Friday, 14 July 2017

More lessons, Fractured Mind and What to Learn.

Dream 1   massive collage...  So a learning dream.  The intake was massive - people everywhere and infants too...   I was familiar with the lay out and set up but there was competition for dorms/spaces/rooms.   Shower facility's were massive  (Also familiar... like this is a real place, but not from this dream...)  Stainless steal locker/storage and and huge wet room.  In the dream the campus had 2 factions, that were having a mock war/battle conflict.    There was a huge age range of people from toddler to old people....   at one point something was taken from me but I found the people and they gave it back.   (This normally means I'm hanging onto something not healthy/useful)   2 versions of my masculine were there my Bro & Jack. (edited)

Next dream  I'm in a car in an unfamiliar city.  @guy   I know your busy but I'd love you to have a go at this dream  (likely so that I can disagree with you O.o  cause I'm like that)  but you make me think about stuff differently!

Clear blue sky, warm and summer.

  Zak (youngest is with me and also a gaming friend who is morphing between several male gaming friends I've had so is probably male me)
So in a car....   We have a laptop and are logging into onto a game..    When we log back in  'male' me is checking out of a zone/achievement/goal - but as female me I've not been working on it, so I have a crap achievement/score and haven't finished it yet..

I'm a bit Miffed I've missed out on it but as we log in as one...   and  I have enough to pass it and as we logged back on as one I have passed/completed this thing  now - so can't go back.

Part of me regrets being to linked to (my) male companion  (This is dream speak for my logic/competitive)   The male gamer leaves and I'm alone in the car with Zak.   We are in a wired unfamiliar city... 

It's a residential wide street meby America nothing like I've seen in the UK.  Our car is parked facing uphill...    Out of the window I see guys on the left  running down the path on the opposite side of the street, tall black and they have odd guns & hand grenades.   I realise we are in a battle zone...   and see more people very similar running up the street on our side right.   

I'm with Zak and realise we don't want to be in the middle of this.   I don't drive but can make the car move with my mind so we follow the road for a bit looking for somewhere to pull over.
Out of the town it's a winding lane following a cliff face to the left..   We pull into a lay-by hoping to stop cause I'm controlling the car from the back seat using emotions.   As we stop a massive strong waterfall pours over the car..   coming in and making us wet.  We don't mind but when we set off again we are on a bike, me at the front Zak at the back.   We go down hill into a small county village. 

On the right is an ancient church...  At first I see members of my family (Cousins and an aunt on my mums side) I've not seen for years, I go to them and tell them I'm sorry I logged out to fast, I want them to tell my Dad I didn't mean to not finish.    
I leave the path alone now and walk back up to the ancient church it's a lovely day and there is 100's of people around the old building...   it's got the feel of a funeral but people are dressed for a wedding, meby 50/60's style.   The church is full and people are in the grave yard all dressed and waiting..   It's exciting.    To my right are cliffs again, the same as the waterfall...    Left is the road winding down the hill it seems like a valley road. 

I'm in the church ground with an elderly lady in a flamboyant hat...   She has a dog with her wearing a bow tie.   I'm not a guest as such I've just come in cause I want to see what's going on... as I go up to her and her dog there is a 'last stand' type of salute/band (which is the only thing that marked it as a funeral rather than wedding) but me and the elderly lady are looking down at her dog who is sat on it's haunches with it's chest puffed out looking up at the sky. (edited)

Thursday, 13 July 2017

More things Morphing.

My bloody cat was such a pain in the ass last night, I must have chucked her of the bed about 20 times and each time she got back on and into my face

First part of the night was

Dreams about trying to sleep but being pestered by entity's/creatures/invisible things....     lol   fairly straightforward what that ment :D    Stupid cat and her dying flea infestation.

