the dream but I'm also like a mesh overlay to the dream too so I'm everyone in the dream. I keep flicking between different dream characters. In the church is an inner sanctum... we have to enter here 'one' at a time.
I pass behind a curtain to enter, of to the side is a room of scholars/monks with robes on. I pass threw a second curtain to the inner sanctum.

It's all made of light... it's holographic, like them spinning discs but forms walls and things out of tiny fragments of light. It makes me feel discombobulated (for want of a better word :P )
I come out.

Next I am moving house, there are 2 huge houses round a pond/lake.. both are mine but I'm only moving into one. It's huge, and old and a big mess. The electrics are shot, but it has much better storage capacity. 

-- Then I'm back into the wired dream space of feeling like I'm me and the kids at the same time.... then I fall back into the first dream with the sanctum again.
Again, I'm a wired net/overlay of the dream?? Sometimes I'm all of the people or just one... I go into the body of a male he's big. I have a cup (like a challis grail type thing.. I'm going to take it to the sanctum to fill with knowledge) I leave a door to go there and find myself outside were a female is bullying a young boy. She's humiliating him... the male me feels the young boys shame as they are all me, and he attacks the female (me too) he wants to kill her but just punches her. (This was odd, I don't really ever dream of violence)
Old male is very remorseful... young male is shocked but great full. Female unconscious.
He doesn't want to hurt people so wants to prevent people getting into trouble... he gives up seeking and becomes a guide/guardian.
He gives away the cup and his belongings... he walks with people across a big dessert, back and forth (Him just being there protects them)

Next dream I was in a place I worked as a kid, this too had the multiple view points.. and also a massive metal chicken structure?

I think I know why the queen calls herself 'One' and 'We' now

Thoughts on this...    (Need to add links to old dreams)
After I realised some of the meanings behind this dream, I just got a physical conformation.

*The house is capacity for love, but I need to fix my energy flow

*I'd realised this dream is explaining to me the message I got years ago in a dream from a disembodied voice I know. It laughed at me and said 'your a guardian too' - At the time I dismissed it as part of me being delusional (if you can even be delusional in dreams) --- I've been thinking of going to work with those who are close to death, and have booked into a shaman style dream course on death.
*A dream I had where I was in a void, there was a terrified person being sucked into a black hole whirlpool... They were trying to get me to pull them out. I just smiled at them and told them there were an eternal being who's essence was love it was ok to let go. They let go.
*This dream, the male... giving up his search for knowledge.  Him walking threw a desert (writing this down this morning I got a mental picture of the Jesus story about foot steps in the sand (Why are there only one set threw the hard times)
I realised the male in the dream was representing 'Christ' or Christ Consciousness.

I was standing in the kitchen making cream for shop and feeling emotional... the post man arrives and hands me a packet.

The packet is from 'Hospice of the good shepherd' O.o

Not a dream but an observation.

29 June 16
Really amazing insight from this dream.
The setting is a huge high security science complex, it's quite futuristic really clean and white, with huge cooling systems and miles of corridors.
I'm in there on a mission, I know I've 'done' this before.... I also know I'm 'winging' it but I instinctively know all the people I need to go to to help me, and also know how past all the security systems.
My mission is Crocheting - the thread is unbelievably fine and organic in nature. I've got a pair of hooks they are a size 7.
I pass threw the security un-noticed and I'm cleared for the bio security too. I'm connecting the few people I know in there who can help and getting things from them. When I get into the place I need to be, I realise size 7 hooks are to big, and I need 6.
I remember someone who can crochet leeks and that she has the 6, so I find her and bring her to the work station. I'm watching my team work, they are making amazing tiny molecules and shaped with the thread.
--- As I wake up I realise that rather than coming back into my body awareness from outside, I'm coming back into my awareness from inside me.
At that moment I realise that the complex was representing my body, the 'helpers' were cells the security was my immune system!
We were making cells molecules and DNA! :P
I've just quickly googled number 7 & 6 and 7 is intellect and knowledge spiritual awareness and 6 is balance, love/care and connecting above and below.
How cool!! :D :D
I'm now going to reconsider other dreams I've had in lab/medical/factory type setting

(Need to Finnish this)) 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...