I had wired dreams last-night... quite stressful. (although I did feel a shift yesterday from water to air... (Possibly this is coming full moon and the approach of Aquarius) and I'd swapped my bracelet for a Jade one and this might have been the change.
Soo The night before my dreams were firstly of disintegrating and then of being on a wind swept scrub-land with a small tent, I played cards with a friend and we slept in the tent out of the wind.
Last night first dream was of being outdoors at night, there was a perpetration for a party going on the was lots and lots of people who had come to dance, there were tents for us to rest in with strange fractal gems and as we danced stuff disintegrated.
Then the stressy dream, I was finishing a course in a country and town at war.
The opposition was 'corporations & money' - the people didn't even seem to know what they were fighting against though, and were under the impression it was the same allover. I knew that the bombs were coming soon.... and would drop (these were like the reality bombs I sometimes get in dreams... they destabilise reality's and make jumping easier)
I was trying to leave, but my cat was there too. I needed to get onto a plane to leave, and couldn't find my cat's passport and rabies certificates.... when I woke up I'd got all the cat stuff I needed and was chatting to someone at the airport about were to board the cat.
When I woke up I came down to the radio talking about this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38549807 Mainly about a USA& UK trade deal. I knew my dream had been about this, before Brexit the left in the UK had worked and in hand with Europe to stop the transatlantic trade deals, as it would allow US corporations to much power over elected governments (To do with publicly owned infer-structure/healthcare and agriculture. )
I know that's what my dream was about, I'm getting prompted to work on it spiritually. (
The cat could be independent me.... the dilemma to interfere or leave. Or it could be greed, sometimes when my cat's in a dream she'd fat and asleep and that means greed and materialism :stuck_out_tongue:
Hummmmm to know what my responsibility is?? I used to be scared of that word :stuck_out_tongue:
Now I know it means I just have the ability to respond.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Saturday, 7 January 2017
Old Races
Visually amazing dreams in mythical worlds.
I kept zoning in and out of the same kitchen space last night too but this time I'm alone in the room, there is no food noise smoke, the only light this time is a fire in the big stone hearth. I'm made of fire, in a humanoid shape, I have no face (same as when I'm dryad) Just vague head body limb shapes... I'm not solid just flickering fire.... I go into the fire and join with it to get into the other dreams.
First dream is set in an incredible mythical style world the old races are there, ( don't see them but the world is familiar to me and I know) giants, elves, dwarfs and what not are all inhabitants of this land.
In the dream I'm watching as a beautiful city and it's surrounding countryside is being lifted into the air. The countryside is lush green, and it's has the light quality of a late summer afternoon, it's hyper real and everything glows.
I seem to be part of the team helping/watching.
A huge floating stone bowl has been prepared for the city to be moved into it's half a mile above the ground.
We are going to use a magic glowing net to life the city up it's already under the ground. We are flying or are awarenesses is, I don't recall having a physical body as such I just know I'm in the air and what we are doing it as telepathic/mental.
The net lifts and the city surrounding trees, fields rivers and lift with it up and up over the bowl and then gently down into it, the spare glowing gold net drapes over the side of the bowl, the rivers are tumbling down the side of the floating city in waterfalls to the ground below.
The process has taken a few hrs and the sun is setting, the sky is pink and golden... it's indescribably beautiful we fly up to the wall to watch the sunset together.
I wake up with symbols in my mind, they look like alchemy elements and planets and such.
I make notes of first dream but I'm already falling asleep again and back into the ancient stone kitchen... Back into fire and the second dream.
This time I'm a a small group we are young adults and nomadic, we start of in an unfamiliar village were we have been hanging round the village awaiting the return of one of our group and we arranged to meet this friend at the library there.
The friend is called Ziggy.
When he arrives, he's dressed in browns and greys. Not tall with curly hair, he has a degenerate problem with his lower body and his legs are thin and he uses crutches.... he arrives with 2 companions.
The companions are a colourful sprite/elf fairy, she is similar hight to us but dressed in colourful flower petals with colourful hair. Her language sounds a little like German but we all understand each other well, she is friendly and chatty and instantly liked by the group.
The other companion is hummmm well part goat part human. Not like a Pan type character... more like a goat centaur as she has 4 legs and a horse like body, her furry back comes up to our waste.
She is gentle and sweet and is pregnant, her flanks are swollen and she is carrying Ziggy's baby. She lets us all stroke her furry pregnant tummy.
