Friday, 24 February 2017

Dreams of Battle and Stonework.

Thursdays Dreams first.

First dream I was in Berwick and we were going to buy wool tweed??  The shop once there though turned into a fast food and ice-cream shop.   I met Melody, and then the guy from spirit science arrived with a team they were going to record something in the basement... I comment it's a shame Corrina isn't with us too. 

Next dream I'm on a huge stone wall overlooking a big landscape.  I'm with Ian and I notice we are surrounded by skinheads with more and more arriving all the time, they start to do the Nazi salute... I remember thinking 'I don't think we should be here, and hoping Ian kept his mouth shut while we left'

Fridays Dreams.

First dream starts of in a vet surgery, it's ultra modern and all white plastic shiny....    I'm with Michael as vet.  We have a tiny puppy cute, it's got a GI issue.   It's brilliant white too, shaped like a Scottie dog more than a Wesite it's a small terrier.  We are taking bloods and going to put it on IV fluids... we discuss the catheter and go for a largish one as we want to draw the blood from the same IV.   
As we finish taking the bloods 2 elderly female human nurses enter...  they have come from the hospital (their uniform is old fashioned) one is the owner of the puppy and the pup is clearly very happy to see her.   She's going to come threw the back and wait with the pup for a bit while it's on fluids.   I find myself with the bloods in my pocket doing the paperwork to send them to the lab.  I'm confused as I have more paperwork for a Microchip but we didn't chip the dog.  The chips is dated 16th feb, but I was writing the date of the 22nd Feb on the bloods.   I ask the head-nurse about the chip, but she says they couldn't register the chip until the dog was at least 4kgs, It was 2.5kgs on the 16th.  Its close to 4 now so I fill in both forms.

After completing the forms I head into the surgical area.  It's very very different to the front consulting room...  I'm puzzled but interested as there is masses of stuff back here.
As I look around, all the box's look old and dusty and there is tons of  medi supplies.   
I see these amazing reactions going on on a shelf... the containers look like a big reals of suture thread but there is many of them connected together and they go threw the colours of the rainbow...   There is coloured liquid in them and it's bubbling from one colour into the next.    I go to touch one and the head nurse appears again.

She's gowned & masked, scrubbed for surgery in old fashioned green's and is covered in blood she asks me what I'm doing...  (She seemed like a surgeon now rather than the head-nurse)      She tells me to get the surgical kits ready quickly we need them fast.
I'm confused as the instruments are all different (old fashioned)  there is no autoclave and she sighs and tells me the liquids are for sterilisation and that I learnt all this in my training.    I also clearly remember a glass container with lots of suture needles in it.   On waking I realised that the back was much more like an old fashioned war style field hospital.

Next was visions I kept getting the  hermit tarot card.

Last dream....  I'm outside looking at amazing stonework!  I'm up-close examining it and looking at the joins/angles and 'fretwork'  (I knew in dream this was the right name...just googled it as it is exactly that!)
I'm re'membering that I've been stone mason/builder architect too.... This is hard to describe as I stared at and touched the stones I could feel-touch the other me's...   The work I was looking at was amazing craftsmanship, I knew how it had been built, the tools and calculations.
I could also see mechanisms in it that could move.... I understood the reasons for them.   As I move my awareness away from the smooth stone work I see I'm in a massive cemetery it's for people killed in combat/war there are statues of old soldiers these are worn crude and moss covered compared to the amazing smooth fretwork that I'm looking threw into the cemetery.     The words 'Least we forget'  echo in the dream.

I go back to look at the stone and I remember my father... I need to see him (In my dream I was thinking of the old architect from the beach dream rather than my Dad)

I teleport to the city where I know he lives...   It's amazing!  Really indescribable
The tall beautiful buildings are all like works of art, but crazy multi media ones...  like the buildings have burst open in places the burst areas are explosions of creation filled with sculptures, paintings, fabrics and leather-work ...    Ships are half in half out of buildings and there sails are beautiful painted fabrics.   
I'm laying under an arch work of  stained glass flower windows, looking at the joins in the stone arches and the leaded coloured glass. I vaguely recall there was some kind of battle game going on here with 2 sides ebbing and flowing, neither making any headway.   


