Very wired dreams!
First dream I was I think was possibly my childhood bedroom. It's night and dark and I was in bed with an old school friend trying to sleep. In the room was a ghost or something. Things kept moving/changing. It had woke us up. The person who I was in bed with swapped into someone else another guy from school (I think these were playing male me) .... still toys kept moving.
It was a bit freaky so we decided to have sex to distract ourselves. At this point a cat appears that also wants to get involved with the sex - she keeps charging and jumping at our genitals!
This made us laugh and stop.
Sex wasn't going to work as a distraction due to this crazy cat so the guy went to see what toys were moving.... there were some of them wind-up chatty teeth that kept going and going... as he approached them they flew of the shelf and onto the floor.
Next some toy cars moved, he knelt down to look at them and I stuffed my-head over the side of the bed and pointed to a toy tractor moving back and forth beside him. When I looked again I could see the ghost of a small boy perhaps 3 years old, he had ginger curly hair and green dungarees... he tried to grab a teddy I held... I was going to yell 'No' then realised I'd scare him so I asked him 'Please... not that one '
He smiled and went back to playing with the Tractor.
Next a vission.
With the smell of singed furr or feathers... I was sitting on sand, drawing with sticks and placing runes into a pattern that had something to do with planetary conjunctions.
Another odd dream later in the night a wedding that I was travelling far to go to, I'd forgotton not had time to get a gift.
Odd bridesmades... one was familiar also with ginger hair... she had gold tulle in it and wired white old fashioned bloomers with blue dried flowers on them and she had tiny bright violet eyes.
When I commented on her strange eyes she pulled down her bizarre pants to show me she was a he! *shrug*
After that I was watching the couple unwrap there presents, they'd been given some really wired things like the front seat of a car! When they brought out the wedding meal we all got one small boiled potato.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Lots of Coffee.. and Lots of Dreams.
First dream I felt like I was water but I was frozen, but then I melted and gradually turned to steam.
Then a very long rambly dream set in dream Seahouses, It starts in Pinnacles as an Amusement arcade, I work there. I have a photo that moves like the ones in Harry Potter.. it pans round a whole scene. In it is my daughter she's having a play-date and I need to collect her.
I find her in a large house on the seafront, it's the house that got burnt out a few weeks back leaving nothing but arches and a horrible red carpet.
Oddly, I also drempt of being part of a kings death that night O.o
When I get to the house now it's been done up, but I remember it from the other dream with the burnt out arches.
We are in a room downstairs with long trestle tables, the owner is a blind elderly woman - she has no teeth but she hugs me and tells me she 'see's' me and that I'm a good mother.
On the way out the front of the building was like a cross between a very old inn/museum/junk shop.
Oh wow! They had these old artefacts that In my dream I knew and recognised....
I knew in the dream it was knights Templar. I've just checked it and it is that!! ... the wired red cross thing, but in the dream it was carved onto a very old painted wooden throne.
Hummmm.... I guess that fits with when I did a soul retrieval at the knights Templar blood ritual. (I'll type that up after)
I go out and next It's sunny and I see the sea and beach.
I remember I still have stuff to do and
I have to collect another image from someone I know called Ruth (in the dream people I knew as teenagers are there all the same age) It's an image that was in an old magazine and it's important. I walk up the main street and realise that they need a modern coffee shop (this is wired I duno why I'd think this)
I meet Ruth and her now husband and there friends and I follow them threw the village which is more of an obstacle course at one point we climb over rocks and what looks like exposed coral - it's been painted in rainbow colours. I'm kinda stuck on it and then it all crumbles into little rainbow shards... I then find an office chair I can use to climb out of the rock hole. I keep following them up and down until Zak woke me up.
Next dream I'm in a massive barn looking out onto summer countryside it's open at the front and I'm looking after some horses in it. There is also an old grey elephant on the platform above... and people serving tea and coffee. A man with me keeps passing hay up to the elephant... it's making it restless, eventually the elephant charges threw the cafe area and down to were the doors are it's owner tries to stop it but fails.. I follow the elephant out onto the strange hillside - non of the trees and plants are familiar. I follow the elephant and then find some pink baby lotion that's been spilt from a bottle and I try and put it back in.
Next dream is a wired setting of a Victorian science lab that is also a coffee shop, it's got long black benches and the sunken sinks with long thin black taps. The benches are tiered, and at the front is small tables with groups of people who want coffee. All the machines are out of order and I'm supposed to make the coffee one cup at a time straining the grains and boiling the water for each cup.
It's taking me ages to make each cup, I eventually make one then take it to serve Ann (who keeps popping into my dreams!) As I put it down the cup vanishes and only the saucer remains.