Now we are all back together again we head out of the library and out of the village back into the farmland and countryside. We have bags with food and wine and we are looking for a place to camp for a while, some of the group have gone ahead and I'm walking slowly chatting with the pregnant goat-person and sprite.
At one point we try and make our way threw a wooden outbuilding but there is a brass band practising inside who don't want disturbed so we take a longer walk around. (The band was playing onward Christian soldiers)
By the time we get to the others there is a fire lit, a couple in the group are bickering about a tent that one of the males has.
Most of us sleep outside, but this males female has decided she wanted a tent, he's faffing around with poles and a heavy old blue canvas... we giggle at him and we lay round in the grass watching, The male is grumbling that he doesn't even want to sleep in a 'stupid tent'
We have camped looking down hill into a distant abandoned village... it's ruined now but it 100's of years old. The shells of the old stone dwellings are crumbling down.
As the sun sets, we can see that bonfires have been lit down in the village making the outlines of the crumbling stone glow in the dusk light..
We are watching the smoke from them drift straight up in to the sky, we can also see what look like mini whirl wind vortexes coming down from the sky to the ground.
It's mesmerising to watch.
I kept zoning in and out of the same kitchen space last night too but this time I'm alone in the room, there is no food noise smoke, the only light this time is a fire in the big stone hearth. I'm made of fire, in a humanoid shape, I have no face (same as when I'm dryad) Just vague head body limb shapes... I'm not solid just flickering fire.... I go into the fire and join with it to get into the other dreams.
First dream is set in an incredible mythical style world the old races are there, ( don't see them but the world is familiar to me and I know) giants, elves, dwarfs and what not are all inhabitants of this land.
In the dream I'm watching as a beautiful city and it's surrounding countryside is being lifted into the air. The countryside is lush green, and it's has the light quality of a late summer afternoon, it's hyper real and everything glows.
I seem to be part of the team helping/watching.
A huge floating stone bowl has been prepared for the city to be moved into it's half a mile above the ground.
We are going to use a magic glowing net to life the city up it's already under the ground. We are flying or are awarenesses is, I don't recall having a physical body as such I just know I'm in the air and what we are doing it as telepathic/mental.
The net lifts and the city surrounding trees, fields rivers and lift with it up and up over the bowl and then gently down into it, the spare glowing gold net drapes over the side of the bowl, the rivers are tumbling down the side of the floating city in waterfalls to the ground below.
The process has taken a few hrs and the sun is setting, the sky is pink and golden... it's indescribably beautiful we fly up to the wall to watch the sunset together.
I wake up with symbols in my mind, they look like alchemy elements and planets and such.
I make notes of first dream but I'm already falling asleep again and back into the ancient stone kitchen... Back into fire and the second dream.
This time I'm a a small group we are young adults and nomadic, we start of in an unfamiliar village were we have been hanging round the village awaiting the return of one of our group and we arranged to meet this friend at the library there.
The friend is called Ziggy.
When he arrives, he's dressed in browns and greys. Not tall with curly hair, he has a degenerate problem with his lower body and his legs are thin and he uses crutches.... he arrives with 2 companions.
The companions are a colourful sprite/elf fairy, she is similar hight to us but dressed in colourful flower petals with colourful hair. Her language sounds a little like German but we all understand each other well, she is friendly and chatty and instantly liked by the group.
The other companion is hummmm well part goat part human. Not like a Pan type character... more like a goat centaur as she has 4 legs and a horse like body, her furry back comes up to our waste.
She is gentle and sweet and is pregnant, her flanks are swollen and she is carrying Ziggy's baby. She lets us all stroke her furry pregnant tummy.
Now we are all back together again we head out of the library and out of the village back into the farmland and countryside. We have bags with food and wine and we are looking for a place to camp for a while, some of the group have gone ahead and I'm walking slowly chatting with the pregnant goat-person and sprite.
At one point we try and make our way threw a wooden outbuilding but there is a brass band practising inside who don't want disturbed so we take a longer walk around. (The band was playing onward Christian soldiers)
By the time we get to the others there is a fire lit, a couple in the group are bickering about a tent that one of the males has.
Most of us sleep outside, but this males female has decided she wanted a tent, he's faffing around with poles and a heavy old blue canvas... we giggle at him and we lay round in the grass watching, The male is grumbling that he doesn't even want to sleep in a 'stupid tent'
We have camped looking down hill into a distant abandoned village... it's ruined now but it 100's of years old. The shells of the old stone dwellings are crumbling down.