I had a feeling this is all connected with these dreams too....  Seems to fit!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Lots of non-human dreams.


I was dreaming of a dimensional 'Nexus'   it was on a road with a round-about but at certain times there was an overlay of  another road too...   it couldn't always be seen but it was a junction between just human reality and a hybrid world.
My throat was bad again so dreams were hard to recall, I remember I kept finding it hard to maintain a dream body too and not just fray out all-over the place.


Similar dreams, floating in and out of stuff.  Big green people, sledging with Zak down to a big stone monument on an island..... It's made with massive rocks and with tiny bricks.  I'm aware people traveld a long way to make it. 


Pushing threw a crowd of people mostly going in the opposite direction to me,  then I start realising that the crowd is repeating I'm seeing the same 5-8 people again and again.  I'm wondering if they are NPC's.
I come out into a white space, there are sinks filled with what looks like coral/lichen or moss (it's pretty and alive)  they are fed by tiny drips of water they only grow 1cm a year I realise they are 100's of years old.   There are also stalactites and stalagmites made by slow drip drips. 

Next I have this wired 'lap top' but it's all glass, it's pritty cool tbh :P   I'm using it to put music on.

Second dream I'm on a motorway on the back of a motorbike with male me, we were travelling south back to were my main dream zone so we'd been in Scotland.   I've never been on a motorbike (they freak me out) but in the dream it felt natural and fun... we are in a rush to get back there as it's time to re-set and we have what is needed for the re-set.

We stop first at my Dad's sisters old house, I think my Dad's mam was there too....  I'm struggling stay awake in the dream, then me and male me fall asleep on her living room floor in front of the fire.   (This is the same village I dream slept in when I went into the long dragon dream)  
We wake in the same dream with same mission but in my old house now (main dream house) 
We are non-human, there are people in the house waiting for us, and I give them the re-set codes that look like a massive diamond and a massive ruby.  They are confused, but I show them how to place them into an old radio on the kitchen bench - that will reset as the frequency received will change. 

Me and male me go out into the back garden, there is a large metal chimney going up into the sky, it's a little rusty and needs some repairs and pulling back into shape.  As we do this we end up below it in a round earth room,  kinda below the grass.  We can see the roots of the grass but now under the chimney is this futuristic circular control desk, the panels are all glass with glowing lights and buttons running threw them.   Male me is green, and large different looking to humans he understand the control panel and I have turned into a furry creature of sorts, not quite a dog not quite a badger...   I'm hairy though a with him in the room I'm curled up on the earth floor watching.  

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Brain Mess!

Long and messy night.

Visuals and the hippy gogy things before sleep.  

Someone had died and we were throwing hand fulls of glitter into the sky to remember them and it was making a new star.

First dream

I'm in a shopping mall/indoor market/uni thingy. 
I'm looking at pretty colourful things on a stall and a female  PC comes up and frisks me for stealing. 
I'm wearing a black vest and a bomber jacket (very 80's) I'm annoyed with her as she's she's making assumptions based on appearances.  I call her out and tell her your barking up the wrong tree....   then the dream flips as  I recall I'd left my stuff with a female friend.  
I go back into this kind of bus/transit waiting room with cheep carpet and wired walls and my friend has wandered of, but when I come back into the room I see a guy in my bag taking my phone and purse..  

The male is tall, and I'm feisty...   I jump in and pin him in the corner of the room by an electric door. 

I tell him I know he has my stuff,   he tries to brush it off but I have him cornered..   This was odd,  I recall it as me being 1/2 his hight and him against a half open glass door, but I'm pinning him down.

He's got dark hair and eyes (a bit like the element of me I'm bringing in at this time)   
He's trying to act casual and gets his own phone out to call the police and I grab it and ram it into his teeth???   Smashing the glass on his phone... he's pretty alarmed and I then reach into his pocket and get my phone and purse and tell him to 'fuck off'

I walk back fairly traumatised by all this and put the stuff back into my bag, while doing this I realise I don't want a purse or phone as it's a burden.
I meet the friend who was ment to be watching it... but she says 'I was constipated'  
I mentally release the phone/purse but  as I do this I then realise I had a wand... It was a sculpted Poppy stem.