Frustrated I go back up to the other waitress and tell her that we have to make it by the jug full and get a hotplate working. I sort out the machines and make a large jug of coffee....
I get called down to the front of the cafe, there is going to be a show/performance/game (it's to do with fire/water/flood) I've been picked for a roll, we look like fancy dress pirates... they are trying to get me to take a weapon, I don't really want one but eventually take a red plastic sword.
Sooo the pirates make me think of this dream....
Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates. It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium.
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving. Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's. There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.
The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it. It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor.
Then a very long rambly dream set in dream Seahouses, It starts in Pinnacles as an Amusement arcade, I work there. I have a photo that moves like the ones in Harry Potter.. it pans round a whole scene. In it is my daughter she's having a play-date and I need to collect her.
I find her in a large house on the seafront, it's the house that got burnt out a few weeks back leaving nothing but arches and a horrible red carpet.
Oddly, I also drempt of being part of a kings death that night O.o
When I get to the house now it's been done up, but I remember it from the other dream with the burnt out arches.
We are in a room downstairs with long trestle tables, the owner is a blind elderly woman - she has no teeth but she hugs me and tells me she 'see's' me and that I'm a good mother.
On the way out the front of the building was like a cross between a very old inn/museum/junk shop.
Oh wow! They had these old artefacts that In my dream I knew and recognised....
I knew in the dream it was knights Templar. I've just checked it and it is that!! ... the wired red cross thing, but in the dream it was carved onto a very old painted wooden throne.
Hummmm.... I guess that fits with when I did a soul retrieval at the knights Templar blood ritual. (I'll type that up after)
I go out and next It's sunny and I see the sea and beach.
I remember I still have stuff to do and
I have to collect another image from someone I know called Ruth (in the dream people I knew as teenagers are there all the same age) It's an image that was in an old magazine and it's important. I walk up the main street and realise that they need a modern coffee shop (this is wired I duno why I'd think this)
I meet Ruth and her now husband and there friends and I follow them threw the village which is more of an obstacle course at one point we climb over rocks and what looks like exposed coral - it's been painted in rainbow colours. I'm kinda stuck on it and then it all crumbles into little rainbow shards... I then find an office chair I can use to climb out of the rock hole. I keep following them up and down until Zak woke me up.
Next dream I'm in a massive barn looking out onto summer countryside it's open at the front and I'm looking after some horses in it. There is also an old grey elephant on the platform above... and people serving tea and coffee. A man with me keeps passing hay up to the elephant... it's making it restless, eventually the elephant charges threw the cafe area and down to were the doors are it's owner tries to stop it but fails.. I follow the elephant out onto the strange hillside - non of the trees and plants are familiar. I follow the elephant and then find some pink baby lotion that's been spilt from a bottle and I try and put it back in.
Next dream is a wired setting of a Victorian science lab that is also a coffee shop, it's got long black benches and the sunken sinks with long thin black taps. The benches are tiered, and at the front is small tables with groups of people who want coffee. All the machines are out of order and I'm supposed to make the coffee one cup at a time straining the grains and boiling the water for each cup.
It's taking me ages to make each cup, I eventually make one then take it to serve Ann (who keeps popping into my dreams!) As I put it down the cup vanishes and only the saucer remains.
Frustrated I go back up to the other waitress and tell her that we have to make it by the jug full and get a hotplate working. I sort out the machines and make a large jug of coffee....
I get called down to the front of the cafe, there is going to be a show/performance/game (it's to do with fire/water/flood) I've been picked for a roll, we look like fancy dress pirates... they are trying to get me to take a weapon, I don't really want one but eventually take a red plastic sword.
Sooo the pirates make me think of this dream....
Knights Templar Dream...from 2013.
Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates. It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium.
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving. Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's. There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.
The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it. It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor.
Friday, 27 January 2017
Journying, and a Meditation Class.
First dream woke at 3.28
It was set in a old caravan in a forest and there was a group of us, humm around 8 Chelsea and a friend I know here called Claire were among us. We were a mix of ages, the youngest around 5 years and the oldest a man in his 50's with short hair and a beard.
We were doing shamanic journeying and recording what we were doing on an old fashioned vidio recorder. On the film guides and auras and all kinds of stuff not obviously visible was showing up. The young girl had light coming out her throat when she opened her mouth white but breaking into the spectrum a little like light reflected from a diamond. like she was glowing inside.