As the sun sets, we can see that bonfires have been lit down in the village making the outlines of the crumbling stone glow in the dusk light..
We are watching the smoke from them drift straight up in to the sky, we can also see what look like mini whirl wind vortexes coming down from the sky to the ground.
It's mesmerising to watch.
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Tortoise and a burning bid.
The dream starts in a medieval kitchen, it has the same stone coulombs holding up the roof from the church in my dream the other night.
I'm standing at the far end of the room next to a massive open fire, pots and pans are cooking and meat roasting. There are no windows and only lamps/torches for light, it's smokey and busy..... it's hyper real, I'm chatting to a guy I know and I go to sleep in-front of the fire to get into the next dream.
This is the dream version of the village I grew up, I'm on the shore but there are huge tall rocks on the beach... the tide is going out and there are pools round base of the rocks.
I'm playing hide and seek with people, we are all adults. It's cold, and grey and stormy but we swim anyway.
I find the male aspect of me and we go up into the dunes to walk towards the castle, Bambugh Castle.
On the way we walk threw some houses that are on the dunes... (at this point I split into 4... so I'm me and male me who is Ian & the other 2 are my bro and his wife)
We go in the south doors, inside the rooms are very ornate, polished wood panelling with oil paintings.
It's decorated with expensive rugs and vases there is a large open fire place to the west burning brightly, the windows on the east look out onto the shore and sea.
I see a tortoise walking across the floor and pick it up, I place it on top of a grand piano in the corner of the room before we walk into the next room. The next room is a very old fashioned bedroom, with a dark wood 4 poster bed with heavy curtains. We are on our way threw the building and at this point we run out of doors leading North... I clime up to a small wooden window and open it, it leads onto the roof tops... there is a black cat there with it's bum to me. I can see well worked stone guttering and tiled roofs.
The rest of the party don't want to leave via the roofs so I come back into the room and offer to teleport us outside, my male side tells me to make sure we have a vehicle as he doesn't want to end up in mid air.
At this point my bro turns into a werewolf, and wants to lay down. I tell him werewolf is an anagram. I manifest a flying roofless car outside of the building to move us all too.
The port only works with me and my male half, we are in what would be the front seats.... but the car is only made of smoke so we are sitting in smoke... I speak to the others and they didn't take the teleport as the moons up now and my bro thinks he should stay indoors until he's less of a wolf.
Me and my male aspect float over the road on the far side of the dunes in our smoke cloud and decide to go back to the sea.
We make our way threw rocks back east and into the sea, there is a deep gully cut into the rocks on the shore... it's making a deep channel were the current is very strong. The tide is coming in now and we swim against it to reach the edge of the rocks and the open sea.
Once we get there we wonder about the channel, my male aspect thinks it has something to do with an ancient stone quarry inland, I'm interested so we follow the gully back till it leads to a fresh water spring... flying above we follow this inland for miles until we reach a hill that is bare stone on one side.
Part way up the rock face is a very unusual straggly brown bird, It's nesting like a bird of pray and it large so we fly up to watch it. It's got wooden branches coming out of it too, and some dry grass.
My male aspect sets fire to it! I'm confused but he seems to think the bird needs it!
The brown bird seems un-phased by being on fire and the flames slowly start to grow till it's branches catch alight.
((woken up by alarm clock)
Soooo similar stuff again.. The rocks from these dreams.
The mountain pass....
Soooo in dream terms what are rocks? Old weathered rocks? Rock formations? Sea worn rocks? Ancient natural rocks expanded with bright pink Resin?
Recurring threw the last few weeks..
It's the same kind of rock too in all of the dreams, also with a red huge to them.
So the rocks are hummmmm (checking), defo not sedimentary....... Not metamorphic either........ So Igneous, and they are mainly coastal.