So I set of in the same dream scape looking for a Poppy Wand.  I realise that the phone/purse was a distraction...   so set that aside and ponder the wand.   (on retrospect this was distraction too)

At this point the dream gets wired The city starts to fall away, and I go out into a muddy courtyard looking over hovels  -  above them all is a cartoon spider spinning....   She is a spider witch and she's spinning on a loom.  She is sitting above weaving a poem of love into her weave, she glances over and smiles at me... I can see the poem of love in the fabric of reality she weaves.

An old lady in grey comes and meets me, she is sad at the pain in the people.  Her and the spider remind me of the earth crone.   I take her arm and let her lead me, she shows me a young mama and her baby she's been watching down in a dark earth shed and as we look they have new rug and new warm fashionable clothing that the mama loves.  We walk together looking for the love in the dark.

Next dream.  before I went into this my inbetwenydreamy HH were wired... 

The dream is of a red haired female...  she's making a film... but is also at a football match.  The match is surrounded by high metal fencing and she's climbing it with her fingers and toes.

While doing this she's her focus is on 'The film of the fairy'
I'm almost 3rd person on this dream... but I do have a task, which is to take the recording and place it on a floppy disk (the very early version of)   So in the dream I'm facing a earth wall with 2 drives remotely viewing the fairy and the other person.

I'm observing the red haired female clinging to the fence of a football stadium, and watching the female (dark hair)  'Fairy'  leap from the stadium into a pool and then into another world in a magical forest..
She is being followed by a race of flower people, like halflings  dressed and part of plants and petals. 

I'm recording this and also backing it up... but while I'm doing this there is another reality also running O.o   One in which there is a cheesecake competition on a double-decker bus.   I was also watching this as I  recorded the floppy versions of the other dreams, but in the mean time I was coming up with the idea of blackberry and elderflower cheesecake for the bus competition. 

If the night wasn't odd enough all ready - There was also stuff going on about a harbour of boats were the RM dates had been cut out of the hulls, having sex in a the top shelf of a refrigerator  (which was a reference to me losing my virginity:P ) and being a plumb back pack with the wings of a butterfly. 

Friday, 17 February 2017

Heraldry City and MMO Game.

First dream was a stress type dream (I'm fighting of strep throat) I was in a city with friends and I had kids with me, and it was all just very stressful trying to get them across roads filled with traffic...  I'd tried to call someone to meet me and when I looked at my phone and thought it was a little odd as soon as I thought that it got odder still.  

Next dream was also in a city.  This was a wired city, it was filled with castles and medieval but all newly built and weirdly clean looking, there is heraldry everywhere painted on buildings hanging on flags on peoples clothing..  all different emblems.

The castles are amazing, they are made with small bricks then surrounded by wooden forts and then wrapped around them are giant embossed leather jackets!   (this could have been different types of cells and the battle going on inside my tonsils)  Anyhooo, they look amazing, the leather is embossed with huge beautiful pattern s birds/dragons/trees/sheilds/and pictures and laced together over the castle's entrances.   The leather is massive too whole bits way bigger than any animal we have. 

I'm inside one of the castles heading threw a long stone corridor and down a stone spiral staircase when I meet someone who I think on waking could have been Melody she was on our way up and we both had another person with us.   Anyway me and this person know each other and she said to me 'Oh, I've been meaning to ask you something about astral travel' and as she says that the 2 people with us, yawn and instantly fall asleep on the ledge of an arrow slit in the wall.    We both burst out laughing and I comment 'law of free will in action'   we chat briefly  about dematerialising before waking up our sleeping companions and then continue on in our different directions. 

I head on and down into a massive 'library'  it's trans-temporal and flicking in and out of several library's..  the one I'm mainly perceiving is old looking with dark wood panelling all over the walls.  (Others are more modern like my uni library and a school computer room)  
There are no books either, there are loads of PC's with the MMO game WOW on them the library is a server. 
I realised I've not played this for game for years.  There is a librarian who looks like a hogwarts teacher and she's telling people to come back and log out as they need a server reset and they don't want people in the worlds when they turn them off.