Second one was more wired....  I was in a transport hub underground place (It was a bit like a motorway service station but surreal and underground...  it served the same function as a servise station.   I was part of a convoy and we'd stopped to rest and were packing up to leave.  I couldn't find my stuff.    My group had left and a guy offered to relay me onto the next meeting hub to catch up with my group. 

He did when we got there I realised he was the one who'd taken my belongings.   There were hidden in wired places round his car they were just stuff like a cardigan, dog lead..  fairly dull things but clearly mine.  I contented him about them but he shrugged and left. 

So I meet up with my convoy which consisted of some people out of my family and some friends.   I tell them this guy took my stuff and open the bag, but when I look in the bags full of rubbish, bits of recycling. 

They tell me I'm imaging it,  I know that I'm not but that they will never understand so i just let them think I'm nuts.   Next I hear music no one else can and I start to dance and follow it...  (They all think I'm nuts at this point - )  I think I possibly left a nutty version of me with them I followed the music.    It reminded me of this quote.
'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. '

I followed the music and it got wired there was a party/parade/festive on sand dunes near a shore...  I danced with them for a time then stuff morphed again... and buildings started to rise from the ground an a cliff face so I was in a small alcove with access to the shore and sea.  It was like a little community milled in and out and round I open a door and someone said to me, living here you'll soon learn to close doors fast and there was a woosh of wind... the whole place was like an air tunnel with wind streaming threw it.     I think I went to the beach after that.

Oh...  just reminded me of this from Feb....

First dream is a errr I guess it was a race/game/hunt, we were in an unfamiliar town and the race was in and out of buildings and doors.... the town was really windy too so we had to struggle with draughts and doors not blowing of.   The race was to find the 'One in the Many'    It was really good fun, fast and blowy :smile:      Only that dream I was the wind.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Pope and a Morphing Creature.

Not had time to write dreams propperly

So night before last I think was of a red London bus, I was on it with other family's.   Upstairs deck had no seats but wood floor and was set out as a toddler play room.

Last night....   First was a conflict dream.  I was arguing with my selves.

Then it skipped Me standing over the body of the Pope!  
He was crumpled on the floor...   old and white in his robes.     I was standing over him...   when I thought forgiveness loving thoughts he glowed with a golden light.    When I stopped the light went, out...   It was like a ritual  was practising with different intentions...  I could make him wither and age faster with bad thoughts.   I think Trump was on the floor too.    It was wired...  I'm not sure what 'I' was I didn't seem to be in any kind of body but was big.

Then another dream were I picked up a thing...  it had the legs of a beetle...  large hairy body of a moth with delicate wings to small for it's round body.   It was red, white and grey.   In my hands it started to transform, first it was like a hairless chick/squab but also seemed to have feet like a pinky baby rodent,   it kept morphing and changing getting feathers then fur, then claws getting bigger and bigger.   I eventually set it down and it was a pair of big cat's Lynx prehpas with spiked tufted ears.... they were a male & female pair and the male was protecting the female.  The other DC with me was scared but I smiled/shook my head and teleported us threw the cats far to the other side of them leaving them in peace together.     I'll need to check what I wrote down for more details but them are the bits that have stuck all day.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Heart Problems another Web and Main Dream Area.

First dream -

First was dust...   it kept settling on stuff fast and I'd wipe it off and a couple of hrs later there would be dust over everything again.. no one seemed to notice it but me.

Next I was called to a dog that was sick...  (I'd given it a herbal capsule earlier that day.... though I don't remember this bit of the dream) 

When I looked at the collapsed dog it's gums were pale and tacky and it's capillary refill time was awful, tachycardic and pulse was weak and irregular     ((I'm not sure if this comes from visiting Ian's Dad yesterday.. both his parents are ill (once cancer and one heartfailier)  , his Dad has a pacemaker and is waiting on a stent but was visibly not good...   week, dizzy and struggling to do anything.    ))   So I'm wondering if that triggered this aspect of the dream of a dog with heart issues.