Oh, fire rock, burny stuff formed under the earth :stuck_out_tongue: ... which also fits with the other recurring them of fire :stuck_out_tongue: And my guide aspect of me being fire, yet at the coast were it has cooled and met with water (all/emotion)
I really wanted to study geology, but me and the geology teacher were like fire and water :stuck_out_tongue: lol
https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fl7.alamy.com%2Fzooms%2F65c3201cc8954795bad3737ddd96a11a%2Flong-house-cavates-carved-in-soft-volcanic-tuff-rocks-by-anasazi-frijoles-c8yert.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy.com%2Fstock-photo%2Frock-cavities.html&docid=iAh5KxUsYgOHDM&tbnid=bvdwMXnSLXZLYM%3A&vet=1&w=345&h=540&noj=1&bih=954&biw=1383&q=tuff%20rock%20coastlines&ved=0ahUKEwjntfrl5avRAhWHLsAKHXqSCf4QMwgmKAowCg&iact=mrc&uact=8 (edited)
Sooo I've found the type of rock
What is Tuff?
Tuff is an igneous rock that forms from the products of an explosive volcanic eruption. In these eruptions, the volcano blasts rock, ash, magma and other materials from its vent. This ejecta travels through the air and falls back to Earth in the area surrounding the volcano. If the ejected material is compacted and cemented into a rock, that rock will be called "tuff."
This is fire becoming earth?
Arches... and columns. I think code here 1 & 0
The black cat with it's ass to me on the roof, is the female independent aspect of me, that turns back to try and take my logical mind along... not the first time I've done this, but last time it was my male aspect that waited!
Tortoise, hummm I had turtle a few weeks ago... often these are a symbol of the earth. Reptile, so ancient, slow, steady... lol carries the world on it;s back. So meby these are representation that I am aware I create my reality, so why did I pick it up and put it on a piano?
An instrument? instrument to create or recreate...
Sooo I'm creating or recreating a reality, were my female waits for my male.
I change the aspect of the dream for all of the DC's SO I know I'm the game master as such in this dream reality. It doesn't trouble me that others aspects of me are not willing to join yet.
Creative and logic me go back to the water... unity/emotion.
There is a carved channel... oh, so I've done this before! But this time, I'm going against the tide & natural flow!
So I'm not waiting any-more, Oh! The sleepy ladybirds, we heading for my birthday and Imbolc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbolc
So we follow the source of the flow away from oneness, it takes us west. Were the Sun sets... Oh! Sun SET! Death of the sun. We get there and set a bird on fire,
Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again.
I'm dreaming pagan stuff again :P
Bring on Spring !!!!
I'm standing at the far end of the room next to a massive open fire, pots and pans are cooking and meat roasting. There are no windows and only lamps/torches for light, it's smokey and busy..... it's hyper real, I'm chatting to a guy I know and I go to sleep in-front of the fire to get into the next dream.
This is the dream version of the village I grew up, I'm on the shore but there are huge tall rocks on the beach... the tide is going out and there are pools round base of the rocks.
I'm playing hide and seek with people, we are all adults. It's cold, and grey and stormy but we swim anyway.
I find the male aspect of me and we go up into the dunes to walk towards the castle, Bambugh Castle.
On the way we walk threw some houses that are on the dunes... (at this point I split into 4... so I'm me and male me who is Ian & the other 2 are my bro and his wife)
We go in the south doors, inside the rooms are very ornate, polished wood panelling with oil paintings.
It's decorated with expensive rugs and vases there is a large open fire place to the west burning brightly, the windows on the east look out onto the shore and sea.
I see a tortoise walking across the floor and pick it up, I place it on top of a grand piano in the corner of the room before we walk into the next room. The next room is a very old fashioned bedroom, with a dark wood 4 poster bed with heavy curtains. We are on our way threw the building and at this point we run out of doors leading North... I clime up to a small wooden window and open it, it leads onto the roof tops... there is a black cat there with it's bum to me. I can see well worked stone guttering and tiled roofs.
The rest of the party don't want to leave via the roofs so I come back into the room and offer to teleport us outside, my male side tells me to make sure we have a vehicle as he doesn't want to end up in mid air.
At this point my bro turns into a werewolf, and wants to lay down. I tell him werewolf is an anagram. I manifest a flying roofless car outside of the building to move us all too.
The port only works with me and my male half, we are in what would be the front seats.... but the car is only made of smoke so we are sitting in smoke... I speak to the others and they didn't take the teleport as the moons up now and my bro thinks he should stay indoors until he's less of a wolf.
Me and my male aspect float over the road on the far side of the dunes in our smoke cloud and decide to go back to the sea.
We make our way threw rocks back east and into the sea, there is a deep gully cut into the rocks on the shore... it's making a deep channel were the current is very strong. The tide is coming in now and we swim against it to reach the edge of the rocks and the open sea.