I wait for the rest and pick a station to log in at, I don't remember the interface being a wow one - then I realise it's the same as the dream I had when I was dream shifting and met the overseer.   I pick a character and literally log into the world :D    I'm in a snowy landscape  and in stead of the UI I am in the world with skills and ability's...  I look threw my memory for people I know who might be online, I find a guy I used to play with but it's in a different server so I leave this world to go an ask the librarian to shift me over.... I spent the rest of the dream exploring crazy game worlds and experimenting with being different species :D  

My last dream I'm in a house on a Victorian street (I'm moving out) I've cleared my stuff out a friend Rachel is moving too I'm packing her stuff for her, and saying good bye to the people there...   When catch sight of myself in the mirror I look nothing like me at all, I have black eyes and hair and very pale skin. 
As I'm saying good by to Rob, and the new person who's taking my room.  I notice rob is upside down on the sofa and I ask what he's doing.  He tells me he's improving blood supply to his eyes.    I ask him why, he explains this wired visual stuff he's been getting... it sounds to me like a migraine aura and he says it's a little like that but it's detached retina and he needs to get it fixed soon..... It jogs my memory that someone else was telling me about visual fragmentation and I seem to recall that it's another friend Andy.  I leave them all and go and sit out on the street which now seems to have a view of the sea. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Attack on an Island and a Renaissance Room.

Odd, after night before dream of sex, this one was violence!  Odd as they are not common for me. 

The dream is set in a cottage on an island in a storm!   The island is crumbling, as the waves bash it...  there is also a wall of twisty trees around it that I climb up and threw to get into the cottage.   My male aspect with me in this dream but he appears and disappears. 

I'm trying to climb up the tree/branch wall and my male aspect is on the other side... the weight of both of us is causing the branches to bend to much and I can't reach the next step so he (logic) waits below and I go alone.

The cottage isn't mine, and I'm there at the permission of the female owner who is absent.

I sitting cross legged in an empty room in the back of the cottage,  I'm remote viewing the whole cottage (inside and out) the and island and storm.   

I watch an older female come in, she hummmm  admin/employee of the house owner and is ment to be looking after it but she's abusing the trust placed in her and is discreetly stealing and sabotaging stuff in the house.  She's wearing a skirt suit,  is neat and tidy, fair hair pinned up in a bun. 

She's in the main modern part of the cottage. 

On seeing what she's doing I'm filled with rage and go to confront her.

I'm feral, small and straggly and wild I think I was nekid, I certainly had bare feet legs and arms. 
I don't even bother speaking to her...    I just jump her and attack  punching her in the face  over and over and slamming her head into a wall until she collapses.   

I then go back to the other room and sit down in a chair looking at the ground.    It's still dark and stormy out and the ocean is eating away as the island. 
I wait while police arrive, I'm remote viewing again and I see them surrounding the cottage with guns  loads of them..... clearly expecting a flight.    They see me threw the window and one comes into speak to me while the other point guns at me from outside. 

I remain totally detached and emotionless just staring at the floor, the dead body of the other woman in the room behind.   

The police man approaches me and asks if I killed the woman, I not mutely and let them arrest me.

- The dream skips and I'm with my male aspect again... we are on the deck of a ship in the sun the ocean is calm, we are heading to Greece or Italy and we have pasta.   We are sharing the pasta and it's good (I don't like pasta!)  We can taste the wheat and while we are eating it we are remote viewing the wheat fields in the sun where the wheat for our meal grew.

-  Next I'm just female me in a long long narrow room, it's like a a mix of a hotel room and an old peoples home with  a door at each end.  

I'm passing threw, it's visually incredible!  Renaissance style and there are 100's of old elegant women in there.

They are all 70+ and dressed in amazing ballgowns, there white hair is styled and filled with jewels and pins and there dresses are a rainbow of silks. 
They are draped on the posh sofas and chaise lounge's  placed  in groups around the glowing fires in the  in elaborate fire places.  They are being waited on by butlers.

I walk still nekid threw this bizarre room and out into the sun again where male me is waiting, we are walking together companionably discussing the law of attraction and if it's time to reset our intention.


Firstly like most of my dreams it was an enjoyable, it flowed easily and I felt I had a sense of purpose threw out it. 