I'd taken the dog to a vets but once I got it there I was another of the nurses in a blue navy uniform and was called into theatre to monitor an anaesthetic.  The vets were giving the dog I'd brought in an antidote and told me the capsule was usually only used in abattoir's - they were trying to reverse it's effects... I don't recall what happened to that specific animal as I then ended up in a kennel room with many sick animals monitoring them.

Next dream was a web dream...

I've had others like this... one where I was a tree.....  Then this at the end of a night of dreaming.....

Then This Night when the last dream -Is a web with due drops like white pebbles.... when I wobble one I can wobble all.    .From this night of long dreams...  - Spirit of a Tar Feild.

So in the dream I'm in the centre of a web again this time I'm in a body and all the bobbles are other bodies.   I keep morphing into different bodies every few seconds... we all take it turns to be in the centre almost like a job interview..  lol  seeing which of us caused the lease disturbance to the others  -- we could all feel each other know each other. 

Then last dream... back in my main dreamscape this time again it's set in the estate rather than my house. 
The estate has just finished having work done, it's been changed and modernised... cars are not allowed and the homes are smaller the communal areas larger..   I don't go into any of the dwellings.  Most people are outside and the inhabitants are all quite new and unfamiliar a very eclectic mix. 

The roads have been replaced with that spongy stuff they have at playgrounds and there are people skating, playing ball flying kites.   I seem to be taking part in planning or have a say... some of the works been done poorly but there is good potential,   I'm planning to add a play area for kids, some small goal posts for ball games and swings and stuff for the smaller kids.    I also thought a outside cafe/bar/ would be nice for people to spend time together.   

There is also a wired sunshade above half the estate so it's usable in all weathers.   ((Quite a change from when I was last there and mining machines were ripping stuff up, the moon was too close and people were living in slums :P ))

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Guns, Cube Fractals and lots of Dogs.

I had 3 dreams again.

First one is the oddest.  It's got lots of guns/men and dogs in it's violent and changes alot.

It starts in a field we are collecting kids from something but there are more dogs than kids, I see a dog I know called Rolo on it's own.  It's following me and Kef so I'd taken it home, Nel another friends dog and Katy her owner are with me...   It swapps so all dogs are in my dorm and I'm trying to get there to let them out and give them back to there owners.

I'm trying to get back to a massive building I live in we are all in small rooms with communal facility's  I'm in dorm ?31.

Walking back there we keep coming across 2 vans.. the sides are mesh and they have skin heads driving them and also some in the back with the dogs.   The dogs are all ridge-backs and trained for fighting, some are in cages some are tied up like they are waiting to be gutted some are sitting.   People are trying to help the tied up dogs but they guys and animals are all very aggressive.   Me and a friend are talking about what to do.   We need to get back to my door to let our own dogs out.   Once in the building it's huge I know my dorm rooms ends with 31 but there are 1000's of these floors and I don't know were my **31 is.    The floors keep swapping round like an Ersher painting.   More skin heads are in this building and people are getting shot.

As someone close to me gets shot we find ourselves outside now there is me and a guy I don't know.....  we are confused as our building was in an industrial area and now we are on a run down seaside beach resort the only building close is a tatty old public house,   we go to enter but another skinhead comes out and shoots the guy I'm with.   The shot guy falls to the ground and starts bleeding out and the guy with the gun looks at me and says 'Want to have sex?'  I shrug non comicality but follow him inside.... once inside he starts to grow hair.  I'm looking at him confused saying wern't you a skin head outside... he seems confused too as now he has short fair hair.

We hop again and are in a small bathroom, I put the tap on and the water is mixed with yellow sand from the beach..  we are running it threw till it comes clear.

I wake up here. (edited)

Next dream is also with dogs...  I'm on a long sandy beach/desert  2 dogs have become tangled together with leads/harnesses string.   They are getting more and more distressed and I'm rushing to untangle them before they start to attack and fight.
I manage to untangle them and take of there leads/leashes so they can play.