Once we get there we wonder about the channel, my male aspect thinks it has something to do with an ancient stone quarry inland, I'm interested so we follow the gully back till it leads to a fresh water spring... flying above we follow this inland for miles until we reach a hill that is bare stone on one side.
Part way up the rock face is a very unusual straggly brown bird, It's nesting like a bird of pray and it large so we fly up to watch it. It's got wooden branches coming out of it too, and some dry grass.
My male aspect sets fire to it! I'm confused but he seems to think the bird needs it!
The brown bird seems un-phased by being on fire and the flames slowly start to grow till it's branches catch alight.
((woken up by alarm clock)
Soooo similar stuff again.. The rocks from these dreams.
The mountain pass....
Soooo in dream terms what are rocks? Old weathered rocks? Rock formations? Sea worn rocks? Ancient natural rocks expanded with bright pink Resin?
Recurring threw the last few weeks..
It's the same kind of rock too in all of the dreams, also with a red huge to them.
So the rocks are hummmmm (checking), defo not sedimentary....... Not metamorphic either........ So Igneous, and they are mainly coastal.
Oh, fire rock, burny stuff formed under the earth :stuck_out_tongue: ... which also fits with the other recurring them of fire :stuck_out_tongue: And my guide aspect of me being fire, yet at the coast were it has cooled and met with water (all/emotion)
I really wanted to study geology, but me and the geology teacher were like fire and water :stuck_out_tongue: lol
https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fl7.alamy.com%2Fzooms%2F65c3201cc8954795bad3737ddd96a11a%2Flong-house-cavates-carved-in-soft-volcanic-tuff-rocks-by-anasazi-frijoles-c8yert.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy.com%2Fstock-photo%2Frock-cavities.html&docid=iAh5KxUsYgOHDM&tbnid=bvdwMXnSLXZLYM%3A&vet=1&w=345&h=540&noj=1&bih=954&biw=1383&q=tuff%20rock%20coastlines&ved=0ahUKEwjntfrl5avRAhWHLsAKHXqSCf4QMwgmKAowCg&iact=mrc&uact=8 (edited)
Sooo I've found the type of rock
What is Tuff?
Tuff is an igneous rock that forms from the products of an explosive volcanic eruption. In these eruptions, the volcano blasts rock, ash, magma and other materials from its vent. This ejecta travels through the air and falls back to Earth in the area surrounding the volcano. If the ejected material is compacted and cemented into a rock, that rock will be called "tuff."
This is fire becoming earth?
Arches... and columns. I think code here 1 & 0
The black cat with it's ass to me on the roof, is the female independent aspect of me, that turns back to try and take my logical mind along... not the first time I've done this, but last time it was my male aspect that waited!
Tortoise, hummm I had turtle a few weeks ago... often these are a symbol of the earth. Reptile, so ancient, slow, steady... lol carries the world on it;s back. So meby these are representation that I am aware I create my reality, so why did I pick it up and put it on a piano?
An instrument? instrument to create or recreate...
Sooo I'm creating or recreating a reality, were my female waits for my male.
I change the aspect of the dream for all of the DC's SO I know I'm the game master as such in this dream reality. It doesn't trouble me that others aspects of me are not willing to join yet.
Creative and logic me go back to the water... unity/emotion.
There is a carved channel... oh, so I've done this before! But this time, I'm going against the tide & natural flow!
So I'm not waiting any-more, Oh! The sleepy ladybirds, we heading for my birthday and Imbolc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbolc
So we follow the source of the flow away from oneness, it takes us west. Were the Sun sets... Oh! Sun SET! Death of the sun. We get there and set a bird on fire,
Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again.
I'm dreaming pagan stuff again :P
Bring on Spring !!!!
Bearded Roz
I had such bizarre dreams last night. One was a hell raiser style puzzle box, that was also bit like a mandala... we were using it to get threw layers of reality. 'we' was me and another 3 or 4 people who were wired cosmic pirates, one of them was my friend Roz who in the dream was a really sexy bearded lady! We all fancied Roz :D I'm not sure what I was I wasn't human though.
My next dream was different pealing 100's of parsnips to make soup.... Mixing them to make 'root soup' which could hold different layers together. In my dream the bowls looked like worlds :P
In the dream I was putting up an old tent, it was very close to other tents like at a festival. When I crawled inside the tent there were 1000's of hibernating ladybirds!