I was getting a bit impatient with everyone faffing round so I was the first to journey. I was talking out loud my journey so they could record it. I went to a cavern under an ocean, it was lit by crystals, I remembered I needed to bring something back to help remember so I created a shell hair slide
When my awareness came back into the caravan it was all going a bit crazy..... more people had started to materialise in there too, mainly school children in uniforms, they were afraid of something. It was getting kinda crowded so I took some of the kids outside to tell me what they were scared of.... we also had a magic map we could use to navigate to different reality's, everything was connected and we could pick a map location and teleport there.
Next dream is a strange group/sect learning about meditation.
It's being managed/run by a guy with a shaved head in long colourful robes, we are learning sleep/ meditation techniques.... It seems ok then he starts pushing Jesus as everyone's saviour and I'm annoyed he didn't make his intention clear from the start, I want to know why he had abandoned the Goddess.
Dream after I was arguing with Ian, something to do with an apple (Oh the spell!) O.o
Anyway... We were in a wired twilight world... with houses on stilts and mossy grass banks, and there was a quiz/argument/lesson/ about who was right, but neither was right.
I was trying to get alone, I ported into some sand... as I walk along the tide is very high and it comes up over the dunes and onto a road.
It was set in a old caravan in a forest and there was a group of us, humm around 8 Chelsea and a friend I know here called Claire were among us. We were a mix of ages, the youngest around 5 years and the oldest a man in his 50's with short hair and a beard.
We were doing shamanic journeying and recording what we were doing on an old fashioned vidio recorder. On the film guides and auras and all kinds of stuff not obviously visible was showing up. The young girl had light coming out her throat when she opened her mouth white but breaking into the spectrum a little like light reflected from a diamond. like she was glowing inside.
I was getting a bit impatient with everyone faffing round so I was the first to journey. I was talking out loud my journey so they could record it. I went to a cavern under an ocean, it was lit by crystals, I remembered I needed to bring something back to help remember so I created a shell hair slide
When my awareness came back into the caravan it was all going a bit crazy..... more people had started to materialise in there too, mainly school children in uniforms, they were afraid of something. It was getting kinda crowded so I took some of the kids outside to tell me what they were scared of.... we also had a magic map we could use to navigate to different reality's, everything was connected and we could pick a map location and teleport there.
Next dream is a strange group/sect learning about meditation.
It's being managed/run by a guy with a shaved head in long colourful robes, we are learning sleep/ meditation techniques.... It seems ok then he starts pushing Jesus as everyone's saviour and I'm annoyed he didn't make his intention clear from the start, I want to know why he had abandoned the Goddess.
Dream after I was arguing with Ian, something to do with an apple (Oh the spell!) O.o
Anyway... We were in a wired twilight world... with houses on stilts and mossy grass banks, and there was a quiz/argument/lesson/ about who was right, but neither was right.
I was trying to get alone, I ported into some sand... as I walk along the tide is very high and it comes up over the dunes and onto a road.
Rock SeeSaw and Dwarf Elemental.
I met the dwarf last-night in my dream I was talking to him, but also morphing in and out of him so I was him talking to me too...... He was also shape-shifting. It was odd, as first he was young then old, so I was tugging his beard to see if it was real... but then I had the beard and could feel it being pulled.
I have no recollection of what 'I' was in the dream. I was asking him if he was a dwarf of a half-ling? he replied sort of, and that he was elemental. I get the impression he's a masculine earth aspect. It reminds me of when female fire used to pop into my dreams alot and help, I knew she was part of me.
I'm beginning to think this is the bit of me I've been tracking/meeting/getting to know on and off over the winter months - I'll have to have a read threw all my other dreams and see how it fits together.
The dwarf was associated with the number 22 as well, there were like 2 dreams overlayed one was story, and the other numbers and symbol they stuff. The dwarf was 22, and waves in the sea were 33
My dreams were broken... but hum. The first was of a school and we'd just finished learning something so were having a party.
Then the rest was jumbled with waking up. The things that stood out were something that looked like grey megaliths... the kind of blue/grey stones like Stonehenge.
I remember being on some grass and grey stones coming up out of the ground/earth around me, they looked like standing stones. But then stopped surrounding me, it felt like I was standing in the fingers of a hand, were the palm was hidden below me and only the fingers rising out of the earth.
Next think I remember is a massive monolith also grey/blue same stone.... it's laid on it's side like the needle in a compass or the spinner in a board game... it's balanced in it's centre. It's reminiscent of a playground roundabout / see-saw and I want to play... but it doesn't work with one. SO I split myself into two and we climb up onto each end of the stone to play..... it rocks and spins!