It then jumps to a seaside stall..  it's selling sunshades.   100's of styles all bright neon colors and very wired shapes, some only cover one eye or the other... as I'm trying them on I find one that makes fractals   it starts with a cube that is folding and unfolding flicking round and making a massive wired tunnel of cubes also doing the same thing I'm inside it when the dream falls apart and I wake up.

Last dream,

Wired vet dream being in a vet building with no animals just piles and piles of paper work.  The staff name tags say things like 'New nurse'  'Old nurse' 'leaving nurse' 'Retiring vet'

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Another Darth Darth Dream and Dancing.

3 Dreams

1st with Julie and Hitler,  It was set in main dream scape.  I think possibly the 2 of them were married.. it was all quite mixed up.   There was dancing and a wedding, lovers and also a bit like a game.... they are talking about a password but it's based on voice modulation and people need to be soundcarded the word is 'Gazumpta'
I'm getting into a small car VW beetle with Hitler but he's seems dead, like a mummy or something the doors zip rather than opening.
There was also a huge old bus filled with people...  They didn't like me for some reason I can't remember.

Second dream is also same area, I'm with the people from Yoga (Jon & Katy) and we are trying to get from Alnwick to Seahouses..   The last bus only goes to Craster and it leaves us there.   I have a key to my Grans old house... she's out of the country and the building is empty.

We are laying around in the front room it's dark we are putting on a panto taking it in turns to play the narrator or different rolls.  We leave as the sun comes up walking/hiking north.. It's lovely sun and cliffs  there are buildings in the dream (I know from other dreams)  they are communal like hotels & farms in  them are ancestors or people I'm distantly related to they 'know' me.  We are passing threw but I say hello...  it's a nice dream we are moving ever north but stop now and then to play games, chat cook on campfires sing and dance.

Last dream is game like.
First part I'm in India but it's like a theme park.  There is a large building of grey bricks and we are collecting small wild flowers from around the walls outside.  There is also a massive place for dancing - I've spent along time dancing, food is being served.  We leave that for the team games.

I'm in quite a large team at first it's set out on a massive area a bit like a grave yard with an abandoned church in the middle...   I can see layers and layers below/threw the ground like a dungeon crawler game.

Darth Vader is on our team again, he's like our dad but a bit of an ass.   I find a wired hole/puzzle going down under ground..  There is money in a person sized mouse trap and a riddle about 2 bowls and 1 meal.   around 4 of us decide to go down to look.  It's a rectangular hole with a large drop and we have a rope to kinda abseil.  3 of us are down and I'm going back up for the wooden bowls we need for the riddle when Darth un-clips the rope.    I fall back down unhurt, he thinks he's funny to betray us and we are not surprised or upset but it's going to make it more difficult to find our way out/around as we have non of the things the riddle needed.   Darth is laughing and him and the rest of our larger group go to look for a different way rout.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

A large building.

My dream was a house... no doors, windows. We are decorating it, Ian's been filling the walls and sanding and there is filler dust all over. Some stuff is covered in dust sheets some is not. I'm painting a kitchen, it's totally unfamiliar a galley style with a brown range cooker old varnished cupboards and pinky tiles. It's perhaps 70's I'm not sure though, it's not nice :P There is a door here that is closed it's from an airport departure lounge, I need to keep checking the flight time tables so I can paint when people arn't passing threw.

I go upstairs, the second floor is lots of children's bedrooms. These are beautiful, bespoke furniture and hand made toys and furnishings high ceilings and the rooms are all one but kind of separated by partitions there are wide open space but the 'rooms' each have a different distinct style and theme. It's very beautiful. There are children in the rooms... some are shared siblings. Some kids are playing, others colouring, sleeping reading.

One boy has his father next to him singing and playing a guitar. I look into a tiny cupboard, it has tiny clothes and shoes inside all hand made very fine they look like they are for dolls.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...