I had such bizarre dreams last night. One was a hell raiser style puzzle box, that was also bit like a mandala... we were using it to get threw layers of reality. 'we' was me and another 3 or 4 people who were wired cosmic pirates, one of them was my friend Roz who in the dream was a really sexy bearded lady! We all fancied Roz :D I'm not sure what I was I wasn't human though.
My next dream was different pealing 100's of parsnips to make soup.... Mixing them to make 'root soup' which could hold different layers together. In my dream the bowls looked like worlds :P
In the dream I was putting up an old tent, it was very close to other tents like at a festival. When I crawled inside the tent there were 1000's of hibernating ladybirds!
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Two Horses on a Train.
I take them onto a train, it's quite a wide train, reminds me of the Metropolitan line on the Underground.
I take them a few stops into a built up area and walk them up and over a bridge were one horse runs off, I chase it and get it back when a car pulls out causing the horse to stop.
I decide its time to take them back to the country so get the train again, once we get off I ride one horse and lead the other back to the stables were they live. I brush them and give them food and water.
The cottage I find myself at is an old farmstead. 2 Irish men come to the door asking for paid work. I suspect that they are dodgy but tell them there is an old gate to fix as I feel sorry for them.
They set about mending the gate, but I know that they are bringing more of there friends to help who will want money too.
I make my way back into the farm cottage it's in a dated 40's style and quite unkempt, going threw a door I notice that inside the cottage is a medieval chapel.
It's partly ruined, the columns are only half there and the roof that is long destroyed has been replaces with glass, in contrast to the rest of the cottage it's clean inside and bright. The columns are ancient and worn smooth with age.
There are 2 females that look after the inner chapel and keep it clean. Beautiful delicate fresh white wild flowers are round the place in small glasses.
At the back is an old fashioned post office counter! I know the woman who works there and go and withdraw some money to pay the men working on the gate outside.... she tells me they need a new village hall.
Next dream. It's Niki's birthday and we are going to stay in a hotel for 2 nights to celebrate... the hotel is more of a beer garden as it's all outside with fire-pits for cooking. I'm the first to arrive from our group. Next to arrive is a woman I know locally she's a childminder, she tells me she's about to buy a house that belongs to Dominic (the owner of the health-food shop here)
I know this house in life as I randomly called a woman on day (she was part of my journey) I ask about the room with the glass wall... this was an area that the woman did treatments in, it over looked the trees and woods. I'd had a very profound meeting with here there.
The woman buying the house didn't know, and showed me the deeds and floor plans. In the dream this place is huge, it's a hotel and a school too, we are transported there and I'm walking round on the roofs. I realise the school has a pool there too and it can be made into a special education area. When I walk up the roofs into the hotel area the top is open to the air and sitting on the ground at low tables are people cooking meals on small burners they look like the metal bits of car wheels... but they are scrubbed shiny, with fires below and grills on the top.
Each group at a burner has brought there own food and is preparing different meals. I walk threw them and down some stairs to get back outside.
Once outside the scene changes again to a housing estate.... there is a press photographer coming to take a picture. I notice that the people in the estate are dead members of my mothers family as they were years ago.
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Fairground, Seal and a Mountain Pass.
Yesterdays dream that I didn't write up. A crazy floating fairground.. doing impossible things, under it were tents. A small group of us lived in these tents the rides seemed to go day and night, so fast and interlocking but missing each other. On each ride was 1 child. The tents were our homes, pretty run down while the crazy rides went on over head all the time.
Last nights dreams.
Lots of rocks!
In the first dream I'm with a group of people looking for chips! The chips are big, and odd not cooked to big to be made from normal potentates :P
I leave the chips with a young male, we are making our way up and over lumpy rocks further and further out.
We find ourselves on rocks at the edge of the sea, the tide is coming in and the water is clear and cold, the sky grey. The male wants to go for a swim, so he jumps in... a seal arrives to inspect him, it keeps nudging and nibbling, he's afraid but the seal is more like an exuberant puppy.
I tell it 'Oi!' and it looks up at me curious, I tell it 'Bad Seal' in a mock strict tone and throws me an 'appeasement gesture' it leaves the young boy to swim back onto the rocks.
Next dream I'm passing threw a massive what seems like a mountain pass... on the ground is short grass that looks nibbled, and rock formations that don't look entirely natural. I'm in the sky observing lots of groups travelling.
As we travel further threw the pass I notice the rock has been split and expanded with inlays of bright pink resin.