I met the dwarf last-night in my dream I was talking to him, but also morphing in and out of him so I was him talking to me too...... He was also shape-shifting. It was odd, as first he was young then old, so I was tugging his beard to see if it was real... but then I had the beard and could feel it being pulled.
I have no recollection of what 'I' was in the dream. I was asking him if he was a dwarf of a half-ling? he replied sort of, and that he was elemental. I get the impression he's a masculine earth aspect. It reminds me of when female fire used to pop into my dreams alot and help, I knew she was part of me.
I'm beginning to think this is the bit of me I've been tracking/meeting/getting to know on and off over the winter months - I'll have to have a read threw all my other dreams and see how it fits together.
The dwarf was associated with the number 22 as well, there were like 2 dreams overlayed one was story, and the other numbers and symbol they stuff. The dwarf was 22, and waves in the sea were 33
My dreams were broken... but hum. The first was of a school and we'd just finished learning something so were having a party.
Then the rest was jumbled with waking up. The things that stood out were something that looked like grey megaliths... the kind of blue/grey stones like Stonehenge.
I remember being on some grass and grey stones coming up out of the ground/earth around me, they looked like standing stones. But then stopped surrounding me, it felt like I was standing in the fingers of a hand, were the palm was hidden below me and only the fingers rising out of the earth.
Next think I remember is a massive monolith also grey/blue same stone.... it's laid on it's side like the needle in a compass or the spinner in a board game... it's balanced in it's centre. It's reminiscent of a playground roundabout / see-saw and I want to play... but it doesn't work with one. SO I split myself into two and we climb up onto each end of the stone to play..... it rocks and spins!
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
MMO Style Dream Game
Cool dream of an odd game environment.
I was dual me but I only had one body but kept swapping between male/female. It was a magic using game set in the sky.
Humm there were air currents to ride and castles / bases on clouds.
Some of the high level gamers had things they had carried over from other games. At the start of we are so low level that we are like pawns and not even allowed entry to the main arena we get told what to do and when.
We are frustrated as we want to play too, we trick our way in by surprising a female game warden (we squirt her in the face with water)
Because we managed to get that close and surprise them they have to allow us to game too with total use of freewill and magic.... They don't seem to be happy about it, and when they ask who 'we' are (As I'm 2 in one person) I smile and answer 'Players'
The reluctantly let us in but we don't carry anything over and we are not allowed to take part in the game design but we can compete now... 'we' govern/use love school magic to compete.
Some gamers had amassed tons of stuff and had huge floating cloud places... we didn't have anything but were really good at teleporting and riding the air currents.
I was dual me but I only had one body but kept swapping between male/female. It was a magic using game set in the sky.
Humm there were air currents to ride and castles / bases on clouds.
Some of the high level gamers had things they had carried over from other games. At the start of we are so low level that we are like pawns and not even allowed entry to the main arena we get told what to do and when.
We are frustrated as we want to play too, we trick our way in by surprising a female game warden (we squirt her in the face with water)
Because we managed to get that close and surprise them they have to allow us to game too with total use of freewill and magic.... They don't seem to be happy about it, and when they ask who 'we' are (As I'm 2 in one person) I smile and answer 'Players'
The reluctantly let us in but we don't carry anything over and we are not allowed to take part in the game design but we can compete now... 'we' govern/use love school magic to compete.
Some gamers had amassed tons of stuff and had huge floating cloud places... we didn't have anything but were really good at teleporting and riding the air currents.
Monday, 23 January 2017
Earth Time...
Threw the dark in the winter we fight with our will,
To return to our shadow, our quiet our still.
Fighting our nature to struggle for growth, when the night is so long and the earth calls us home.
No direction to grow in when the light is so low.
To rest, to reflect and then die into all.
The old and the new the in and the out.
The material and knowing.
In my heart there's no doubt that i belong in the earth now,
to sleep till our spring,
To battle my nature is no easy thing.
Lost in-between worlds, when being needs to rest......
The madness of growth when my earth knows what's best.
To return to our shadow, our quiet our still.
Fighting our nature to struggle for growth, when the night is so long and the earth calls us home.
No direction to grow in when the light is so low.
To rest, to reflect and then die into all.
The old and the new the in and the out.
The material and knowing.
In my heart there's no doubt that i belong in the earth now,
to sleep till our spring,
To battle my nature is no easy thing.
Lost in-between worlds, when being needs to rest......
The madness of growth when my earth knows what's best.
Mechanical worlds.
First thing I recall was being on a massive metal spinning fairground ride. It was very fast and very mechanical.. There was nothing 'fair' about it, it was more like being inside a machine. It's made of dark grey iron.