The island and the storm,  this was invigorating wild and powerful I felt at one with the storm.  It was me and I was it.   Climbing up the twisty trees, this reminded me at the time of a fairy-tale like  the prince fighting his way into sleeping beauty.   I leave logic behind at this point so I'm acting/reacting on emotion and instinct, judging by the storm the emotion is strong. 

The cottage..  This is interesting It was almost like I was meditating in the dream, watching and waiting.    The cottage I guess is some aspect of my body, mind or immune system.   The owner of the cottage would be waking me.   The employee office type woman I kill also must be an aspect of me, one which is not helpful to our totality.     I'm in this dream destroying this aspect of me quite literally.      The police I guess represents the status quo of my totality come to see what's going on....     I've achieved what I set out to do and am passive with with my other beliefs at this time.

Soo,  I hop next...  I've achieved what I set out to do and I'm back with my logical aspect.   The storm has passed and we are feeding each-other so I'm in a balanced state and info/ideas/energy are flowing between logic/instinct/creative.    Not sure about why pasta or the field.

Next the long room,  well  lol -  this was surreal and visually very beautiful -  using guys interpretations I'm moving threw old female ideas perhaps..    All these beautiful traditionally ornate pretty feminine things....  yet I'm nekid and wild and happily walking threw them all observing them.     Perhaps I'm showing myself I'm moving away from more passive traditional ideas of feminine - interestingly they were all being waited on by men :stuck_out_tongue: 

Oh, and sat round fires (In dreams where I'm my higher self I work lots with fire - lighting them or keeping them burning) 

Last bit, I'm back with my logic again we seem to be deciding what to work on/with next.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Shifting, and a Crumbling City.

First dream early on was about destabilising reality's and shifting people as they collapse.   1000's of people are all on the move.  I'm being kept in a small group with a few others we are not prisoners but we are shifting to much and are de-stabalising things more so it's best if we stay together.  

It reminded me of this dream.... 

22 July
Lots of dreams last night which seemed interesting but I could only remember tiny bits of each. First one I was in India or Nepal on a mission there were lots of temples that looked more Mayan than anything from that region.
In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.
Next dream I'm in a wired city, it's very old fashioned and falling apart.   There are holes in ceilings and walls... there is a 'lesson' going on in this city. 
It looks like there has been a war or earthquake or something that made most of the people leave.    There are a few of us there now.  I'm with Mel & Dom, and the 3 of us are lovers, it's a very sexual dream but  - we also seem to have a group of children of various ages following us, they all have deep purple t-shirts like they are in a kids sport team...  we are shepherding them in some way (though we seem to be more leading them astray)   A family come looking for one of the youngest children (he's only 3) So let them meet and talk to him so they can see that he is ok, but the kid is keen to stay with us... we are climbing in and out of the buildings. 

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Blue Boggat

First memory is in a coastal fort set in the sand dunes... It's daylight grey and windy.

We are invading this fort and 'we' are a grey haired warrior, a monk/priest in a brown robe and me, I'm a boggart (Or some kind of wired creature)    I'm trans-temporal and can shift reality's very easily  I'm fairly hideous looking, like a gargoyle face with bat ears and small pointy teeth, my arms and legs are long but my legs bow out so I'm much shorter than the others I'm with, my trunk is small and I've blue grey skin, no hair and a long tail that was pointy at the end.... My eyes are huge and I see in the dark.... I'm also nekid.

The fort we are in is filled with trolls or some other wired race (It was like a war-hammer type table top battle!)   They have old fashioned forged weapons and are patrolling the old stone battlements and I've teleported us inside.  We are there to kill a weaponised monster in a cellar under the main courtyard and I want to go alone, the warrior and priest are arguing I'm not strong enough. 

I wait until a battle starts with a group of trolls and sneak of to take on the monster.    It's a 2 headed serpent type thing, chained up in a basement it's being tormented to be set lose on a local populous or something, so we need to destroy it.   I take it on but the battle is not physical or magical it's sort of energetic, and I'm collapsing the cavern/cellar we are in with me in it too.    
Suddenly my Aunty Ann appears! (She died earlier this week from Dementia )  She tells me she'll take over, she's dead now anyway and to go out and port the others out now.  