I stop at a formation were the rocks make a round space, in it are 2 elderly females talking one looks Indian the other Arabic, they are hugging and crying and talking together. I leave them and keep moving threw the pass flying over. Next there are ancient sandstone structures these look more man made but again are expanded with pink resin too. Lots of people have come to see the meeting of ancient and modern. It's not obvious how the pink resin came to be in the expanded rocks. Next are more modern structures made of white ceramic but again, with the pink ripples threw them.
The journey stops at a home that is in America, I stop flying now and join one of the groups that were moving threw the mountain pass. We had been accompanying someone from the UK back to the USA to their family. Her family were grateful... the house had no walls just some work benches, and I was making coffee for everyone (I don't like coffee! ) before we left again.
Last nights dreams.
Lots of rocks!
In the first dream I'm with a group of people looking for chips! The chips are big, and odd not cooked to big to be made from normal potentates :P
I leave the chips with a young male, we are making our way up and over lumpy rocks further and further out.
We find ourselves on rocks at the edge of the sea, the tide is coming in and the water is clear and cold, the sky grey. The male wants to go for a swim, so he jumps in... a seal arrives to inspect him, it keeps nudging and nibbling, he's afraid but the seal is more like an exuberant puppy.
I tell it 'Oi!' and it looks up at me curious, I tell it 'Bad Seal' in a mock strict tone and throws me an 'appeasement gesture' it leaves the young boy to swim back onto the rocks.
Next dream I'm passing threw a massive what seems like a mountain pass... on the ground is short grass that looks nibbled, and rock formations that don't look entirely natural. I'm in the sky observing lots of groups travelling.
As we travel further threw the pass I notice the rock has been split and expanded with inlays of bright pink resin.
I stop at a formation were the rocks make a round space, in it are 2 elderly females talking one looks Indian the other Arabic, they are hugging and crying and talking together. I leave them and keep moving threw the pass flying over. Next there are ancient sandstone structures these look more man made but again are expanded with pink resin too. Lots of people have come to see the meeting of ancient and modern. It's not obvious how the pink resin came to be in the expanded rocks. Next are more modern structures made of white ceramic but again, with the pink ripples threw them.
The journey stops at a home that is in America, I stop flying now and join one of the groups that were moving threw the mountain pass. We had been accompanying someone from the UK back to the USA to their family. Her family were grateful... the house had no walls just some work benches, and I was making coffee for everyone (I don't like coffee! ) before we left again.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Tree City and Fabric Train.
Wed nights dream.. (Only the main one as been to busy to record remember others)
This dream is set in a huge wired tall building.... it's 10+ storeys high and a mix of designs, ages and uses.
I start to remember the dream as I'm heading up a huge open staircase, on the top is a restaurant/cafe and I'm going to help server food here.... it's white/creamy with a skylight and bright. Lots of tables and busy.
It's snowing outside but inside it's warm and busy, people seem to be shopping too. The building is a maze, and the cafe I'm working at is high up.
I realise we have run out of jugs for milk, so I offer to go find more...
This is were it gets crazy - the building I'm in is like a massive department store but wired, with dwellings and such a mix of things, castles, Inns, shops, .... one moment I'm in a modern sports ware shop, the next moment I'm in an old Victorian kitchen climbing threw attic spaces and beside chimney stacks... the place is such a mishmash of stuff :D
I can't find the jugs I was looking for I seemed to specifically want orange ones and after a while am totally lost in this massive maze of bizarre and seemingly unrelated rooms with 1000's of people milling round.
I start to make my way down again, this time it's a round spiral stair case with grey carpets. The hand rails are a sliver colour and there are monitors at the intersections of the stairs giving directions. I follow one path way in a direction I think might lead back to the cafe but seem to end up in some posh executive offices. There are 2 suited men in there who smile and greet me..... they are pleasant and say hello... but I quickly back out with a 'whoops' wrong place... next level down is live recording studios, it's like a big radio station. I can hear broadcasts and bands in the rooms.. the monitors are saying what's going on.
I suddenly remeber that the buildings are layed out like 2 trees, and the spiral staircases are in the middle... I'm on the wrong trunk.
I follow it down to the bottom, and back up a path/car-park to find the other trunk/entrance... there are shuttle buses and monorails brining ever more people into huge tall buildings. The entrance to this trunk (were I work) is a mix of a zoo, water park playground. It's sunny and there are slides and kids in swimsuits. I climb up and over all the toys and play my way back towards the second entrance, this building is more fun with more colours... I start to make my way back up to the top again.