The setting on the machine I was placed in was flapping around and I could see a nut that needed clipped.... oh yeh, it was organic too as when I flipped the metal but to the clip the clip knew to catch onto it. It was intense g-force on this thing.... and it was also something to do with marriage!
The setting is in a underground city.... So we are in a huge industrial cave underground, the lighting is warm but low, quite natural looking possibly torches. When the ride It stops I walked out of there into what seemed like a stone cathedral but also still underground, it had huge stone pilers and arches holding up the cave roof, old fashioned oil lanterns hanging from brackets on the side. I was walking down the central cavern that was covered with cobbled stone when a small child approaches me and asks if I'm a vet nurse - he needs someone to help with his soft toys :) So I go with him.
We port outside onto some grass by a road it's sunny, the kid has a picnic style soup kitchen for stuffed toys! I go and sit with him on the grass and we give plastic food to homeless teddies and dolls.
Next dream Is very odd.
I'm at a posh venue and I'm on roller-skates serving drinks! Attached to it is a school type office.
This bit was wired as the people in the party were people I've not seen in many many years from high school.
They were young like they were then... there was a wired vibe about it all with some being elitist. (The vibe of the dream was one of inequality)
I wasn't bothered for me (as I was there working/on mission) but some people were upset at the way the elite were treating them. I knew there was a party that only a select few were invited to, I made a point of mentioning it in a passive aggressive kind of way to the birthday girl (who I think was playing the role of elite(due to the fact she's now loaded)
She kind of made a show of saying she'd forgotten to invite me but I told her I didn't want to go - which I didn't I was just mainly being provocative but also I was just wishing her happy birthday. Then she burst into tears!
The dream jumps to were the party is happening, I'm outside but I'm there as I had something to do in the building below.. I'm speaking to a friend who tells me he's going to move his family to Stockton... I tell him Darlington is better and I show him a vision of burnt out council estates and housing and destroyed high-schools. (Which is odd, as I'm showing him a vision of another dream I've had when I was doing something around the burnt buildings- it was also linked to mythical lake, and a group of people )
It was an odd dream set in a world like this but with much worse inequality.
The setting on the machine I was placed in was flapping around and I could see a nut that needed clipped.... oh yeh, it was organic too as when I flipped the metal but to the clip the clip knew to catch onto it. It was intense g-force on this thing.... and it was also something to do with marriage!
The setting is in a underground city.... So we are in a huge industrial cave underground, the lighting is warm but low, quite natural looking possibly torches. When the ride It stops I walked out of there into what seemed like a stone cathedral but also still underground, it had huge stone pilers and arches holding up the cave roof, old fashioned oil lanterns hanging from brackets on the side. I was walking down the central cavern that was covered with cobbled stone when a small child approaches me and asks if I'm a vet nurse - he needs someone to help with his soft toys :) So I go with him.
We port outside onto some grass by a road it's sunny, the kid has a picnic style soup kitchen for stuffed toys! I go and sit with him on the grass and we give plastic food to homeless teddies and dolls.
Next dream Is very odd.
I'm at a posh venue and I'm on roller-skates serving drinks! Attached to it is a school type office.
This bit was wired as the people in the party were people I've not seen in many many years from high school.
They were young like they were then... there was a wired vibe about it all with some being elitist. (The vibe of the dream was one of inequality)
I wasn't bothered for me (as I was there working/on mission) but some people were upset at the way the elite were treating them. I knew there was a party that only a select few were invited to, I made a point of mentioning it in a passive aggressive kind of way to the birthday girl (who I think was playing the role of elite(due to the fact she's now loaded)
She kind of made a show of saying she'd forgotten to invite me but I told her I didn't want to go - which I didn't I was just mainly being provocative but also I was just wishing her happy birthday. Then she burst into tears!
The dream jumps to were the party is happening, I'm outside but I'm there as I had something to do in the building below.. I'm speaking to a friend who tells me he's going to move his family to Stockton... I tell him Darlington is better and I show him a vision of burnt out council estates and housing and destroyed high-schools. (Which is odd, as I'm showing him a vision of another dream I've had when I was doing something around the burnt buildings- it was also linked to mythical lake, and a group of people )
It was an odd dream set in a world like this but with much worse inequality.
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Strange Summoning
12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...

I don't have the questions 'Don't need them you have answers, come here' Hummm Love hu? 'OFC, just sort intention R...
Toddlers been ill so he's been sleeping with me. His mind feels like a vortex at night, I really don't understand it but I felt ...
Tried to sleep early as ongoing sinus headache and had wired stuff stretching, colours sensations, not sleep though. I'd jumped to the...