I say goodbye to her and head back out to find the 2 guys, they are in the courtyard still finishing of the group that attacked, they are annoyed but can see we need to move as the fort is going to cave in.  I know were there is a portal so they follow me to a fresh water pool on the sea wall of the fort, we swim down and into the portal.

It comes out onto a hilltop in the darkness, the warrior has merged with me now and I have both his memory's and my own, I'm slightly less bow legged and a little more human like, (still bald, blue with tail and pointy ears ect)   The monk is now young and female, we both have brown hooded cloaks - she has no recall of the battle or the male monk.     It's cold and exposed and the path we are on gravely it's kinda upland grazing land no trees or bushes.   The warrior has been here before so I know that there is a lower path that goes to a bothy were we can shelter for the night so I guide the female down the hill.   My night vision can see other travellers with horses and mules travelling the busier track in the distance.  

We pass threw the edge of a large encampment with crude wooden tables and fire pits, it's a Viking raiding group that are far inland.   Their tables lit by torches, are filled with food and each has a beautifully carved wooden replica of a long ship in the middle as a kind of centre-peice.  The raiders are round a central fire so we hear rather than see them. 

We make it down to the lower track and I recall a more recent memory of the Warriors that the bothy is now an Inn.    The landlady is a woman and I have the warriors memory's of sleeping with her on his last stay there. 

We head down and into the Inn,  meby 12th century in style... very basic loud and smelly but it's warm lit by a big open fire and candles and there is food.   This inn is busy filled with peasant and travellers and someone is singing. 
We find the landlady next to rows of shelves filled with old pots near the back and order food and a room.  There is only a large communal bunk room under the eaves of the roof she has 12 straw beds but they aren't all taken so we can stay.
I tell her hello from a friend and ask her if she remembers the grey hair warrior... she blushes and I tell her he's a friend of mine.    She goes to get us bowls of stew and we turn to go find a table, at this point I realise something going to kick of... 

A group of modern people arrived they look jarringly out of place in this medieval scene, they are dressed smart/casual with jeans, shirts and white trainers.
 I grab the other female and push her towards the side door and out of the inn.   We get out into the open and I think we've escaped when one of the men grabs me, he's tall with well cut dark hair his shirt is pink/blue/yellow checked. 
He growls at me 'I HATE YOUR TYPE'    the female monk flees and the male pushes me round the side of the inn towards a stable face down into the hay and starts to rape me...   It takes me a second or two to shift but I leave that reality and find myself in the alleyway of a large city.

I orientate myself quite quickly this time I'm slightly more human looking I still have blue skin, large eyes and tail and my arms legs and fingers are long in proportion to my body.   Ears and teeth are still pointy too, I manifest some clothing and look around. 
I has the feel of an US city as it's in a grid lay out rather than the way our cites sprawl, It feels like the 80's. 
I pass a cafe with large glass windows and metal tables looking for staff so I take the job, I start straight away washing up dishes looking out onto an unfamiliar city street.   I've only been in there for a shift when I get a telepathic message from my home reality that a mate has been selected for me and I'm to meet and join him. 

I Finnish the shift and head to the meeting place, this is odd as I'm moving climbing threw peoples back gardens, over fences and log piles. 
I find my mate, he's also blue and wired looking like me....  we join our tails together to make a wired star shape and they fuse like that  - as we do so we become one person, but with 2 body's joined at the tail - we share the same memory's so we both know every aspect of each-other instantly.    We are telepathic so just two voices in one mind.  

He has a job to do in this reality we walk up to surreal strange cul-d-sac with white bungalows adjoined by pastel painted garages they all have neat lawns.
In the centre of the road is a large table and people are standing round all with brown envelopes.

They are completing end of year tax returns or something similar but the money is charitable and has all been donated.   My male has the receipt for the money that he has given.  The group want to know what he donated to as it was alot of money (As I have his memory's I know he gave it to an unpopular family with sever physical disability's and deformity's)   He is reluctant to tell them this and the conversation is getting heated with us being accused of keeping the money ourselves.  He eventually reluctantly hands the receipt that says says which family the money went to...    The group are disgusted, saying it's to much and the family didn't deserve it and the money could have been better used else where but I can see the difference he's made and know he made the right call.   We leave and I wake up.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...