--- So I think this probably has to do with being in my own brain/mind and exploring the 2 halves of it.
Last nights
This dream is again in a very modern futuristic city. Nothing is familiar as it's so wired!
I'm there to study, I'm a 'fabric' student. The place we are training at is highly regarded and we get there via strange modern trains... they are segmented and not like anything I've seen before.
I'm studying with the male aspect of me again. This time he's quiet and gentle.. we work as a team, are lovers/friends/study team. The train we are using specifically goes to the place to learn 'fabric'
The others in our class are more of a 'group/team' but we are happy as a duo... the others are pushy/intimidating with an agender to there study... we all use the same train.
On the train there is a row, the others want us to join them... but we refused to be intimidated.
The group, attack the male aspect of me.... They chuck him of the train and onto the track so he's 'out of the game/dream' I'm quite pissed of with them, but continue on into the city.
When we get there I start to walk to the fabric teaching factory on my own.. I'm aware the group are following me waiting for me to change my mind and work with them, but I'm still to annoyed with them.
--- This seems to be old ideas and new ideas :) I'm playing the intuitive side and my ideas are struggling for dominance... the fabric seems to be 'reality'
This dream is set in a huge wired tall building.... it's 10+ storeys high and a mix of designs, ages and uses.
I start to remember the dream as I'm heading up a huge open staircase, on the top is a restaurant/cafe and I'm going to help server food here.... it's white/creamy with a skylight and bright. Lots of tables and busy.
It's snowing outside but inside it's warm and busy, people seem to be shopping too. The building is a maze, and the cafe I'm working at is high up.
I realise we have run out of jugs for milk, so I offer to go find more...
This is were it gets crazy - the building I'm in is like a massive department store but wired, with dwellings and such a mix of things, castles, Inns, shops, .... one moment I'm in a modern sports ware shop, the next moment I'm in an old Victorian kitchen climbing threw attic spaces and beside chimney stacks... the place is such a mishmash of stuff :D
I can't find the jugs I was looking for I seemed to specifically want orange ones and after a while am totally lost in this massive maze of bizarre and seemingly unrelated rooms with 1000's of people milling round.
I start to make my way down again, this time it's a round spiral stair case with grey carpets. The hand rails are a sliver colour and there are monitors at the intersections of the stairs giving directions. I follow one path way in a direction I think might lead back to the cafe but seem to end up in some posh executive offices. There are 2 suited men in there who smile and greet me..... they are pleasant and say hello... but I quickly back out with a 'whoops' wrong place... next level down is live recording studios, it's like a big radio station. I can hear broadcasts and bands in the rooms.. the monitors are saying what's going on.
I suddenly remeber that the buildings are layed out like 2 trees, and the spiral staircases are in the middle... I'm on the wrong trunk.
I follow it down to the bottom, and back up a path/car-park to find the other trunk/entrance... there are shuttle buses and monorails brining ever more people into huge tall buildings. The entrance to this trunk (were I work) is a mix of a zoo, water park playground. It's sunny and there are slides and kids in swimsuits. I climb up and over all the toys and play my way back towards the second entrance, this building is more fun with more colours... I start to make my way back up to the top again.
--- So I think this probably has to do with being in my own brain/mind and exploring the 2 halves of it.
Last nights
This dream is again in a very modern futuristic city. Nothing is familiar as it's so wired!
I'm there to study, I'm a 'fabric' student. The place we are training at is highly regarded and we get there via strange modern trains... they are segmented and not like anything I've seen before.
I'm studying with the male aspect of me again. This time he's quiet and gentle.. we work as a team, are lovers/friends/study team. The train we are using specifically goes to the place to learn 'fabric'
The others in our class are more of a 'group/team' but we are happy as a duo... the others are pushy/intimidating with an agender to there study... we all use the same train.
On the train there is a row, the others want us to join them... but we refused to be intimidated.
The group, attack the male aspect of me.... They chuck him of the train and onto the track so he's 'out of the game/dream' I'm quite pissed of with them, but continue on into the city.
When we get there I start to walk to the fabric teaching factory on my own.. I'm aware the group are following me waiting for me to change my mind and work with them, but I'm still to annoyed with them.
--- This seems to be old ideas and new ideas :) I'm playing the intuitive side and my ideas are struggling for dominance... the fabric seems to be 'reality'
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